The Blood Runs Cold

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Title: The Blood Runs Cold 

Characters: Adam, Ty, Quentin, Ian, Jason, Mitch, Jerome, Seto, Sub 

Words: 9229 

"Damn!" The young prince paced in frustration. His life had always been riddled with threats, not just because he was a prince, but who he was the son of. The son of a man who was less than honorable, a man who sold his own citizen's freedom, but what could he do about it. It wasn't his problem. It hardly mattered to him. 

Despite the fact it was never his fault what his father did, there were always many assassination attempts made on his life, too many to count. He has gone through many personal guards, and all have died to save his life. 

He was sick and tired of it, all of them were useless. His guards always died. And now he would need a new guard if the current one perished. 

The young prince was stuck within his chambers, waiting for some news that it was safe. 17 years old and this was the life he lived. Always in danger, always running and hiding and running

There was a knock on the door, a special knock, a secret pattern that signaled the pass of danger. The prince smiled with relief and pulled open the door, his steps faltered. This was not his guard, the one his father hired but he could never remember the name of. 

"Who...who are you!" With a sword by his side the prince unsheathed it and pointed it at the mysterious assailant.

"Is it really so hard to remember me? Young Master, it is good to see you again." The man spoke but the prince remained silent.

After a few moments something about the person before him clicked in his head, and his golden eyes lit up.

"H-How is this so! How is it you aren't dead, this is a miracle!" In front of him was a man he thought died 10 years ago. He recognized the red eyes and the long brown hair, though the scar down the left side of his face that stretched beneath his shirt was new.

"I miraculously lived after I last saw you, you have grown much. You were still just a young boy." He smiled.

"What of the assassins? My guards?" In his head he was already thinking. If Ty never died then he was the only one to live so long, he could use this. His new bodyguard, if the old one died, would be Ty. He was more than capable it would seem by his long life.

"There still seems to be one assassin lurking around, but your guards are all likely dead."

The news didn't faze the prince, he expected that of the incompetent fools that protected him. Ty was studying the prince's face carefully.

"Come in, close the door." And Ty did so. Adam, the prince, hardly recognized him, he wore all black and looked so much more grown. Ty was his first guard, from Adam's birth till his presumed death when he turned 7. Ty was 16 when he last saw him. He always smiled and was always there for Adam.

"You've really grown and changed so much in the years," Ty commented.

Adam grinned and sheathed his sword. He sat in his bed in his chambers, "Naturally, I have to become the next king after my father.

Ty nodded and muttered underneath his breath, "Tell me about the others."


"The other guards that were hired after my death."

"Them?" Adam's expression grew bored, "They hardly matter, they're dead."

"They had lives."

"Of course they did," Adam said, he wasn't dumb, he knew they had lives, he rolled his eyes, "But now they don't. What does it matter, you're here now. You can replace them, you're better than them anyways since you stayed alive. My father will pay you handsomely if you'll be my new guard, though you've technically always been my guard. Since you were presumed dead, and thus never fired, and you never quit, so you're technically still in our services. But those are just minor details," he smiled and relaxed.

"Where is that other assassin anyways?" Adam asked Ty as he stood.

"There's a reason I stayed away...I should've died, I know that. But I didn't, I never understood what forces in the world drove for me to have a second chance, but even so I stayed away," Adam titled his head, Ty probably didn't hear his question.

"I thought, after seeing something as gruesome as that, it would've been better if you thought I was dead. But maybe...." Ty was silent, he wasn't looking at Adam. Out of curiosity Adam walked over to his old friend.

"Ty?" Adam reached out a hand to him.

Ty was as fast as lightning, he's always been so fast. Adam didn't see it coming.

The saddened look on Ty's face, the spear that pierced his abdomen. At first he didn't feel anything and figured nothing actually happened, but then the pain came so suddenly. Adam cried out and wrenched himself away from Ty. And stumbled back as the spear in his stomach continued to let the blood flow. He stumbled and tripped onto the floor and clutched the spear.

"Why!" Tears were brimming, not due to this betrayal, but because the pain was so unbearable.

Ty walked over slowly and crouched by the fallen prince.

"When you were born," he placed an arm around Adam and hugged the young man close, "I infiltrated the palace. My mission was to watch over you, so that when the time was right, your worth would be determined. Whether you should be killed, or captured."

Adam found it hard to breathe, his consciousness was fading, he could hardly hear Ty anymore as he spoke.

But he saw something else, light. He felt himself reach out to it, he didn't know if it was his spirit reaching or his actual body. But he reached and felt his fingers grasp that light.


"Good morning your highness," Adam was laying lazily on his bed, with a book in his hands he read through it's pages with boredom clearly on his face. He ignored whoever spoke to him, "My name is Quentin, starting today--"

"You'll be my new guard ya-da, ya-da," Adam finished the man's sentence. He was 16, nearly 17, and used to this routine. He has had countless guards before this one, they all said the same thing.

Quentin was a little stunned but smiled warmly, "Yes," he stood in the doorway of the prince's room unsure of what to do.

"Come in already, there should be a door over there, that is your room. I'm sure you already know that as my personal guard you are required to never leave my side unless circumstances require you to sacrifice your life for mine." Adam's tone was that of someone waving off a nuisance.

"O-Of course, thank you," Quentin nodded and entered the room, in his hand he carried a case, much like those bags that doctors carried. Adam noticed and thought it odd, usually his guards were former assassins, former mercenaries, or even soldiers, someone with experience as a guard. He's never had a doctor as a guard, then again, he did at one point have a man who used an unusual weapon that ran on gunpowder, and another with unusual magical gifts.

Quentin got himself situated in the conjoined room, of course, much smaller than the prince's. Quentin noticed the oddness of this room. There were two mattresses, but one of them was propped against the wall like it hadn't been used in years. There were odd items littered in the room, a shattered and broken staff with crystal gems embedded in it laid out of the way on the floor, a bow and an axe were hung up on the will next to each other, there were also loose chains that were hooked to the wall. There were many more items he could've taken note of, but he decided to unpack instead. He needed to be ready should the prince need his assistance. He was his guard first, and a doctor second.

As odd as it sounded, him a doctor being the guard of royalty, it was true. As a doctor he knew all the weak points of the body, and all the potent poisons. In fact his specialty was the use of poison.

"Hey! Get over here!" The prince's voice called out, Quentin smiled. He enjoyed helping people, and so to have the chance to help a man like this was an opportunity he'd always wanted. He set his bag down, and the vials of medicine and herbs he was holding onto the old desk.

"Yes highness?" Quentin answered before leaving his room and entering the prince's

Adam was sitting up, he looked at Quentin with bored eyes, bored but beautiful golden eyes. A man as young and as good looking as he surely had many possible brides to choose from. It was such an odd thing to think of as he faced the young prince, but surely it was true.

"I thought I should warn you, since this is your first day, you probably won't live very long. So if you value your life I can have you dismissed, I noticed you are a doctor. I figured you aren't much of a fighter."

Quentin was a little taken back by the prince's words, he was so blunt. He recovered quickly and smiled, "Don't worry about me highness, I'm here at your disposal. And, I don't plan to die that quickly," he laughed light-heartedly. He wanted to bring a smile to the young prince's face, he looked so distant from the world, even those beautiful golden eyes of his looked cold.

Adam stared at his laughing guard before returning to his book and lying back down in his bed.

And Adam was right.

"Your highness! We must leave now!" Adam was already fleeing the area, Quentin was there fending off the bandits.

"Kill that brat!"

"Hurry your highness!" Quentin held several daggers in his hands, all tipped with poison. The doctor has been with the prince for only a few months and thhe situation was getting dire.

"Ahhh!" Quentin screamed and stumbled, an arrow had pierced his shoulder, his arm hung limp, the daggers in that arm dropped. He gritted his teeth and fiercely held the daggers in his other hand. He threw one and hit someone's chest. Threw another and landed in the arm, he threw one and missed, "Shit!" He looked to see the prince was still fleeing to their camp. Quentin broke the arrow but left its tip in his shoulder. He hurried after the prince.

"Don't let them escape!" The bandits yelled out to them.

In the distance they could see it, horses, their horses. Adam mounted his horse and looked to see Quentin grabbing the reins of his, he stopped and coughed. Blood splattered in his hand, his eyes widened. The prince looked with mild interest, "Hurry up Quentin."

Quentin did his best to ignore the blood and pain; he pulled himself up. And so they rode on, fleeing from the bandits that gave chase.

Damn! He thought, he felt so stupid. He should've grabbed his bag. But....if he did the bandits might've caught up to them... But.

It seemed they lost the bandits and slowed down their horses.

"Are you alright your highness?" Quentin wheezed, he was doing everything he could to remain conscious. It would take another 2 hours before they made it into a village, and he knew the arrow was poisoned. With all his medical supplies back with the bandits he hand nothing. Nothing to fix this.

"I'm fine."

Quentin smiled, "That's good," his lips trembled and he fell. Fell from his horse to the ground without another word. Adam stopped his horse and looked behind him, his guard Quentin was unmoving from the ground. His neck twisted at an odd angle. Adam dismounted and walked over to his guard, he crouched beside him and stared at his opened and lifeless eyes.

"I told you that you wouldn't live long..."

The prince left with both horses leaving the body their on the road. Someone like him should not touch a corpse, especially the corpse of a useless fool. He would've lived had he listened to him.


He was 13 years old. His father, the king, had called him to his throne room. And so he went.

"Adam," Adam looked up at his father, "This is Ian, he will be your new guard." Adam met the eyes of the older and much taller man, cyan blue eyes to his golden. He was unamused as the man stretched out his hand in greeting and small jingling noises could be heard. Adam returned the gesture, "He is a former assassin and should do well against any future attacks, please show him his room."

"Of course father," Adam bowed and turned away, he expected the man to follow him and he did.

"So you're the prince, it is an honor to meet you." Adam stayed silent as Ian tried to make small talk, "No need to be so down, I may have been an assassin, but I'm a fun guy."

Adam entered his room and pointed to the connected room, "You'll be staying there." And so Ian entered his new little home in the palace. Ian took off his dark coat and revealed a navy undershirt, he had chains running up his arms.

An odd weapon no doubt, but he fought with chains and strangled his victims, quite brutally might he add. He was once an assassin, and he didn't plan to sugar coat his work either. He believed in being honest, even about his life and the things people would normally be less willing to share. When Ian left his room and entered the prince's he notice the prince sitting at his desk writing. Out of curiosity he stood behind him and watched with interest.

"Why are you standing there? I'm doing school work, it isn't all that interesting." Adam muttered.

"Schoolwork? I've never gone to school."

"So what did you do?" Adma set his quill down and looked up at Ian.

"I killed."

Adam pondered for a moment, "You're quite blunt aren't you."

"I believe in being honest and I'm not ashamed of anything I've done, or how brutally it was done," Ian nodded and smiled.

Adam looked at Ian with a bit more interest, "Would you tell me your stories?" Adam watched as Ian's smile grew.

"Sure thing kiddo!" Adam learned a lot from Ian, Ian was one of the longer lasting ones. He lived for a little more than three years in the palace, but just as the ones before him, he eventually met his end too.

"Dammit!" Several cuts littered his body, blood was seeping into one eye making all he could see red. The palace was under attack, the prince was well hidden where no one would find him. The king was not his concern, for he was hired to protect the prince. He would make sure that he would live. It is what he decided to do 3 years ago.

Adam was the only one that listened to his stories and never flinched. No matter how many times he recounted the heads that rolled, and the blood that spilled. The prince was odd, sure, maybe even troubled. But he'd give his life for the kid.

He swung his chains, they wrapped around one head and he pulled down roughly, a sickening crack against the marble floor. He felt the spray of blood. He ran to the next, swung the chains around their neck, grabbed the ends and crossed them. Their eyes bulged, they struggled to breathe they drooled before the sound of their neck snapping could be heard.

Ian heaved heavily, the fight was not over yet. He would fight until his very last breathe, and only then will he be satisfied. This time he would protect someone's life instead. He would protect the young prince. He would--

His feet were pulled out from underneath him, "Your downfall is the barbaric way you fight."

A voice, female, probably. Another person, who like him chose to fight with chains. Ian had no time to cry out as he was pulled and slammed against the wall. He retaliated by casting his own weapon out. He unsteadily stood. It was a battle of survival, a race. He would, no needed to win.

He needed--

Ian fell once more, chains around his neck growing tighter and tighter, he couldn't breathe. His vision was spotty, if he died that woman would find the prince. Adam would perish. He ignored his own self, the nearest thing to him was a shield. His last burst of adrenaline was used to swing that shield, it hit the attacker in the face and thus she fell.

Ian too fell due to exhaustion, the chains would not loosen, the blood from his wounds still pooled. Ian would die, because he could not signal that it was safe, so he would be here by himself until he died.

He smiled. It didn't feel like enough time, leave a life of assassination and instead repay the world for what he stole by caring for the life of one boy. It may have only been for three years, nonetheless, he was glad he helped and only hoped that whoever came next would care for the broken boy like he did.

That was all he wanted.

Morning of the next day the castle was cleaned of all the bodies and the mess. But before they removed Ian's body, Adam saw the guard. And his eyes grew a little darker, to him he became yet another guard that died. Another face he would forget, another life used for his own.


"Bang!" The cheerful shout of a young man as the loud ear-splitting noise rang out. He laughed and giggled with joy as he watched the prince's expression.

The young prince rolled his eyes, he was 12 here, "Why do you always mimic the sound of whatever that is every time you fire, it's stupid."

"Well my dear, dear kingly little prince, the answer is quite obvious," the man grinned as he stood in front of the young prince.

"Well, what is it?" Adam was growing impatient with his new guard Jason.

Jason stood tall and puffed out his chest, he twirled his gun on his finger before blowing the barrel and saying, "because it is fun!"

Adam scoffed and jumped off the rock he was sitting on. They were outside in an open training field used for the archers. His new guard was of mysterious origin with an even more mysterious weapon. He called it a gun, a device he said he invented that used gunpowder to fire off metal pellets that pierced the skin.

"This is pointless, you don't take anything seriously, what if someone comes to kill me. I'm going to die in your hands. I'm going to write to my father to get me a new guard--"

Another shot rang out, Adam jumped, "What the heck!"

He glared and Jason pointed. Adam looked to where he pointed, he only saw a tree, "I don't--" Another shot rang out and Adam caught a glimpse of something. His eyes widened.

"I have the best precision around, I could shoot any falling leaves you pointed to me."

Adam was sure he saw a leaf fall and get shredded, "Then shoot that one!" Adam pointed and watched a moment later the leaf get shot. Adam kept pointing out more leaves, trying to find a harder one but each and every time Jason shot it with ease.

Adam was dumbfounded, "That...that's way too cool! How!"

"It's simple," Jason grinned, his bright orange eyes looking at the younger kid, "I'm just that amazing."

Adam frowned and crossed his arms. Jason glanced over at him and smiled before walking over and ruffling the kid's hair, "I'll let you have a go, but I warn you , it isn't easy."

Jason held out the gun to the prince and Adam eagerly took it, "Ok so fir--" a shot rang out, "Holy shit! Whoa! Hold your horses!"

Adam had dropped the gun, the force of the shot had pushed him back and hurt his hands, he had tears in his eyes, "That was stupid! Why did it do that!" Adam demanded.

"Because it runs on explosive power, if you'd let me explain I could spared you any unnecessary pain." Jason rubbed the back of his head and laughed before picking up the gun again, "Do you want--"

"No." Adam was still upset, but he figured that Jason was the expert, he was his guard. There was no reason for him to learn to fight. That was why he had a guard in the first place.

Jason had been through this countless times. He couldn't remember how many people tried to kill Adam. He was just an innocent young boy with a big heart, Jason could tell the boy was scarred by many other bloody losses, but he swore he would not be one of them. A kind and adventurous kid like him need a chance at a happy life. And maybe one day when he became king, and maybe Jason would be by his side, he would watch the kingdom flourish under a truly good hearted man. Who simply wanted to be free.

He never took this job because it paid good, or because the king of this land asked of him, but because of the rumours he heard. The young prince has been targeted since the day he was born, the queen was murdered not long after his birth. The boy has already lost countless guards, it seemed like such a sad life. To watch the people around him die, the stench of death always hanging over him.

Jason wanted to give Adam the chance to live in a time where that would not happen. He would have a lasting friend and a long life. Maybe that friend would be him, maybe not. In this short year he's been the prince's guard it has been the happiest time of his life.

The kid though often quiet, angry, and selfish still had a heart of gold. One that he hoped remained pure and free of any more taint.


"Come on, we have to run faster," Jason had the prince by his hand, dragging him through the castle. This wasn't the home Adam grew up in, more like a summer home. A place for vacation, but Adam was moved here by the king's orders. It was in hopes that this place would be much safer than the palace. But it only took a year for them to be found.

This place was under attack.

"Jason! I can't keep running!" Adam was tripping over his feet trying to keep up with the older male.

"You have to, don't worry, I have a plan."

"There they are! Kill that prince!"

Jason's grip on Adam tightened, they rounded the corner and into a nearby room. Jason kneeled in front of the panicked boy, "Adam, listen to me. I need you to do exactly as I say, do you understand?" Adam nodded, he was doing his best not to cry. Adam held on strongly to words he remembered in the distant past, about how he shouldn't cry and should remain strong.

"Good, if you do everything I say, then we can meet up safely, alright?" Adam nodded.

" you promise you'll make it out? I don't want to lo--"

"I promise Adam, I swear that to you," Jason smiled warmly to the prince, "Now listen, we don't have much time."

Adam stood far away from the castle. He'd run to the very location Jason had told him to run to, the archery field. Here it was far away, he would wait for Jason here. Jason would kill all the people, and then he would be here and then--

There was an explosion. The sky lit up with orange and white and red. Adam's eyes were wide, the smoke rose, the force of the explosion could be felt even from where he was. He was too stunned to move. He was scared. What had happened. Where was Jason? Adam crouched by a tree and hugged himself tightly. He would wait, and wait, Jason would come, he promised. Jason would never break a promise to him.

Then again they all promised him something...

It was nightfall, and still no sign of Jason. Adam couldn't take it, he made the long trek back to the destroyed castle, there were small fires and still so much smoke. The heat could be felt the entire way there. Adam saw broken glass, and rubble, even limbs. But where was Jason?

"Adam? What...what are you doing here, I told you to wait." Adam spun to Jason, he was bloody. He leaned on one leg, cradled one arm, Adam ran to him and hugged him. Jason grimaced but smiled and accepted the hug, "I promised you we would meet--"


Jason never had a chance to finish that sentence. It seemed his trap didn't kill everyone.

Adam took a step back and saw Jason's mouth open mid word, there was no shock, or pain, just a blank expression. And so another one fell.

"Goodbye dear prince," his attacker carried a gun just like Jason, how he did not know. Adam didn't remember what happened next, at least not very well.

He just remembered seeing his attacker dead and Jason's gun in his hand. He only knew that he killed the man, he a 13 year old boy.

Why was his life like this, this was the first time he killed a person, and for what? Revenge?

He was slowly realizing the stupidity of people. They could choose to have a larger chance of living if they stayed away from people like him. Anyone and everyone he knew always died. For what? Because it was their job to protect him, because they were associated with him.

Adam began to believe it was foolish that someone would give their life away like that. But if that is the case, then he would not stop them. He would just use them as they seemed to want to be used.

If they died then that would be their fault, not his. He couldn't care anymore, no, he wouldn't care anymore.

Adam was choosing to change his entire life and he hardly realized the consequences of his decision.

Adam chose to abandon their memories, the memories of the past guards and the memories of the future guards. For no doubt would their be more. The blood that would spill would be on them and not him.

Adam dropped the gun and walked away. His tired legs stumbled over the rubble, he wouldn't look at Jason, not anymore. He broke his promise, he was dead and that was that.


"Quit calling me short!" The young 9 year old huffed and tried to punch the taller male, but he was held back by only one arm.

"Aw, what's the matter brat, you are short," The older male joked and laughed, golden tags hung around his neck, and the other man next to him had animal fur wrapped around his neck.

"And quit calling me a brat! I'm the prince of this kingdom, I could have you killed if you keep saying that."

"But you won't," said the first male.

"I will, I'll call the guards now!"

"Your highness, that isn't very nice," the man with the fur scarves said, he crouched down and placed a hand on the young prince's shoulder. Adam stopped fighting and sniffled, tears were brimming in his eyes.

"But Mitch keeps being mean to me Jerome. Doesn't he know that I'm a prince and he isn't allowed to do that."

Mitch scoffed and Jerome glared at his older brother. He shrugged in response to Jerome's glare and Jerome looked back at Adam, his eyes softened, "He isn't being mean. It's just his way of looking out for you."


"Come now, why don't we go find something to do your highness." Jerome grabbed Adam's hand and lead him down the halls of the palace, Mitch trailed behind lazily. Adam looked up to Jerome with big, round eyes, they were still wet with tears, and when Jerome looked down at Adam and smiled, Adam felt something warm bubble up inside him.

They were in the library. Adam was sitting in a chair too large for him, he couldn't reach the ground with his feet so he resorted to sitting with his legs on the chair. Jerome was searching through the shelves and Mitch was lazily sleeping in another chair.

Adam set the book he was reading down and looked at Jerome across the room.


"Yes your highness?" Jerome looked at Adam, he carried several books in his arms.

"What's it like....having a brother?"

Jerome thought for a moment, he placed his books down on a table, "I've never really thought about it. For me, Mitch has always been there, for as long as I can remember. Maybe that's because he's the older sibling, but still. Having a brother is different for everyone. And if I were to define what a brother is, I would say a brother is someone I can trust with my life and depend on when I need to." Jerome smiled and Adam nodded.

"I wish I had a brother..."

"Idiot, we are already brothers," Adam looked to see Mitch sitting up and running his fingers through his hair.

"But we aren't related, not like you and Jerome," Adam protested.

"Doesn't matter, the moment we stepped in as your guards we became your brothers. You can always depend on us, to never leave you and to always be there when you call. Brother are more than just blood relatives, they're the people you value as family, whether literally or figuratively."

"Fig-ur-uh-tiv-lee?" Adam sounded out the unfamiliar word, and Mitch sighed. He got up and walked over to Adam and ruffled his hair.

"Forget it shortstop."

"Hey! I thought you said we were brothers, you can't call me names then!" Adam huffed and stood on the chair...he was still shorter.

Mitch grinned, "First rule of being brothers, oldest gets to call his younger siblings names. For example," he raised a finger and grinned mischievously, "Fluff-face!"

"Oh! Now it is on!" Jerome threw a book and Mitch ducked behind a chair.

"War~!" Mitch threw a book at Adam who squealed and ducked. The book landed on the back of his chair before falling onto his head. He glared and grabbed one of his books.

He threw it with all his might, there was silence as it landed nowhere close to Mitch.

"Ha! Lame throw bro!"

"No fair! You guys are so much bigger than me!"

"I got you your highness! Jerome to the rescue!" Jerome ran in and swooped Adam into the air and then together they ducked behind Adam's chair. And thus the book wars began.

By the end, the palace library was in shambles. They were scolded fiercely for the mess they made, but the moment they were free they were running down the halls. Adam felt so free, so happy, he wanted these days to go on forever. Adam was hoisted onto Mitch's shoulders and they charged running after Jerome who fled to the prince's room. The moment they made it there Jerome had barricaded the guard's room making it impossible for Mitch and Adam to get in. So they gave up.

"I have a question," Adam spoke up.

"Yeah? Jerome said from inside the guards room.

"Hmm?" Mitch also said.

"If Mitch is older, why is he shorter than Jerome?"

Jerome opened the door with a big grin, "Yeah biggums, why is that? Hmmmm? Hmmmm?"

Mitch turned red, "Don't look at me like that, I am older, you just...grew more... ok!" Mitch huffed, and they all laughed together.

Too bad things never seemed to last for the young prince.

"This looks bad Mitch!" Jerome was carrying Adam on his back. It was the dead of night, why did all the attacks seem to be in the night? Adam's face was burried deep within Jerome's scarves, he was scared. Each and every time these attack happened he was always so scared.

"I know, we just need to keep going until we get the prince to a safe place!" Mitch had his bow ready and Jerome carried an axe. The shadows loomed and made the world so much scarier and darker than it actually was.

They were fleeing through an abandoned village. A trap, they were lured here to this ghost of a town as an ambush on the little prince.

"Jerome, what's going to happen?" The young 12 year old whimpered. This was it, he thought. They would die, just like his other guards. And he was scared. He didn't want that to happen.

"Nothing, you're safe with us."

"Don't worry shortstop, big kids don't cry, alright? You have to be strong," Mitch was the only one that didn't call him prince, or highness, or even Adam. He always insisted that the nicknames were better. Like shortstop, goldy, or ponytail.

Adam nodded then felt Jerome set him down, they appeared to have run to a dead end. In front of them were tall stone walls and behind them their ambushers. "Adam, in here," Jerome ushered Adam to a crack in the wall, Jerome got on his knees and dug, making the hole wider, Mitch guarding him. "Hurry, crawl through."

Adam did as he was told and crawled through to the other side of the wall but he didn't leave. He was trembling as Jerome closed up the hole a little bit. he peeked through from the other side. His side opening up to vast woodlands, this wall acting like a divider from the abandoned village and the forest.

"Where is the prince!"

"Far away from here," Jerome growled.

"This is where you will meet your end," Mitch hissed.

"You would protect the son of a monster like that, you are traitors to the human race!"

"You would do so much to murder an innocent child! He has nothing to do with what the king has done, he is just a boy, if anything we are more human than you!" Jerome roared and charged. With his axe raised high Adam watched as he split skulls and chopped off limb after limb.

It scared him a little, even though he's seen them fight, this felt different. More desperate, closer to that of an animal. Clawing at anything to live.

It was then Adam knew that Jerome was terrified, they were cornered with little chance of survival, and Jerome was going all out.

Mitch had a hard time keeping up with his brother. He shot arrow after arrow but even his supply would not last. He resorted to more physical fighting, hand to hand combat, even using the string of his bow to cut and kill.

"How you holding up fishbreath?" Mitch joked between heavy breaths.

"Better than you!" Jerome winced and held back a cry, a sword had slashed itself across his back, he whipped around to fight his attacker easily killing them with a blow to the head.

Adam held a hand over his mouth. He did everything he could not to scream, not to cry, because Mitch said big kids don't cry. So he wouldn't. He would sit and wait for his brothers to return. He begged they would.

A pained scream echoed in the night, Adam watched a figure fall to the ground. Too many cuts from swords had weakened him.

"Jerome!" Mitch cried out, "No!" Jerome tried to move, tried to get up, his eyes caught Adam's. His arm moved slowly in that direction, like he was reaching for him, reaching for Adam. All Adam could do was sit in agony as he watched Jerome's last breath leave him.

"Damn you! Bastards!" Mitch was in a full rage. Mitch charged and Adam choked.

Mitch was shoved back against the wall. Adam jumped at the sudden noise but stayed silent, Mitch was over the crack making it hard to see what was going on.

"Damn you bastards!" Mitch's voice was strained, "I'll kill you for what you did! I'll kill you!" Adam caught glimpses of Mitch fighting, fighting with all his might. Then Adam heard it, the sound of something whistling. Arrows. They soared through the air and Mitch was impaled by arrows as if he were a pin cushion.

Mitch couldn't move, he wasn't going to make it. He saw Jerome's body, his little brother, his pride and joy. He saw the way his hand reached out, the way his hollow eyes stared. He was slumped against the wall, he longed to reach out to his brother. To hold his hand like when they were younger and Jerome needed him to help him. He longed to live a little longer, to tell Jerome he was sorry for letting him down, to tell Adam he was sorry he failed him.

He couldn't speak, it was so hard to breathe... It hurt. It hurt so much. A tear slipped from the corner or his eyes before the last shaky breath left him.

And Adam, he didn't move. Not for hours, the people who ambushed him couldn't find him, because Mitch was blocking the entrance. But they did not know that. He sat with his back to the wall, even when Mitch's blood oozed through the crack to his side, Adam sat there. He looked to the sky but never let a single tear fall.

Because big kids don't cry, and so he wouldn't. He needed to be strong, and so he would.


"Hello there, my name is Seto," A young man approached the quiet 7 year old boy. The boy didn't answer. Seto carried with him a wooden staff with blue crystals embedded in the staff. With his long flowing robes he crouched down and sat in front of Adam.

Adam glanced up quietly, "I've been told you don't like talking much anymore."

Adam didn't say a word, "Can you at least tell me your name, I'd like to hear your voice."

Seto smiled patiently, but Adam would not answer. This was normal.

Adam didn't want to speak, not anymore. Not after what he saw. This carried on for several weeks, Adam did not know it but Seto had become his guard and caretaker. Seto stayed in the room next to his, he checked up on the prince quite frequently. He cracked little jokes, told short stories and often times just chatted with the prince, even so, Adam would not speak.

It was one day however when Adam was walking around the castle out of boredom that Adam saw him, Seto. It seemed Seto had a faint glow around him, he was floating several inches from the ground. He was in awe, he never noticed that Seto had magic. In fact sorcerers were somewhat rare.

Seto sighed and landed softly, the glow dimmed and he turned and noticed Adam peeking behind a corner. Adam ducked quickly. When he heard nothing he looked back to see Seto was gone, "Looking for something?"

Adam squeaked and jumped. He fell back on his butt when Seto appeared out of nowhere behind him. Seto smiled and chuckled, he held out a hand and Adam cautiously grabbed it. He felt himself being lifted off the ground and his eyes widened in amazement.

"Guess you know my secret, promise not to tell?" Adam nodded, "Good, how about I show you a few tricks?" Adam nodded his head quite violently, and they found themselves in Adam's room. He gasped.

His little body was set gently on the bed and Seto bowed dramatically before twirling his staff and raising it up high. He pointed the staff at Adam who flinched and closed one eye. From the staff a flame appeared and Adam was awed by it's light and subtle warmth. And then Seto would do it again, he showed Adam many little tricks before he told Adam that was enough. He sat down in front of the prince with a strained smile, something Adam didn't notice.

"H-how?" The question was almost too quiet to be heard but Seto was surprised. He did not expect the prince to speak he smiled.

"I was born with the gift. I've known how to cast magic from a very young age."

Adam nodded with awe, "Can me more?" Seto was surprised with how much he was speaking right now. He smiled even more but shook his head.

"I'm a little too tired right now, I'm sorry." Adam nodded as if he understood.

However the next day Seto performed a few more tricks, and a few more the next day. Day by day the number of tricks decreased or lessened in splendor. Seto often seemed tireder each day, but the young prince was wowed by the magic he never noticed and Seto, his caretaker, never let on the strain using magic put on his health.

"Say, would you like to go outside for a bit?" Seto asked Adam one day. Adam nodded.

Adam spoke more, way more. In the two years that Seto has been protecting the young prince, Adam had once more regained his ability to speak freely and be a child.

"Grab my hand," Seto outstretched his hand to Adam who took it. They were instantly teleported outside the castle walls. The clouds hung high in the sky and the sky was such a clear blue. Out here in the open land the young prince was wowed by the sight, a sight of purity and wonder. Something the young child rarely experienced.

But just like all the events that would soon happen in the prince's future, good things never seemed to last.

It came suddenly. For two years the young prince was free from attacks but today was different. It was the start for when the prince's life would be thrust into a constant world of death and threats. He would grow to find assassination attempts seemingly a daily thing, and blood and carnage to be normal.

Adam was just enjoying the outside world, a place he hadn't been to for 2 years due to the growing fear the king had for his son. Though this trip was done in secret behind the king's back.

"Prince!" Adam looked up to see Seto in front of Adam holding his staff out and a shield of magic appeared. Ice projectiles were launched in their direction.

Though sorcerers were rare, they still existed. "Who'd have thought the prince would venture out of the safety of his castle today, how do you do your majesty." Their attacker bowed. Adam was confused by the greeting that represented a polite hello, but the man had just tried to kill him it seemed.

"Stand back!" Seto hissed. Adam was shocked and still processing what happened.

"Seto? Wh-what's--"

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe with my life," Seto interrupted the frightened prince with determination filling his eyes. The mysterious caster of magic in front of them spat with malice.

"Don't you know the king is a murder, violent and cruel. A man who signed away the freedom of his own people, a man who rules with tyranny, a man who's hunted our kind. And yet you would protect the son of a monster?"

Monster? Was a monster?

"The prince is a young boy! A child with no dealings with what his father has done, I shan't live my life in petty vengeance when I can teach the future king kindness and peace. I am his caretaker and guardian, as such you will face me before reaching him!"

Seto launched a flurry of spells all easily dodged by the enemy. Seto erected a barrier around the prince before charging head on towards the attacker, "Don't move Adam, please remain in that barrier!"

Adam trembled while watching the fight. It reminded him of someone, someone who died for him. Someone he abandoned.

Flames poured from Seto's staff, ice rained from the enemy's hands. They were equal it seemed however their attack had an abundance of energy. Something Seto was quickly being depleted of.

"You're magic is strong, but your body is weak, no wonder you grovel at the feet of royalty. You have no pride and choose to hide amongst those that would oppress you!" They spat with fury, Seto flinched and in that time was impaled by shards of ice. He cried out in agony and fell to his knees. His staff clutched tightly in his hand.

The man walked past the dying Seto and stood in front of the barrier protecting Adam. Adam's eyes widened, he glanced at Seto and then at the man before him. Their hands raised above their head, a spear of ice forming in their palms. They brought the full force of their magic down but the shield deflected it.


In the moment Seto rose slowly to his feet. His body shook but he glared fiercely and appeared by Adam's barrier.

"S-Seto?" Adam whimpered. Even Adam, a boy with no magic could feel the immense power radiating from Seto. They power itself was felt for miles actually, even as far as the castle.

Seto was a sorcerer that should never have existed, yet here he was existing. A sorcerer with power stronger than any mortal, stronger than any god, stronger than anything that existed, but the only flaw was his body could not handle the power unless it was sealed away. Thus creating the illusion of a weak sorcerer.

In that moment his eyes burned with the look of passion, he had grown attached to the prince and would let nothing happen to the boy. Like a mother would do anything for their child, Seto would break that seal he was forbidden to break and unleash his wrath for the sake of one boy.

The enemy trembled not yet realizing the danger they were in. The leapt back and launched spell after spell however their magic disintegrated before making contact.

"Close your eyes," Seto said gently to the prince, "I promise this will be over soon. Just count the three. Ok?" Adam nodded.

"Damn you! What are you!" The opposing sorcerer was desperate and threw everything they had but nothing worked. The backed up, taking more steps, faster and quicker they moved, they did not posses the power to teleport. And soon they realized the futility of their actions and began to flee from the ever growing power.

Adam closed his eyes.


The staff in Seto's hands shattered and a ray or blinding light could be seen for miles. Such light alerted the king and military forces were sent immediately to investigate.


Seto's body was already breaking apart to dust. Seto was dying quickly, but he took one last look at the innocent boy beside him. He smiled a motherly smile and held out his arms before him.


A blast of magic erupted from his hands. The trees were vaporized, the land was scorched. Anything for miles was destroyed, the land permanently scarred. And when the prince opened his eyes, Seto was gone and the barrier around him had vanished.

"Set...o? He whimpered but there was no reply.


"No! Please wait!" The prince was 7. This was before he met Seto. A month before Seto would come into his life. The drip that would eventually ripple the surface and be the cause for everything that would go wrong in his life.

The prince was being held back as the carriage fled the scene. And in the fast disappearing distance was the body of a young male. A cut stemming from the left side of his face down his abdomen. The blood was pooling around the young male, only 16 at the time.

His name was Ty, and he was the prince's first and longest lasting guard and friend. At first the male was the one that looked after the prince at a young age. He was the boy that rescued the prince when he was only a baby, at the time Ty was a lowly servant. He was attending to the queen as she rest with her new child in her hands.

However the queen was killed in a fire purposely started and the prince was rescued by that lowly servant who then became in charge of protecting the prince. And so for 7 years the only person besides his father that the prince ever knew was his guard and friend Ty.

It was by chance when the king, the prince and a few guards were escorting them on a business trip. The prince's first experience with foreign affairs. A sudden attack forced them to retreat and return to the kingdom. And the dying form of the prince's longest friend was left behind.

This then spurred the onslaught of guards the prince would have, and the deaths he would witness, and the carnage that would forever live in his mind and alter the course of his life.

And 10 years in the future, would ultimately end in his demise.


The prince's still body rested in the hands of that first and last guard the prince would ever have. His dearest and closest friend that would blame this outcome forever on himself. The lives lost and the prince's ruin were all because of him. At least that is what he truly believed.

Ty with a forlorn look carried the still bleeding body of the prince to his bed. He placed the prince on his bed and closed the prince's eyes. His face was already turning pale.

The prince had long since died even while Ty confessed everything to him. The entire truth, the very reason he returned 10 years later even though he believed he would never be back.

Ty removed his spear from the prince's body and carried it over to the room where all the guards stayed. Truthfully he's visited this room many times to pay his respects to the fallen guards and to place the items that belonged to them here in their memory. He carried his spear there and placed it upon the empty mattress. Here it would stay among the diamond axe, the bow, the shattered wooden staff, the gun, the chains and the vials of medicine.And then Ty removed an item from his pocket and place it on the old desk. A golden amulet with a purple center. He's held onto this for 10 year, back when the young prince entrusted it with him. And here it would live until someone deemed this room full of trash and removed it all. But until then everything could coexist.

"Prince!" Ty exited the room to see and young and inexperienced male. Bright green eyes and a dull green tunic, in his hand was a spear. His eyes landed on Ty who exited the room, "You killed him! Bastard!"

His grip on his weapon tightened the his knuckles turned white from the force.

"Please don't worry you can return home without fear for your life." In front of him was the prince's current guard, a young teen with no experience in fighting and has only been with the prince for barely a week. The boy would've died had Ty not spared him, he was innocent and had nothing to do with the situation. He believed the young teen should live a life away from the danger of this place, otherwise he would've met the same fate soon enough.

He was willing to die for his crime, not the crime for killing the prince however. No. The crime of killing the one person that mattered to him most, the person whose life he ruined. Had he been there in all those other guard's places they would still be alive.

He was the cause for the prince's suffering. If only he had been there in Seto's place, Mitch and Jerome's place, Jason's place, Ian's place, Quentin's place, even Sub's place, and not on the sidelines watching from afar. If only he had seen what had happened to the little prince he once knew, he could've stepped in sooner.

But it was too late, the prince's heart was closed to the world. With each death his guilt grew, and the prince closed himself off from the human world and let the darkness take over his mind and his heart.

That innocent little boy he once knew grew to be callous, selfish, and cold. He cast away everything his guards taught him, kindness, strength, family, freedom, honesty, and selflessness.

All because he was a coward, a man who thought it would be better if he stayed away.

"Damn you!" The young guard who could hardly fight charged with a spear in his hand. Ty did not flinch, did not move, did not even make a sound, he looked death straight in the eyes.

The spear ran clean through him, the hands of the young guard trembled before he let the spear go. He gasped at what he had done, he killed a man. No the man was not yet dead, but soon would be.

Ty hung his head as he struggled to remain standing, he looked at the body of the prince. If you ignored the blood, he almost looked peaceful, like he was sleeping. He prayed the prince would forgive him for ruining his life, he prayed the gods would not judge the prince for how he lived his life, he prayed the prince could find happiness in the afterlife.

He would live only to die again a hundred times if he needed to, just so the prince could be happy. He owed the boy that much for the pain he caused him.

Ty fell to his knees and his breathing grew shallow. He looked up at the frightened guard, smiled before falling to his side and letting his life flow from his body.

And so on this faithful day the life of the prince was finally ended. It was seen as a victory to the suffering people, they succeed in killing the son of a monster. With no heir the king would soon join his son years later.

The people would never realize the path they set the kingdom on, for no one could fill the big shoes the king would leave.

And the blood of the young prince would forever remain cold with the kingdom crumbling around his memory.

No one would remember the young prince as a boy drowning in sorrow and in guilt. No one would remember the young prince as a boy forced to become someone he was never destined to be, cold and selfish and cruel.

All they would see was the cold blood of a monster that ran through his veins and only remember him so.

And so his blood runs cold along the palace grounds, forever staining history in dark times and ruin. 


So, how was it? I hope it was painfully sad, that was the point.

If you were confused at what was going on, here's the short gist:

Adam was the prince of a terrible kingdom, a kingdom ruled by a terrible king. Since the moment he was born people have been trying to kill him, as a way to fight back against the king, and Adam has always lived due to his guards who have protected him.

So the story stars off with 17 year old Adam, a very selfish and cold person, he meets Ty, a man who was once his guard but supposedly died. He did not expect Ty to attack him, but he did, and thus Adam died. But before technically dying, Adam has one of those 'life flashing before their eyes' moments.

You readers get to see Adam's life play backwards, the main events that made Adam who he is. For Adam wasn't always a heartless person, he was once a young an innocent boy with a kind and gentle heart. Of course you see how that changed over time as old guards perished and new guards came.

By the end Adam has long since died, and Ty blames himself for this outcome. When Sub, Adam's current guard, comes and finds Ty, he attacks and ends up killing Ty, and thus the story ends.

:D I think this was cool.

Also, anyone noticed the irony in all the guard's deaths? How all of them died in a way that represented the weapon of their choice?

I really hope you enjoyed, and I'd love to do little AU's of this, because I have plenty ideas of how things could've looked had things been different.

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