Amarendra Devsena Shot 7..

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Sivgami had worry written on her face and from few days she has been not keeping well.Her health has been deteriorating.Her son and the King was holding her hands and trying every way out to lessen the pain of his mother.

"I will be fine.You dont have to take this much stress.You should be leaving for Kuntala soon."

Amarendra looked at his mother baffled and steal glances.Sivgami smiled even on that painful state she knew well her son can try hundred times yet fail to hide his pain.

" promised me before I leave you have to give me a grandson and.. I wont let my eyes shut before I get to see the future of Maahishmati with my own eyes.Go..get her back "

Amarendra took a pause and spoke in a dignified tone.

A-" are worrying for no reason and where do you think you are leaving soon.Bhalla's son is also coming you have to play with him and besides that, you have to guide me Maa.I cannot handle all this alone."

Shivgami breathed heavily and asked the attendants to leave.She held his hand strongly and made them touch her head.

"Baahu.I know why Devsena left like that and I also know what must have been the reason for her sudden visit to..A woman can bear any pain,but when it comes to her self respect she wont take it for any means.And she is Devsena, she would prefer to die,rather come in terms with something in question to her respect.I did injustice with her and I do feel helpless.But thats how norms are followed and I have my own rules which i cannot force to break going overboard.She can never forgive Bhalla and even I cannot.Whatever I did was for the benefit of Maahishmati and my decision did not went well with her I know that."

A-"Maa.There is nothing like that.No one can ever question your decision.Whoever is at fault, we cannot let this blame game continue for long.When its the question of this kingdom we always need to think of the betterment and how to get over things keeping personal grudges aside.I dont hate Bhalla, rather dislike him.Yes I will be thankful to him, I got this woman as my wife and for that I will always be grateful to him.But what he did, can never forgive him."

Shivgami patted his head and he closed his eyes.

Sh-"Then get back my daughter in law.When a wife is angry and hurt,she waits for her husband to get her back.I know you are a King now,dont forget before that you are a husband."

A-" I did not ask her to leave on first place.I never gave her permission.She left on her own.So why should I.She disrespected my words.I wont go anywhere.She should realise her mistake."

Things were getting difficult with each passing day,unplanned circumstances and situations led to planned disasters.

Kuntala Kingdom

Devsena stared at the sky . It was going to rain soon.The thunders were breaking and her heart felt the splits of fear forming inside.She dreaded the noise and wind, every single thing on her way.She was alone and he was not there to protect her.She cried in tears and he was not there to wipe them off her face.

She was the one to be blamed.He did not give her permission to leave and still she came the very next day without informing him.Taking her mother in law's blessings and informing Katappa, she started her way off for Kuntala.Only she knew what she had seen on his eyes that night, when she mentioned Kuntala was her home.She hurt him and her words pierced his soul.They were one how can she think of calling it not her home where her love resided , her life.

"Devsena.Come here."

Her sister in law made her sit on the bed and sat beside her reading her face by holding her chin up.She looked gloomy and pale since the time she has come there.

"Tell me Deva whats bothering you.You fought with your husband didnt you?'

D-"Nno.why do you feel so.Why cant I visit my own home without any reason."

"Because after marriage a girl's home is there only where her husband lives.Tell me Deva, do you still have problems.You both have not..?"

Devsena had her lashes down and her sister in law sighed in relief.Worry washed off her face as what she has been fearing does not seem to be the exact reason.

"Good.I had fear at back of my mind how you are going to manage everything.I have known you when you were this small.Your heart and mind both are so rigid.I am glad he owns both now.Maharaj has fallen for you Deva.You should not have left him alone when he needed you the most."

Devsena stood up and went to the window staring up at the sky.She had a straight face.

D-"He is better off without me.I would have been worrying him for no reason.My past hurts him and it does not let me live my present.I feel so pained.So doomed."

She sobbed and embraced herself in the motherly cocooned hold of her sister in law.She patted Devsena's head and smiled.

"You have moved on maa.the day you accepted your husband at your own will and your heart gave you the signal.You are no longer holding on to your past."

D-"But "

"I know Deva.See its never easy for us to leave everything aside and do what situations desire or want us to do.A part of us always thrives to be selfish.Our eyes cant see if something is going against our wish.If it is done for benefit of others.Decisions are taken keeping a noble thought on mind.We refuse to accept them and force our ego to act impulsively.You have been the most impulsive in nature and I am glad Maharaj Amarendra is one bearing patience to handle you out."

D-"He hates me.I made him think that I still lov..have my past in my heart.I cant bear sight of that person who ruined the mere existence of emotions inside me.He is a devil.Even his wife hates her.I dont know what made Rajmata take that decision.What would be his next step he can never think good for anyone never."

"Then guide your husband on right path Deva.Why did you leave him and everything behind.Its a new responsibility for him and decisions have to be made keeping a well thought on every aspect.You think it will be easy for him?And why do you feel it has been difficult for you only why not for him?He accepted him back as his brother did he?"

Devsena had a blank mind and she sat on the bed with a dejected face.

"You have no answer for this.Because you know you are wrong.He has been siding you and never forgiven him for what he did to you.If this is not love and companionship then what it is tell me.Men never take this much time to let someone accept them with all heart and body.He gave you that I believe?Go back to him and your home Deva.Dont let him suffer.He deserves your support and love as much as you do.Let it go your past as a nightmare which used to haunt you.Let it go."


It was an auspicious day for the kingdom as well as people.A special day to be celebrated and irrespective of fact her health was defying her commands Rajmata Shivgami visited the temple and prayed for well being and prosperity of her family and kingdom.It was Amarendra Baahubali's birth anniversary and this year celebrations doubled.

Katappa being an escort to Raajmata made her way easier and they landed on the center facing the happy faces.Shivgami joined her hands together and greeted them.The distributions ceremony started from her hands.

The crown burst into unstoppable slogans and one could hardly make out anything.Maharaj Amarendra Baahubali emerged out of the people for the people and touched his mothers feet.

She did his tilak and then continued with the ceremony.

Meanwhile Bhallaldeva and Avantika were also on the steps.Bhalla had least interest in any of the proceedings and if his foolish wife would not have forced him to bring her there marking their presence.Avantika covered her baby bump and her face shined with happiness.As long as someone was there to protect this place and her mind went back to conversation she had few days back.She felt secured for her baby also.

Amarendra Baahubali was an exceptional personality who can bring happiness in anyones yards.yet he was deprived of his own.Avantika's face fell thinking about her friend Devsena she wished if she was here at this hour and then the announcement turned everyone's attention.

"Maharani Devsena was there. Back from Kuntala Kingdom and arriving at the very moment"

Shivgami's face shined with happiness and relief.Avantika and Katappa looked overwhelmed and Bhallaldeva had a cunning smirk on his face.The only person who failed to emote the exact emotion , stood on the same spot.His heart was filled with pride and automatically showed up on the smile which carved in his lips.The crowd went berserk welcoming the Queen, like they did with their King.

Shivgami eyed Amarendra to get Devsena at her right place and before he could make a move he found someone taking that step well and quick enough to be.

Avantika frowned her bows and looked side ways.Her husband did not take a second to wait and proceeded to welcome the Queen with his own hands.

Devsena looked beautiful and the color pink matched with the shades of hues forming on her cheeks.She felt the heat  from the eyes of her beloved husband who was gazing at her from a distance.She reached near the steps and her heart filled up with content as her eyes witnessed her own people.She missed her close ones badly in this time span.She spared a heart warming smile to Rajmata and then Avantika , a teasing one.

Her face hardened at the hand extended towards her.She raised her eyes and noted the same person who would dare to take this call .She jolted her fists and anger started rushing in her veins.Her eyes showed extreme displeasure and the way she watched him, he well knew she was not fond of what he was doing.Yet the shameless smirk he had on his face said a lot to her.With bold steps Bhallaldeva about to touch her hand when a touch melted Devsena's heart and anger and rage vanished in a second.She knew that touch well.Her eyes welled up.Almost after time she got to feel that.

Amarendra supported his wife and Queen with his hands and took her up with sheer annoyance of Bhallaldeva.He missed the chance again to touch her and feel her.He would look upon the Goddess , an epitome of beauty she was.Every time he looked at her insane figure and movement of hands, body, lips and eyes, he would have a strong hold on his pending lust.He would wait and that one chance would come.He would devour her.Give her answer for every insult she did to him.Show her right place.

He scratched his beard and bowing down to both the King and Queen went back to his place.Amidst all the chaos, there were two persons whose eyes caught this act.One was Avanatika, a helpless wife and other, the loyal and slave guard Katappa.He did not miss the glint in Bhalla's eyes which cannot be taken as a nice gesture.Still he maintained the look on his face.

A grand feast was organized at night and guests from different kingdoms were sent invitation for the grand celebration.Till the preparations were done with, everyone retired to take some rest before it was evening.

Amarendra after wrapping up his part of work was proceeding to his chamber.He let go of his heavy turban and the stole.The ornaments one by one and he stood bare bodied.Taking a breathe of relief he felt a pair of soft arms on his skin.

A smirk played on his lips.He knew whom the belonged to decided to play along.She deserved it for making him yearn for her and suffer.

He enjoyed the soothing touch.Finally caught them and gripped on them tighter.

A-"Whose it."

Devsena raised her brows in shock and annoyance.Facing him right at track , she had her face high.

A-"Oh.its you.I thought someone .."

He moved in a cool manner not letting an air touching him.She was getting angry.Few days she left and did he had any other woman in this chamber.How can he even dare to.

She marched towards him and caught him from shoulders.

D-"Tell many paid a visit here in my absence.Or you lost the count."

He eyed her in same manner he did on their first night.The rage and anger with which she was putting her words upfront.Her lips moved boldly and she had audacity to charge her husband.

A-"Is that a way to charge your husband?Rather I should say, you think you have right to question me on such grounds."


A-"Come on Maharani.Its not a big thing in Royals you must be aware of that."

Devsena felt a lump on her throat and her eyes moistened.A fear gripped her heart.She lost him.His trust and love.The only right she beheld on his mind and body how can he even think of giving that to anyone.She knelt down on the floor on verge of breaking down.

His hands caught her and she hugged him with all her  heart and energy.His hands embraced her in the most strong grip he could have on her and she did same.Passion and pent up emotions lost the hold for all these days.

D-"I am sorry.I was wrong.I did wrong.I.shouldnt have left.Please forgive me"

Amarendra came out of hug and cupped his wife's cheeks placing his lip son her quivering ones.A light kiss he went for and stared at her face.Wiping off the tears he got up and picked her up in his arms.

A-"We should talk about that later.Tell me why did you came today."

He played with her cheeks stroking his thumb there.His eyes bored into hers and she felt naked even though clothed, in his eyes.

D-"I had to come.It was your birthday and I.couldnt stop myself.I wanted to be with you."

A-" I deserve a gift then."

His thumb played sensuously on her bare tummy lifting her saree a bit up.She moved jitters hit her body and hard to breathe.Her hands were on his hand aiming to stop him.

D-"Hm.what do you want.I am all yours.Now and forever."

She whispered in a shaky voice and he kissed her forehead.He looked at her with seriousness on his voice.

A-"I want you to give birth to our baby.Will you do that .tell me."

Devsena struggled to react at the sudden wish.She moved politely in his hold and he did not for a second budge maintaining the same look.

A-"I am waiting for your answer.This will be the most precious gift on this earth for me.And  I give this right to no one.but my only Queen, to grant me this gift."

D-"I..cant..I am sorry I"


Seventh shot and still going, my intention was to get done with this within third or fourth one.Thanks to each and every one of you my silent and action oriented readers I love you all.Votes and comments do matter, more than that the love you have shown for my writing and accepted my style and content, I am touched. Please keep supporting me. I will try my best to come up with something different every time.

May you live longer, love and prosper in life.If at all my wishes count, keep spreading joy in every life around you and us <3


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