Chapter 38

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Veer she gasp his name and  widen her eyes when she saw him standing like a devil in the door having red blood eyes' pale skin clenched jaw scaring shit out of her. The way he is glaring shivaay after punching him she surely knows he gonna take his life mercilessly Which she can't afford to let it happen. No matter what how much she is angry on shivaay. But she won't let him to die like this.

How dare you to get my wife here without my permission. How could you oberoiiiiiii he screams on top of the voice making anika shudder in fear. She flinch and step back having shivering figure.

I won't leave you shivaay Singh oberoi . I will kill you. He take heavy step to hit shivaay but before he do. He's been man handled by shivaay and he bounced him on the floor making his back hit with the recliner which seems like left big bruise making him cry in pain.

Your wife??? How the hell she became your wife all of sudden. When I never have divorced her you asshole. She is my wife. She is anika shivaay Singh oberoi. And if I've brought her with me then there's nothing wrong in it. You can't claim her without having any relationship. You should be thankful that till now I've let her stay with you. Otherwise that day "when I'd seen her first time with you. That time only i would had taken her back. So don't you dare to assume her your wife. As she is nottttttt. He scream on top of voice and place one more punch on his face making him groan in pain. He about  to hit him yet again. But before he do " anika scream stopping both of them for fighting like animal.

Stop it both of youuu. Stop it. I'm not your fuckin property that you would claim me one by one. I'm human being for god sake. Stop treating me like rag doll. Let me take breath on my own for once . You guys didn't own me. She shout frustratedly holding her head in her hands feeling hell angry for being treated like such inhuman.

Anika I .... Shivaay goes towards her and try to touch her but she didn't let him and move back.

Don't shivaay ..... just don't fuckin touch me. I'm done with your bullshit. I can't take it anymore. You have done enough in your past. But l won't let you do this time. I can't just let you play with my feelings anymore . Even an enemy doesn't behave like this like you do. I'm tired seeing you accepting me once then roll me down on the floor next moment. I know i was naive and idiot in the past. Who trusted you everytime despite your loads of unfair towards me. But not this time. I won't let you to treat me like an object. Let me be in peace for once. I wanna live my life on my own for somedays . I'm tired seeing people ruling over me. She shout last words looking at him tiredly having tears dripping from her eyes. Shivays try to get hold on her. But she didn't let him and step back

Don't touch me. Just don't. She glared him and passed by his side marching towards veer. Who is sitting moaning in pain holding his face where he got punched twice from shivaay.

And you as well. I'm not your wife. I'm nothing to you chohan. You are just forcing yourself over me just because I'm similar to your late wife. But let me tell you mr. I'm not your wife. I'm nothing to you. So don't behave like psychopath. And leave my fuckin way. I don't wanna be with you. Infect I don't want to be with any of you. So don't sniffling around me like a dog. She screams looking at both of them with fury.

Anima listen to me. Let me explain. Shivaay attempt to move towards her. But one glare from her made him stop in mid way.

Don't. Don't try to Justify yourself infront of me. Just stay as you are. She says standing on her feet taking steps back from both of them.

Listen to me carefully you both assholes. I've borne enough In my life because of both of you. I've seen that which I shouldn't had at all . If one of you humiliated me infront of whole world. Then another one has chained me in the room for freakin' 2 months. You both have treated me like an animal. So don't expect me to hear your any of justifications. Im not gonna do this. Im done with both of you. Now I only want peace. And that I will get "if you will leave my way and let me go. I don't want any of you. You have made me faced so much in my life that Now I'm afraid to trust on anyone. She sobs looking at both of them tiredly. Now I would prefer to stay alone instead having any of your presence. So just don't even dare to come behind me. As if I saw your shadow even on me. Then straight away I'll call the police and will make you arrest. Did you understand. She Point on both of them having Fury in her eyes and stormed towards her clothes which were laying on the sofa. She hurriedly went in the bathroom and change her clothes in few seconds and yet again came out finding them standing on same place having their eyes cast on the floor....

I'm leaving you both of you. Do not come behind me. I repeat again. Just do nottttt. Saying this she grabs her belongings and stormed out from there without looking back for once. Now she has decided she will look ahead in her life. She would never scroll her past down. As it's nothing but full of Thorns. which will hurt her only nothing else. She agreed she didn't have anything with veer but to shivaay she gave enough chance to him being in love with him. But not this time. This time she will choose herself no matter what happens. Now she won't give shit to their existence.thinking about this she wipe her stubborn tears and left to her unknown destination having determination in her guts.

On the other side

Veer first look at shivaay for few seconds who is sitting on the bed being statue and left the room silently. As he got to know" he can never make her as his. No matter how much things will do to bind her with him. she will still free herself and leave him. So better if he stops here and decide to move on instead searching his late wife In someone else.anika was never his. She was just his stubbornness nothing else. He tried his best to fill love in her for him. But it didn't happen and yet again she left him. It's just the difference is In past she had left him for shivaay. And this time she left him for her own self. now chasing her is worthless and time consuming. So he have decided to let her go " instead going behind her again and again. With these thoughts he sat in his car and drove away from there.

On the other side

Shivaay is in drowned in deep guilt. He couldn't move from his place since she left the room. He always hurted that poor soul. Never treated her the way he should had. She was his best friend. But he always tried to cash  her down whenever he needed her. But still she stood besides him no matter what's the situation . But still he didn't learn the lesson and broke her heart by humiliating her infront of the whole world without thinking once about her past favours towards him. So today when she was leaving him. He couldn't get guts to stops her. As he had no reason to do. His past deeds are so dreadful that he couldn't hold his anika back and watched her leaving him. Till last night he was Preparing himself to confront her and say sorry for his deeds. He thought " mere one sorry will clean his all mess. But he was wrong. As she came into her senses and started talking about her miseries. he understood sorry is nothing but just a word. Which can never repair which has already damaged in the past. He has lost her forever with his own hands. And now no matter what he does. He will never get her in his life. These thoughts churn his heart and he sobs there sitting all alone cursing himself for everything.


It's been five days of all that fiasco and In those five days shivaay done nothing but just to regret. He tried To call on her phone infect on her work place. But he got nothing but disappointment. Infect when he called her work place he got to know that she has left the job and shifted somewhere esle. which is unknown to them. Now he is so stressed and in pain for not finding her. He's been landed in same place where he was before. which is in search of her. Meanwhile he is sitting in his office busy thinking about her when knock Brought him back on earth.

Sir a latter has came for you. His manager informed him standing in little distance. Shivaay blink his eyes and slowly take the latter in his hand ..

You may leave.  He orders manager "who  nods his head and left from there. As he went shivaay started peeling off the latter. But next second papers fall from his hand "when he found out It's none other than divorce papers. which is apparently anika sent him. That's mean she want him to set her free for forever . She don't wanna live with him anymore.  As it process his brain he stumble and  set on the nearby  sofa  in baffle state. 

No no she can't do this. She can't leave him. Sue can't just say that she wants divorce from him. He has dreamed so much things about them. How can she demand him to leave her.  No he can't do this. He agree she needs space. And he is ready to give her as much as she wants. But not like forever.   After certain time surely he wants her back. But here she is asking him for divorce. No way.  He would never do that. Never ever. He grit his teeth  and stood up keeping one hand on his mouth and  another on his waist.

I won't divorce you anika. No matter what happens.  You are my wife and I'll make sure that you stays mine.   He  tear the  divorce papers and threw them in the bin and then call someone to trace anika as soon as possible. As Time has came to get his love of life back.

On the other side

After finishing her shift in her new work place anika  comes back to her apartment.  Whole day was so hectic  for her. She had back to back  appointments to attend. And   When a little time she  had saved  for break.  It got wasted in doctors meeting. Now after spending whole day in hunger she came back having instant ramens  from the convenient store.

God my head ... she murmur getting into her apartment. She sniffles rubbing her hand on her face and went towards her sofa. As she reached near it. She dumped herself on it and closed her eyes in tiredness. How she wish someone serve her hot meal right now right here and she eat it till her heart doesn't get fulfil. As these   Desires filled her heart  a strong aroma  of food hit her nose trill.

God Annie you have started imagining food  already.  She  groan and  pinches  her nose thinking might the smell will go in some seconds. But when it didn't she frown and look around in  confusion.

I didn't even make the food in morning neither last night.  then how Come smell is coming. She whispered
In low voice getting up from the sofa and started walking towards the  kitchen having frown. As much as she is going towards it. Smell is getting more stronger than before.  Fear settle in her heart  feeling someone presence in her house. And maybe her fear  was right and she found a man standing in her kitchen busy on stove back facing her. Seeing a unknown person she squirm and  about to run away to save herself. But then she stopped when she  realised it's her why would she hide herself. She will face it with bravery not like coward. So without thinking anything she grabs the pan and directly smacked in person's head making him yelp in pain. 

Aaaaa he screams and  fall on the floor holding his bruised head.

Shivaayyy she widen her eyes when she found shivaay in her house.  And not only that she hit him straight into his head. 

Aaa Nick  what have you done. Aaaa it's hurting so bad. He  groan rubbing the bump in middle of his head which have been risen up in few minutes.

What ... what are you doing in my house ha. Why the hell did you come like thieves. She shout feeling angry on him for barging in her house like this. Specially that time when she was not here.

Such a heartless you are ha. Here you have hit me with pan and because of it I've got bump. And instead being sympathetic towards me. You are yelling at me.  He whined still sitting on same place rubbing his hand on his bump.  Anika open her mouth to shout at him yet again. But then she got quite and groan rolling her eyes controlling her rage.

Ok ok come get up. Get up. She hold his arm and help him  to stand up. 

Aaaa it's paining so bad. He  lean on her shoulder moaning in pain.

Who the hell had told you to come into my house like that ha.  Obviously anyone would react same the way I did.  You should be thankful  that I've hit you with pan. If I would had grabbed knife then things would had gone so far.   She  scoffs making him sit on the sofa and started checking his head where she hit him.

Seems like I've to erase your hair from the wound. She says touching the bump with her hand.

Whattt no way. You won't cut my hair. You know that how precious they are too me. Despite her touching his wound didn't pain him the way it scared him seeing her planing to cut his hair. He stood up and move back fixing his hair with his fingers.

What are you doing. Sit down. Let me see how deep it is. She try to get grip on him but he didn't let her and move back in baffle state.

No you will cut my hair. No I'm not sitting infront of you. He Whimpers touching his hair like she gonna shave all of them as he gonna sit infront of her.

Seeing him behaving childish anika chuckle and shakes her head in disbelief.

God boy you are a scared cat. I promise I won't cut your hair. I was just suggesting it seeing the depth of wound. Come have sit here. I'll just put ointment. Come. She held his wrist and made him sat back on the chair.

Wait a minute. Saying this she went in her room and got the first aid and then tend his wound.

Aaa slowly. He moans when she apply cream on the bump.

I'm sorry she apologised and blow his wound.

Is it fine ? He says looking at her like a cute little boy.

Yeah it's fine. She nods her head and fold her arms looking at him seriously which actually made him anxious knowing what she gonna ask him.

Why are you here ??, she asked question having stern face while folding her arms.

Precap ....... Anika ask him to sign on divorce papers asap so that she could finish this namesake relation and get move on

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