Erin: A LaF oneshot

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This is a oneshot based off of Pearlescentmoon12335's (I'm an idiot and still don't know how to tag in chapters) AU, Lost and Found! (I got permission for this don't worry)

But wait- technically LaF is an AU...based off of my series which is also an of Empires SMP

So it's a oneshot of an AU of an AU of a Minecraft series o-0


Context: Erin Major vibing in a coffee shop as she struggles to focus on her homework


Well. That was another successful all-nighter.

I checked my phone, squinting at the bright screen to see the time '6:07' blinking back at me. Great so I had...four hours before I had to clock into work and nine hours before I had my three o'clock class on campus.

You'd think that would be just enough time to take a nap after studying all night, right?

Nope, I'm going to go get a cup of coffee.

I shut my laptop, the white screen branded into my vision for a few minutes as I blinked rapidly to try and get rid of it.

Spinning in my chair I lunged for the laptop bag I kept on my bed, grabbing the strap with my fingertips to tug it over so I could slide my laptop in and zip it closed. Grappling for my hoodie as well, I tugged it over my head, pulling the hood up and tucking a few strands of dark, nearly black, red hair into it.

After tugging the drawstrings of my sweater and slinging the strap of the laptop bag over my shoulder, I grabbed my keys and walked out of my dorm.

I got hit with a wave of chilly, autumn air as I hurried out of the building down towards the parking lot and street. I was half-tempted to take my bike, but the walk to the cafe was only a few blocks down and gas prices were sky-high. 

I trudged down the streets, the sun still raising and casting a dull glow across the dusty blue sky. The roads were already filled with cars and honking horns as people tried to migrate through the traffic to work, school and other daily activities. Why the day started so early for so many people, including myself, I have no idea. We should have like...a universal wakeup time at eleven or something.

I pulled the edges of my hood closer to hide my face and ears from the breeze that stung the tip of my nose. 

Such a lovely day for a walk, Erin. What a great idea, Erin. You're such an IDIOT, Erin.

Oh look, we're here.

I came to a stop in front of one of the street corners, making straight for the building on it. I pushed open the door, thankful for the rush of warm air that hit me as soon as I entered. 

The Vigil Cafe was always my first stop in the morning, and despite the chaos and business of the place it was my few moments of peace...occasionally.

I was instantly met with the overpowering scent of coffee and freshly baked pastries and bread as the door closed behind me with a light jingle I had grown accustomed to.

There was already a good dozen or so people inside despite the time, but that was expected. Several seemed to be rushing about, heading for the door, while maybe three others sat at the tables, one reading and the other two with laptops set on the personal tables lining the windows.

I made a beeline straight for the counter, my boots clicking in a satisfying way against the polished wooden floor as I lowered my hood. A man behind the counter looked up after I had entered, putting down the dish rag he had just finished using. His hair was a dull shade of cyan, tied into a small ponytail at the base of his neck and starting to grow brown at the roots. But his tired eyes gave me a small smile as a look of recognition crossed his face.

"The usual?" Scott asked, leaning against the countertop as I halted in front of it.

"'Course." I replied, my hands resting in the pocket of my hoodie.

"For here?" He added, straightening while reaching for a clear glass.

"Yup. But could I have a bagel to go? Not hungry yet but I got an early shift at the library." I answered, stifling a yawn with the crook of my arm.

"Erin, ten o'clock is not early. I've been here since five." Scott said with a short, playful roll of his eyes as he put my order into the cash register. He turned the iPad screen, showing me an option of tips from which I could choose.

Out of spite I hit skip, then hit cash as my method of payment.

Scott gasped suddenly, placing a hand over his chest. "No tip? After everything I've done for you?"

"You should be in drama." I deadpanned, keeping my expression straight which was quite difficult for my bisexual ass.

Scott rolled his eyes, still pretending to be pained by my decision as he turned the screen back around. "Oh fine, fine. That'll be...ten fifty-nine."

"For a coffee and a singular bagel?" I asked, vaguely offended by the price.

"Well, you got a large white chocolate iced mocha with an extra shot of espresso and oat milk, which is, rounded down, seven dollars and a gluten free bagel–"

"I never said gluten free!"

"Erin, I'm not about to watch you break out in hives again over a bagel. It's less than a dollar more than a regular one. Deal with it." He said, bringing up the fee on the screen.

I rolled my eyes, pulling out a twenty from my pocket and handing it to him.

He stared down at the bill as if it had done something to personally ruin his life. "Why."

I gave him a look of annoyance, gesturing the money forwards towards him. "It's all I have on me, take it or leave it."

"Making me math this early in the morning..." He grumbled, snatching it from my hand and shoving it into the register.

"The cash register does all the mathing for you!" I cried, feeling the overwhelming urge to smack the older boy across the face.

"Whatever." He replied, dumping the change into my hand. I could tell he had chosen to give me the most coins as possible, just to inconvenience me. 

"Bitch." I said as I stuffed the nine dollars or so back into my pocket.

"Quiet there are children." Scott hissed. I looked around. There were in fact, no children.

"Where?" I asked skeptically.

"You." He answered, poking me in the forehead with his index finger. "Now go sit down while I make you your coffee."

"I swear to god if you spit in my drink–"

"I would nEVER–"

Rolling my eyes, I backed away from the counter again, subtly flipping Scott off behind my back (to which I heard another dramatic gasp), and I made my way back across the coffee shop, sitting at a small table near the corner with two seats on either side. I turned one of them around, sitting on it and resting my chin on the back as I watched Scott work a few dozen feet away.

For a while all I felt was immense boredom as I sat there, stifling another yawn with my hand. I could already tell today would be a rough one. 

I glanced around the room at the other people here, some looking as tired as I did. However, there was someone I didn't recognize as a regular nearly directly across the room from me. I frowned. He definitely hadn't been sitting there previously when I had originally walked in. I would have immediately noticed their bright violet, nearly magenta hair pulled back at the crown of his head.

I tilted my head in confusion upon making eye contact with the person who looked to be in their early twenties. There was a mischievous look in his expression, but just before I could put my finger on why he was familiar, another customer walked past the table, headed for the door.

And the mysterious person was gone once they had passed. Like he had never been there in the first place.

"Wha–" I started, unable to finish because Scott was here now, setting the drink and bag with what I assumed was the bagel in front of me.

"Heh?" He asked at my expression.

"Nothing," I said, shaking it off. "Where's my latte art?" I asked jokingly as I glanced down at my coffee.

"You can't do latte art on a fucking iced drink, idiot." He replied, raising a judgmental eyebrow. 

I snickered to myself as I raised the cup to take a sip. "How have you not gotten fired yet?"

"No idea." He shrugged. "Where's Shrub? Normally they're here before you. Because they actually have a good sleep schedule."

It was my turn to shrug. "Dunno. We were having a study sesh last night and she passed out at like, one. I didn't bother waking her up." I said before taking another sip of my drink.

As if on cue, the door jingled, and I looked up to see a small teen around my age burst into the coffee shop. "I'm...I'm here..." Shrub panted, a yellow scarf around her neck and cheeks bright red from either the cold or from running. Or both. "Erin Major, wHY DID YOU LEAVE WITHOUT ME?"

Nearly all eyes turned to Shrub at their high-pitched shriek, before going back to their own business as she stormed over to my table.

I bit back laughter at the grumpy look on her face, their dark curls a mess and clearly unbrushed. "Didn't want to wait for you." I answered simply.

"You could have, I don't know, woken me up!?"


"You're impossible."

"You know it." I grinned.

"Okay, okay, break it up ladies." Scott intervened, though he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the argument. "Anything I can get you Shrub?"

"Just a hot chocolate. I plan to be taking a fat nap later after staying up so late. Speaking of..." Shrub's eyes turned back to me after handing Scott ten dollars and telling him to keep the change. "When'd you fall asleep, hm?" They demanded.

"I didn't." I shrugged.

Shrub's face turned from shock, to annoyance, to exasperation in a matter of seconds. "I swear to god Erin you're going to perish from sleep deprivation one of these days." She said as she sat down across from me. Scott had already hurried off after giving me a smug look to start on her drink.

"Eh." I replied again, only irritating the smaller teen more.

"I give up." She groaned, smacking her forehead against the table.

"As you should."

Shrub only gave me a furious glare this time as they lifted their head from the table, looking very close to snapping. Despite getting a whole five hours of sleep, they seemed slightly exhausted. As did everyone else in the cafe.

"Here ya go." Scott replied, sliding a mug of hot cocoa in front of Shrub, interrupting our rather one-sided staring contest. "I tried to do a little milk kitten, but it didn't turn out so well."

Shrub tilted their head down at what looked to me to be a white blob. "It kinda looks like a cat...more so a lopsided dog..."

"Thanks." Scott replied flatly, although it was easy to tell he was trying his best not to laugh.

"Hey why do they get latte art and not me?" I asked, putting on a fake pout.

Scott glared at me. "You know why stupid–"

I snorted, trying to quiet another laugh at the look he gave me. "And you ask why I like to irritate you." I teased, stirring my drink.

He opened his mouth to answer, when a loud voice on the news playing on the television caught all of our attention. My eyes were drawn up to the TV mounted on the wall, high up and out of the way.

"–And Exor has made a surprise attack at the Mezalean Matrel bank with the help of Teopixki." The reporter announced, before the screen flashed to a different scene. A rather colorful building, with pillars made from an orangey red material instead of traditional marble, appeared. Two figures seemed to be sprinting from the building, both masked and one with mechanical parrot wings trailing behind him.

I looked back, watching Scott and Shrub share a quick glance as they too tore their eyes from the screen. "Oh, look at that–" Scott said, looking at his wrist as if there was a watch there to check the time. There wasn't a watch there. "I've got to go–"

"Scott you've only been on your shift for–" My eyes flicked to the clock and I struggled for a moment to remember which hand represented hours and which hand represented minutes. "Two hours, it's seven fifteen–"

He just shrugged, practically running back to the counter and grabbing a backpack from behind it, slinging it over his shoulder. "See ya!" He called before he was out the door without another word.

I blinked in confusion. "Did that idiot really take an eight o'clock class..." I muttered, watching his cyan hair disappear.

"Hah...I got to go too–" Shrub said awkwardly, getting to their feet.

"Oh not you too! Was I the only one smart enough to get the late classes?" I complained with a short roll of my eyes.

"Heh, sorry." Shrub replied with another awkward laugh, before darting out of the cafe.

As soon as the jingle of the door closing faded away, I sighed, resting my chin in my hands with my elbow on the table.

"Well...I got two and a half hours to spare..." I muttered to myself, twirling the straw of my coffee.

I couldn't help but wonder if there was something more I could be doing with my life...




"Aeor and Arbusculae have now arrived on the scene to take on Exor and Teopixki. These well-known heroes have appeared out of nowhere and have thrown themselves into the chaos. What will happen next?"





Hope ya like it Pearl :3

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