|| 03 || wroetobehz • power couple

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|| ship; wroetobehz (harry x ethan)

|| warnings; mentions of smut

|| words; 1.9k

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"What's up guys, it's Vikk, and I figured that since I'm busy today, we'd just do, y'know, a lil bit of the vlog," I explain to the camera in my hand, with far more enthusiasm than I should have this early in the morning. "I know it's not the most exciting thing, but some content is better than no content I guess."

Suddenly, there's a noise behind me, and I turn to see the living room door opening, with Harry and Ethan coming from within.

"Oh, hey guys," I say, raising an eyebrow. "What're you doing here?"

Upon closer inspection, I realise that both boys look quite flushed, maybe a little guilty. They both have bright red lips, ruffled hair, and creased clothes. And after noticing the fresh hickeys up the side of Harry's neck, I know for certain what they were up to.

"Nothing much," Harry says casually, grinning as he slings an arm around Ethan's shoulders. "What better place than the Sidemen house for a nice, early morning make out session?" Ethan laughs lightly at this, wrapping his arm around Harry's waist, his hand resting on his hip.

"You two are gross," I say playfully. "D'you reckon you could keep your hands off each other for five damn minutes?"

Harry smirks. "I doubt it mate."

"Your neck says as much," I quip, only for Harry to laugh. He then tugs the collar of his shirt aside, to reveal larger, dark purple marks on his collar bones.

"Only my neck? You've got to give us credit where credit's due," he jokes. I shove the youngest boy lightly.

"Stop showing off your bloody hickeys, my nice, somewhat PG vlog doesn't need to see that," I laugh, gesturing to my camera.

"You sure? I've got more," Harry says, grabbing the bottom of his shirt.

"Ethan, control your man," I say, pretending to look away.

"I have no control mate," says Ethan, grinning proudly at his boyfriend.

"Alright, I think that's enough of YouTube's favourite couple 'WroeToBehz' for today guys," I say jokingly, and walk away from the pair, who are just standing and grinning smugly.



"Oh my fucking God, they're going at it again," I grown when I hear the muffled moans coming from Harry's bedroom. Lux sighs beside me. We were trying to film, but apparently that's not happening now.

"How much more can Harry take? Jesus Christ," Lux mutters, seemingly just to himself.

"Why does this always happen when we're trying to record," l complain again, leaning my head on Lux's shoulder.

"I don't know man, maybe they're messing with us," Lux responds.

"Oi! Harry, Ethan, shut the fuck up!" I yell. The sounds stop for about a minute, and I think I'm safe to film again, but then they start again even louder than before.

"Oh my fucking God, Ethan!" Harry moans loudly, and Lux pretends to gag. I groan, and cover my ears.

"Harry you loud fuck! Shut up, we're trying to record!" I shout. Instead of going quiet this time, they just get louder instantly.

"Harder, Daddy!" Harry shouts, and I jump to my feet, picking up the camera that's still rolling.

"Alright, I have had enough. We're going out," I say, dragging Lux to his feet. "And Harry, you motherfucker, if you think that's being edited out, then you've got another thing coming."



Everyone knows that Harry is clumsy. And he does a lot of reckless things. Which is always recipe for disaster.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Harry calls from where he's sat in a tree.

"Yeah, I know you're fine at the moment, but you're not gonna be able to get down safely," I tell him. He rolls his eyes.

"You worry too much Ethan," he says, grinning at me. "I'm getting down, it'll be fine." And with that, he starts trying to climb down. I almost want to look away, a feeling in my stomach telling me that this isn't going to end well.

"Harry don't put your foot there that brach isn't stable!" I shout up to him, but it's too late. He's already leaned his weight onto the branch, which snaps under him. He scrabbles to get a hold on the tree, but fails, falling to the floor, landing awkwardly on his feet and then falling backwards.

"Oh my God," I say, rushing over to him, and kneeling at his side. "Are you alright?"

"Nope," he says, squeezing his eyes closed. "I think I've fucked my ankle." I reach out to grab his hand, and he holds back tightly.

"How badly?" I ask.

"Pretty sure I've broken it," he says, before letting out a hiss of pain.

"Alright, I'll take you to the hospital. You'll be fine," I say, while carefully sliding my arms under his knees, and around his back, picking him up effortlessly. He wraps his arms around my neck, and presses his forehead to my shoulder. "Will you be alright?" I ask, pressing a kiss to his temple.

"Just about. It really fucking hurts though," Harry says through gritted teeth.

"You're doing well Harry. You're gonna be fine," I tell him, and he looks up at me, with pure, undeniable trust in his eyes.

"Of course I'll be fine, I've got you with me," he says, cracking a small smile.

"Love you Bog," I say, pressing another kiss to his cheek this time.

"Love you too Ethan."


"You guys really didn't need to go this excessive," Harry says, looking at our very brightly coloured friends.

"Yeah man, of course we did," grins JJ, who's wearing plain white clothes, apart from his rainbow coloured shoes, sunglasses and bandanna. "The Sidemen are taking London Pride by storm this year."

"Agreed," says Josh, who is of course promoting the new merch that we brought out for June, a rainbow tie dyed Sidemen T-shirt, and joggers with rainbow coloured 'XIX' tape going up the side. Most of the others are wearing similar to him, with small differences.

"And the Side-Sidemen," pipes up Lux, earning a laugh. He's stood beside Freezy, both of whom are wearing matching rainbow Crocs, and brightly coloured T-shirts.

"Well, thanks guys. It means a lot," Harry beams, taking hold of my hand. He looks incredible as well, but I mean, when doesn't he. He's wearing a white T-shirt, black jeans, and has a rainbow flag tied around his waist, acting as a belt. He's also done his makeup, and painted his nails.

"Alright, who's ready for the best day of our lives!" I yell, getting various similar responses of yelling back.


"Eth, where are we going?" Harry says, laughing as he trips over his own feet again.

"I've told you Bog, you'll find out when we get there," I say, guiding him to the place with my right hand on the small of his back, any my left hand holding his.

"Alright fine," Harry huffs, but he doesn't sound mad really. He grips my hand a little tighter. "I'll trust you on this."

After about a minute, we reach the place. The balcony of my old flat. I've set it up, exactly how it was when we had out first date here. With lanterns, and candles scattered around, and a round table with a white cloth. And a single rose in a vase in the middle.

"Okay babe, we're here," I say, taking my hand from his to untie the blindfold from over his eyes. As soon as he sees where we are, I hear his breath hitch, and his eyes widen.

"This is amazing," he says, turning to face me with a huge smile on his face. "How did you do it?"

"I had to bribe the new owners to let me borrow the balcony. When I explained why, it didn't take much persuasion," I say, smiling back at him.

"You never said why were here," Harry says softly. I smile at him, taking his hands in mine.

"I want to ask you something," I say to him.

"Harry Lewis, my amazing boyfriend. We've been together for nearly two years now. I love you with every bit of me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Carefully, I slip my hands from his, and reach into my pocket, taking out a small black box. He audibly gasps. I crouch down onto one knee, and open the box, looking up at him.

"Harry Lewis, would you do me the absolute honour of becoming my husband?"

Harry nods quickly, smiling at me widely. I don't think I've ever see him this happy before.

"A thousand times yes, Ethan," he cries, and I stand up, pulling him into a hug. He pulls back after a moment, and meets my lips in a deep kiss.

"I love you, so much," he murmurs against my lips when he finally pulls away.

"I love you too Harry," I say to him, and take hold of his hand, slipping the ring onto his finger. It looks good there, nothing too fancy. Just a simple, silver band. Harry gazes down in awe at it, not seeming to believe that this is actually happening.

"You have no idea how happy I am right now," he beams, pulling me in for another hug.

"I think I do Harry. Because I can guarantee what I feel is just the same."



The wedding is nine months after Ethan proposed to me. And on the day, I'm so nervous.

"Harry, you're going to be fine," Mum tells me, placing her hands on my chest. "I promise. What you two have is real, and I couldn't be happier that he's the man you chose to marry."

"I know Mum," I say, taking hold of her hands.

"I'm so proud of you," she says, seeming as if she could cry. "You've grown up." She hastily wipes her eyes, and gives me a watery smile. "Come on then, let's not keep him waiting."

"Okay Mum," I say, following her from the room. My Dad stands just outside. He smiles widely when he sees me.

"You look handsome, son," he says, patting my shoulder.

"Thanks Dad," I say, and he leads me down the corridor, to where the aisle is.

My stomach flips as I get to the door, and look down the aisle, seeing Ethan stood there, waiting for me. He catches my eye, and gives me a nervous smile, as I begin the long walk down the aisle, with my Dad by my side.

I finally come to stand in front of my groom, and soon to be husband. He takes my hands in his, and squeezes gently. This is really happening.

The vows are all a bit of a blur, and I'm far too distracted by looking into Ethan's gorgeous blue eyes. They're always filled with so much emotion. But then the ring is on my finger, and the vicar gives those final words.

"I now pronounce you husband, and husband," he announces. "You may kiss the groom."

Cheers erupt within the room as I reel Ethan in, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. He kisses back, pulling away after a minute, and standing beside me so we're facing everyone. He links our hands together, and raises them into the air, making another round of cheering, whistling and clapping ensue.

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a.n: okay, so fun fact. this was actually my first sidemen ship. wroetofreezy was my second. i've got a couple of fics that were wroetobehz originally, but i adapted for my other oneshot book. should i post the original wroetobehz versions?

also, i'm kinda pissed, cuz like, three months ago, when i thought it was cute, there was legit nothing for it. and now everyone's decided it's cute. which is cool cuz it means i get insta edits, but where were my wroetobehz gang back then? lmao

also also, i know this book has legit just been harry ships so far, so comment who you'd like to see

~ Oscar

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