Acrostic / Alliteration - ROMANCE

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Author Note: The blurb for this book is an Abecedarian poem. The Chapters are in alphabetical order so without further ado.

The poem below; Romance is an Acrostic as well as an Alliteration. I like both styles and couldn't decide between the two; so I complied with both.

Alliteration is the repetition of a sound in each line of the poem. Normally a different sound on every line and normally with emphasis on a consonant. Whilst alliteration is derived from the term "letters of alphabet" it is the sounds not the letters that make it alliteration.

An Acrostic poem is where one letter of each line spells out a word normally the title. Most often it's the first letter of the first word on each line but it can be the last or anywhere in the middle.


Relishing ones rarity, really sensing rapture in relationship.
Overtly open to owning and sharing love overall.
Making many more meaningful  memorable moments.
Accepting and anticipating another's needs.
Nurturing inner emotion, knowing 'n naturally nice.
Committing, comforting and  considering kindly.
Entertaining, expressing excitement and ecstasy.

You will hopefully notice that the acrostic form has been used in the following:

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