Amarendra Devsena..Shot 1..

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Maahishmati welcomes its Queen..wife of the great the mighty warrior..Amarendra Bahubali..Loved by people and hated by none..It was an auspicious day for the whole kingdom..Raajmata Shivgami welcomed her daughter in law and she had no words to express her happiness.Proud she was.She got to choose the best for her son whom she loved most,more than her elder son Bhallaldeva.

Princess of Kuntala.Devsena.Even the word beauty would feel ashamed to adorn her .She was fierce devoted to her kingdom people she called her own and she loved her brother and sister in law more than her life they were the one who looked after her like their own daughter.

Getting done with all the rituals Devsena was escorted to her new room/chamber where she would be starting her new life with her husband.The palace looked big and she was already missing her Kuntala palace where she used to reside.Her eyes were on verge of getting teary but she had to control.She cant let herself lose in front of anyone.She got pushed inside literally as laughters could be heard.

One of the ladies from royal clan..

"Here take care of your queen Baahu.Make sure you dont trouble her much she already looks tired."

the big door got closed and with that every moment her heart started beating rapidly.She was sweating.Her face was covered with the veil and he could see her lips from which he discovered she was nervous and scared.

Amarendra walked to his wife with a smile on his lips.He made her sit on the king size bed and then adjusted himself beside her.He looked at her.How beautiful she was and more than her beauty her eyes hr face said a lot.There was something about her which can make anyone fall for her.Thats why his mother told him how he would not repent ever for this decision he was going to take.He knew about her skills with weapons as well about her bravery.She was no less than his mother and he had immense respect for such fierce and brave minded woman.

He tried to touch her hand.When he frowned his brows.She moved her hand in response to his approach and when he tried again she repeated that.her breathe almost stopped when she felt his strong hold on her soft cold hands.She closed her eyes and wished if she could swallow the pain right at the moment.

He felt her hands cold.she was sweating.and he knew the reason for her behavior towards him also.He smirked and made her wear a golden bangle with royal work done on it.

He took off his hands from her as soon as he was finished.Then he slowly lifted her veil when his eyes got stuck at the sheer beauty.She had her eyes lowered and he watched her carefully.God has created such a striking beauty he couldnt believe his eyes.he has seen many beautiful and attractive woman and they tried hard working their charm on him.His heart felt something for this lady sitting in front of him.She was special.He could feel her taking heavy breathe.And it got normal the moment he distanced himself a bit away from her.

Amarendra got up and made his way towards the window.The moon was visible from there and he stared at it.If he could compare the glow of that with the beauty residing at his place now.He was aware of the circumstances under which they got married and he would never think of blaming her.It was no one's fault the fate had written it.He wished to make things better for Maahishmati his mother and for Kuntala as well.why he agreed to this wedding.

Devsena was somewhat relaxed now.she had such terrible thoughts on mind since the time they got she was going to face her husband.She could not ask him not to touch her or ask for some time.She knew what rights he had on her as a husband and she had to be responsible enough to fulfill every need desire of her husband.It was her duty.She made up her mind but her heart was not ready for anything.She heard alot about this man who was a God not only for people of Maahishmati..but round the corners even small kingdoms would sing his praise.

"I know what you must be thinking Devsena.why I stopped and..dont worry I wont enforce my rights on you or force you for anything which is not right.At least my heart or mind would not allow me to do that.Because I know you accepted this marriage for sake of your kingdom and..I respect that."

Devsena looked at the man who was her husband.He spoke with such dignity and careful not to stumble at his words.Whatever he said felt straight coming out of his heart.She tried to find words when..


"I brother is responsible for your heartbreak.and how..he..its not easy to give some one else the exact place where once your close one resided.and you loved him truly.You were about to get married and at the end moment he stepped back.Maybe I dont know the exact reason all i can say..dont misunderstand him.He is a warrior and a man of words.I would still wait for him to come back and wish if would get to know the end of things.."

A sarcastic laugh came from her end and he looked back..

"You said right.Unlike your brother you have guts to speak whats right and not show your back when its time to stand up to your words"


He knew his brother was wrong but hearing anything bad for his blood he wont think twice to retort.He showed his discomfort frowning his brows and thats when he heard the tinkling noise of the anklets as his wife walked steps towards him.

"You felt bad.I spoke about your brother and it didnt go well with you.I wont call him a coward as he is an integral part of my husband's life now.But ask yourself if a true warrior who would dare to step back from his words or fail to fulfill the promise which he had given.I loved heart have chosen him as my life partner and my devotion was toward him as my husband.What did I gt in return?Betrayal.a mockery was made out of me when your mother came the other moment asking my brother to give away the bride not to the groom but his younger brother.I have no qualms against her or you.You thought about your kingdom and your status.What about me.Iam a human and i cant change my heart within seconds.Your brother betrayed me.He broke his promise.I wont forgive him in this life time.Never"

Amarendra felt bad.Her tears felt like a stab on his heart and he didnt knew why.He could not dare to look at her face.Soon she wiped her tears and holding her chunri she let it go taking her place back on bed.She was sitting with her hands on top of her knees which were curled up.She spoke in a strong voice.

"I dont want to cry over my past.I respect the holy fire around which we took vows and I would not fail to fulfill my duties as a wife or daughter in law of this clan.I...would try to devote myself have all rights on me.and you can.Go ahead"

The woman was amazing with words.Every emotion came out of her like a sparkle.Amarendra thought she was good with daggers or words he was going to have hard time on discovering that.He walked to her and fixed his intense gaze on her.

"Glad to know that you respect the vows we took and that holy fire.I cant act like a disgusting or pathetic person trying to impose his rights on his wife in any manner.You hear me? 

Wont touch you or make to love you for the sake of doing that.It should come from here.This thing called heart and I know what your heart must be feeling right now.Been a long day and I think you need rest now.Sleep well."

The night was going to be long for both of them.The moon witnessed the newly wedded pair who stayed away from each other and it was the only common thing binding them together for the night!....


Thankyou for the response on previous shot.So much love and appreciation :)This one is just a thought or drabble..whatever it is.. =)) 

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