Just... Tired.

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I know Bedivere's intentions are good, and he has a code of honor he needs to keep, but that didn't stop me from glaring at him as he revealed exactly what I told him to keep hidden.

"Impressive!" Artoria seemed pleased while Gawain, Tristan, and Lancelot seemed pleasantly surprised. The knights and captains around began talking amongst themselves. "I'm truly thankful to you for protecting Camelot. I'll personally make sure you are rewarded with-"

"No, just no," I stopped Artoria, raising my hands as I shook my head. "I did that on a whim out of boredom. Don't do this whole 'reward' thing. There's nothing you have that I need and I don't want some title of gratitude like 'honorary knight' or something amongst those lines. In fact, don't even tell anyone I did it. Spread word that you and your knights did that. This way Camelot will gain reputation amongst the parts of Britain that you didn't unite yet."

That seemed to survive everyone. Well, not EVERYONE, Agravain seemed to genuinely think of my idea, and seemed to see it as a strategic advantage.

"I don't understand," Artoria's confusion was clear on her face. "Why would you refuse credit for your deeds? I understand being modest, but you're outright denying your involvement altogether and passing the praise to someone else."

"Didn't you hear me? I just told you I did this on a whim," I insisted, trying to get this over with.

"That's not a reason to take credit for your deeds. I will not have do something as dishonorable as take praise meant for someone else," Artoria insisted back.

I groaned loudly. "Here's the thing, how about you keep this hidden until tomorrow? Tonight, you and I are gonna have a talk, and then you decide if you keep this a secret or not."

Artoria, obviously, didn't seem pleased, but nodded nonetheless. "Very well."

This is going to be a long night.

Third POV:

Morgan burst through the doors of her room, her veil doing nothing to hide the heat of her furious glare.

Non dared to disturb the queen after her return for her bad mood was obvious after burning the guard that greeted her back at the gates. She simply marched into her quarters with people practically running away from her path.

Morgan's anger was directed at several factors. Her sister, her husband, and the Green Knight. Her husband failed to fight back her sister -she never intended for him to win but she simply didn't care at the moment- and her sister gained more reputation with people after pushing back King Lot and his men.

And then there was this mysterious Green Knight that thwarted her attack at Camelot. Morgan never intended to win that battle, in fact she was hoping most the soldiers would die within the city, but they never even got close to their goal because of the knight.

"My, my, you seem to be in a bad mood," Morgan directed her glare at the mirror of her room.

In the reflection was a being with similar appearance, only with white ropes and no veil, with hair flowing down like water and the same color as a peaceful lake.

"Silence, fairy!" Morgan yelled at her other half. "I have no desire to waste time on your quips!"

"Oh, and I was under the impression you have some free time now that another plan of yours ended in failure," Vivian replied with, smirking at her evil half.

"It was you!" Morgan furiously pointed at the reflection in the mirror. "You sent that person to watch over that wretched sibling of mine!"

"Typical. Blaming others for your failures," Vivian scoffed, sneering in disdain at her other half. "If I had authority to command such a being, I would ask them to take care of Vortigern, not you."

"Then who else!? Who else would order such an person to thwart my plans!?" Morgan's patience had long reached its end.

"Who knows?" Vivian's teased, shrugging her shoulders. "Perhaps the world has finally decided to punish you for your sins?"

"Sins? I am the rightful ruler of this land and its mystics!" Morgan yelled back. "Fairies such as you should beg to join my forces! And yet all you do is help ruin my plans every chance you get like that annoying Flower Mage!"

"Again with blaming others for your failures," Vivian didn't seem impressed. "Perhaps it's time you should admit you're simply not good eno-"

The mirror shattered into a thousand pieces from the magical blast that the enraged queen sent to the reflection of her other half.

First POV: Zack

I didn't go back to meet up with Artoria until WAY later into the day. It was pretty much midnight and hardly anyone was left in the castle beyond the guards.

Artoria, obviously, was in her room during that time, which works out great for me because I wanted this to be a private talk. Reaching her room, I knocked a couple of times for permission to get inside.

"Come in," which I received almost instantly. Walking inside, I saw Artoria sitting on her bed, a firm and serious look on her face. "Now expl-"

"Hold on," I stopped her as I turned around and wrote a few Runes on the door with a piece of chalk that I made with Baraka earlier. "Can't have Merlin listening now, can we?"

Artoria opened her mouth, probably to say something in Merlin's defence, but stopped before uttering a sound, her expression turning deadpan before shaking her head and regaining her serious expression.

"Now, explain the reasons you have for denying your involvement in protecting Camelot?" Artoria asked.

I looked at her for a few seconds before I sighed and replied with my own question, "Artoria, how old do you think I am?"

She was obviously confused but replied nonetheless. "I am no under delusion that you are human. Maybe... a few centuries old?" She guessed.

I chuckled. "Not even close," I shook my head and sighed. "Artoria... I'm old. Real old by human standards. I have experienced a LOT, more than you ever will in ten lifetimes. And, honestly?... I'm just tired. Tired of joining a community or group just to watch them wither away as I stay the same."

For a moment, scene changed for me, and I was in a stone castle standing in front of a golden throne with a guy in golden armor with a person with green hair and white ropes besides him.

"Ten thousand years from now, what do you think will still be here? Camelot? Your castle? You? Let me answer that. I will. I'll be there, unchanged. The same as I've always been. I like exploring and meeting people. I enjoy spending time either taking walks and getting to know others. But, I never settle down because that just... doesn't work for beings like me. I may stay somewhere if I have a reason like for the sake of someone or I have something to do, but I don't actually join their community because... It's not for me. Not just me as a being, but also me as a person. Do what you will with the credi for pushing back Morgan, just know that... giving it to me is the equivalent of giving it to a statue. It's just going to stay there, uncaring for the praise or love of the people, and when the people are gone, the statue will stay the same."

Honestly, it's something I came to terms with a long time ago but I still hate thinking about it, more so after becoming an Ultimate One.

When you become an Ultimate One... You reach a point of existence and power that makes you see less of a purpose with doing... anything.

Ultimate Ones are eternal beings that are the apex of every planet. They can have everything done so easily. As time passes on like that, you start to lose your sense of achievement and your desire to do anything beyond wait for something interesting to happen.

Honestly, I suspect that the other Ultimate Ones did have a conscious and will of their own at one point, they just... lost it after so long of being what they are.

Artoria just stared at me for a few moments before sighing. "Are you sure that you want to simply... fade into the background?"

"I don't mind. Back in the age of gods, maybe it would have been okay, but this is the age of humans. So I'm okay with only helping from the backlines," I replied to her.

Artoria nodded with an understanding look. "Very well. I cannot take credit for your deeds, but I will see what I can do."

"Thank you," I said in gratitude before leaving the room.

Hopefully, she can do something.

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