|| 09 || minishaw • dangerous love; final

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|| ship; minishaw

|| warnings; none

|| words; 1.8k

- {} -

[ two weeks later ]

"Hey, Harry?" Simon says, as the two of them sit together on a bench in the training hall, taking a break from working. Harry's been slowly working back up to standard, and seems to be recovering quickly, much to his, and Simon's relief. He found out after a couple of days of Harry being bed bound, that the younger boy is incredibly impatient, and quick to get bored. So it's good for him to be able to do things again.

"Mm?" Harry hums in response, while taking a sip of his water. Simon takes a minute to compose himself, trying to decide if what he's about to suggest is in fact an awful idea, or not. He decides after a moment of deliberation, that it's most definitely a bad idea. And Jide will be furious about it. But he reckons both he, and Harry need it.

"What do you say we go out tonight?" He says, looking carefully at Harry. The younger boy tilts his head to the side, and fidgets with the water bottle he now holds in his lap.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we go out. Just out, nowhere specific. It doesn't matter where really. And have fun, like normal people. Just for a night," Simon says,

"What really?" Harry asks, and Simon can't read the emotion behind his words.


"That sounds awesome!" Harry says ecstatically, jumping to his feet. "Tonight, yeah?"

"Yeah, tonight," Simon confirms, and Harry's eyes light up even more. It makes Simon's stomach flip to see his companion so happy.

"What time?"


Harry looks over at him with those angelic eyes, the ones Simon couldn't refuse even if he wanted to. "Can we go now?" He asks, and Simon huffs out a happy sigh.

"I don't see why not. Let's live a little. Be free, just for a night."

- {} -

Simon doesn't think he's left the facility just for the sake of it since he's been there. There's no rule against leaving whenever he wants, but he's just never felt the need to go out, other than for jobs. Better to keep himself away, it lowers the risk of being found by enemies, or the police. He's a little nervous about it, since he won't be able to take his katana if he's trying to blend in. Going out unarmed is something that scares him a lot.

"Hey, Si!" Harry calls, jogging up to where Simon is stood by the main exit. And Simon's breath catches in his throat when he sees Harry.

He's only ever seen the younger boy in the clothes he trains in, snug fitting black joggers, flat shoes, and loose grey tops. But somehow, he's got other, casual clothes on. Simon has no idea when or where Harry managed to get his hands on them, but ignores that thought.

Just admires Harry. Wearing a pair of loose, grey shorts, to hide the bandage that's still around his thigh. A white T-shirt, and a bright teal hoodie tied around his petite waist. White trainers, a dangerous choice for a man who spends half his time scuffing his shoes on the ground, and a pair of white socks with coloured bands around the ankles. To complete the look, a pair of Ray Bans, that Simon's pretty sure he's stolen from JJ.

It's something casual, that anyone would wear. But Simon thinks Harry looks easily a hundred times better wearing it than anyone else could.

"You ready to go out for a night, and forget about everything?" Harry grins, pulling Simon from his thoughts as he hooks an arm around his shoulders.

"Hell yeah."

- {} -

They spend their night, just wandering around London, and enjoying what it had to offer. Simon was not surprised at all, when Harry revealed that he'd 'borrowed' over £200 from JJ. But he made sure to scold the younger for it, since JJ was only just starting to warm to him a little.

They bought shitty chips from a random food van set up on the street, and walked along the river Thames, admiring the water as the sun set. Leaning against the railing of a bridge and eating their food, occasionally throwing a chip or two at a group of ducks, or swans that swam by beneath them.

It was peaceful really, for a while anyway. Until Harry managed to convince Simon to go into a pub, just to have one pint. Just one.

Well, one turned into two. And then that, somehow turned into doing shots. Until Simon was a little too tipsy for his liking, and had to put his foot down, dragging Harry out of there, and taking him for another walk in the moonlight, so they could sober up a bit.

Harry wasn't great at the whole sobering up thing really. He was too young to know how to. So he just carried on being giddy, dancing around the pavement, and nearly bumping into people, meaning poor Simon has to apologise oh his behalf for his rather crazy behaviour.

"Moné," Harry drawls, dragging out the nickname, and Simon sighs. Harry stops in front of him, pressing his hands onto Simon's chest to make him stand still.

"What, Harry," he says, and Harry grins up at him widely, stepping just a little closer. Simon allows himself to rest his hands on Harry's waist, and the younger doesn't object.

"I want a kiss," Harry says innocently, and Simon has to stop himself from choking on thin air at the random, outlandish request.

He hadn't expected that. At all.

"You're drunk, no," Simon says reluctantly. Harry just wraps his arms around his neck, drawing himself even closer to the taller boy.

"Please. Just one kiss."


Simon isn't all that mad about it when it happens. It's brief, sure, but the feeling of Harry's lips on his is heavenly. He tastes distinctly of beer, and strawberry vodka. Which only makes Simon crave more.

So when Harry pulls back, Simon follows him, capturing his lips again. Wrapping his arms more tightly around the younger's waist, and pulling him much closer, so he's pressed flush against him. Moving slowly against him, as Harry tangles his fingers into his hair, whimpering softly against his lips.

So much for only one drink. And so much for only one kiss.

Simon can't win with him.


They just continue the evening after that, walking aimlessly around parks, and along streets together. Their hands intertwined, with Harry occasionally stopping, and requesting another kiss. Something Simon was happy to oblige to.

They didn't need to talk about how they felt. They just let themselves feel it. It was a simple solution, to a problem Simon had seen no way out of for a month and a half.

Harry very slowly gets more sober, and they head back to the base at nearly midnight.

But even when Harry's completely sober, the kisses don't stop.

And that makes Simon feel warm, and pleasant inside. Knowing that it wasn't in fact the alcohol that influenced his decision after all. Knowing that Harry's feelings towards him may well be real after all.

Simon does something a little crazy, after he and Harry sneak back into the Sidemen base.

He invites Harry up to his room.


"It's nice in here," Harry compliments, as he looks around. This statement isn't entirely accurate - Simon's room is just a standard one really. But it must seem like luxury to someone who's spent a month and a half sleeping in a prison cell.

"It's alright I guess," Simon says, watching as Harry instantly makes himself at home, flopping backwards onto Simon's bed. He can't help the smile that works it's way onto his lips, watching Harry wriggle around, messing up his neatly made bed. Him doing that should have annoyed him. But it's Harry.

"Well? Aren't you gonna join me?" Harry then says, smirking at Simon. An offer he can't refuse. Simon wanders over to the bed, and crawls onto it, on all fours above Harry, a smirk tugging at his lips. He leans down so he's resting on his forearms instead of his hands, bringing himself closer to Harry.

"How far do you plan on letting this go?" Asks Simon, pressing teasing kisses to the younger boy's jaw. Harry reaches up, and holds the back of Simon's head gently, and sighs.

"Keep going, and we'll see, won't we?"

Harry lets him go all the way.

- {} -

Simon wakes at about four in the morning, from a peaceful, blissed out sleep, to the feeling of Harry thrashing violently, and crying out. Simon's at full alert instantly, trying to still the smaller boy, with a hand on his arm, and a palm on his cheek. Harry's eyes are wide and scared.

"Hey, shh, it's just me," Simon soothes, rubbing his thumb over Harry's cheekbone.

It takes him a minute to calm down, before he realises where he is, and collapses back onto the bed, panting heavily. His hands lay against Simon's chest, shaking slightly as he tries to haul in a breath.

After a moment or two, Harry manages to speak.

"I'm sorry for waking you," he says quietly. Simon just responds to this by pulling Harry closer, wrapping his arms around the younger, and running his fingers through his hair.

"It's fine. What happened?" Simon asks softly. Harry shakes his head.

"Nightmare. I've been getting them a lot recently," he says with a frown, closing his eyes again as he cuddles into Simon.

"How come you didn't say anything to me?" Simon questions.

"Didn't seem important," Harry says flatly.

"Haz, it is important. You can talk to me about this, you know?" Simon says, keeping his tone soft and quiet.

"Why're you being so nice all of a sudden?" Harry queries, looking up at Simon again.

"I've always wanted to have you like this. I guess being a dick was my way of keeping my fantasy, and reality separate," Simon responds honestly. Harry hums quietly in response.

"Can I stay here? Like, every night? I don't want to have to wake up alone, in that prison cell again after this," Harry says, a pleading look in his eyes. Simon's given in before he's even asked the question.

"Of course," he says, pressing a kiss to Harry's forehead. "I might be dangerous, but I'll keep you safe."

Harry smiles at this. "You've never been dangerous to me."

"Yeah I have. That's why you love me."

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a.n: i know i said i was gonna leave this til i got back, but i honestly don't think i would have been able to rest properly if i just left it.

anyway, there we go! minishaw ting done!

pls, comment any ships you want to see, they can be ones i've done before or new ones, but i want to see what you guys want me to write next :)

see you when i get back

~ Oscar

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