The Potion- Tammy X Reuben H.

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Jesse POV:
"Okay Reuben I want you to be good for Tammy ok?" I told Reuben. He nodded back me. Knock! Knock! Knock! Went the door. I ran to the door, to see Tammy. I opened the door and said, "Hey Tammy! Come in!" "And Jesse I forgot to ask you why you were leaving?" "In going out on a date with Lukas. Now Reuben's food is in the kitchen next to the cabinet. I have to go, bye!" I instructed her. "Ok! Bye Jesse have a good time!" Tammy said before I closed the door.
Tammy's POV:
Ok so what should I do? I'm babysitting a pig, and he is VERY important to her, but his not like a kid where you could play a board game with him or something. "Hey Reuben! What do you want to do?" He jumped in the air and ran into Jesse's room. "Reuben wait! Are we supposed to be in here?" I quietly whispered. He ran to her bathroom, and grabbed something from her trash. It was a.... pregnancy test?! "Reuben.... are you saying Jesse's pregnant?!" I yelled and he nodded. Since he couldn't talk, I ran to my purse and grabbed a book and quill to see if he could write good enough for me to read. "Here." I said as I tossed the book and the quill over to him. "How long Jesse been pregnant?" I asked him. He started writing, and I looked over his pig shoulder and saw that it said 4 months. "Hey Reuben I'm a little thirsty, I'm going to run and go get some water you want some?" He nodded as I ran to the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water. "Tammy!!" A young man's voices yelled my name. I looked to around to see who was there, and there was no one. I walked back to Jesse's room, to see Reuben gone. "Reuben?! Where are you buddy?! Come here boy! Please?! Jesse's going to hate me!" I yelled then started to cry. I got down on my knees and cried in my hands. "Tammy?" The young man's voice echoed through my ears. I looked up to see a pinked haired boy with some boxers on, looking a little bit scared. "Who are you..?" I asked. He reached out his hand, waiting for me to grab his. "It's me. Reuben." I looked at him with shock. "WHA-? How??" I asked. "Well while you weren't in the room, I bumped into something and a potion fell on top of me." He explained. "Um... if you don't mind he asking though, can you help me find clothes?" He asked. "Uh... sure but I don't know what Jesse has for you to wear so.. maybe we can take a quick trip to my house?" I questioned unsurely. "I'm ok if that's fine with you then it's fine with me." He responded. We walked out of Jesse's room and went to the front door. I opened the door, and Reuben stepped back. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Well, its cold outside, and I don't want to freeze till death." He said. "Well when you were a pig, you were fine with the cold." "But I'm a human now. And I had a little bit of fur on me." "Fine." I said then went to Jesse's bed and grabbed a blanket. I wrapped it round Reuben. I accidentally touched his four pack, making us blush. "Ummm... I'm sorry... I mean to...." I said fast. "It's ok it was just a accident. Cmon we got to go to your place right?" "Yea let's go." I replied.
//Time Skip in the Car//
We were driving in my car until.....
"Stooooooooooop!" Yelled Reuben. I slammed on my breaks jerking my head. I heard the car door open, as I saw Reuben in front of the car, scooping up something in his blanket. He returned back to his seat, cuddling a babay pig in his arms. I pulled over to the side of the road. The baby pig looked as still as iron, I thought the baby was dead. "Reuben... is it...-" I got cut off by him Reuben having tears in his eyes, "No... he can't be.... I won't let this happen!!!" He started to rub the baby to warm him up, but nothing moved. This is like trying to warm up a butterfly. "Reuben I'm sorry but...." I was interrupted by Reuben. "Wait, wait, wait, feel that?" He put my hand on the baby pigs lifeless body. A little  nudge came from pigs body which meant he was alive! Reuben lit up like a firework on the Fourth of July. "You did it Reuben! You saved his life! Now it's like your his father.." I whispered the last part to myself. "And you'll be his mother..." Reuben blushed after. I blushed to probably looking like a tomato. "Lets go to my house before Jesse comes back." I suggested.
//Time skip at Tam Tam's house//
Once we got into my house, my dogs ran to Reuben confused. "Cmon lets go to my room." I said as he nodded back. We went to my closet found something that I think Reuben will like. "Hey Reuben want my old pink sweater? I don't wear it anymore, so you could have it." I said handing the pink sweater to him. He slipped it over his head and onto his chest. "Um it's a little tight but I'm fine other wise." He explained looking like a elephant wearing a penguins clothes. "Here let me help." I helped him stretch it out but I didn't notice that our faces were inches away. We looked like a tomato, that's fresh picked. "H-how about now?" I asked. "It's still a little tight, but it fits way better. Thanks Tammy for helping me. And if you don't mind can I have some pants?" He asked back to me and I nodded. "Yea. I just bought these, but there too big for me. Here take it." I handed the jeans to him. "Thanks Tammy. Your the best." After he gave me a hug. I quickly hugged him back a little to hard because after he gasped for air. "Sorry." I said as I looked down. "It's ok. Let's just get to Jesse's house before she notices." He suggested. "Yea let's go." I replied.
//Later at Jesse's house//
Jesse POV:
Me and Lukas come home from our long day. I slowly opened the door, to see most off the lights out except the TV. I peeked around the corner to see Tammy, with a pinked hair boy, which I'm guessing was..... Reuben?! They were snuggled together, with a baby pig in their arms. "Awww... there so cute. Should we wake them and tell them?" Lukas whispered. "Nah. Besides there so cute together." I started to fangirl.

The next oneshot is going to be about Jesse's and Lukas' date. I will still have requests open tho. Well hope you enjoyed! This took awhile to make since there are over 1000 words ON THIS NOT COUNTING MY NOTE. And hope you like it TheKawwiGirl255 !!

Bye! Bye!

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