Knights: 1

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The next few days have been somewhat calm.

Artoria kept her word and did the best she could to hide my connection to the battle against Morgan and her forces. She didn't take credit, though.

Instead, the whole praise was given to the 'mysterious Green Knight', as the people called him.

Apparently, no one but Artoria, her knights, and Merlin knew I was the one in that armor. I guess it has something to do with the enchantments Merlin placed on the armor. I should probably thank him.

Anyway, people seem to love the 'mysterious hero' cliché no matter which Era they're in. The people of Camelot ate up the news of the Green Knight and rumours began spreading like wildfire.

People are speculating about their identity and powers. From how they're just a passing hero, to being a knight that secretly works for King Arthur in the shadows.

Anyway, while not completely what I was hoping for, I guess this is good enough. Artoria's knights seem willing to follow her orders and didn't mind keeping my identity a secret since they didn't steal anyone's credit.

Agravain still voiced how it would be better for their reputation to take credit, but didn't throw a fuss or anything after being shot down.

Speaking of Agravain, I was standing besides him and watching over the construction of the mostly finished north wall.

"So, I heard from Lancelot that there's plenty of promising recruits lately," I said, looking over the workers as they walked back and forth, carrying tools and materials to finish the walls.

Agravain, who was looking over plans on a table in front of him, replied without even looking at me. "Promises can be broken by the incompetent," he then turned to look at the workers carrying some wood. "Stop that! We have enough wood for now. Send these to the east walls. They've been running low on wood."

"You seem to be in a bad mood?" I asked, not exactly sure. I've known him for a short while, but I still feel like he's irritated about something.

Agravain looked around, probably making sure no one was listening, before turning to me and whispering, "His majesty has been considering honoring a knight with becoming part of the Round Table."

I opened my eyes in surprise. That did seem like big news, and I guess Agravain is irritated because of the preparations or the ceremonies that would undoubtedly follow.

That, or he just doesn't approve of the choice of the knight.

"Do you know who it is?" I whispered back.

"I have not met the knight yet. However, based on what I heard, they are apparently a foreigner that joined the ranks not too long ago," Agravain answered.

Ah, now I get it. Agravain is probably not sure by the choice because this person wasn't a knight for very long and probably thinks it's a rushed decision.

Now, I can't seem to remember which one of the knights that is. I remember there was one of the Knights of the Round Table that originated from Germany, the one with the spear, but I can't remember his name.

Oh well. I'll learn it later.

I spent most of the day talking with Agravain and helping with the wall construction. Though, all I did was just carry stuff. I didn't want to use Baraka in public anymore because I didn't want people to see it and make a connection between me and the Green Knight.

Sure some people already saw me with it, but considering how no one seemed to realise Artoria's gender, I think a slip up like this won't cause much trouble.

When the day was almost over, I went to Artoria's castle to ask her about. She was in her throne room, looking over a few reports on her own. Surprising, honestly. I was expecting Bedivere to be by her side.

When I asked her about the new knight, she was... pretty straightforward, actually.

"Yes, I did decide to give a new knight a seat at the Round Table," Artoria answered, taking a moment from looking at her reports to look at me.

"Huh, where are they now?" I asked.

"They are currently being tested by Gawain and Lancelot," Artoria answered. "Theirs name is-"

"Your majesty," she was cut off by Bedivere finally appearing and walking in front of her throne besides me before kneeling. "I have returned from your mission."

"I see, speak, Sir Bedivere," Artoria ordered, apparently unconcerned with me being here.

"I regret to inform you that King Lot has denied our requests for peace meetings," Bedivere stated.

Artoria sighed with a somber look. "I see, thank you for checking, Sir Bedivere."

"You honor me, your majesty. It was but a simple task," Bedivere replied.

"Wait, you're still trying to talk to King Lot?" I asked, since I'm sure he made it clear peace wasn't an option. "Why? Didn't he make his stance on this matter clear?"

Artoria's face turned sour. "King Lot is... a complicated case. He is not without reason, and many times in the past he was more than willing to cooperate. The problem... is his wife and my sister."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "So, Morgan is using him? I guess you tried warning him about her?"

Artoria nodded. "Yes, many times. He is not ignorant of Morgan's intention. He's simply... enthralled with her."

I blinked a couple of times before asked, "So she has some spell that controls him?"

"No, not in that sense," Artoria shook her head, her face turning more sour. "I had Merlin check. He is not under any Mystical influence."

I was confused for a moment before I slowly began connecting the dots. "Wait... So, King Lot isn't evil nor is he being controlled. He's just... in love?"

Artoria's somber nod was all the response I needed.

I was honestly shocked. I mean, in a way, it makes sense. Morgan IS his wife and the mother of his children, and while she probably sees him as just a tool, his own feelings on her are probably VERY different.

On one hand, this is very messed up because it means King Lot is just doing all this because he loves his wife and wants to please her, so he's more than willing to rage war for her.

On the other hand, this perfectly fits in this messed up world.

Love is a scary thing.

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