New Friends - Phantom(OC) X M. Jesse/James Part 1

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Sorry not sorry.

Phantom POV:
Today I help build a town with my friend, Jesse. She offered to help, and I need all the help I can get. We're supposed to build a entire city just the two of us. We used the portals to go to a blank world, to build this city. I guess the new order is letting people who have no homes or don't know how to build them go to this new city. "Hey Jesse, where are we going to put the bakery?" I asked. "Across the street from the armory." She replied. "Hey, I gotta leave this world for awhile, so I'm gonna be gone for awhile." "Well I guess, this will slow down the process now." I answered. "Thanks Phantom, I gotta go NOW. Bye!" Then she ran to the portal with her important stuff and left. "WHA?!" Great. Now I have to try to do this by myself.
//Two weeks later//
I was building the Library, it was getting late, so I decided to do myself a favor and go to bed which I haven't done in 6 days. I bounced on my bed, and fell asleep. I woke up, and it was about 10 o'clock in the morning, and when I opened my eyes, a sword was to my neck, and at the end of the sword was a guy that looked like he was 18. "Who the hell are you?!" He yelled at me. I.... hate...... when people are like that to me! Next thing I know, I scratched him, and pushed him out of my little dirt hut. It left a big hole in my house. I regretted what I did, and yelled to him," Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I ran to him, and saw his cheek was bleeding, and I was going take him back to my dirt hut, but it was 100 over blocks, but the small doctors appointment building, which was closer than my hut. I picked him up bridal style, and ran to the Doctors building.
James POV:
Once I got blown out of the girls house, I met the dirt, and realized I was bleeding all over. "Owww..." I mumbled. I was ready to pass out until I felt someone pick me up. I thought it was angels carrying me to heaven, but it was the same girl. I wanted to punch her across the face for what she did. I looked up at her fading face and saw animal ears on her head! Is that even possible?! I passed out while she was still carrying me.
Phantom POV:
I finally got to the Doctors place, carrying this Boy, which was pretty cute. But what if he had a girlfriend, that would be terrible! That's like if I stole Romero from Juliet! I never been in a relationship before, so I don't know what it's like. His as light as a feather so it was easy to lay him down. I was as careful as a mother bird with her egg. "There you go, now I need to get you a potion and some sugarcane, to make paper, so I can help his wounds." I calmly said while I got my supplies. "Uhhhhhhh........." A boy moaned. "Oh your awake. Good. Can you please show me your wounds, maybe where it's bleeding?" I asked. "Sure." He quickly replied. He showed me where the spots of bends of blood came out of the areas. "Owww... it burns! Grrrrr..." He whined. Once I got all of them out I said," There done! Now do you need-" I cut myself when I saw his spots of red on his white thin long sleeve shirt, with his red suspenders.

"Your bleeding, there! There! And there too!" I pointed to the red spots from his blood. "I'm fine. Thank you though. Now I'll be goin- " I cut him off. "No, I promised to help you now I'm going to do it." "Fine." He replied. I went to go get more supplies, because it looked like a lot of blood was on his shirt. When I came back, he had his suspenders on the sides of his legs, and his shirt off. I blushed A LOT. "Umm, so lay down to let me help you." I told. He laid on his back, and I looked at the spots, where the dry blood was, and was ready to wipe it. "This will burn. Ok?" I scaredly asked. He nodded in return. I wiped the spots of blood and he yelled, " AGGGGHHHH!!! IT HURTS SO BAD!!!" As I saw a bigger spot of blood, I wiped it and he pulled the collar of my shirt, and put my close to my face. Once he opened his eyes, he started blushing mad, and so did I. "Uh.... I'm sorry it's a mad reaction. I had this sister once that got bullied a lot and I always did that to scare the bully away." He explained. "Awwwwww  you really loved your sister it sounded." I started to clean his wounds again. "And sorry about during this to you. Just you were someone I didn't know." I said while he blushed at me. "Well maybe we should be friends?" He said while he put out his hand for me to shake. "Friends." I replied and shaking his hand.
Yay! Got this done! Hoped you liked my first oneshot! And remember requests ARE OPEN.
Bye! Bye!

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