Knights: 3

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The honoring of the new Knight took quite a bit of work, especially after the scare I gave this morning.

It took a while to connect Agravain and Lancelot to inform of them of the false alarm. They were understandably agitated but relieved. Thankfully, neither asked any questions.

After preparations were done, the main hall of the castle was covered in decorations and people. The light of the sun really gave the entire place pretty great lighting. They were all mostly nobles, knights, and guard Captains.

I was also there wearing some robes that Bedivere provided -read: forced- me after saying that the usual clothes Scathach gave me don't fit within the atmosphere of the party.

I was wearing a sky-blue suit with a white undershirt and matching trousers. I had one of those firly things that medieval people wore on their collars at their front. It, thankfully, didn't go around my neck and was just like an overly fancy tie. I also had to tie my hair into a braid.

Artoria was at the centre of the party, greeting any guests that arrived. Bedivere and Gawain were besides her, having volunteered to do security while the other knights joined the party.

Agravain found a quiet corner in the party to just stand and observe everyone, but he still exchanged pleasantries with every guard and knight that approached him instead of telling them off.

Kay was greeting people at the gate and directing them to Artoria. Tristan was talking to a group of nobles that seemed to enjoy his poetry. Lancelot was talking to a few ladies and knights, probably flirting with the former and giving advice to the latter. Merlin was... around. I didn't know where he was, honestly.

As for me, I just tried to stay unnoticed. It mostly worked, and anyone who did notice me and tried to strike a conversation with I just told I was a friend of King Arthur and walked away after excusing myself.

The new Knight should be announced any minute and honored to be part of the Round Table by Artoria in front of everyone. All I had to do was honestly just stand there and watch it happen.

"Do you enjoy being alone?" Someone asked and I turned to see Merlin finally making his appearance.

"Not really. I'm just not interested in socialising here, honestly," I answered, seeing no reason to lie.

"Hehe, I suppose that's fair. I have to say though, you gave us quite the scare earlier," Merlin's smile turned smug. "Who would've imagined that what I'm talking to right now is a puppet? I certainly would have never guessed that."

I gave him a deadpan look. "Am I supposed to be surprised or impressed that someone of your calibre found that out? If anything, I should be disappointed that you took so long."

Honestly, I had no reason to hide the nature of my puppet body, especially with someone like Merlin around to figure it out given the chance. Heck, Morgan would probably figure it out herself if I spend time with her.

Merlin shrugged. "Hey, it's a testament to how well made that body is. Was it you who made it?"

I shook my head. "No. It was a gift from a friend."

Merlin hummed, not asking further questions about the creator of the body. "I see. This does make me curious on where your real body is and what it looks like."

"Nothing pretty, that's for sure," I replied with a tired sigh.

I wasn't ignorant to how my real body looked. It may look cool, but it's still downright monstrous. Even if I can turn off my Reality Marble, I wouldn't be able to freely walk in the age of Humanity without causing a few problems.

I'd prefer to not have to put up with Alaya throwing a fit because I didn't care for what's 'normal' for Humanity during their age.

Our convalescent was cut short as the gates were suddenly opened with knights lining up each side. Everyone fell quiet as they knew it was time for the new Knight to appear.

Artoria stood at the end of the hall. No one was there but her and Bedivere, even Gawain stepped aside. Everyone's eyes was on the gates as the new Knight walked in in his armor.

It was a young man with pure silver hair and armor with the same color. Under the armor was a form fitting black uniform and on his left shoulder plate was a white cape.

The knight began walking in the line made by people until he stood in front of Artoria before getting on one knee and bowing his head.

Bedivere stepped forward, standing behind the knight and facing the guests. "Today, we see another great mark on Camelot's achievements. Knights, guests, and people of Camelot, today we are here to welcome and celebrate another seat of the Round Table being filled."

Artoria took over after Bedivere's little speech. "Sir Percival, do you swear loyalty to honoring knighthood, chivalry, and the people of this land?"

"Yes, your Majesty," the knight -Percival- replied without a second of hesitation. "I hereby swear my loyalty to this land, it's people, and you! I swear to remain loyal and honorable to the very end!"

Artoria pulled out her sword and held it up. "Then, with this," she then placed it on one of Percival's shoulder before doing the same to other side. "I hereby honor you a Knight of the Round Table. Rise and hold your head high."

Percival nodded and stood back up. People then began clapping for Percival as he turned around and began waving at people with a smile.

Understandably, as soon as he stepped away from Artoria, people began flocking him to give him congratulations. I just stood at the side with Merlin until they thinned out before finally approaching.

"Hello. Congratulations on becoming a Knight of the Round Table," I started as I approached him.

"Why, thank you very much," Percival replied without missing a beat, a friendly smile on his face. "I do not believe we have met before. As you've heard, I am Percival, now Knight of the Round Table."

He probably already knew who Merlin was, but was just being polite. Deciding to play along, I introduced myself. "I am Zack, a friend of King Arthur and guest at his castle."

"Merlin, Court Mage of King Arthur," Merlin introduced himself, probably thinking the same thing I was.

"Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you both," Percival said before seemingly looking around with his eyes.

"Are you looking for someone?" I asked.

Percival seemed to be caught off guard and scratched his head. "I apologise. It's rude to not look at the person I'm speaking to, please forgive me."

"Oh, don't worry about it," I replied with a shrug. I have no room to complain anyway, considering the stuff I usually do while talking to people. "But, I am curious on who you're looking for."

Percival seemed a bit embarrassed. "I apologise, but I was wondering if I would find any sign of the Green Knight. I was hoping he would appear in such an event to meet him."

It was really hard to keep my friendly smile as he spoke. Merlin, however, seem to find an opportunity for mischief, judging by the glint in his eyes.

"Oh, him. That man is quite the character. He comes and goes as he pleases completely unannounced. He always speaks with a loud, hard to miss voice and has a tendency to get on people's nerves. I believe it would be better if he didn't join such an occasion where class is required," Merlin said, bullshitting as easily as he breaths.

"Ho! He sounds very interesting," Percival, sadly, ate it up without a question.

"Yeah, I bet he is...," I mumbled before smiling in mischief. "By the way, Sir Percival, I believe Merlin here wanted to personally introduce you to every and single person here."

Merlin's smile twitched and, before he denies my claim, Percival cut in. "Really? Oh, that would be wonderful. I never learned much about nobility and people from it when I started knighthood."

"Oh, yeah. He kept saying on how he won't have anyone else introduce you to the guests and that he would also even give you a tour of the castle later," I added fuel to the fire before turning around and walking away. "Well, I'll be on my way. With how much Merlin talked about how he wants to help you, I'm sure he'll be VERY busy for a while," I can practically feel Merlin's glare on my back. I'm surprised he didn't try to send a fire ball in my direction.

You gotta love payback.

I walked away to where Agravain has been and stood besides him. "Not going to talk to the new Knight?"

"I'll have plenty of chances to speak to him later," Agravain replied before raising an eyebrow at me. "And what have you been doing until now?"

"Throwing work in Merlin's face," I replied.

Agravain hummed in response, and I can swear I saw him smile for a second.

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