Bittersweet Nights (Vergil x Reader)

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A/N: It's past 5 am as I start writing this, let's goooo. Just some nice self indulgent Vergil inspired by Night Trouble by Petit Biscuit. As always, thanks for reading and sorry that it's a bit on the shorter end of things.

The nights when Vergil had to stay out late always seemed like the longest. You weren't particularly worried about him, as you knew that he could very easily take care of himself. The house just seemed a little bit emptier while he was gone though, not that you'd ever admit that to him, knowing that he'd probably make some jab at you about being clingy.

You'd forced yourself to lay down hours ago, trying to will yourself to get any amount of sleep. It almost worked when you started counting backwards from 100, but you only managed to get distracted somehow. It was always in the dead of night when the demons came around, the literal and figurative ones.

You rolled from laying onto your back to curling up on your side, bunching the blankets all around you whilst staring off into the darkness of the room. You didn't know why your chest felt heavy or why you sighed aloud again for the umpteenth time. There wasn't exactly anything in particular bothering you, other than just feeling somewhat lonely and crestfallen for seemingly no reason. Maybe it was the encroaching sleepiness that was affecting you, but Vergil wasn't there to soothe you with his presence. Still, your eyelids felt heavy but you never could fully succumb to the dream state.

Perhaps it had only been a few minutes, but it felt like longer when you finally heard the very quiet and telltale sound of a door closing, followed by footsteps. You always had to strain yourself to listen for when the half-devil came home; most of the time, he rarely made any sound. You forced your eyes closed and tried to create an even, deep pattern for your breathing as you heard him enter the room. He didn't turn on a light as he presumably set Yamato in its usual spot and began to undress. You heard him pause as he exhaled a breath through his nose, possibly in slight exasperation.

"Why are you still awake?" He asked you and you cursed internally, then unfurled yourself from your cocoon of blankets to glance at his form in the darkness. He always seemed to know when you whenever you were faking it.

"Couldn't sleep," you replied, "I was waiting for you to get back." No point in lying, he would just end up chastising you about it. The white haired, half-devil gave a hum in reply as he shrugged off the remainder of any unnecessary clothing.

"Well, I'm here now." He then said, sitting down at the edge of the bed before sliding beneath the thick, dark blue blanket. That was probably the best thing you would receive in terms of words of comfort. But it was okay and you smiled softly, scooting closer to the devil hunter. He turned on his side to face you, curling you arm around your waist so that he could pull you closer. You tucked your face into the crook of his neck as his chin rested atop your head. It was a rather soft gesture from a generally cold and uncaring person. You gave a little content sigh and you snuggled into him further, soaking up the affection before Vergil decided he'd had enough. His other hand came up to brush through a portion of your hair, an action you didn't expect.

"I trust that you'll be able to sleep now?" He then asked and you nodded, face still pressed to his warm skin. It was always the simple fact that you felt safer when he was near you and his calm aura helped to put you to sleep.

"Thank you, Vergil." There were a lot of things that you wanted to thank him for and he never quite understood why.

"You're welcome." He still replied nevertheless, deciding that right now your sleep was more important than the reasoning behind your thanks. Finally, after waiting for you to truly fall asleep, he allowed himself the time to rest, but kept his arm wrapped around you protectively.

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