Chapter 23

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AN: Who wants to feel some feelings because I have some for you here (I also have a chapter of a decent length with actual plot development so that's fun)

A little under an hour later, Davey had arrived at their apartment, which was a remarkable feat considering his undoubtedly busy schedule, but he'd somehow made the time. When he walked in, the first thing he noticed were three concerned-looking faces that had turned towards him, one of which he didn't recognize, and one of which he hadn't seen in too long.


He pulled his friend into a hug, and was relieved when Jack didn't flinch away. However, he did notice that Jack seemed to be holding on more tightly than usual. He wore a small smile that looked genuine, though.

"Hey, Davey."

"So, what's going on?" Davey glanced at Katherine. "Kath, you said that someone's suing you for kidnapping?"

Katherine nodded, and gestured to the teenager sitting on the couch who looked like he was about to pass out from exhaustion. "This is Louis Anderson."

"Nice to meet you." Davey interjected with a smile, not one to forget his manners, and Louis smiled back at him.

"You too."

"I told you about him, Davey, we were cellmates at Blackwell." The bitter tone Jack put to the word 'cellmate' didn't escape any of them.

Davey nodded. "What does that have to do with a lawsuit?"

They explained the situation, and once they were finished, Davey drummed his fingers on his thigh nervously, becoming lost in thought.

"It doesn't sound good for you."

That certainly wasn't what anyone was hoping to hear. Katherine gave him a look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, they have money, and people with money can usually get whatever they want, even if their case doesn't make any sense... but the pneumonia, you could use that."

"At least it's good for something." Louis joked, trying to lighten the mood, and everyone smiled half-heartedly, more to make him feel better than anything else.

"I can't legally represent you myself, but I can find you a good lawyer, and I can advise you. You might have a chance."

"A chance is better than nothing." Katherine offered, and Davey nodded.

"It certainly is." He turned to Jack and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's good to have you back."

Jack grinned and playfully shrugged Davey's hand off. "Shut up."


That night, once Jack and Katherine had retreated to their bedroom, Katherine sat down on the bed next to Jack and gave him a look that let him know that this was going to be a serious conversation.

"Talk to me."

Jack hesitated. "What do you mean?"

Katherine gently placed a hand on his arm, and just the feeling of her hand relaxed him. "You're pretending. I don't know if it's for my sake, or for Louis's sake, but you're pretending that your fine when you aren't. So talk to me."

Sometimes Jack hated having a wife that could see through him so easily.

"I..." He took a few deep breaths to keep himself calm. "It's just been to hard, Ace. There's so many things in my head that I can't get out and I... I just want to be the husband you wanted when we got married."

"You are, Jack! You are exactly the husband I want."

He shook his head. "I've changed. I'm not the same."

"And you think I am? We're both changing, Jack, and I don't have a clue whether we're changing for the better or for the worse, but whatever it is, we're changing together. Yes, we haven't been able to be together as much as I'd like, what with the war and then the asylum, but I'm still here. I'm holding on to you and I'm not letting go."

Jack stared at his wife for a long moment, unsure of what he was feeling. He realized that whatever it was, it was good.

"God, I love you Katherine Kelly."

And he pulled her in for a kiss.

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