Chapter 36

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She is not his wife. He instantly said when a strong memory hit his brain. He clearly remember or better to say know that. They never been divorced. She is still his wife. He or she never submited Any divorce papers In The court. then how come she can marry veer. No it can't happen. there's really something which he doesn't know and he has to find it out. He can't let his anika go like this. He will surely take back which belongs to him.

Why would you say that she is not his wife??? Khana ask bringing him back into his senses.

Because we never been divorce and I don't think so she can marry two men on the Same time. Something is wrong. I'm sure that veer is doing something awful to Nick. Either he is blackmailing her or something else. Khana I want you to check thoroughly and find out. What's happening. Why anika is with him and what is keeping her bind with that veer .

Yes sir. Saying this he walk out from there leaving shivaay elevated with restlessness. If he wants "Then he would Straight away go to veer's house and get his anika back into his arms. But he know' anika won't like it. So better if he do things smoothly and get anika on her own will.

I just can't wait to have you back baby. He smiles sadly caressing her picture on his phone.

In the morning

After helping everyone to settle the stalls on campaign site ' anika Hurriedly grabbed her stuff and decided to leave for hospital. Today she has pile of appointments to catch up. Because of the campaign she's been postponing it. And today when she felt work is not that much here on the sight. She decided to open her appointments and let her patients to meet her.

God I'm late. She murmur looking at her watch and about to head towards her parking area ' when suddenly she gasp 'when a car stopped infront of her.

What the hell ... can't you bloody see. You were about to kill me. She shout keeping hand on her running heart.

I don't think so I would even imagine to kill you even in my wildest dreams. Seeing shivaay emerging out of the car made her quite and she stood on her place without uttering a single word. Seeing her little perplexed with his presence' he move towards her and pass her smile having his hands in his pocket.

How are you darling. Seems like you haven't got a good sleep. He says looking at the dark circles around her eyes.

What makes you say that mr oberoi. She frowns bringing distance between them. Which he covered instantly and stood just two inches away from

Your eyes. They are red puffy and having hint of dark circles. And it shows that when you don't have enough sleep.he smiles tucking her hair back with his fingers.

I'd good sleep ok. You don't need to worry about me or anything related to me. Saying this she try to pass by him. But he held her wrist and pulled her back infront of him.

Everything which is related to you. It concerns me anika. You are part of my life.and it will worry me if you won't be in peace. He says softly rubbing his thumb on her wrist looking straight into her eyes.

Oh really I'm part of your life. And when this happened mr oberoi. I don't think so we share any relationship which makes me to relate to you. She sneers trying to take her wrist back from his hold but instead leaving it ' he yanked her closer making her fell In his arms.

So you have forgotten that what relationship we keep with Other. He snickers holding her tight in his hold despite her wigglings.

What are you doing let me go mr oberoi. You are not doing right. It's unprofessional and unethical. You can't hold me like this. Just leave me. She put pressure on his chest to get out of his grip. But he is least bother about it snd held her firmly.

Sh. I'm not letting you go. Till you don't answer me.

Fine then listen mr oberoi. I'm married. And mother of a beautiful baby boy. And it's not right of you to hold a married woman like this. It will put your image down for laying your hand on a already married woman. Hearing her grit his teeth and Put pressure on her waist making her hiss in pain.

I think you are forgetting you can't Marry one more time when you already are married to me. We never been divorced darling. so how come veer is your husband and his son is your baby boy. He speaks raising her brows up in question having  smirk on his face.

Hearing about their marriage from his mouth ",she snapped her eyes at him and shoved him away using all her strength.

Stay away from me. Did you understand. Don't come behind me. Otherwise unwillingly I've to tell my husband about it. And you know that how bad temper and hella possessive he is about me. If he got to know about your misbehaving towards me. then he will be really angry. So better if you keep a good distance from me and don't try to come near . Saying this she try to go but he again blocked her way making her heave out breath tiredly.

Listen anika shivaay Singh oberoi.  Soon I'm gonna  get you back in my life.  You can't escape that longer from me sweetheart. Tell that veer "your husband is back to get he should be prepared to lose you anytime. Hmm  he flick her  nose  with his finger snd about  to go but anika's next sentence rooted him on his place getting all the flashback which he was trying his best to forget.

Oh wife. Same wife right " whom you had humiliated infront of the whole world and declared her a prostitute ' who sleeps with you to money. Isn't??? She sneers folding her arms while having sarcastic snigger. 

Shivaay closed his eyes remembering about the dreadful time and went back infront of her where she was standing.   He heaves out breath and rest his hands on her forearms. 

I was idiot ok. I was stupid who came into my parents words and hurted you. I never wanted to do it.  It wasn't my plan.  I was just hurt and I don't know from where" I blubbered all the shit and insulted you infront of people.  I didn't want to do it.  I just ..... anika look at him sternly and remove his hands from her forearms .

Oh plan. So you had planned something else to take revenge on me . Ha. She asks  knitting her brows

Sh. No it's not that. Let me explain I just.....

Things have been crossed mr oberoi. Now there's nothing to explain. I've moved on and very happy with that. Better if you find your solace somewhere as well. Which you parents choose for you. And leave me alone. As  your place in my life have run out.  I don't want you to wonder around me anymore. I've family a really beautiful family and I won't let you to put your black shadow on it. Just stay away from me. Saying this she left from there before he stops her yet again and plead her to not do  like this to him.

Shivaay exhale a long breath and pass through his fingers in his hair feeling so helpless right now for not able to convince her to come back to him. From start only he knew that it gonna be really hard for him to get her back. She won't listen to him. But he is shivaay Singh oberoi as well and he knows how to get his things back. 

In afternoon

After attending almost all her appointments anika comes in cafeteria to buy something. When her phone rang gaining her attention. . Seeing  mr lee id she kept the phone on her ear and started walking having her coffee and sandwich in her hand.  

Yes mr lee. She sniffles settling on one of chair resting her food on the table.

Mr l.  Mrs chohan I've called to informed you that tonight we are having party in success of the campaign. So I would like you to join us. As you are the main reason of the success. So please do come with your family.  

Err  oh ok that's fine I'll be there.  She  speaks having hesitation in her tone thinking about Shivaay's presence there. She knows he will be there as well. And it will be really hard for her to see him again and again. But for him she can't lock herself in one room right. So she will go. She won't spoil her  social life because of one particular person. 

That's great. See you soon yh. Saying this mr lee cut the call. Anika rested her phone on the table and sigh tiredly  folding her arms.

In evening 

No we are not going in to that party. I'd given you permission for that campaign . That should be a big thing for you. Otherwise you know that I wasn't fond of sending you in public like this.  Veer denied as he heard about the party from her mouth.

Mr lee have invited us specifically. He said I must be there. as I had huge hand in success of campaign. And now if I  won't go then it will be so rude. Anika whined trying to convince him. But  she knows trying to put  something in his brain is like hitting your head with the wall. He would never do the thing which he already denied  of.   Staying with him all those months have made her learnt many things about him. 

I said we are not going and that's final.  Specially when your x boyfriend or better to say husband is there.  I know you are  pressurising me to go in the party because you wanna meet him and see him.  But I won't let this happen. I can't let him to put an eye on you again. Better if you keep a good  Distance from him and don't give him chance to get mingle with you yet again. He  speaks  in hoarse voice holding her arm in his hand tight. 

Its nothing like that they way you are thinking. I swear I'm not going because of him. I just wanna go because it's unfair after doing  so much' I'm the only one who won't attend it. Please veer. Last time I'm  asking. Let me go.  Moreover you gonna be with me as well. So why are you afraid of anything.  I'm sure  he won't come to me when you will be with me.  Veer gaze at her sternly and clutch her neck in his big massive hands making her chock. 

That will be good for him only. Otherwise If I saw him near you even an inch then surely I'll   Squeeze his head under my feet. Did you understand.  He  threaten her jerking her away making her stumble back. Anika coughs and rub her neck where he left his fingers prints on it.

Get ready we are leaving in an hour. He announced  while walking towards exit and left from there leaving anika in tears. 

Nikki Rayaan who was saying all this peeking through the  curtains  'he comes running towards her and hugged her legs. Anika crouched down and took him in her arms kissing his head letting her tears sock on his small shoulder.

Don't cly Nikki I'm with your he consoles her running his small hands on her hair. 

I know you are with me sweetie pie. I knows she sobs and kiss his head being remained in his arms.

At night

Anika look herself In mirror  and found herself so helpless and  all retarded for not able to do anything . Whenever she thinks. She will do things on her own. And won't let anyone rule over her. She  somehow get cage with a man ' who just wanna control her nothing more.   When she had left shivaay. She had thought that now she won't  let anyone to  get chance on her. She will live her life the way she wants. No one will have right to take decision of her life. But as usual she was wrong. As she stepped out of his life. She got caged by another man. Who is nothing but psychopath and evil.  God when she will have her own life back. She is tired to get orders from people. She just can't wait when things will get sort out in her life and she will be out of this crappy life .

You are ready. She flinch coming out of her daze when  she heard veer's voice.

Where are you lost. I said are you ready?? Anika rub her forehead and nods her head.

Yh I'm ready. She mumbles dropping the  coat on her shoulder.

Come let's go. He kept her hand on her back which she so wanna  shove it away but didn't do it and let him. lead her ahead. 


In the party

As she entered. She's been scanned by shivaay who seems like waiting for her impatiently. The twinkle in his eyes are showing how happy he is to find her infront of him.

Welcome mr and mrs chohan. We were waiting for you only. Come inside.  Mr lee smiles moving towards them witn heavy steps.

I really didn't want to come. But then Couldn't say no to my wife. Veer  gave tight smile pulling anika closer deliberately looking at shivaay ' who  tighten his fist tight seeing his anika in someone else's arm. 

Veer anika glares him  seeing him being rude with me lee.

It's ok mrs chohan.anyways come let's go. Some people are here to meet you.   Mr lee  smiles  showing her way towards his people.  

Be careful don't even dare to be near shivaay. Otherwise you know that what can I do. He whispered in anika's ear making  her closed her eyes in tiredness.

Yh fine.  She  forcefully removed his grip from her waist and left with mr lee leaving  veer behind having his hands in his pocket.  He wonders his eyes around and the look at shivaay who is giving him death glare. 

After sometime

Anika almost have done meeting with all the her feet are aching so badly for walking all around continuously. She so wanna grab the  seat and sit there to give relaxation to her muscles.

Anika are you fine. Mr lee frown seeing her looking tired. 

Yh  just little tired. Erm if  I've met all the guests then can I grab seat somewhere. She insisted passing him apology smile.

Yh sure. Go and take little rest.  Anika muttered thank you and went in the corner to grab a peaceful place where no one can disturb her at least for some minutes.  Thankfully veer have got busy in drinking. Otherwise he would had followed her around making her irritate. She sighs and removed her shoes pulling her legs on the chair and fold them feeling little relaxed.

Are you ok. She flinch when she heard Shivaay's voice from Behind.   God if she wants to escape from one  man then another one surrounds her making her peace go in drain.

What do you want mr  oberoi???She ask Rolling her eyes while massaging her aching feet.

Well you know that what does I want.  But right now  we are not gonna talk about that. ( thank god  for that anika murmurs).  I just came here to give you this. I hope it will help you to feel good. He says passing her   Tropical juice. 

I'm fine. I don't need your any of juice.  never know what you have mixed in that. She  said looking down without sparing glance at him.

I didn't  spike it. I promise.  It's just a normal juice.  He says pushing the glass towards her.

Which I don't want to take. So kindly take it away and don't roam around me like a bee. My husband won't like it . Hearing husband word from her mouth he grit his teeth and set on the chair near her. In no time he gripped both side of her chair and pulled towards him making her almost kiss him. Simultaneously Only half inch gap left behind them making her speechless and nervous.

First of all he is not your fuckin husband. Stop ranting again and again infront of me. Second thing. I don't give shit if he likes or dislikes our closeness. You are mine. My wife!" And I can bream around you however I want. No one one stop me. Did you understand mrs. He speaks keeping hands on her feet which she was resting on the chair. Anika fums and open her mouth to say something but he shut her mouth by covering her with his sun. .

Don't I know what you gonna say. So better if you don't open your mouth. It will just tire you only nothing more. As I'm not gonna Follow you any of dry threats. Did you understand. Now drink this juice. Saying he hold her chin softly in his palm made her have big sip. Anika glare him gulp the drink with much difficulties.

You are such an big asshole mr oberoi. She shoved him away and left from there leaving him chuckling behind. He lean on the chair and grab the same drink which she had. He take sip and then again rest it on the table looking at her retreating figure.

You are coming with me tonight. He flick his hair and got up thrusting his hands in his pocket

Precap ....... Shivaay took anika with him later veer and he have fight

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