Amarendra Devsena Shot 8...

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***Check out the beautiful poster by @Radhika402  

Thank you Darling *hearts* for you <3

"I always fail to understand you Devsena.You never give me the chance to do the needful either."

Amarendra assumed to get a cold feet from his wife.He preferred to move out of the bed when she caught his hand.She had a look of perplex.

"Dont go.We got to spend some time and you will be busy at night if Iam not wrong."

A faint smile passed from his face and he untangled her hands in a nice manner from his chest.He stood up and gave her a look.

"What do you want from me?Tell me."

Devsena failed to pick the hidden meaning behind his words.She raised her brows.

"What kind of question is that and what makes you ask that.I am your wife.I have right to spend time with you.Or you have started losing interest on me.Already"


He had such rage on his eyes.With much control on his tone and temper he raised a finger at her.

"Watch your words.If I had to make time for those things you are pointing at, I would have had them long a go and no one had the audacity to stop me."

She looked down ashamed at words she just spoke.What was happening to her mouth.The thoughts never crossed her mind for once .Why would she doubt a person whom she knew from heart,body and soul.

"Wait.You are angry with me because I.Said no for.

I am sorry please try in understand me.I am.left with no option."

He frowned her brows and gave a rather astonishing look.he felt amazed at this woman.One moment she gives him cold feet and another she attacks him with shameful doubts.He went to her and caught her from shoulders.Devsena had her eyes down all this while.

"The Devsena I knew never feared to match her eyes with mine.What's bothering you.Still you want to keep it under wraps.Is it some hidden secret I dont deserve to know?"

She twitched her lips and looked at him with anticipation.

"I am never good at keeping secrets.I will let you know about that when time comes.Please have faith on me."

He was in loss of patience.He pulled her closer to his face.

"Is it still about your past?I promise I wont ask you a thing if you are restricting yourself to bear a part of me inside you because you.Couldn't accept this relation with all your heart. I will be me."

Devsena stared at him with big eyes.He spoke every word with so much pain and hurtful look.He loosened his hold on her and set his gaze down.

"I can give my life for whatever transpired between us and every moment we shared.If you know me well, you should have learnt this fact about me much earlier, I never give consent for anything unless my heart accepts it willingly.You are my husband and this marriage and bond is best that happened to me in this life time.I can vow my every breathe for that."

"Then why?"

He caught his head and gained some control.

"Devsena its better if we leave this topic here unfinished.We have to attend a big thing this evening and I dont want anyone to get an ear about the uneasiness in our lives.Maa is not well and I dont want her to..Keep that on your mind."

Devsena was ashamed of herself as Amarendra left the chamber after having the last word with her.She made her mind to gift him something precious in this special occassion and what she did was.Something unfathomable.Never did she feel so weak and vulnerable from inside.

The dilemma she was in she was sure of no one being able to get the real reason behind her motive.They held the same wish.She wished to bear a part of him and give him what he longed.It was not right time and as a Queen she has some responsibilities she can never avoid them no matter if it was in conflict with her own relations.She have learnt to think of others first and then her own happiness.

"I know you would support me on this when you come to know about it.I am sorry I made it worse for you.I am sorry."


Maahishmati felt blessed to have a King who did not give seconds thoughts before keeping well being and wish of the people first.Amarendra Baahubali listened to the pleadings and sufferings and pledged not to let any misery and poverty hit his kingdom.It was for them he believed was the mere existence of throne , not the latter way.

Days were running and the span of time affected many lives.As a King he was busy with responsibilities and duty.As a Queen she had the same and she made it a habit to spend most time with her mate Avantika.

Devsena arranged a seemantham (baby shower) ritual for her friend despite of silent uneasy vibes she got from her mother in law.She wanted to question the reason of displeasure.The unborn baby was part of her son also then why this much dislike.Avantika was showered with blessings,valuable jewels,gifts and Rajmata marked the ceremony with her presence to fulfill her duty as Bhallaldeva's mother.What the poor soul felt lack of was love.

Devsena had seen what she yearned for.She could not dare to day anything.Amarendra made possible to do what she asked him to and asked for.He did feel some sympathy and affection towards the woman.He had no qualms against Avantika and wished some day his mother would feel the same.

The storm emerged from no where and dark clouds appeared.Devsena heard the loud roar of thunders.She was in her chamber.She had seen Avantika a while ago and made sure she rests.Came back to her chamber after much resistance.She feels empty and mindless without him.The place looks gloomy and every breathe she takes feels so void.

Rajmata Shivgami and Maharaj Amarendra Bahubali have gone to attend a special occasion in neighbor state.After much persistence of his mother despite of her worsening health, Amarendra could not help but made sure to accompany his mother.He could not trust anyone with her.He had to be with her in this state.He left the palace in charge of Bhalla keeping in mind the safety.However he knew some one else was also there who would give him a breath of respite.

She had a beautiful dream and a smile graced her lips on that dizzy state.It was about them.His eyes boring into hers with passion.She played along with him and he did not miss chance to get naughty.He got hold of her and they looked on to each other with love.Their lips met for a second which had power to turn whole world into a blessed heaven.

Devsena stirred with lines of worry forming on her forehead.She heard someone calling her out.An anxious voice and she woke up finding one of the helpers.

"Maharani Devsena.There is an emergency."

Her heart raced each second and she sat with a fear striken face.

"What happened?"

"Rajkumari Avantika.She is not stable.

She wants to meet you."

Devsena run her steps moment she heard the helper who followed her.When she was few steps away  from Avantika's chamber, she remembered the words registered in her mind.

"Maharani.Sorry Devasena.Am I allowed to ask something from my friend?Don't ever hate or dislike my son taking him as part of his father.He is my blood and flesh.Please treat him well an.Give me your word, if for some reason I had to take my last breath, my son.He will have a mother and that would be you.Give me a word Deva please."

Devsena feared to take a step further and stopped.The helper called out to her and the voice hardly reached her ears.Some how she managed to reach the threshold ..Her mind battled with her eyes and wished the reality was deceiving her.A rather sight she ever wished to witness.

"No..You can't."


*4.3K reads and 300+ Votes thank you hands down for the immense love and support.I read every comment and they encourage me to write with double triple excitement every time haha thank you love you 


**This part has no romantic scenes and specially a little interaction between Amarendra and Devsena but definitely some much needed scenes for upcoming track when we are nearing the end.I would love to hear out from your end please 


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