Star Wars

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Percy gets pulled somewhere else...again. But this time he knows more than he thinks.

Being transported to a different place was not on Percy's schedule. Definitely not to a different galaxy and planet either. All Percy had been doing was helping Chiron move some things around the attic. Dangerous but nothing as dangerous as a quest. He remembered picking up a small, metal, cylindrical thing curiously, having no idea what it was. It was plain, having nothing on it but a small round button. He looked at it in both ends and saw the button. He did not expect it to do anything and especially not shoot out lasers. Then, the next thing he knew, wind rushed up and around him, moving his clothes and hair chaotically.

"What the Hades is going on?" Percy exclaimed before the laser thing in his hand turned off and was yanked out of his hand. It flew around Percy once then came around his head in the back, knocking him unconscious.

Percy woke up once as he was traveling through the darkness but it was so dark he thought he was still asleep. All he could feel was wind rushing against his face and a voice trying to tell him something. The only things he could make out were the words, "" Whatever that meant.

Then he was unconscious again.

The next time Percy woke up, he was lying on something soft. While that may have been nice in other circumstances, it wasn't now because it was scalding and the air itself was so hot, it was burning him to a crisp. Percy groaned and turned over to his side. However he landed, it hurt. He tried sitting up and made it half way up before falling down again, clutching his ribs.

"What," he panted heavily, "in Hades happened?"

"That's what I'd like to know," a voice said above him.

Percy looked up from his spot on the ground and yelped in surprise when he saw who it was-or rather what it was. He scrambled away hurriedly but before he could go very far, he winced and held his side again. "Probably broke some ribs," he muttered, feeling his ribs more gently. Now he cursed himself for not getting any ambrosia before he left his cabin. He knew some of the objects in the attic were dangerous. He just thought he'd still be at camp if he got injured in any way. Not...where ever this was.

"Whatever fall you had, I'm surprised you're not dead," the person said. He was flying with some bug like wings and he had tusks. The color of his skin was a deep green and he reminded Percy of someone but he couldn't place his finger on it.

"I get that a lot," Percy muttered, standing up slowly so as not to hurt his side anymore. "Do you have any water?"

"Here," the weird creature said, handing him a canteen. "My name is Radnug, who's your owner, boy?"

Percy frowned. "Owner?" he questioned. "Where am I? Last I checked slavery was illegal."

Radnug threw back his head and laughed. "That's a good one boy," he said. "Now if you don't have an owner, you'd best come with me."

Percy stared at the canteen in his hand, confusion clouding his mind, not even noticing that the pain in his ribs had dissipated after he drank. Some how he felt that following this weird creature through the desert on...where was he?

He looked around him and saw almost endless sand. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon was in a desert. Sure it wasn't the first time but at least the last one had bushes or rocks. This one had sand and sand and...oh yeah, sand. He tried for more water, suddenly feeling very dried out but he couldn't sense very much in the air around him and he knew this was Radnug's only canteen.

Percy shook his head to get focused again. While he felt that following Radnug was a bad idea, he knew staying here was even worse. However, seeing as he had no other option, he ran to catch up to the already far away Radnug.

"No, Radnug," Percy said, not bothering to look up from the weird lizard he was skinning. Both he and Radnug had realized that Percy was horrible at mechanics but he was excellent at hunting, something he did not know.

"You need to, boy, otherwise someone else will take you and not everyone is as soft as I," Radnug said in his accent. He was holding out a scary looking pointy object that looked suspiciously like a needle.

"That is not going inside my body just so I can blow up when I go home," Percy said, looking up at his friend now. "I am not staying here forever, Radnug, I need to get home."

"Right," Radnug said, throwing the object in his hands down on the table, "your girlfriend is waiting."

"She's real, Radnug, why don't you believe me?" Percy said with a smile.

"Because nobody is as perfect as you described this Annabeth," Radnug said, laughing.

"Bet," Percy replied with a challenging smile. He had learned that his friend had an unhealthy addiction to gambling and sometimes just couldn't resist.

"How does one bet on that sort of thing?" Radnug questioned with a laugh. "Your girlfriend is on Earth, if she's even real."

Percy shrugged, going back to working on the meat in front of him to hide his pained expression. "I don't know, Mr. Gambling Expert," he said in a faux joking tone, "you tell me."

Percy missed Annabeth. He missed her and it's only been a day, maybe less. It had to be illegal to take Percy away from his family anymore. All these quests that the Fates seem to love giving him were getting in the way of his more or less normal life. At least have Annabeth come with him next time. She'd figure out what they were suppose to do a lot faster than how he's doing to far. As far as Percy knew, he had no way of getting home from here. Where ever here was, he'd yet to figure that out.

"I'm sorry Percy," Radnug said, flying over his shoulder, "that was insensitive of me."

Percy took a moment to calm down then looked up at his friend with a large smile. "No problem, dude, "I am used to this sort of thing happening" he then muttered, "or I should be from all the time it's happened now." Percy missed the shocked look on the alien's face and refocused on dinner. "So what's all the fuss about in the market place? Everyone seems a lot more excited than one would call normal."

"They are getting ready for the pod-racing," Radnug answered, moving to the work table.

Percy almost dropped the knife he was holding. Pod-racing? "What?" He demanded, forgetting about the food. He was almost done anyways.

"Pod-racing," Radnug repeated, "It's a-"

"I know what that is," Percy interrupted, finally the familiarity of the place was starting to make sense. "At least, I think I do. Do the pods float and is the sport really dangerous?"

"How do you know?" His friend questioned, "you live on the other side of the universe."

Percy's heart raced. No way. That would be insane, it's fictional. It was like he was in some sort of fan-fiction crossover or something. "You still haven't told me what planet I'm on."

"Tatooine," Radnug answered promptly but confused as well.

Falling out of his seat seemed such a small thing compared to the enormity of the information Percy had just received. So he didn't think much of his new position on the floor until Radnug shouted.

"Percy the knife!" He exclaimed.

"I'm laying on it," Percy muttered. He could feel the handle of the skinning knife laying uncomfortably under his upper leg. Nothing concerning, he may need to watch how he gets up though.

Radnug gently grabbed the knife from under him, seeing as Percy wasn't going to move anytime soon.

I'm in Star Wars, Percy thought to himself. It's not just the Fates messing with my life but the Force too. Who-or what else could have brought me here?

Star Wars had been Paul's favorite movie series and Percy had seen it before when he was little. Paul had started to get Percy to watch all the episodes and catch up with the rest of the world. His excitement for the show was so contagious, they got Annabeth involved as well. He had just finished Episode II before he went to help Chiron out. He would have been on the fifth one if it weren't for Paul's insistence that he watch them in a specific order. At the moment, all Percy could remember however, was the names of the main planets mentioned and a few main characters.

Before this incident, Percy would have willingly said that the story and characters had grown on him. Not to learn he had practically-almost literally- jumped through the screen by way of who knows what power, he was breathless in anticipation.

"Radnug, I need to go to that pod-race tomorrow," Percy said suddenly, causing the alien to throw the knife into the air in surprise, making it fly all over.

"Why?" He asked once he calmed down.

"There will be people there that may be able to help me find my way home," Percy answered, his heart still racing. So close, he was so close. All he needed was for Radnug to take him tot he race then find the Jedi master and the girl and droid. Then get them to take him with them off this dry planet. Easy peasy lemon squeesy.

Percy mentally snorted. Right. Knowing him it would be, difficult difficult lemon difficult. Qui-gon won't believe him, let alone Padme. Anakin might but not the others. Hopefully the adorableness of Anakin and Percy combined will be enough to convince them.

"Who are you looking for Percy?" Radnug questioned from behind the son of Poseidon.

"A boy named Anakin," Percy answered on the off chance radnug would know him. He couldn't see who he was looking for. Him or the Jedi master. All he saw was some inky snake with spikes yelling out, "Gerald!"

"He's suppose to be -oh, there he is and Qui-gon, Jar-jar and Padme too."

"Why were you looking for Anakin?" Radnug asked, looking in the direction Percy was. Two camel like creatures were carrying Anakin, his mother and Padme into the area. "Watto won't let him race this year, he wreaked the pod-racer last year."

"Anakin made his own," Percy answered a touch smugly. "I bet you he'll win this race."

"No way, Sabulba is going to win, he always wins," Radnug protested in amusement.

All Percy did was turn to the track with a sly smile, making his alien friend nervous.

One race later:

"Yes!" Percy pumped his fists into the air, "I told you he'd win, you shouldn't have bet against him my friend."

Radnug grumbled good naturally as he followed Percy after the Jedi and future padawan. "How did you even know that?"

Percy just smiled as he ran to catch up with Qui-gon and the others, who were on their way back to their ship on the outskirts.

"He's a little too excited for this," Radnug grumbled again as he followed the demigod.

They caught up with the Jedi just as they left town.

"Hey, wait!" Percy yelled, waving his arms around and probably looking like an idiot. "Wait, Qui-gon!"

The camel like alien creatures came to a slow stop and Percy saw Qui-gon turn to give him an inquiring look. Padme looked more disapproving. She was probably still smarting that Qui-gon was right about the race.

"What do you need my friend?" Qui-gon asked kindly.

Percy panted, having run all the way from the arena. He looked behind him to see Radnug back in the town, trying his best to catch up. "I need to go with you," Percy said after he caught his breath.

Just then Radnug caught up with him. "Percy, stop running, you said you didn't need to," he complained.

"I was really excited," Percy defended.

The others must have thought that Percy was a runaway slave because Qui-gon shook his head. "Good-bye young man," he said. "I've freed enough slaves today." He muttered the last part quietly but Percy heard.

"Hey, I'm not a slave, Radnug is just a friend," Percy protested, stopping them once more.

Qui-gon looked to Radnug for confirmation. The alien laughed. "Percy? A slave?" He laughed again. "No, this boy is special. You may want to take him with you."

"How is he special?" Padme asked incredulously.

"I'll have you know Miss Handmaiden," Percy stressed the last word with a smile. "I take offense to that."

"He knew the boy, Anakin was going to win and somehow he knew your names at the arena," Radnug said, laughing at Percy's comment and the girl's reaction to it. "He also says the Force snatched him from his home planet and plopped him here."

Qui-gon was silent, looking at Percy intently. "Very well, climb up," the Jedi finally decided.

"Oh, no thanks, I'll just follow on foot," Percy said, he wasn't sure how he'd be able to take riding that thing as it wasn't a horse.

"Suit yourself," Qui-gon said. "We have quite a ways to go."

"Good-bye, Percy," Radnug said, still laughing. "I hope you see your girlfriend again."

"She is real, Radnug and someday I'm going to prove it to you," Percy said with a smile. "Stop laughing at me Radnug, I'm not delusional."

"It's the effects of the hot sun," Radnug defended.

"Right," Percy shook his head as he followed his new companions. "Take care my friend."

Back at the ship, Obi-wan came out to meet with his master.

"Well, we have all the essential parts we need," Qui-gon started. "This is Percy, he'll be coming with us."

Obi-wan nodded in the newcomer's direction.

"I'm going back. I have some unfinished buisness to attend to."

Obi-wan gave Percy the once over then turned to Qui-gon. "Why do I feel like we've picked up another pathetic life form?"

"Why is everyone insulting me today?" Percy threw up his hands and shook his head.

"It's the boy who's responsible for getting us these parts," Qui-gon said. "Get these hypo-drive generators in store."

"Yes master, it shouldn't take long," Obi-wan said.

"I'm coming, Qui-gon!" Percy said as he went after the retreating Jedi master. "I want to meet C3-PO."

Percy followed on foot back into the town, being unnaturally happy with the knowledge that he was leaving the dessert plant soon. He watched Qui-gon and anakin go inside the house and waited right by the door for a few seconds before going in after him.

"Hello," Percy said, waving at Ms. Skywalker when he came in. He looked around, slightly nervous. "Nice to meet you, my name's Percy." He pointed down the hall in Anakin's room's direction. "Anakin and the droid down that way?"

The woman nodded mutely, probably wondering what another stranger was doing in her home.

"Thanks," he said, going in the direction he indicated. It was strange meeting the boy's mother. Not at all like when he met Luke's mom. From what he understood, Luke Castellan and Anakin Skywalker had similar backstories. The only difference was that Luke was upset with his family-especially his father- not the Jedi Order. That and they were in a different galaxy but that was obvious.

"Who are you?" Anakin asked as Percy appeared in his door way.

"My name is Percy," he answered. "What's yours?"

"I'm Anakin Skywalker," he said proudly. "I'm going to be a Jedi, what about you?"

"I'm trying to get home," Percy said simply with a shrug. "If I have to become a Jedi on the way, why the Hades not? Is this C3-PO?" He walked up to the droid, eyeing him carefully.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Anakin asked.

Percy mentally cursed. He should know better, not to say anything about what you're not suppose to know just yet. He shrugged again, "I don't know."

"Oh, well, it is a pleasure to meet you Master Percy," C3-PO said with a small robotic bow.

Percy smiled as Anakin finished packing and left the room. "You as well 3PO," Percy bowed as well.

As they were walking away, Percy didn't bother going far since he knew Anakin would be having second thoughts. As they waiting for he and his mother to give their final good-byes, Percy turned to Qui-gon, suddenly feeling dried out. "Do you have any water?" He asked.

"I do on the ship," the Jedi said.

Percy sighed, smaking his lips together, feeling his parched skin. "We need to hurry or I'll be like a drying out fish on the grill."

"How long have you been here?" Qui-gon asked.

"About two days."

"You haven't died just yet," Qui-gon said with a smile.

"I've had water," Percy retorted. "My heritage requires for me to have more water than normal or just in contact with it and it seems worse on this desert planet." Percy also didn't want to summon any water particles in case he was seen. That would just attract too many unwanted questions.

(AN: I know I may be exaggerating this but there's a point, I promise.)

The trek back to the space ship was strangely quiet but for Percy asking Anakin for water. Anakin was thinking about his mother and Percy's mind was solely on when he would get water again. That and Annabeth, she never left his thoughts.

Obi-wan had to nearly carry him onto the ship because he could hardly stand.

'What's wrong with him?" Obi-wan asked, almost sagging under the unexpected weight of the boy.

Qui-gon was off fighting Darth maul (not that they know his name or who he was) so Anakin answered. "He's been asking for water," he said worriedly, "I gave him some a while back but he said he would need more fast."

With out another word, Obi-wan lifted Percy onto a bed and left to get water. He came back two seconds later with a canteen full of cool water. The Jedi lifted the canteen to PErcy's lips and tilted the long awaited relief into his mouth.

Percy gasped, his lungs finally having the strength to do their jobs. He opened his eyes, not realizing he'd closed them. Looking to his side at Obi-wan he knew he would need more than the small amount he'd gotten.

"What's wrong?" Obi-wan asked, "why is he not responding?"

Qui-gon was back now and looking on in concern. Poor Anakin looked just about ready to give up and Padme was looking desperate. Then something caught Percy's eye and he reached out with his powers, keeping them secret having left his mind.

"Move," Percy rasped. He wanted a clear shot since he didn't have enought strength for anything else.

They didn't understand what he wanted but moved away from him. Still, it was enought to give him a clear shot for the water tank on the other side of the room.

Percy felt the familiar pain in his gut and heard the glass pop in several places in response to his summons. The water came shooting directly at him, soaking him and the bedsheets since he willed himself to get wet. No need to reveal more than necessary.

"Man, that felt good," he groaned as he sat up, completely fine now. "It's been a while since I've been completely surrounded by water."

"Percy?" Obi-wan started, staring at him in shock. Percy felt honored. It took a lot to surprise that guy. "What was that?"

"Not the Force, if that's what you're thinking," Percy smiled, "although that would be awesome."

"If not the Force, then what was it?" Qui-gon asked.

Percy grimaced. He would need to think fast, the Jedi don't believe in gods and he wasn't sure how it would be received. "Well," he started, rubbing the back of his neck, "you see, where I'm from, there are a bunch of kids like me with different abilities or in control over one thing in nature. For me it's water. I am the only one I know of so far except for Tyson but he's a special case. Others have control over lightning, dreams, they can fly, raise the dead in a way-again, there's only one of those people and he's my cousin. His half-sister can control gems or precious metal. My girlfriend is smart and always wants to learn more or improve what she sees."

"How is that not the Force?" Qui-gon questioned.

"Because the Force is not real where I am from," Percy sighed, giving up on the whole 'don't tell them anything' thing. It's not like they're going to tell anyone on Earth. "The beings that control the world-or universe- are physical beings. Most people think they're myths while their kids-" Percy pointed to himself "-know better. Or most of them anyways. I'm a demigod, half human-"

"-Half god," Qui-gon finished.

Percy nodded. "The Force is more of a made up dream from a guy named George Lucas," Percy said, "the Jedi too."

(AN: little thing only the author and the readers will know; George Lucas is really a 'demigod' that visited this universe and brought back the light saber that transported Percy to this universe)

Obi-wan took that hard, he'd grownup with the Force. Anakin and Padme looked intrigued, as if they wanted to know more of the strange world Percy was from. Qui-gon however, having more experience didn't look to be dismissing it right away.

They had decided to wait to finish the conversation later at the Jedi temple so here they were, the four of them standing before the council.

"How did you happen to be here?" Mace Windu asked.

Fortunately, Percy was over the thrill of meeting his favorite Jedi heroes for the first time and was able to answer the question in a somewhat calm tone. "I don't know," Percy said, nervous for an entirely different reason now. What if they couldn't find a way for Percy to get back?

"Much trouble I sense in you, young demigod," you could guess who said that. Yoda.

This set Percy on defense. He never liked how the Jedi frowned on negative feelings. You needed anger, sorrow and even suffering just as much as happiness, joy and peace.

"Worry not," Yoda said firmly. "Find a way to send you home we will."

These words at least, set Percy's mind at ease. If there was anything he trusted them to do it was to do the impossible. "Great, thanks," Percy sighed in a sigh of relief.

Percy started walking out to wait for the council to finish with Anakin but something stopped him. He had a feeling it was the Force and he nearly grinned before he remembered how crucial this point in time was to the start of Anakin Skywalker's trianing.

"Alright, but you need to hide me," Percy muttered. "I know they often sense things they cannot see." He felt a feeling of affirmation and turned back around to hide in the shadows.

The interview went great. Then they got to the part Percy remembered seeing.

"Much fear I sense in you, young Skywalker," Yoda said humming as he did so.

Percy could not take it any longer. He burst out of the shadows. "So what he's scared?" Percy demanded. "He's a kid for Hades' sakes, of course he is!"

"I thought he left," one of the council members muttered.

"I'll have you know that this boy right here impacts thousands of lives in your universe as well as mine," Percy said. "I know you don't want to train him but you have no valid reason. So Zeus' underpants what if he has fear? You need fear to be brave, one with out the other is either recklessness or cowardice. Heck, I was afraid! Still am! Of so many things and so would you if you lived in my world. If you knew what I knew, you'd be terrified."

Percy looked around the council, glaring at each and every one of them. Something he never thought he'd do.

"You speak of things you have no experience on, young one," a random member of the council said.

"Try me," Percy growled, putting a protective arm around Anakin. "I know more about you and the future of this realm than Yoda does. I've had to fight for my life since I was 12. My girlfriend since she was 7. Both of us fell into a pit where things that thrive off the 'Dark side' as you call it live. I've fought two wars in just as many years and lost many loved ones along the way. I would be a fool if I were not scared. Being scared is what keeps me and my family alive. True there is such thing as too much fear but you can teach him to overcome it."

Percy finally finished his rant and knelt down to be at Anakin's eye level. He knew why the Force brought him here now. It was so obvious. 'Learn and save the Jedi Knights,' the words the Force told him when he was floating in nothingness.

"Be afraid and be angry all you want," Percy started. "So long as you remember that love is always strongest." He pulled the soon to be Darth Vader into a hug just as he felt his consciousness slipping. "You'll be a great Jedi someday."

Right in front of all their eyes, Percy faded, becoming one with the Force before being sent back to the time and place he'd left home.

Hope you liked it! I was really excited to write it. :)

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