Chapter 37

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Seeing veer drinking heavily anika March towards him and ask him to stop. But he just shove her away  making her stumble back. Seeing people looking at her"She got embarrassed  and again try to stop him. But yet again he yelled at her and asked her to leave  him alone. After so much hard work still when he didn't not listen to her  " she unwillingly called his  driver and ordered him to take him home. As he got  drunk  heavily and getting out of control right now.    After sending him home safely " she also decided to take  the texi and leave.  but in middle mr lee called her and asked her to join in dinner. First she felt like to deny him. But then she dropped the idea and joined him in the dinner.

I'm glad you are here.   She  squirm on her place as shivaay whispers in her ear and took seat near her. Anika Glares him and   Bring gap between his and her chair making him   Disappointed . But then smile again bream on his lips and  pulled the chair near her yet again making her more annoyed.

What do you want mr oberoi. She grit her teeth smacking her hand on the table feeling hell irritated with his extra clingy behaviour. 

I  just wanna stay near you. That's all. Is there any problem sweetheart. He snickers  taking her hand in his palm under the table. But she jerked it away giving him death glare. 

Stay in your limits mr. Don't force me to Insult you to infront of all these people.  Saying this she turn her face and started filling her plate Instead wasting her time on him like that. As she knows ' if she tried to talk to him more.  then this guy will get fully flat and she has to bear his all bullshit yet again. 

Let me help you. But  one snapped from her made him gulp and he let her do on her own. 

Attention every one. Mr lee stand up knocking the glass with the spoon gaining all people attention.

I just wanna thank everyone who has  done such amazing work to make this campaign successful.  I didn't expect ,We gonna able to gain such  great amount like this. But in actual we have done it.  So congratulations guys  specially you anika. You are the main reason of our success.  I guess if you won't  had been here then I guess we won't had able to do this much. So thank you very much for everything and keep doing  hard work.  All hoots while Anika smiles muttering thank you.  Shivaay who was sitting besides her 'he felt proud at her  for everything.  Finally her hard work paid off. She has done so much for reaching at this stage.   He remember how she used to work part time jobs for her studies and expanses. And today seeing her touching the sky made him  so proud of her. 

Anika this is for you. Mr lee forward her champagne glass having smile. Anika thanks him and took in her hand. Shivaay who was in process of feeling proud at her. As he realised she has Champagne in her hand. He open his mouth to stop her. But it was too late. She already has consumed half of the glass.

Shit !! He muttered  while looking at her.

Stop  looking at me mr oberoi. She retorted feeling his burning gaze at her.

I've right to look at you mrs.  You can't stop me for that. He says snatching glass from her hand and kept on the table.  But yet again she grabbed it and started slurping making him sigh.  After few minutes she able to finish two more glasses. And now she is all tipsy and lazy. 

Time to go home princess. Saying this he look around for making sure no one is looking at them and dragged anika with him.

Shivaay what are you doing ?? Stop.  Where are you taking me. But instead paying head to her words" he carry her in his arms and left from there.  Seems like his wish came into command. Indeed she is coming with him tonight. He smiles on his own thoughts and took her along with him. 

In his  suite he brought her in the room and kept her on the bed like a soft fragile flower. 

Hey are you alright ??? He says tucking her hair strands back. 

No  my head is paining a bad. She mumbles tossing her fingers on her Temple feeling ache.  Shivaay sighs and open her bun  freeing her hair. After that he pick her up in his arms yet again and took her in the bathroom.  He brought her in and started peeling her clothes off.

What are you doing. She try to  stop him. But he didn't not listen to her and take her dress off.

Let me help you to take cold shower. It will help you to feel good.  Saying this he throw her dress in the corner and made her stand under the shower. As cold water touched her skin she shivers and hugged him  tightly. 

Shivaay smiles and hugged her kissing her hair.

Shshsh  it's ok. I'm here baby don't worry. He whispered  drenching himself in the water as well without caring about his clothes or shoes.

I'm feeling cold. Her teeth clutter feeling freezing under the cold water.  

Come let's go out. He scoop her in his arms again and took her out. He  kept her on  a recliner and started drying her  hair not before covering her with another towel . Now see you will feel good. He smiles wiping water from her forehead. But soon he got panic when he saw tears in her eyes.  He immediately set on the floor and cup her face in his hand caressing her cheeks with his thumbs .

Hey what's wrong. Why are you crying baby ??? 

Why are you doing this. She sobs looking at him with teary eyes.

What am I doing??He  ask softly tucking her hair back. 

All this.  Why are you behaving like' you love me. When In  actual you hate me. She sobs giving him hurtful look.

Who told you that I hate you ha. I can never hate you Nick. You are the only person whom I love the most.  Then how can you assume "I hate you. Anika shook her head and wipe her tears with her fingers.

You don't love me ok. You can never love me the way I've loved you since child hood.  I'm the only one who had love for you. My one sided love ... you never did. For you I was always been a source ',whom you used to fulfil your needs. Whether if it's for your personal work or school. And me beinh  dumb "used to to do it thinking you are my best friend.  So what if you don't see me the way I see you. Atleast you consider me as your best friend. But I was wrong ( she sniffles while sobbing ).  I was never been your friend either. The way you parents always saw me as maid. You did the same. You were just with me because you knew that I'll do your work without showing tantrums.  Other than that I was no one to you. She hiccups breaking his heart into pieces after listening to her.  He can't believe he's been missing such big thing from his childhood. 

I loved you so much shivaay.  Not  before few years but since I've got my senses. You were my first and last love. My first sight love. ( she chocked ) I used to dream my life with you. I always imagined about our future.   But I knew that on the same time" you don't see me as I see you. Whatever I dream of. It  can be just imagination only. Nothing more.  ( she chocked looking at him with  tears weeping eyes  making him realise how big dumb he was to not see the reality). I used to gather each and everything' which you used to like. Even I had your  pictures collection as well.  Everytime I used to do over time works to get your best gift than your last birthday. even I though "i wasn't able to afford it.  I did everything which you asked me.   I used to do your homework " your assignment! despite for that I'd to stay awake whole night. Just because I didn't want you to feel sad or get scold from the  teacher.   But after doing so much ' I was no where to be in your life ( she sobs ). Each and everytime whenever i used to think things gonna be according to my choice. You used to end up with another girl breaking my heart into many pieces. But still I used to make myself understand that they are temporary. But then tia came ( she chocked ). (He bite his lips feeling not ready to hear further. But still he wanna do it to see how much he hurted her in his past. ? ? 

( She continues )And my all hope went in drain seeing you in love with her deeply. You were literally going behind her like a lost puppy.  I'd never seen you like this before. And not only that. When she rejected you. You came on a plan. And that was to make her jealous. ( she sobs).  You were so into her that you asked me to be your fake girlfriend.  You decided to use me to win her back.  First I felt to deny you. But seeing you sad and In vulnerable state. I couldn't say no and decided to help you. And during that pace " you don't know how much I cried seeing you using me as pawn to get tia.  ( she sniffles having her cluttering chin  trying to control her emotions ). You were faking with me everything. You were kissing me ,hugging me ,touching me. Doing  everything.  But it was all fake just to get tia. It was always her in your mind whenever you touched me.   You always said ,will tia like it ,if you gonna touch her like this. And  it was shattering my heart seeing you imagining someone else in me.  You can never understand how much I loved you shivaay.  I experienced everything ' which even I won't prefer for my enemy. But still I was silent for your happiness. I thought so what I won't be with you.  At least you will be happy in your life with your love of life.  ( shivaay  shook his head and try to take her face in his palm but she didn't let him and jerk his hands away. ) But I was wrong.  I was utterly wrong. Your love had became curse for me.  You humiliated me each and every moment of my life. which I spent with you. You always thought about yourself. You never gave priority to me ever. That's why after my doing so much. You couldn't trust me and preferred other people over me. If you would had little respect for me  in your heart. Then I'm sure you would never  had called me characterless and bed warmer of yours.    You could had at least find out the actual truth before reaching on conclusion. But you didn't and criticised me infront of the whole world.  She  wails  hitting his chest with her finger  sobbing badly.

I'm sorry Nick I'm so sorry.  Finally words formed out of mouth after so much struggling. He can't disguise the fact that he hurted  her so much in his whole life.  She is right , for him she was always been a useful person , whom he used to use all the time for his benefits.  He never understood her worth. If he would had ,then today "they won't had been sitting here crying like this. He was so blind in  fake things that he couldn't see the actual love in his life.   She was right there infront of him. But he didn't see love in her eyes for him and kept chasing unworthy women like an idiot. 

I'm sorry Nick I'm so sorry. I can't even tell you how much I'm ashamed in myself for not realising your love.  I'm feeling so stupid and worthless.  Please forgive me.  Please forgive me for not  seeing your love for me. Just  forgive me for each and everything which I've done to you. He cry taking her in hug kissing her head many times hopping she will give chance to him. But when he didn't get any answer he broke apart and got disappointed seeing her in deep slumber having tears stricken face.  He burst into tears looking at irony and again took her in hug kissing her cheek numerous times.  

I'm  sorry I'm sorry he mumbles again and again having her in his hold.

After sometime

After making sure  he has tucked  her in bed ' he cover her with  blanket and kiss her forehead lovingly still having tears in his eyes.  which are rolling down continuously feeling miserable for being such an asshole to her. Anika is right. He doesn't deserve her. If he would had. Then he would never had hurted her like this. But he did and that's biggest regret has sat in his heart,which he can never able to erase from his life.  He sobs and  dragged his feet towards the bathroom and  set under the shower letting his tears roll down like river.  His all emotions overpowering him and he is feeling so weak and fragile at this moment. 

How can I do this "how can I be so cruel. How could you shivaay. how could you. He continuously murmur hitting his hand on the  wall without feeling pain on his hand.  as his heart is paining more savour than anything else right now.

Each and everything happened in the past  is coming into his brain like flashback and making his condition worse. His mind is not able to process his cruelty towards the girl 'who was always been angel of his life. And helped him in every thick and thin when no one  stood beside him not even his parents. He sobs while fighting with his inner battle and sat there for hours without giving shit to his health or anything.

In morning

Anika open her eyes lazily and kept her hand on her forehead feeling hell ache. She groan and sat on the bed with  much difficulties rubbing her temple to ease her pain.

God my head. She hissed closing her eyes tight massaging her forehead to ease her headache. After few minutes when she felt little fine. She open her eyes and got confused when she saw unknown place other than her own room. She got panic and  stood up on her bare feet looking around in frightened state.

Wtf ....where am I ??? She murmur running her eyes around the room.

You are with me.  Hearing manly voice she turns instantly and widen her eyes  finding shivaay standing infront of her not in so great state.  He is looking mess in his disguise having swollen eyes , torn shirt , having  red  knuckles  like he's  been hitting it somewhere hard. 

Shivay  what I'm doing here ??? she whispered looking at him shockingly.  But instead answering her he take heavy steps towards her and took her in hug making her stumble bursting into tears making her shell shocked.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.  He murmurs and cry more and  more  messing with her brain. She is  imagining worse about  last night. She is not feeling good to thinking might something baddest happened between them which shouldn't had.  Did they have sex. Did they fucked  each other. As these thoughts knocked in her brain she stiffen and  got statue on her place. But her train of thoughts came to halt when someone started knocking on the door with loud bangs making both of them confused. Shivaay who was crying hugging her  ,he broke apart and look at her being clueless. He  slowly wipe his tears and went to open the door. But before he see someone out there. He's been  punched by the otherside of person making anika shriek loudly

Precap ......anika gives divorce papers to shivaay to end their relationship which is forcing him to lurk around her


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