Amarendra Devsena Shot 2..

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Love happens and it is not something which would last for a while in your life.Amarendra Bahubali was going through the same trauma.He was in love but in denial.The beautiful bold Princess of Kuntala has snatched his heart.

Devsena was sitting lost in her thoughts.The helpers giggled around her busy getting her ready with the special attire and jewels Rajmata Shivgami have sent for her.She was unaware if there were more rituals.Been a while they got married and since then she has been fulfilling the duties of a daughter in law and was wisely and lovably accepted by people of Maahishmati.She was yet to know them.

There was another person whom she started knowing lately.And now wants to know more.Her husband God of Maahishmati their Baahubali.The name itself held such strength and importance.When she gets to hear the praises from people and how humble he is her heart swells with pride learning that she could be of such an aura that she was chosen as his wife.

The distance was there.Not fully but from both ends they have been trying to work this relationship.After the first night respect for him and now Devsena admires him.Maybe they started off being friends to some extent.Showing her around his place and the corner and ends of the palace.His plans for future of Maahismati and the unending love for them.She does not feel new to this place anymore.She always dreamt of a husband who would not demean her or barely treat her as a woman.Equal respect and support she expected and thats what she has been given by her man.

A small smile played on her lips remembering last night.He was busy with the weapons testing them.When she showed interest and asked for his permission if she could have her hands on any and in reply she got a nod.She was amazed how he encouraged her and was happy seeing her archery skills and even with swords she knew alot.Lastly he helped her in showing this new trick in archery and they learnt alot on that process.Alot more than the respective lesson.


Amarendra took his mother's blessings and greeted her with a smile.Rajmata Shivgami as happy with how Devsena's arrival have lightened the spirit of people there as well spread a different light and hue of happiness in the palace.She is considered  auspicious for the kingdom and their kin thats what the priests believed.

"Baahu I called you for a special reason.Come here"

"What happened Maa?anything wrong?"

"yes.and I want to make it right.Katappa make preparations after the prayer ceremony tonight they will be heading for temple tomorrow where a special prayer will be held for the Would Be King and Queen of Maahishmati"

He was shocked.Before he could speak

"Baahu.i want you to know.this prayer holds a lot of importance for us.Its more than a tradition for our family your father and grand father and this kin they all had strong faith on this.After marriage the newly weds have to do this prayer together so that they are blessed in this new bond with love and happiness and soon they can welcome the new member of the family.Maahishmati is also awaiting the arrival of its heir which you will give.Your the future of this place and it all depends on you and Devsena now how you give respect and same honor like your ancestors have given.Baahu?..say something."

Amarendra paused for a while and gave a thought to each and every word spoken by his mother.He had immense respect for his mother Maahishmati and ancestors.He would never do something which would bring dishonor or disgrace to them and he would make sure what is to happen will happen in real means.

"Maa.can i ask for something?

actually.Why cant we go for this ceremony after a few days.I mean we got married few days ago only and from then.Plus all this was not easy for any of us so why cant we wait for a while and then?..I want to fulfill every custom or traditions from heart and if you can grant this as my wish rather request."

He bowed his head down and the mother knew what he was hinting towards.Being a woman she can understand the trauma that girl had to face all through.


Devsena was almost done getting ready.She looked like a divine beauty on that orange attire and the red color adorning her head matched with the glow of a newly married on her face.She was now used to getting all the teasing from the girls and she heard from one about the visit they were going to make next morning.

From a royal family she was aware of such customs and she feared if she would be doing right thing by deceiving or being untruthful towards such customs.Lines of worry formed on her forehead when her helpers started leaving hearing the arrival of Amarendra baahubali on the chamber.

She checked herself if she was proper and then looked at her husband.How he walked with such great poise and the look on his face.Then she gawked at the upper part of his body he was carrying a stole only sideways revealing the masculine feature.For a second she felt like not moving her eyes from the devouring sight and then as his eyes met hers she shied away.He knew she was checking him out.

She was no less.Every day since he got her here she has been surprising him with new looks and the simple get ups.Her beauty and bold nature made him fall for her and it was getting uncontrollable for him to refrain from getting closer to her.He coughed taking her attention she was looking out of the window lost in beauty of the moon.

The moon must be jealous of how someone can give such competition on looking divine and beautiful.He stood beside her and looked at her closely.Her face and eyes gave him almost a nerve wrecking shot.Her long hair and the jewels which adorned her the long chain she wore he was jealous of every single thing.

Devsena noticed his sudden presence and got baffled.She bowed her head down acknowledging her husband and he could see that red hue forming on her cheeks.He was glad if he was having that effect on him.

"You need something?"

She barely said in a light voice.

"Why?this is my chamber I believe i can come here whenever I want to or wish to."

He was having great time in teasing the poor soul who sounded so meek.But why he believed she was a lioness and heard alot about her commanding tone.he wants to see that.He walked slowly still having his eyes lingered at her who now mustered courage getting her eyes up and meeting them with his intense ones.She was smiling and sensed he was upto something.

"I didnt mean like that.I.."

"its alright.Devsena.why do you sound so nervous and frightened in front of me.Do I look or sound like a roaring lion whose on a spree to devour its prey?"

The last words escaped his mouth like a fire and he mouthed them in a slow hoarse tone making her shiver.It was new for her.Unlike girls of her age who were always dreaming about love or had interests on checking out men from different kingdoms , Devsena was always busy with her skills or helping out the needy.She believed in love institution and gave her heart once to someone whom she gave honor and respected.This bring her memories back and a dejected look appeared on her face which did not go well with someone.

He frowned his brows feeling equally dejected by her behavior and spoke

"I was here to have a word with you.if you are in a mood."


He showed his back to her and she knew what she was doing was not only bringing the bad lights for her but also for him who was giving best in his attempts.She cursed herself for ending up in the bad memories in her past which would never do good to her.Moist formed on her eyes and she gulped her pain.

"Devsena.I informed Ma we wont be going for this ceremony tomorrow.I respect and give my heart to the customs and traditions of my family and I know if we do this now then it would be disrespectful and untruthful.By no means my heart would allow me to do that.So its better not to go ahead with this till we..a..I mean we.."

"Go ahead with our relationship.I know and i can understand.I had similar thoughts on my mind and Iam.thankful.for this.I respect you and your decision."

He acknowledged her words and was about to leave when.


He turned around and raised his brows.

"for what?"

She replied now loud enough and meeting his eye 

"for everything"..


The night followed with the guests blessing the handsome Prince and his beautiful Princess.Special treatment was provided to people from Kuntala and Devsena was in tears of happiness as she hugged her close people getting away with the pain she has been living on.

Amarendra had his eyes on every thing going perfect and smooth be it attending guests from his place or from other kingdoms.All this while he made sure to eye his wife who looked happy and chirpy for a change in mingling with her friends and beloved family.

As part of tradition the couple took blessing from God and the elders and then the husband has to fill his wife's forehead with the red vermilion.He did that obediently and noticed her having her eyes closed.She bent down touching his feet seeking blessings as she was told and he caught her from shoulders raising her up and she had seen his eyes reflecting an emotion which could be felt through the tears forming on them.He smiled and said nothing but she got the gesture well.

All well that ended well and bidding a teary farewell to her family she was happy to know few of her friends were to stay for the night as Amarendra promised he would give them a tour of Maahishmati as they were excited.Even though they resisted but who can say no to the mighty Prince of Maahishmati.

Devsena was happy.Be it forgetting the bad memories or releasing them for a while from her mind she felt better.Like before she used to rejoice and show her joy with her friends dancing and playing around on her palace.She was touched by this gesture of her husband who made her friends stayed for the night and least she could share her joy for some time.

She sighted the moon which she would every night and performed some prayer.Her friends teased her that she already got a handsome and world's greatest warrior as her husband then what was she asking from the moon now.She smiled and played along with them.The hall was filled with giggles and sounds of anklets.Running around and teasing..

He was making his way towards his chamber.It was a long and tiring day and unlike other day he was already planning to call it a night.He got rid of his turban and handed it over to the guard eyeing him not to proceed further.He was on his way when heard a sweet voice.

He took small and quiet steps towards the hall chamber and thats when he got to see an endearing and amazing sight to watch.She was there along with her friends humming a nice tune with her voice sounding as sweet as honey and she swayed gracefully and her every move got his eyes glued to the scene waiting for more.

He stumbled upon the door as one of the helpers caught him off guard and he looked nervous.The helper was about to run for her life and was scared which caught the attention of others.Everyone was taken a back with sudden presence of the Prince and few were sharing teasing stares at Devsena when she herself was dumb founded.

Before he could announce or say anything on his defense the ladies along with the helpers left one by one leaving the duo alone.Devsena was shocked with the way her friends left her in such a situation and she sensed him entering the hall.Her heart started beating rapidly and she turned other side facing him with her back.He smirked and walked towards her.

She could feel him almost closer to her and she turned facing him with a glint on her eyes.He couldnt dare to say a word with the breathtaking beauty capturing his mind.That moment he lost his senses and was not aware of the surrounding or reality.He did only what his heart made him or asked him.He raised his hand and touched her cheek lightly like a feather .She closed her eyes feeling his long finger sending shivers down her spine.It was first touch of her husband and to her amazement there was no discomfort from her side.

He let his knuckles brush on her soft red cheeks and next what followed was him leaving hot breathes on her face almost on verge of leaning towards her when..


Her wince got him back to reality as he found her crying in pain.Something pricked her on feet and it took him less than a second to kneel down and place her feet on his knee looking for reason of her discomfort.Devsena had tears on her eyes.Here the God and Prince of Maahishmati was on his knees without any shame or realisation of proud bowing down to his wife.He even touched her feet which was not normal and right.She tried taking her feet back and protested when he glared at her.

"Please.what if someone...

just a small prick.I can handle this."

He frowned his brows busy on his interest and was taken a back as he felt her taking back her foot looking all panicked.She winced and it was visible she would not be able to walk a single step.He shook his head and looking at the door did something which caught her off glimpse.


Amarendra carried his wife all way to their chamber and once they were in he dropped her taking extra care on the bed.All this while Devsena didnt blink an eye still not being able to face the reality.This person knows well how to surprize her or rather fail her expected judgements about him.He was more than what she thought she know of him or more praise worthy.

She looked at him as he cleaned her wound after taking out that small piece from her foot which was pricking her and she felt such comfort with his touch.He blew air and his eyes went back to his wife who was looking at him with a smile.It felt good seeing that smile even for sake she was trying and maybe she likes him.She was back to reality feeling something warm on her feet and her breath almost stopped.His lips touched her skin affectionately and the contact left her ablaze.He kissed her feet not knowing like that.Just felt like doing so.

"iam sorry.Iam like this only.I do what i feel like.

without thinking for once.this is my nature.I hope I didnt make you.."

She was too dumb founded to give him any reply and when she was out of trance she lowered her head and her face was enough to give him her actual answer.She was red and he heard when a girl's face changes color it is believed she feels shy.Can it be on her case.He coughed and taking the right opportunity sat beside her .

He caught her hand and played with her bangles.She felt weird and jittery at same time.Not like she wanted him to stop or let that moment pass.Her heart and mind were struggling for answers which she was questioning herself.

He mouthed the words in such a sensuous tone she felt her cheeks burning..

"Would you mind if I.."

He kissed her palm softly and took out the long ring chain and later her bangles one by one being extra careful.Only a single bangle was left which he gifted her on first night.He played with it willingly eyeing her.He did the same with her other hand and now she felt she was on verge of fainting.She stepped a bit back finding him closer to her while he stepped closer.They played this game till she could find no escape and she had him an inch closer to her face.

"Dont be scared.I wont bite you"

Surprisingly she had this bold look on her face and she spoke in her unusual tone which got him all up..

"Iam not scared of anyone or anything.Iam brave enough"

She said and looked down playing with her hands on her lap.He nodded slowly and smiled.So finally this was the real her whom she was hiding behind that meek version of hers.He pursed his lips and looking here and there in a moment inched closer to her face  scaring her.He spoke in a husky tone

"on that case.I would love to see the notions of your bravery.

any time.any place.Just let it be my honor."

He have seen sparks on her eyes and her lips if he could capture them the very moment crushing them hard they felt no less than those soft petals.She breathed high and closed her eyes preparing herself for a kiss maybe but.She felt him walking back on process of getting rid of his attire and he had a coy smile on his lips.

She frowned at him well she was expecting he would kiss maybe but he didnt.He would never leave chance to keep her on suspense what he would do next.How he was turning out to be a mystery for her and she loved that undeniably.


Sorry this is an extremely long scene or I cannot call this a shot or drabble anymore hehe..couldnt stop myself from writing on these two intense characters my lovies <3 Dont know if I would think of extending this shot further and thank you for previous response all lovee :)

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