|| 10 || kshaw • tolerance

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|| ship; kshaw

|| warnings; homophobia, homophobic slurs

|| words; 1.5k

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"It's nice here, isn't it?" Smiles JJ, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"Yeah. I wouldn't mind coming here again," I tell him, taking another sip of my coffee, and leaning into his side.

We're having a date at a little coffee shop JJ found, and it actually is really nice here. Kind of retro, with booths, which of course JJ wanted to sit at. We started out sitting opposite each other, but he couldn't keep away. Now we're cuddled up together on the same bench, drinking coffee. Savouring the moment, relaxing.

"If it's with you, I'll go anywhere," JJ says, pressing a kiss to my cheek. I giggle, and push his face away playfully.

"You're so cheesy, Jide," I tell him, and he just grins at me.

"You know you love me," he smirks, leaning in to capture my lips in a soft kiss.

"I might do," I say, between short kisses. I can feel his smile against my lips, and that's honestly my favourite thing.

Slowly, he moves away from my lips, and along my jaw, pressing small, open mouthed kisses to my skin. I sigh, and relax against the feeling, closing my eyes as he makes his way down my neck, trailing lips, tongue and teeth lightly across sensitive skin.

Anywhere he touches me, I feel for hours after. And I love it. The fact that even though we've been dating for nearly a year, this feeling hasn't worn off. I don't think it ever will.

I let my eyes open, glancing down at where he's working. He always treats me well.

But then, I get distracted by something.

When I glance across the room, I notice a couple of kids looking our way, each of them only about sixteen, talking to each other in low voices, and looking a little angry. Maybe it's just my imagination, but it makes me uncomfortable.

"JJ, stop," I murmur, pushing his shoulder gently to try and get him away from me a little. He looks up, but doesn't stop kissing my neck softly.

"What's up?" He asks quietly, eyes locking with mine. I have to look away.

"Some kids are staring at us," I tell him, choosing to look out of the window, so I don't have to see JJ's disappointment, or those kids. He sighs, and pulls away from me, resting his hand on my knee.

"They aren't gonna try anything babe, relax. You're safe with me," JJ tries to assure me. I want to believe him. But I can't.

We manage to finish our coffee in peace, and I'm able to relax a little, even though those lads keep shooting us dirty looks, and muttering to one another. JJ's right though. I don't expect they'll actually come up to us, let alone say anything outright. It's busy in here, and they probably won't want to make a scene over something so stupid.

At least, that's what I hoped.

JJ's about to get up to pay, and I've nearly forgotten about them. So I think nothing of it when JJ wraps an arm around my waist, kissing me slowly, and deeply. I rest a hand on his bicep, leaning into him as I kiss back.

"Fucking stop that."

A cold voice, one I've never heard before speaks up, coming from that table of kids. JJ pulls away slowly, looking into my eyes, and I can see anger there. White fire. He presses a quick kiss to my cheek, and then turns to face their table.

"Got a problem?" He asks, his tone icy. A lad with messy dark hair, stands up, and comes over to our table.

"Yes, there's a problem," he spits, and JJ looks unfazed. I, on the other hand, just want to leave. Fall through the floor if I have to. I don't want to be in this situation.

"And what would that be?" JJ responds. The lad straight up growls at him.

"You and your fucking boyfriend are my problem. I don't wanna be watching a couple of fags kissing while I'm getting a coffee with my mates, you hear me?" He says, and I feel myself flinch at his words. We should just leave.

JJ is having none of it though. He stands up, a furious look on his face, and towers over the dark haired boy. He holds his ground though, glaring up at the much taller man. JJ shoves his hands deep into his pockets.

"Would it upset you if we stayed?" JJ asks, in a mocking voice. The lad doesn't even have a chance to nod before JJ continues speaking. "Good. Because I'm feeling like getting another coffee."

JJ walks off towards the counter, talking to the member of staff behind it.

Also leaving me alone with the lad. I can't look at him, keeping my gaze trained on my lap, where my hands are fidgeting nervously. I really don't want to be here.

"You gonna say anything?" The boy asks, and I know he's talking to me now. "Or are you gonna let your boyfriend do all the talking?"

"I'm not going to waste my time talking to a homophobic asshole," I manage to say, quietly, but he hears me.

"What did you say, fag? You called me an asshole? At least I don't have to rely on someone else to fight my battles for me," he sneers. "Stuck up little queer, thinking you're too good for this world."

His words shouldn't hurt. I've heard these things so many times before. But it still cuts deep.

"Say another fucking thing to him, I dare you." JJ is back now, looming over the boy, fists clenched. I don't think I've ever seen him this angry before. Even the boy recoils a bit.

"Oh yeah? What're you gonna do?" The boy says, but I can hear the confidence he had before fading a little.

"Rip your fucking throat out, with my bare hands," JJ growls, squaring himself fully, so he looks even more intimidating. "And I think I'd feel pretty fucking good about it after."

With this, the boy deflates a little. Takes a step back.

"Whatever," he mutters, and walks back to his table. Ushers his friends to their feet, and leads them out of the shop, but not without throwing us some more dirty looks. Once they're gone, I let out a shaky breath, and JJ sits beside me on the bench again instantly, wrapping me up in a huge hug. I hug back, burying my face into his chest.

"I'm sorry about that, baby," he murmurs, stroking his hands up and down my spine. I hold him even tighter, and he rests his chin on top of my head. Lets me hide there, until I feel safe again.

Eventually, I crawl back out of his arms, and look him in the eye. He seems immensely upset about the whole thing, which just makes me want to cry.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine," he responds, but way his brow creases tells me otherwise.

"Excuse me?" Another voice interrupts the moment, and I look over to see the woman from behind the counter standing beside our table, and looking extremely apologetic.

"I'd like to apologise. I saw what those lads were saying to you, and it's disgusting that people are still so closed minded. I'm told not to interfere with these things when they happen. But I regret not helping you. Those lads come in here all the time, behaving like that, and I don't know what to do about it," she says.

"It's alright," JJ tells her, and she shakes her head.

"It's not alright. I'm sorry I can't do more, but would you like another drink each? On the house," she offers, and JJ gives an appreciative nod.

"That'd be good, thank you," he says politely. With that, the woman gives us a half smile, and walks back over to the counter.

JJ takes one of my hands between his, and presses a gentle kiss to the tip of my nose. I try not to, but flinch away from him, and he frowns at me.

"What's wrong?" He asks, concern laced into his tone.

I sigh. "It's just- maybe we should save all that for when we're alone. Y'know."

"Harry, listen to me," JJ says firmly, squeezing my hand gently. "If we give in to them, they win. There's no reason we should hide ourselves, to benefit people who can't keep their dated opinions to themselves. So no. I won't let them win."

He puts a hand on the back of my neck, and leans in to kiss me softly. Not something he'd usually do. Most kisses he gives are full of his usual fire and passion. This one is too, but in a different way. More caring than anything else.

"I love you," he mumbles when he pulls away, resting his forehead on mine. "Don't make me hide it. I want everyone to know."

"I love you too JJ," I tell him, pressing my lips to his again briefly. "As long as you're here, with me, I think I can face just about anything the world throws at us."

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a.n: okay, so i'm really bad at taking breaks. as you can probably tell from the fact that i've posted

i wrote this in the car on the way to the campsite, because i was bored, and didn't want to wait to post it

but this really is the last chapter now, i'm gonna delete wattpad off my phone temporarily so i'm not tempted to write while i'm on break (that's how bad i am at trying to relax lmfao)

as a quick disclaimer, i'd just like to say, that the points of view in this oneshot, are not my own. i am bisexual myself, and know what it's like to experience biphobia, and homophobia, and i wouldn't wish it upon anyone.

hope you guys liked this chapter anyway

~ Oscar

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