The Rush: 1

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It's been a month since Percival joined.

He's been doing a pretty good job. Agravain and Gawain were keeping an eye on him, but that didn't seem to be because they don't trust him as much as they're just supervising the new guy.

We did talk every now and then when we passed each other in the castle, though it was mostly exchanging pleasantries. Percival still did it with a pretty big smile every morning.

Artoria, meanwhile, was seeing the finalisation of the walls. The northern wall of Camelot was pretty much finished and was due in a week, but the other walls were only mostly finished and needed a bit more time.

I wondered why Artoria was personally seeing the walls being finished, and when I asked her, she said that she was following my advice by interacting more with her people. The walls of Camelot being finished -at least one of them- is something worth celebrating by the king and the people, according to her.

I just did the usual, moved around Camelot, talked to people, and got to know the knights. It was getting boring fast, though. I was hoping for something to happen and I finally got my wish.

Artoria took time off from finishing the northern wall and called in a meeting. I, again, took part from pure boredom and sat between Lancelot and Percival at the giant table.

Sitting on her throne at the front of the table, Artoria's expression turned grim as she addressed everyone in the room. "King Lot is on the move again... and so is Vortigern."

The last part made everyone else tense as well while also beginning to whisper amongst themselves. Personally, I was glad something was finally happening.

The whispering stopped when Artoria raised her hand. "They both seem to be sending their soldiers somewhere in the far west, somewhere near Snowdon. Normally, that would not be our concern since they are likely to encounter each other before they reach our borders. However, the fact they both suddenly started heading there is concerning."

"Did you say they were headed to Snowdon?" Merlin asked.

Obviously, the attention turned to the Flower Mage. "Do you know something, Merlin?" Artoria asked.

Merlin raised his hand and began rubbing his chin. "Lately, fairies have been whispering about an ancient Elemental weapon being found on a mountain in the west, near Snowdon. I was thinking of looking into it, but I didn't get the chance."

"Both King Lot and Vortigern have connections in the world of fairies. They most likely heard the same thing," Artoria commented as she placed her hands on the table. "If this weapon is powerful or important enough for them to start rushing to it, we cannot allow it to fall into their hands. Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain, and Sir Percival," all three knights stood attention at being called out. "I will send you three with nine hundred soldiers to the west. I need you to ensure that the weapon does not fall into the hands of either Vortigern or King Lot. I will remain here in case Morgan attempts another surprise attack."

It wasn't really surprising she picked this lineup. Lancelot was raised by fairies, so he has experience handling Elementals and their stuff. Gawain is experienced at dealing with King Lot. Percival, meanwhile, was being tested to see if can handle himself on official business of the Round Table.

After the meeting was done, I met up with Artoria and asked. "Hey, can I join the mission?"

Artoria, understandably, looked at me like I lost my mind. The same goes for Bedivere who was standing besides us. "Sir Zachary, why would wish to join?" The latter asker.

"Honestly?" I just crossed my arms and shrugged. "I'm just REALLY bored."

"You wish to join this mission simply because you're bored?" Artoria looked a bit insulted, which was understandable since this is supposed to be serious work for her.

"Hey, I know I make it sound like I'm not gonna take this seriously, but I promise to to do," I assured her, and I meant it. Her knights and soldiers would be risking their lives in this battle, and half assing this would just be insulting.

"Sir Zachary, I hardly believe boredom is a valid reason to join what is most likely going to be a fierce battle," Bedivere's commented.

His concern, while unnecessary, was still appreciated. "Thank you, Bedivere, but I assure you that this isn't the first dangerous thing I did out of boredom."

Gilgamesh and I never settled that 'shoot the apple from inside me' game.

Looking me in the eye, Artoria sighed before nodding. "Fine. You may join. The knights will leave at the first ray of dawn," she said before placing her hands on her waist. "However, you will have to do it as 'the Green Knight' if you wish to do any fighting."

"I can live with that," I agreed.

(A/N: Discord Server: https://discord .com/ invite/JQ4CEEMW)

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