When Skies are Grey

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So, I'm excited to share this story with you. I hope you enjoy it! I know so many of you are interested in this, and I'm quite proud of this piece since I feel connected to this on a more emotional level. 


Title: When Skies are Grey

Characters: Can be anyone you want them to be, no names are used and no genders are mentioned either. The only descriptions mentioned is a golden eye color

Words: 5480  


There you were, standing still with your arms outstretched to the world, the slight upturned smile on your lips. Like a ghost that went unnoticed amidst yet apart from the world. The crowd of people you stood among moved around you much like the way a river flows around the rocks lying in it. And then I blinked. You were gone.


I didn't think I'd see you again. Once more like a ghost, a phantom. Walking, standing, waiting. I watched you from the side, I didn't move. I should've moved.

Why didn't I?

It was only for a moment, a man glanced down at his phone; he didn't see you. Once more like a ghost, an otherworldly being who went unnoticed until the moment they strike. Until the wind howled, the doors rattled, the lights flickered. A ghost was never noticed until they made themselves known.

And there you were, standing, waiting, in the middle of the street. And here I was standing, watching, on the side of the road. Why didn't I move? I registered everything that happened, but my feet were glued, I knew what you were doing, but still I stayed.

And for a second, time froze. You glanced at me, your eyes golden like the sun, warm like the sun, shining like the sun. So why?

The truck hit you. The sound was deafening to my ears. And all I did was watch. I should've done something, I could've done something. The screams, the shouts of panic, a frenzy, people jumping out of their cars. The truck driver hopped out in a panic.

'What happened?!' Confusion.

'Someone ran out in front of that truck!' Fear.

'Call an ambulance!' Panic.

The truck ripped through you like paper, the moment was over before it began. Your eyes remained fresh in my mind. Your blood leaving a mark on the world. Why won't I move? Already a large crowd of people surrounded the truck, I couldn't see the shape of your body anymore. Too many people.

The sound of sirens racing down the road before halting by the truck. A team of paramedics, firemen, and police officers set out to find and save you, even though I knew it was too late. Officers forced people back, directed traffic, set the peace back in order, and life moved on. But still I stayed, I moved closer this time.

'Please stand back.'

Their words were empty, I caught a glimpse of you. Limp and bloody fingers, a figure moved and blocked my view. The sound of a body bag being zipped.

'Excuse me, but you must stand back.' They continued to tell me.

'I was there.' It was only a whisper, hardly heard, I spoke a little louder, 'I saw it all.'

'Excuse me?'

'The very moment...all of it, when they walked out, when they were hit, all of it.' Why am I doing something now? It was too late to help wasn't it? You already died, I watched it all. I stood there. Didn't even move to save you. Even though I saw you, knew what you were doing, even up until the moment I never moved. So why now? I couldn't answer that.

Your eyes with the brilliance of the sun still shone on me with a feeling I couldn't get rid of. I wanted to know more about you, who are you? Why did you do it?

I was their witness, I told them everything. The way you walked, the way you looked, the way you glanced over. I felt guilty with every word. I could've. I should've. Why didn't I?

I wanted the officers to blame me, I wanted someone to blame me.

No one would blame me. Even after hours and hours of speaking, relaying all that I saw, all that I knew, they simply told me 'There was nothing you could do.'

Please, tell me I could've, I should've. Please. Tell me something. Something more.

Someone should blame me...


The next morning you were on the news. A fragment of the accident caught on the traffic cams was played. I could see myself. Just a shadow, but there it was. My shadow casted into the frame of the camera, like a phantom. Like you, unmoving as the future unfolded before me in that moment.

The news spoke of me, but they never mentioned my name. Publically released footage of me speaking in the police department, my voice changed, my face blurred. There I was. I told your story.

The way you walked, the way you looked, your golden eyes. Yet no one knew you still. The accident made it impossible to identify you, reports of no identification on you, no wallet, and no phone. Like a ghost. You existed, you were there, but it seemed for only that period of time. Other than that you were no one, nameless, lost.

Who are you?

I wanted to know, I wish I knew. The only information that was mentioned was your likely age, a range of 16-18. Like me, we were about the same age. Funny.

Did you have a family? A sibling, maybe a pet, someone who loved you? I bet they were nice, nice like mine.

I skipped school. Why? Well I wanted to find you. Know more about you, who are you, you with no name, and no identity. Why did you want to die?

I was awake all night, tossing and turning. But I wasn't plagued by monsters or by nightmares, just questions. And those eyes, those golden eyes of yours. A mystery so warm to touch.

And I see you. Right now, why are you here right now?

Walking right past me with the same gait as when you walked across the street. The same golden eyes like the sun, the same warmth, the same light.

Who are you? I'm so confused. A ghost, a phantom, you shouldn't be here.

I should've done something more. Why didn't I do more? You would still be alive right now if I had acted. I wasn't frozen in fear, I just didn't move. And as you continued to walk on by I stood there. I could've. I should've. I will.

I followed you.

And there you were, standing still with your arms outstretched to the world, the slight upturned smile on your lips. Like a ghost that went unnoticed amidst yet apart from the world. The crowd of people you stood among moved around you much like the way a river flows around the rocks lying in them. And then I blinked. You were gone.

You dropped something, I picked it up. Just as the last lights of day vanished over the horizon.

In my hand was a wallet. Your wallet, funny, you didn't have one when you died. I tried to look for you but you were not around. You were gone, just like that.


In the morning of the next day I went out. I never looked at what was inside your wallet, I didn't see a reason too. With your wallet in hand I took it to a nearby police station. This was the station closest to where I found your wallet, and lo and behold there you were. You were already here speaking to an officer, likely about your wallet.

I was a little unsure, what should I do? Obviously I wanted to return your wallet, but what if I was misunderstood as a thief?

It was a little awkward. Here I was standing and shifting as you continued speaking in distress to the officer in front of you. I felt a small urge, I took a step, 'Excuse me.'

You looked towards me, 'Are you looking for your wallet?' You looked a little confused with me so I quickly added 'You dropped it yesterday, but when I tried to look for you, you weren't around.'

I should've turned in the wallet the day I found it, but I wasn't thinking. But now the situation felt weirder. I held out your wallet and you took it, 'I swear I didn't take anything, erm...I'm not sure how to uh--'

'Thank you!' I was a little taken aback, you were so understanding and you didn't seem to look at me with suspicious.

'O-oh, it was...no problem, I should've turned it into the police sooner.'

'Please, don't worry. It's my fault I lost it.'

'Good to see the situation has been handled, don't lose it next time. You may not be so lucky.' I watched you smile in thanks to the officer before leaving. I sighed and left just like you, you were standing there waiting. You looked up as I exited, you smiled. I faltered, you were only a head smaller than me. Perhaps we were close in age.

'Thank you again, please let me repay you, I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't found my wallet.'

I wasn't sure what to say, I opted for a simple response, 'It's fine, no need--'

'Please, just coffee, if that's ok. I don't want to take up your whole day, but I can't just leave without a proper thank you.' I sighed and admitted defeat. There wasn't a real need for this.

'Sure, I guess.' It's not like I did much on a daily basis. You led me down the city streets and stopped at a small and local coffee shop. Simple décor, strong smells, small crowds. Quaint and cute.

'Anything in specific you want?' I glanced at the menu then shrugged.

'I let you pick for me. I'll grab a table I guess.' There was a free table off to the corner looking right out the coffee shop's window. I sat there and moments later you arrived with our coffee. You handed me mine, it was hot so I pushed it aside until it cooled down. You on the other hand immediately drank yours, you hardly flinched.

Your eyes lit up, it was almost blinding. Two suns dancing on your face, all from simple coffee, just coffee, 'So, what's your name stranger?' You asked. I struggled to hold back a laugh, it was funny the way you asked that of a complete stranger. Who are you?

I opened my mouth, I spoke, yet nothing came out. I tilted my head in confusion.

'That's nice! People just call me' you spoke. I heard you. But at the same time I lost the words you said, who are you?

We talked, and talked, and talked, for hours, I had nothing planned anyways. You stood and threw our cups away. 'Thank you again, it was nice to meet you. I hope you have a nice evening.' And then you were gone.

You left me here, confused and wanting more. You were strange, interesting, and your eyes. They were the brightest things I've seen in such a long time. So golden, so warm, so bright. Who are you?

But wait...

This doesn't make sense. Didn't you die? I saw you die, you shouldn't be here. You're dead, a ghost, you don't exist anymore. So just who are you?


It was by chance. It felt like months, it was probably months. I couldn't really tell. Time was nothing it felt like. I couldn't even remember what I ate yesterday. Did I eat?

It was just a small bump. My side against yours, I apologized just as you did too. We paused, we stared and your eyes lit up. Faint marks under your eyes, have you been crying?

"You! Hello there....I... I forgot your name.' you frowned and glanced up at me with an apologetic look.

'No, no, don't worry, I'm terrible with names myself.' There was silence, neither of us knew how to respond.

'It's great to see you,' I said.

'Yeah, I hope you're doing well stranger.' You smiled, I lit up. I remember this feeling, that day at the coffee shop you filled me with a warmth I couldn't believe existed. And then you were gone, and it was so cold. 'Well, have a nice day! Sorry again for bumping into you!'

You turned to leave, I watched you leave. I could've. I should've. I will.

'Wait!' I called out to you, I grabbed hold of your arm, and you stopped. Your eyes widened, 'Are...are you ok?' I asked but I wanted to say let's talk, or something more casual.

Instead I said that. I flinched at my own words. What would you say?

You whispered something, was it my name? I wasn't sure. Your eyes were sad and tears began to well up. Without a moment's hesitation I forced you to follow me. Leading you through the busy city, and we stopped. Stopped in front of a coffee shop. The same shop. I kept coming back hoping to see you, you never did come back. But here we are now.

I made you get a table, you sat there, I grabbed us coffee. And just like the first time only our roles switched, I gave you yours, you pushed it away. And I drank mine without a hesitation.

'Why were you crying?' What am I saying, again I kept saying something stupid right off the bat.

'Oh, it's nothing,' you looked away, it was obvious that is not true, 'I wouldn't want to take up your time.'

'It's fine, you look like you need someone to talk to...and well. Besides being complete strangers, and me dragging you off to a coffee shop. I thought I could still help.'

You looked up at me, took a small sip of coffee. I didn't see that sparkle in your eyes this time. Where did it go?

'Th-thank you but really, it's nothing.'

I sighed, 'I can tell it isn't nothing. And yes I know we are strangers so maybe you don't want to tell me because of that.'

You looked away and my heart broke. You looked so sad, 'You are just like the sun. You're warm, you're bright, and you shine. I don't know you, but I don't need to just to know you are a good person. You wouldn't know, but you just talking to me the day we met helped me a lot when I was feeling down...so at least let me return the favor.' I gave you a patient smile. You looked away.

'My grandfather passed away this morning. I just left the hospital only to find out he passed away moments later.' Your voice started to break and you buried you face in your arms, 'I should've been there. I should've stayed, he was like my father since my dad is always busy working. And now it's just me and my dad.'

'And...and I'm sorry for just bringing this out on a complete stranger. I just wish I was there. He died alone, and I should've' you choked. I wasn't sure how to approach you so I laid a comforting hand on your shoulder. You glanced up at me, sucked in a deep breath, and thanked me.

I kept my hand there as you let out a few more tears and then wiped them all away. We threw our coffees away and stood outside the shop.

'Thank you....and sorry again for taking up your time.'

'Please, I didn't mind at all. In fact, I'd love to hang out again sometime, if you don't mind that is.'

'S-sure' you stuttered, your face flushed and I gave you my number and you gave me yours. We said goodbye and went our separate ways.


And it did happen again. And again, and again, and again.

I skipped school on a regular basis, but you went to school. We met up on the weekends, at the same shop, at the same time, at the same table. Sometimes I would get there first, but most times it was you.

I felt my heart beat faster every time I was near you, or when I talked to you. It's embarrassing to say, but I think I've fallen in love with you, a complete stranger, who is now my one and only closest friend. It didn't seem possible you were a ghost, you couldn't be the person I saw die. That just couldn't be it. No.

You told me more about yourself. About your family, how much you love them, about your school, your dreams. Every word that came from your lips was a melody I could listen to all day. The way your golden eyes lit up with every word, and with every laugh, warmed me and brightened my whole world. You were my light, my warmth, you were everything to me.

And one day it was raining. I wasn't sure if you would come today, but I hurried to the coffee shop anyway with an umbrella overhead.

And there you were, standing, waiting, in front of the shop. And here I was standing, watching, on my way to the shop. You had no umbrella, the rain beat upon you like a never ending torrent of bullets. You were soaked, your eyes were downcast looking at the ground. I watched you, at first a little unsure of what to do.

I then approached you with my umbrella and raised it over you. It took you a few moments before you looked over, a hint of pain and sadness in your eyes before you came to your senses, you flashed a perfect smile and all thoughts as to why you looked so sad were melted from my heart.

How could someone like you look so sad? It did not seem possible. You couldn't be the one I saw die, the one I couldn't save.

'You're going to catch a cold.'

'I know, it's fine. I don't really get sick all that often.'

'Come on, let's get you something warm to drink.' We walked inside the coffee shop, I could see you shiver. I sighed and gave you my sweater, 'At least go into the bathroom and swap your shirt for this, it'll be drier.' You obliged and I ordered for us our usual. Two lattes one with extra milk and one extra hot.

I waited at our usual table for you to come out, our drinks had just been finished. When you came out your pants were still soaking wet but a little color had returned to your cheeks. Even though people stared you didn't seem fazed as you took a seat across from me and grinned excitedly as I gave you your extra hot latte.

'How've you been lately?'

'Fine.' You answered, 'But we have more pressing matters to discuss.'

'Oh?' I felt a goofy grin form, you always liked to pretend our conversations were important, like we were running a business. It was odd, but one of the things about you that I thought was cute.

You shivered and I felt the smile weaken a little. Ghosts don't get cold, this is real. It has to be, someone as wonderful as you wouldn't do something like that. You can't be that person.

You looked at me and I caught the familiar golden glow of your eyes, 'I wanted to' thank you.

What was that? It felt like another voice.

'Thank me...what for?'

So give me the chance to thank you. To thank you for this chance. To thank you for my life, so please.... Don't die! I'm sorry, this is all my fault.

'For being here for me. I've never had a friend like you before.'

What was this feeling? Suddenly it was like I could hear you twice, one right here in the coffee shop, and another in my head.

I could hear crying.


Please don't go.

It was only for a moment, a man glanced down at his phone; he didn't see you. Once more like a ghost, an otherworldly being who went unnoticed until the moment they strike. Until the wind howled, the doors rattled, the lights flickered. A ghost was never noticed until they made themselves known.

And there you were, standing, waiting, in the middle of the street. And here I was standing, watching, on the side of the road. Why didn't I move? I registered everything that happened, but my feet were glued, I knew what you were doing, but still I stayed.

And for a second, time froze. You glanced at me, your eyes golden like the sun, warm like the sun, shining like the sun. You looked at me with recognition, you knew who I was, and yet you smiled, and you waved like everything was ok, like everything was going to be ok. And I was almost fooled.

I could've. I should've. So why?

And it was all a blur. I couldn't remember after that. Who you were, why you mattered so much, or even what happened next. You died, I saw it. The truck hit you, and you were gone. Lights out. Sun set. No more.

And here I am having coffee with your look alike while hearing your voice twice.

This is all my fault.

Were you really a ghost? That was the only explanation right? This you in front of me can't be real, and your voice is haunting me. Or...maybe I'm going crazy.

I think I'm in love with you, but it's becoming harder to understand why.

Please! Just fucking wake up! Let me take your place. I'm sorry, it's my fault for getting involved in your life.

There's something missing. Who are you? I can't remember your name, did I ever know your name. All I see is a world in which I'm haunted by the presence of a ghost who I've come to love so dearly even when a name slips from my grasp.

It should be me lying there! The sound of someone's voice cracking and tears falling. Here I was enjoying coffee with you. My hands felt warm. But not from the coffee in my hand, this was different, where did it come from?

I was suddenly overcome with this feeling that I didn't belong. Even as you drank you coffee in front of me and smiled, and spoke, and laughed. It was getting harder to hear you. It felt like you were slipping away, but I tried to hold onto you, you who shone like the sun even in your rain soaked clothes. I still can't tell, are you real, or are you a ghost?

My hands felt a little warmer, I looked around the coffee shop. The place started to look a little duller. I'm confused.


I could hear a little more, notice a little more. The warmth enveloping my hands was replaced with the slight feeling of being held and spatters of liquid.


I heard faint cries. Are you the ghost?

It seemed the world I was seeing was slipping away, it was getting harder and harder to see you. I became more conscious of another world, but just as quickly as I was realizing it, it felt like it was slipping away. The beeping I could hear had longer and longer periods of delays. Your voice was much quieter, did we know each other?


The warmth of your touch left me and suddenly I was very cold. So very cold. It was so hard to see. I saw your golden eyes. The only thing I could see. Your eyes golden like the sun, warm like the sun, shining like the sun. So bright they were blinding.

Who are you?

Did you really die?


I was alone. I found myself in a dark room with a small sliver of moon light dancing through the window crack. I couldn't yet grasp my surrounding, I felt numb to the world. My eyes were half open, my thoughts completely jumbled, the steady sound of repetitive beeping and the whirring of machines beside offered me something to focus on as I took in my surroundings.

I'm pretty sure I am lying down, but I still feel a little disorientated. I realized that my I was only looking out through one eye, the other felt bandaged. Was I in a hospital? Why was that?

I closed my eyes to relax and tried to think back to how I got here.

Nothing came to mind. I could think of nothing about why I would be here, or why I was all bandaged up, or why it was so hard to remember anything.


I think I fell asleep. When I came to, a small screen TV was playing just above me against the wall. The curtains were drawn halfway around my bed to offer some privacy. Despite the lights of the room already turned on, the windows beside my bed had the curtains open to let in some sunlight. I turned my head to the left slightly and saw the machines that I was hooked up to, the only one I know the function of was the heart monitor.

I'm no doctor, but I could say with a fair amount of certainty that I was likely not in any current danger.

I turned my attention back to the screen, my head hurt from only using one eye, it really puts a strain on my head. It was for only a moment I closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes, I'm not really sure what day it is, or how much time has passed. It seemed that I might've slept for a few hours into the afternoon, but it was just as likely that as sleeping into the next day.

'You're awake.' I turned my head slightly to see a doctor. She had a warm smile, but was very plain in looks, 'How do you feel?' She moved to draw back the curtains that shielded my bed from the view of the hospital halls. There were about four chairs placed against the wall, all of them were piled with flowers and balloons and gifts.

I made a half attempt to shrug, she quietly laughed at me, 'It's a start. I know you must be exhausted and your meds are still in high effect, but do you mind answering a few question so I can understand what you are experience right now?'

I nodded.

'Good. First do you know how you got here?' I shook my head no. She paused for a moment contemplating quietly before writing something down on a clipboard she grabbed from the table.

'Where is my mom, or my dad?'

'They were here earlier in the day, of course you'd already fallen asleep, but don't worry they are overjoyed by your recovery. Your friend stopped by earlier too.'

Friend? I don't have any friends, 'I'm sorry, who are you referring too?'

She opened her mouth to say something then paused. She set down her clipboard and dragged a chair over to my bedside before sitting down. 'You really can't recall anything?' I shook my head no. I don't even know how I ended up here, 'Do you at least remember any names?'

I opened my mouth to say something along the lines of, of course I do, but I realized... That I could hardly remember much, I closed my mouth and shook my head quietly, 'I can't remember any names, some faces are a blur, but for the most part my memory seems good.'

'Do you remember your age?'


'Date of birth?'

'Uh...Jan...no June 3rd... I think.'

'Ok, describe your family.'

'Er..., well my mom works in a corporate building and my father is professor at a college. They've been happily married for as long as I can remember. Which granted my memory is a bit iffy, but still.'

'Good, good,' she gave me a kind smile, 'Can you describe your friends to me?'

I don't have any friends... I don't stick around in school long enough to make any friends. That's just how it is, people don't like me, and I don't like people. 'Sorry, I don't have any friends.'

'Not even the one who visits you frequently, they have golden eyes?' I shook my head.

'No, I don't know them.'

'Are you sure? They seemed to know you and were quite worried about you.' I shrugged, 'If they came by again would you want me to let them in?'

'I guess.'

'Ok then, I think that will be all for today, I'm sure you are still tired and would like some rest.' I watched her leave and sighed. My attention was focused on the TV screen above me. The channel was set to a news channel, but with me straining my one eye I could really focus on looking at it. So I closed my eyes. I didn't think whatever it was is important right now.


I must've fallen asleep again, for suddenly I had this feeling of warmth in my hands. The feeling was comforting, the warmth was welcoming. A face flashed in my mind and there was this overwhelming feeling of joy.

I don't remember everything during this time, I must've been awake, yet also still sleep. Too drowsy to understand what was happening. But there was this feeling of sadness. I think I remember two faces looking over me. The relief in their face, the tears brimming at their eyes, the faces of my parents. They spoke to me, and comforted me, their words were sweet. Just as sweet as loving parents should be, but I was sure that I was disappointed.

I don't know why I felt disappointed.

The feeling was just there.


There was that feeling again. A sudden warmth around my hands. I felt my consciousness returned. The windows were draw closed, the TV was shut off, and only the lights were on.

'M-mom.' my voice croaked, I didn't speak much especially since I mainly slept. I wore less bandages, currently a cloth patch was around my eye. The doctor had told me that my left eye was permanently damaged and sight would be impossible. I suppose if that is currently the worst thing on my list of injuries I got off easy, as she said.

I looked over, this was not my mom. No, it was someone else. Someone I've never seen. They were asleep peacefully in a chair, their head resting on my sheets, their hands wrapped around mine. I was curious, who were they?

They stirred and sat up with a yawn. They looked over towards me and saw I was awake watching them. Our eyes met, my eyes to their golden.

Their eyes lit up with a certain joy, 'You're--you're awake!'


'I know you don't remember me, that's what the doctors say, but that's ok. I...I'm just glad you're ok.'

'Oh...thank you.' It felt weird speaking to a person that I am told I should know, but all I see is a stranger. Like a ghost, their existence haunts my memories, but that's all it is. A haunting feeling of something more, but nothing coming from it.

'L-look, maybe this will help,' they pulled out their phone and dragged their fingers across their screen, they showed me the screen. Photos, with me and them. We were together, we seemed happy... I looked to the face of the person sitting by me. They searched through my face, like they were hoping for something. Some form of recognition.

There wasn't any, but they didn't lose hope. They sat with me showing me pictures, telling me stories. But nothing came back to me. I could see the hint of sadness in their eyes and honestly felt bad.

'Do you remember when...when I told you my grandfather died? No, you probably don't, but you told me something that made me realize I could trust you. You told me that I was like the sun. I was warm, I was bright, and that I shined. You said that even though you didn't know me, you didn't need to just to know I was good.'

Ah yes. The sun, something like that felt familiar. A small ghost of a memory, something dancing at the back of my head. An image of tears, the longing for the sun. But no. I don't remember you.

I shook my head regretfully, 'I'm sorry. You don't ring any bells. I'm sorry.'

It was that look on their face that told me. They were gone, and whoever they were, they would not come back. I'm sorry I don't remember, I really am sorry, but there is nothing about you that seems to be memorable.

My world was a little darker when they left, I think I remember grey clouds passing over the sun and staying there for the remainder of the day. I'm not sure why. I felt bad, because I knew they would not be back...

I could've done more. Maybe I should've done more. So why didn't I?


Well, how was that? 

Are you confused of what happened and the order of events? I can explain. (if I explain I'll just use Ty and Adam as the characters to make it easier)

Personally when writing this I imagined Sky and Ty as the 'I' and 'You', but I had friends who imagined other people. It really is your own preference and kind of interesting. Go ahead and comment down who you imagined, whether they're real, or made up, whether they have genders or names. I'd love to know out of curiousity, since who we all imagine will be different. 

Also, to those who are interested, this goes deeper into the purpose this story serves.

So first, I want to ask did you notice any reoccuring words, sections or phrases, anything special about the title, was the last part odd in the pronouns used to describe the golden eyed person, any connection to the title and the last part? There is so much little things I included, and if you are interested and knowing what they are I'd be glad to share, since I put a lot of effort into this short story. 

I want to start writing stories and short stories that have meaning, a bigger purpose. You learn about this kind of thing a lot in high school, at least where I go to high school we read lots of books and analyze them. Currently reading East of Eden. (which is really good and contains a lot of religious allusions which I may not fully understand since I'm not religious, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good book with a good story, good characters and deep meaning.)

Again, if you want to know the purpose of this, please tell me and I may write up my own little explanation later. :D

(Also if you can figure out the significance of the title it may just make the story sadder, I told a friend at school and she was like nooo that makes it so much sadder XD)


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