Sweet Melodies (Vergil x Reader)

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A/N: I really love Vergil. Sorry not sorry. Featuring a violin playing reader. Enjoy!

It was surprising, but Vergil grew to enjoy the soothing tunes that came from you and your violin. He came to adore the way that your fingers plucked so delicately at the strings, making sure that each note was perfectly played.

Often he could hear you playing in your shared room, but sometimes you would venture out into the living room where he would sit and read. The half-devil would not soon admit it to you, but he found that the music was a suitable accompaniment to the books that he read.

Today was one of those days when you wanted to play for Vergil as he reclined on the couch, a book held in his hands. He heard your soft footsteps as you shuffled into the room somewhat cautiously, violin and bow clutched closely to your chest. You watched as his beautiful, icy blue gaze traveled upwards from the pages to you and you gave a small smile as his eyes met yours briefly. Vergil gave a curt nod of approval as he saw the stringed instrument in your hands.

Wordlessly, he returned to his book and you took your usual spot by the window, raising your violin. You brought the bow up, but did not pull it across the strings yet as you debated what to play. After another moment, you finally decided, and started the song with low and soft notes. Your song was slow and drawn out, but melodious, nonetheless. As the first song finished, you immediately went into the second, one that you were sure Vergil would recognize. Sure enough, you received a hum of acknowledgment from the half-devil beside you. As you glanced down at him, you could've sworn you saw the corners of his lips tipped upwards into a smile. Just that sight alone made the warmth of happiness blossom in your chest; it wasn't always easy to please him.

Absentmindedly, you had begun to hum along to the tune of the song, even swaying to it slightly. Even though your eyes were closed and you were slightly lost to the music, you could tell Vergil was paying more attention to you now than his book. Again, he'd never admit it easily, but he loved seeing how much you enjoyed the music that you played. Your passion was admirable. He waited until you had finished the second song to speak to you.

"Come here." He said, when you finally ended the piece. You opened your eyes to glance at him curiously, seeing that his book was now forgotten in favor of addressing you. Carefully, you placed the bow and violin down, then sat beside him on the couch.

"Is something wrong, Vergil?" You asked, normally he would let you play for longer. The half-devil shook his head at you.

"Why do you play?" He then asked you, and you tilted your head at him, intrigued by the question. Vergil hardly questioned your motives about things that you did, unless it something that he deemed to be idiotic.

"I suppose it's partially because it feels good to create something that others find lovely. Music has always been a good outlet, and sometimes when I play, it can help me calm down if I need it." You replied after a moment of thinking. Vergil nodded at your answer, satisfied with it.

"Plus," you started to add, "it makes you smile sometimes and I like when you smile." You grinned at the half-devil when he halfheartedly rolled his eyes at you. Deciding that the brief conversation was over, Vergil took up his book again, but you didn't stand to resume your playing. You had an idea, but was unsure if you would be indulged.

"Hey, Vergil?" You spoke up, watching as his gaze flickered to you, a sign that he was listening. "Would you maybe read to me?" There was silence for several long seconds as he seemed to be mulling the idea over, and you idly fiddled with your fingers, preparing yourself for the rejection. You were pleasantly surprised however, when Vergil's smooth voice began to read to you the passage that he was currently on. Even though you had no context about what the book was about, you smiled warmly up at him and promptly shifted closer to him, snuggling into his side.

You didn't mind that he didn't bother to make an effort to cuddle you back, you were just satisfied that was reading aloud to you. His voice soothed you as you relaxed against him, laying your head on his arm and closing your eyes. Just before you could feel yourself drifting off into a peaceful sleep, a gentle kiss was pressed against your forehead, a rare and much appreciated sign of affection. You'd be sure to try and make another day of reading and violin playing.

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