Chapter 3

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AN: Pulitzer's not an antagonist! Yay!

The next evening found Katherine sitting outside of her fathers office while Jack was with the boys. She impatiently tapped her fingers on the arm of the chair. She found it completely ridiculous that she had to arrange a meeting to speak with her own father, especially since she knew he was probably sitting in there reading a book until he decided he wanted to talk to her.

After a few more minutes of waiting, Joseph Pulitzer finally opened the door.


Knowing that that was all the invitation she was going to get, she stood and followed him into his office. Sure enough, there was a novel on his desk, but she chose not to address that. She was here because of a more important issue.

"I need to speak with you about something." She told him, sitting down in the chair on the other side of the desk. "You probably aren't the best person to go to about this, but I don't know what else to do."

Pulitzer frowned at the seriosity of his daughter's tone. "What is it?"

"You fought in the Civil War, right?" He nodded. "Once you'd gotten back, did you ever experience night terrors? Or any kind of sensation that made you feel like you were back in the war?"

He shook his head. "No, nothing like that. I didn't serve for very long, mind you. Katherine, why are you asking me this?"

"It's Jack. That's what's happening to him. He said the doctors at the hospital told him it would stop once he got home, but I think it's getting worse. He doesn't even want to talk about it, he just wants to ignore it, but he can't live like this... and I don't know what to do."

Katherine could feel herself getting more upset as she spoke, and her father reached across the desk to take one of her hands, and she looked at him gratefully.

"I'll look into some things, call some people, and see if we can't get this all sorted out, alright? I'll contact you within the next few days."

Katherine breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, managing a small smile.


"I ain't going to a doctor Katherine, especially not one of those mind doctors."

"Jack - "

"I ain't going, and I don't need to! I'm fine."

Katherine's father had contacted a friend of his who was a psychiatrist and thought he might know what was going on with Jack, but he wanted to see them before he could make a diagnosis. Jack, however, was flat out refusing.

"You are not fine Jack, you've woken yourself up screaming the past two nights, and from what I could tell you didn't sleep at all the night before that."

"I slept a little." He muttered.

"Please, let's just go talk to this guy. He might know how to help, after all, he said he thinks he knows what it is."

"It ain't anything. It'll be gone soon."

"That's what they told you three weeks ago, and it's not gone yet."

No matter how logical Katherine was being, Jack was an expert at being stubborn. "Yeah, and the doctors were the ones that said that. How're we supposed to trust this doctor more than them?"

"Those doctors had almost no experience with mental illness - "

"I don't have a mental illness." Jack said quietly, cutting her off.

Katherine was startled to notice a look of fear in his eyes, something she hadn't seen since he'd been back. "I didn't mean..."

She trailed off, and the two looked at each other for a minute before Jack gave in, sighing.

"I'll go meet with the guy. But if he says anything that I don't think is true, we're leaving."

Katherine nodded. "That's reasonable. I'll go call my father and tell him to set something up."

Jack nodded vaguely as his wife left the room, exhaling slowly. He hadn't admitted it to anyone, but he had no idea what was happening to him, but whatever it was, it terrified him.

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