The Chronicles of Iron

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Iron is a fae who has a mysterious past that only he knows all of. He is a strange being and loves confusing his fellow fairies. What happens when he meets people from different fandoms?

Must I always start an acquaintance with a fight? I thought as I dodged a blow for my head. This is the third time it has happened and I'm starting to see a pattern.

"Hold still you worm!"

"Worm?" I said, feigning surprise, "that's a new one, why did you call me that?"

"Why? Because you-I mean- what?" the guy in front of me stopped attacking momentarily, confused by my question.

"I've been called 'eel' before," I offered, "then block-head, Fire face, moron, idiot, fart face, Dark One and even some that are not appropriate for such young ears. Question," I paused dodging another blow. "Why would they call me 'Dark One'? Is it because of my flames? But I thought I was the only one to see the flames of life. Maybe it is because of my capability for 'dark' actions. Can you believe that I wiped out almost an entire rave just because they annoyed me? I left a few alive, those who didn't bug the heck out of me and then this one guy showed me how to travel from different dimensions I call fandoms. Then-"

"Will you stop talking?" the guy said. "I don't know if you know this but we're supposed to be fighting to the death."

"That might be a problem," I said. We have stopped fighting now and I was blabbing my mouth away. "You see, no one's beaten me in over millennia so-"

"Impossible, no one can live that long," the guy's sword hung limping at his side, nearly forgotten. His eyes filled with fear, his mouth hung open.

"I can tell you things no one knows about the foundation of Rome," I said ominously. "I can show you the real cause of the fires at Nero's palace." I held up my hand as it burst into flames.

The guy I had been fighting stepped back nervously but kept a tight hold on his weapon.

I took a step forward, just to see what he would do.

Without hesitation, the little rouge spun around and ran off. I laughed diabolically from inside the alley we were fighting in. Once he was out of ear shot, I suddenly went quiet. My time in this world has been shot and I've already made a friend.

I looked at my watch. A new record, I've only been here for five minutes.

Now whistling, I stuffed my hands in my pockets and made my way out of the alley and down the street. I slowly walked down the street, carefully avoiding the puddles that were in my way. I walked for what seemed like hours, which was almost pointless, since I had wings and could have flown but somehow I made it to a forest. I did not think that there would be a forest in a so obviously populated area; it was just smack in the middle of the city.

I kept walking until I met a couple having a picnic. The strange thing was- I could see them.

Now, you have to know something about me that is different from anyone else. I can see people that have magic in them or people that have magic potential. Both of the people I saw had that. I see the flames of life in people and depending on how much magic they have, the brighter they glow. Everyone had a different color. Mine were black, the blackest out there that I have seen. The only problem in this is that I cannot see anyone that does not have magic in them. So most mortals...I don't know they are there until I hear them or smell them, depending on what type of person.

"Excuse me," I said as politely as I could. "You guys are glowing did you know that?"

"Which ones?" the guy on the right asked.

"There are more of you?" I asked. "I only see two-wait. Yes, I see one more, but this flame is very faint."

"Huh?" the guy asked, I had obviously confused him.

"Sir, what are you talking about?" the second flame asked, I could see her and the guy both reach for something in their pockets, probably a weapon of sorts.

"Sir?" I asked, stunned. "That is not a word most associate with me. I'm talking about the flames of life. Both of yours are very bright. You will do much in this world."

"Will?" the guy asked, he almost sounded bitter.

"Oh, I see," I said, nodding. "You already have. Great! What did you do?"

"Oh, nothing," the guy said sarcastically, "just take down my evil grandparents."

"Really?" I said. I sat down, making myself comfortable. However, I think I stepped on someone's foot when I did that. "Sorry, didn't see you there."

"I'm right in front of you," it was a guy's voice, judging from the sound of it, he was older than the guy with the flame.

"Yeah, I can only see people with the brighter flames," I said apologetically, "Anything less and I'm blind to it. Kind of happens when you are nearly all powerful."

"Your coat is ripped," the girl said.

"What?" I asked. This momentarily surprised me; normally I am the one to say random things.

"Sorry, I have ADHD, I notice things that seem random," she said, "but your coat is ripped. It seems it got cut with something."

"Where?" I asked, looking down.

"Right on your shoulder-"

"I see it," I growled. "Curse that punk to the very pits of Tartarus! This is my favorite coat!"

The two flames I was talking to, visibly shuddered when I said Tartarus. "Careful what you curse on, dude, that guy really hates us," the guy said.

"Oh, is that you guys?" I asked, looking up from my coat. "Dude! He's still ranting about you two down there. Yeah, he said something about you escaping his pit and how he is going to send some guy named Minotaur after you."

"You were down there?" the girl demanded. She sounded surprised. "No demigod would dare go down there willingly. Except for Percy, he's the exception to almost every rule."

"Yeah," I confirmed with a nod of my head. "That place isn't so bad, I mean, once you get used to the air and the fact that there is an awesome river of fire down there."

"So who gave you that rip?" the faint light asked. It was a kindly woman, if her voice was anything to go by. "Annabeth could fix it up for you; she is really good with that sort of thing."

"Sure," Annabeth said, getting up from her seat. "I always carry around a sewing kit just in case Seaweed brain here rips his pants. It's happened before."

"Hey!" the newly dubbed Seaweed brain said.

"It is okay, happens to the best of us," I said happily as the Annabeth girl started sewing up my coat. "It was some dude that has a bright flame but not as bright as yours," I gestured to Seaweed brain. Now that she was away from her, I could see that Seaweed brain was so bright that he actually shared the light with Annabeth. "He was fighting with a sword and I almost pitied him, he was that bad."

"Did you happen to catch his name?" the flameless guy asked.

"No, but he did call me a 'worm'," I said.

"Oh, you met Bryson Josephson," Percy said, happily. "He is a son of Ares."

"They still kicking?" I asked. "I would have thought they died off a long time ago."

"Nope, they're still here, Mount Olympus is right above the Empire State building," Annabeth said.

"Oh, well then, would you mind coming with me to see them?" I asked, "I haven't seen old Thunder -Pants in a long time."

"Thunder-Pants?" Percy laughed, "Oh, that's great! I'll have to use that someday."

"I've got a bunch more where that came from, kid," I said, smiling. "Who's your parent?"

"Athena," Annabeth said from next to me.

"Poseidon," Seaweed brain answered.

"No wonder your flame is so bright," I said, "The only one more powerful than him is Hestia."

🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊

We made our way through the crowd with Seaweed brain leading me since more than half the population here was mortal and non-magic affiliated. There was surprisingly more than I expected though and I suspected they were from a different pantheon since Annabeth did not know what I was talking about when I asked her.

Fortunately we did not have to go very far to reach the Empire State Building. The guy at the desk was very cooperative, which I found was nice since Seaweed brain asked for a key to the 600th floor in a building that had no where near as many floors. After-you know- Annabeth held a knife to his neck.

"I like you," I muttered as we got into the elevator. "Knives always get the best results."

"It does with him," Seaweed brain sighed as the elevator jolted up and the cheesy music started playin. "That guy still doesn't recognize me even after all the times I've had to go up to Olympus."

"Oh, get over yourself, Percy," Annabeth teased.

"For all the sakes of my flames," I growled suddenly. I had finally gotten enough of the music. I raised my fist and set it on fire. "Apollo if you don't change the music right now I'm going to burn your favorite lyre and your hair."

Almost immediately the music stopped and the elevator was blessed with golden silence.

In the next moment the elevator doors opened and Seaweed brain and Annabeth stepped out with me following very closely. Olympus looked very different than when I last visited and I would hate to get lost.

"Annabeth redesigned Olympus after its last attack," Seaweed brain said proudly. "Even Zeus agrees that it was a vast improvement."

"It is," I nodded in agreement as Annabeth blushed a very light pink and whacked her boyfriend's arm. "The only thing missing is a big bonfire in the middle of the courtyard. Oh, and some sheep."

"Sheep?" Seaweed brain questioned.

I said nothing as I followed them into the throne room where all the gods were arguing and or playing pranks.

"Perseus Jackson, Annabeth Chase," Zeus said, obviously grateful that someone had come to put a stop to the noise in the room. "What are you doing here and who did you bring with you?"

"This is-"

"I'm hurt, Zeus, I really am," I said, holding my heart as if I'd been shot. "You don't recognize me?"

"Who are you?" Zeus grabbed his master bolt in a threatening manner.

"Now, Zeus," Seaweed brain said scoldingly. "You know what we said about you making assumptions on threats."

"To not to," Zeus grumbled, letting go of his master bolt. Turning back to me, he said, "Who are you?"

"I am truly hurt that you did not recognize me, Thunder pants," I said, smirking. "I thought I had left a lasting impression."

"Oh, not you again," Zeus slumped in his throne. "I thought we got rid of you ages ago."

"You should have known that shoving me through a dimensional portal would not have gotten rid of me for long," I scolded. "You should see my new toys."

"Are you the guy that threatened my lyre and hair about the music earlier?" Apollo asked. "And the guy that blew up Pompeii?"

"I didn't blow up Pompeii," I said. "I woke up because it blew up. I have no idea who set that mountain off."

"Right," Hermes snorted, "and I invented the internet."

Seaweed brain frowned. "Didn't you though?" He asked. "I specifically remember you telling me that you did."

"Shut up, Percy," Hermes grumbled.

"Well, this has been nice," I said, clapping my hands together. "It was nice to see you all, Thunder pants," I nodded to Zeus. "Hestia, always a pleasure. Poseidon, don't let your son let this girl get away, Athena," I turned to her. "Do try not to curse him. I rather like this doofus."

Before anyone could say or do anything, I tapped the wrist band on my arm and stepped through to another dimension. "See ya, Thunder pants!" I called over my shoulder.

- - - - -


Percy looked slyly over to Annabeth then to Zeus. "Thunder-"

"Don't you even think about it Jackson," Zeus thundered over-dramatically. "Or I'll have you for breakfast."

Percy pouted and followed a laughing Annabeth out the door.

"I missed that guy," Ares said happily. "We always had so much fun."

"Thunder pants?" Poseidon laughed. "I almost forgot about that."

"Shut up." Zeus flashed out, leaving a hysterical god of the seas on his throne.

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