Jai Venella- Mirchi:)

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Just like any other day Venella was busy on kitchen.It was almost evening and her work was about to get done for dinner part.She tasted the curry from the spoon and instructed the maid to serve the dishes on the table.

She rushed to her room upstairs hearing the loud wails of her 6 months old son.Life has been such a bliss after she got married to this man named Jai the dream guy of her life.As he promised he would let her rule his heart forever and be his queen he has been fulfilling that since time they tied the knot.

They were settled on Hyderabad now.Although Jai's father and rest of family members wanted them to stay with them on village itself it was Jai's wish to start his new life on that same place where he stayed with his mother for years.Venella was happy and contented with any decision her husband was to take as she had strong faith on him.Both made sure to visit their families at least once on weekend and Jai fulfilled responsibilities of a perfect son to his father.

2 years of completion of their marriage and nothing changed.The love trust and respect they have for eachother remains the same.

Venu cooed her son in her comforting arms with the little one slowing down his wails and trying to hide his face on his mother's embrace.He opened his mouth getting hold of his mother's saree with his tiny hands asking for his meal.She smiled at his son and made a sorry face rocking him and taking a place on the bed comfortably.

After one year of their marriage she got pregnant and her happiness knew no bounds.When she revealed the news to Jai he showed such excitement and had tears of happiness.For 9 months she was taken care of properly by her husband being on her side every time and her family members making frequent visits to their place.Jai knew she needed her mother the most at this time so he left no efforts to convince his mother in law and family back then and at last he succeeded.It was after all the feelings she got to experience in those 9 months she gave birth to a beautiful bundle of joy their son whom they named Vedant.

Venella smiled looking at his son and his antics.He has gone after his father with all his antics.No doubts he was naughty but he was apple of the eye for everyone in the family.He looked so like his father with those big eyes and when he smiled for first time Jai said he has taken that from his mother.Vedant made a funny sound informing his mother he was done with his meal ad now it was time for some fun.He threw his tiny hands and legs in the air giving that loud chuckle and the smile to die for.

V-hmm.already started with your antics kanna.so like your father.

let your Nanna come today I will tell him about you.

She rubbed his small cute lips with the handkerchief and made his burp fixing him in her arms.He was not happy with how he was disturbed in his play time.So he wriggled in her hold.

It was past evening when Venella dozed off with Vedant beside her sleeping peacefully on the bed.Jai entered their room and his eyes caught the most enduring sight on this earth.It made all the work stress and tiredness blew away in seconds.He kept his bag on its place and got done with his shoes.Placing a light kiss on wife's head he looked at his son who moved his lips and there his eyes were wide open alerting him he was awake now.

Vedant was about to make a noise when his father  asked him not to do so as this would wake up his mother who was sleeping with a smile on her face.She looked so dreamy with the smile playing on her lips must be dreaming about him only.How madly he was in love with her.Even after years of their marriage she was so shy each time awakening the desires love and passion inside him.His intense gaze was fixed at her when he found her hugging the small photo frame close to her heart.It was a pic of them captured before their marriage those were blissful days before they entered on their new journey.And now they are parents.

While his eyes were busy adoring his wife some one was not happy with the kind of attention he was used to getting but he wasn't getting that now so he was ought to do something.The loud wails made both Jai and Venella come out of their land and realizing her husband's presence Venella took the baby in her arms pacifying him.

V-when did you come.Oh dont know how I just dozed off and.

J-Venella its okay.you must be tired with all day running out plus this prankster wouldn't let you sleep I know that well.

Jai patted her head kissing the chubby cheeks of their naughty son  and unbuttoned his shirt.Vedant stared at his father with big eyes and sucking his thumb.

V-Jai..Nanna called this morning and I informed him we won't be able to make it this weekend..he sounded upset..

Jai was taking shower and Venella got busy feeding the little one.He had some important conference with international clients this weekend so they wont be visiting their family.She was upset as they were used to having fun there with their own people and Vedant also looked more chirpy and full of joy there.

Next week we have to make sure to stay there for more than two days Jai..you know how Nanna feels lonely without us..and he came out of depression after Vedant's birth seeing him he got better.We should be giving him more time and here we are always busy with..I feel bad..

Jai was out now on his track pants and loose white shirt with towel hung around his neck.He felt so proud of this lady who was his wife by all means.More than him it seemed she cared for his father.After her mother's death whatever happened everything got sorted out soon but later when they decided to move to Hyderabad his father sounded low.He said yes keeping their happiness on his mind deep down Jai knew he was upset he has become lonely.Jai made sure he spent more time with him on weekends and Venella gave him all support on this.Nevr blinked an eye making any complaints to him regarding him not being able to give her or their son any time.

In fact she is the one cursing him cancelling this week's plan but he has to work also for the betterment of their future and he was keen on getting his father in Hyderabad make him stay with them.He has to convince him.

Jai..are you listening to me or not..

He shook his head and adjusted himself on the bed beside her.Her back was facing him and her mouth who would dare on this earth to stop her constant rants.But that was special about her for which he fell in love with this girl.Venella talked and talked non stop till she felt a hot breathe on her neck.She knew it was her husband only and a blush crept on her cheeks as he kissed her cheek.

Jai closed his eyes and savored the moment for some time.Venella shied away fixing the pallu of her saree properly hiding the view from her husband.After this long period of their marriage she still felt shy around him not that he minded but he found her conscious giving Vedant meals when he was around her.It was such a sight for him which gave him immense pleasure and satisfaction.She was his and together they created this beautiful life.Being the naughty person wasn't he Jai would never leave a chance to tease his poor wife making her red with his antics.

J-so.why did you stop now.all energy drained out?

Venella felt it difficult to keep her breathe stable with the havoc his touch was creating inside her.He used his long nose to rub on her swan like neck and pressing his body closer to hers giving her hard time.

V-Jjaii.please.not now.


J-hmm.I know that.let him be busy and let me do my work.

Venella adjusted herself properly with the baby getting restless as he frowned his bros at her.She was done feeding him and handed over him to his father who smirked at her.Adjusting her saree she rushed quickly to downstairs not meeting his gaze.

Vedant burped in a funny manner taking his father's attention who laughed making faces to his son Finally it was father son time.

After dinner Vedant was sleeping on his cradle settled on their room itself.Venella adjusted the blanket properly on her son kissing him goodnight and dimmed the lights of the room.She changed to her nightwear and combed her long hair.While applying lotion on her hands she found Jai was missing..

He was standing on the balcony with his hands inside his pockets staring blank at the sky.His lips curved into a smile feeling a pair of soft arms around him resting her head on his back.

V-what are you doing here.

J-nothing just.thinking about something.

Venella knew the reason.From last few days he looked disturbed with something she felt like asking him quite few times but both got busy with something or other.Well a part of her mind knew the reason his mother's death anniversary was nearing and that took him back to the horrible memories he would yearn to vanish from his mind forever.


He closed his eyes as he felt her massaging his temples.There was some magic on her hands which cured every pain of his.

Tell me whats disturbing you.I have been noticing you you look upset.Tell me no bava.

The concern her voice had for him.He took her hand and clasped it tightly kissing there and placing it to his heart.He wrapped his arm around her waist and got her closer to him.

J-nothing.just.one should spare some time for the day invading his thoughts innerself.Iam happy with everything on life now and I feel blessed.So was wondering whom I should be thanking for this..

V-hmm bava.you and your weird thoughts.are above my head.Its getting cold lets go inside please and my legs are also paining.your son made me run enough for the day.

J-let me make it up to you then now.

He carried her in his arms to their bed carefully and locked the door of the balcony.She knew he was hiding something she just have to strike the right chords now it was one difficult task to get something out from Jai the Jai she knew soft from inside but hard enough not to let anyone feel his pain or real feelings.She settled herself on his arms resting her head on his chest and her fingers fidgeting with the buttons of his shirt.

Jai had his eyes closed and he was into the moment.His hands caressed her back sending shivers through her body and she knew what he was asking for.It has been long they got involved physically after Vedant's birth she got so busy with him and then him with his office work they hardly managed time for some moments.He was disappointed with the small hugs or kisses they used to share but he knew their son was the priority for them and he was ready for any sacrifices.

Finally tonight it seemed the longing and wait was about to end.He absorbed his head deeply on her neck placing light kisses.Venella was under his spell now and she made her mind not to step back.Her lips moved in sync with the smile as he pinned her under him on the bed.He kissed her forehead nose cheeks lovingly and his eyes drew the sight of those soft petals inviting him to capture them.He joined their lips and both shared a long steamy kiss pouring out their love and passion.He joined their foreheads breaking the kiss both were out of breathe.

J-Venella..sorry.I just got carried away.its okay if you dont..

He felt a tug at his hand as her eyes gestured him to go ahead without any second thoughts.It took him no time to admire his wife's beauty and the way his touches awakened her inner soul and desires.She unbuttoned his shirt throwing it away marking his neck ad chest with her lips giving him hard time.He stopped her by pushing her on the bed entwining his hands with hers and the rest became an untold story of emotions passion desires flowing on the moment.

She arched her neck as her eyes got teary with the moment of satisfaction or pain she experienced.Feeling his lips on her forehead she hugged his body close.they shared a kiss and Jai stared at his wife's face asking him if she was okay.The amount of respect she had for this man if she could thank her stars for blessing a mad girl like him with a husband like Jai who was far more understanding in such matters.She said yes through tears and kissed him.

They laid inside the covers exhausted and drained out with the passion and longing of all these days pent up inside them.Venella was busy making circles on his  chest and his hands caressing her bare back.



V-your not going to spill the beans right.


She raised her face and cupped his cheeks with her hand.

V-bava tell me whats bothering you.I never hide anything from you then why do you feel it difficult to express or share your emotions with me.you think Iam not mature enough to handle this or..not capable

J-shh..dont say such things venella you know how maturely you have handles this house and me.Even Nanna.instead of me you were there with him when he needed someone.you took care of him and now your being such a doting mother to our son.never repeat these words please.

He stared at the ceiling now getting back to his thoughts.

V-then let me tell you i cant see my husband lost in some unknown fear or thoughts.what if there is some other woman on your mind hovering around and I should be well informed about this.

He laughed at his crazy insane thoughts and pulled her in his arms taking her scent.He got busy kissing her when was taken a back with the sudden smack coming from her.


Iam your husband now and father of your child show some respect.

V-huh bava.you answer me.and I have right to smack you even after we have 5 kids.It wont bother me.

She looked so cute with the pout he felt like kissing her right there.

J-Oh is that so.your aiming for 5..i thought 2 would be enough have to work harder it seems.

She felt him brushing his body with hers inside the covers but she shrugged off.

J-okay.Iam not upset.just that you know that day is coming and I just cant stop myself getting back to those thoughts.Wish if I would have not gone for all that then mom would have been here with us..

V-Bavaa..look at me..for how long will you keep on blaming yourself or something which was decided by fate.It was in our fate and we couldn't change that.You were not at fault you made things better for us our families ad that village.You spread love there and stopped hatred isn't that enough?And your mom must be so proud of you she always wanted you to walk on this path.

J-still.I..i can't stare at my father his eyes..i feel Iam the reason for which he has to live this life full of pain..

V-No one deserves suffering and pain bava..even you dont think about it.Your also a father now what if your son does the same will you ble able to forgive him or blame him all through your life?


V-what.think from your father's point of view how he must be feeling.He has long forgotten you and I know him better than you I spent more time with him.trust me..no one can feel the void in his life now but you gave him what he have been striving for all his life..We should always see the good things in life then only life becomes easier.why to make things difficult keeping our eyes on negativity.

Now what are you staring at.I blabbered enough and your giving me these looks?

J-just thinking..this mad Venella has matured so much in all these years.Where is the insane crazy girl who used to create chaos around.

V-ah Iam still capable enough of doing that bava just that Iam responsible now.and you made me realize that.tell me if my lecture did any good to your wrecked mind or not.I wasted so much energy huff..

He smiled shaking his head and realized how little things moments in life can give much more happiness than holding on to your past..he has to let go of things certainly for people around him for his father..he needs to work on that..he gulped down the tears as if making a promise to himself whispering..

J-I promise Mom.I will make it up to him.please be with me on this.I miss you..

V-she must be having her eyes on us and always seeking for our happiness..i can assure you on that..now stop those thoughts eating your brain and promise me you wont let your mind get bugged with these unnecessary stuff anymore.Bavaa?

J-I promise.I will try my best.

V-thats like my super strong bava..or else I had to smack you harder this time.

your no less than Ved when it comes to pasturing..even he is better than you.bugs me less.

J-oh on that case I have more ways to show whose better or worse on that grounds.let me try my hands on..

V-Bavaa..no..not now


And the night carried on with putting an end to some thoughts and going for a new beginning in life..Jai and Venella both promised to be with each other in this start.


A small gift for my readers and those people who encourage me every time =) thankyou!Mirchi fans:)

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