Chapter 4

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AN: (Not so) fun fact, in this chapter the doctor in this chapter is actually much more generous than most doctors at the time, who refused to acknowledge PTSD as a medical issue and didn't treat it in any way, therefore many soldiers suffering from it were sent back into combat.

A week later, Katherine was sitting outside of the psychiatrist, Dr. Schaeffer's office. She'd only spent a few minutes inside with Jack before the doctor asked her to step outside. He'd wanted to ask Jack some personal questions. She doubted he was handling that well, and she kept half-expecting him to walk through the door and tell her they were leaving, as per their agreement. But he didn't.

After what seemed like hours, but in reality was only half of one, she was called back inside, feeling somewhat like she did in school was she was called to the headmaster's office for writing an essay about the pros and cons of legalizing prostitution. She laughed softly to herself at the memory before standing and heading back in the office.

The first thing she noticed when she walked in was how uncomfortable and slightly disoriented Jack looked. She didn't know what had been said to him, but she didn't like it. She reached for his hand as she sat down next to him and he gripped it tightly.

Dr. Schaeffer smiled kindly at them, but neither of them felt like smiling back.

"I believe that Jack suffers from a disorder called shell shock. We've been getting several reports of it over in Britain, but we haven't come across too many American patients yet. That's not to say it's abnormal, American soldiers just don't seem to be as open about it."

"Shell shock, what does that mean?" Jack asked, working hard to keep his voice from quivering.

"I asked you if you'd suffered from any head trauma, remember?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but I didn't."

"Right. Shell shock is usually a side effect of explosions from artillery shells, hence the name. However, it can also effect soldiers who didn't experience anything like that. Essentially, because you experienced and saw such horrible things while you were at war, your brain still believes that it's unsafe."

Jack squeezed Katherine's hand, and she squeezed back before speaking. "So, what can we do to help him? Is there a medication he can take, or some type of injection?"

The doctor gave her a sympathetic look that made the couple uncomfortable. "I'm afraid it's more complicated than that. This is a mental disorder. Because we're dealing with the brain we can't use injections or pills."

"What're we supposed to do then?" Jack asked.

"I believe the best option would be to send you to Blackwell's Asylum. They're working on some experimental treatments there that may be able to help you, and if not, they can at least help you deal with what you're experiencing."

Jack and Katherine both froze at the mention of the asylum. That was the last thing they expected him to say.

"Blackwell... that place is for lunatics, I ain't a lunatic. I'm not crazy." He was holding his wife's hand so tightly his knuckles were turning white, but she didn't even notice.

"Nobody said you were. The asylum isn't just for lunatics, they treat people with all types of mental disorders."

Jack shook his head rapidly. "I'm not going there, there's gotta... there's gotta be something better than just sending me away and locking me up."

"You aren't going to be locked up. Mr. Kelly - "

He stood abruptly, letting go of Katherine's hand. "I ain't going." And with that he stormed out of the office.

Katherine didn't even glance at the doctor, instead just immediately following her husband out the door. She didn't have to go very far, as she found him pacing in the hallway.


"I'm not crazy, Kath. You know I'm not. I've heard about those people who go into Blackwell, they's the ones that hear voices telling them to do stuff, I'm not like that."

"You're not, but Jack... I think the doctor might be right."

He looked at her as though she'd just told him she hated him. "What?"

"Just think about it logically for a minute." Jack scoffed at that, but listened. "Not everyone who goes into Blackwell has something that extreme, and they can help you better than anyone else at this point. "

Jack thought about that for a moment, and sighed. "I don't wanna leave you."

"And I don't want you to leave, either. But who knows, it might only be for a few weeks. And I'll be okay as long as I know you'll be safe."

"But I don't know if I'll be okay without you there."

Katherine cupped his face with her hands. "You will be. And you won't be totally alone. I'll visit, if they allow that, and if not, I'll write to you. You'll never be completely without me."

She pulled him in and kissed him, and after they pulled away, Jack nodded and let out a cautious breath. The two walked back into the office hand in hand.Dr. Schaeffer turned to them with a questioning look, and Jack gave him an answer.

"I'll go."

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