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Double update! Also, this is long as hell and a little messy I think? Sorry!


In which Taehyung ice skates and has to perform at an event, alone, if he doesn't find a partner soon. And here's the catch-he does find a partner.


The golden rays of the setting sun drizzled through the large windows, right onto the ice of the skating rink making it glitter dazzlingly. Two figurines swept their way through the ice, faces glowing from all the hard-work. Or perhaps it was just the effect of the magical sunlight.

"We should get going Jimin-ah. We've already overstayed past closing time. Hyung must want to get home too.", spoke the skater with silver hair, coming to a smooth stop.

"Hm, fine! Just one last round, 'kay?"

And without even waiting for a reply, the blond skater named Jimin zooms past his dear friend, his soulmate, Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung only sighs and laughs to himself, gliding towards the sidelines to take off his ice skates.

A few moments later, and the two giggly best friends were making there way out of the in-built ice-skating rink of their university, the bags that contained their gear slung over their shoulders. They came to a stop before the rink's gatekeeper, who was dozing off on his cozy brown chair. A mischief-filled glance was exchanged between the students. Uh oh—

"HYUNG!! IT'S AN EARTHQUAKE! WE HAVE TO EVACUATE NOW!", scream the friends in unison.


Their poor Hoseok hyung who, might I add, is an absolute scaredy cat, jumps right out of his sleep and onto his feet, before scowling harshly at the loud laughter of his mischievous little friends echoing through the hallway.

"Yeah yeah, I get it. Scare the Hoseok hyung, it always works. Hmph, brats!"

"Sorry hyung, but in my defense, I did try to stop him.", says Taehyung, face all innocent, sporting a boyish grin.

"Hey! It was your damn idea—"

"Please shut up, the two of you. I deal with way too much for this salary ugh!", says Hoseok, before he remembers something and his face morphs into one of seriousness.

It causes both Jimin and Taehyung to stop their bickering and giggling and pay attention.

"What's wrong, hyung?, asks Jimin, cautious because what if this is a revenge prank or something?

However his thoughts are proven wrong when Hoseok actually begins the 'serious' conversation.

"They're shutting down this rink.", he says, carefully gauging the reactions.

A second passes. And then another. And then both their faces change to ones of shock and disbelief.

"You're joking right, hyung? Why would they even do that?", asked Taehyung, while Jimin's still processing his shock.

"Apparently the rink's not really used by many students and it just seems like it's uselessly occupying all this space when instead they could make a swimming pool and help with the swim club's sudden growth. They're gonna watch for one last month but if it goes on like this, I'm afraid we're going to have to say bye to this beauty.", replies Hoseok, voice growing slower and slower watching the faces in front of him fall with sadness.

"And your job?"

It warms his heart that his babies care about him too rather than just thinking about their beloved skating rink. So he smiles.

"Oh don't worry, they promised to give me another job in case they actually go along with the plan."

And so ended their conversation, the boys glumly bidding goodbye and leaving while Hoseok took to closing the place for the day.

Taehyung and Jimin walk out of the building making their way for their dorms with heavy steps. Both were busy with their own thoughts, neither knowing what to say or do. Soon enough, they walk up the stairs and into the most perfect room that they could ever ask for-their dorm, their home.

"Hey Tae, what if we do something about this? Stop them from taking away our ice rink?", says Jimin, settling down into his sheets. Taehyung makes a face at him, one that says, 'Get off the bed and freshen up first.'

So with a sigh, Jimin walks into their shared bathroom to change into comfortable clothes and 'freshen up'

"How would we ever do that, Minnie? I don't think Headmistress Hwang would listen to two little students whining to her and change her mind."

Jimin puts up his hands in defence and ushers the other to listen to him, "Yeah yeah I know, but what if we got more members to join the ice skating club, which I know doesn't exist just yet but you get the point.

We could create a new club!"

Now suddenly interested, the silver-haired boy sits up and asks his friend to explain.

"We could do an ice skating show or something! As a fundraiser, and invite people around too! That way many of the university students could see how amazing ice skating is and would join the club!", shrieks Jimin, all excited at the mere thought of it and watching Taehyung's face, he was down for this too.

And so the rest of the evening was filled with two hyperactive dorks, jumping on the beds and running around their dorm figuring out little things and planning ahead.

Maybe they could save their favorite place after all.


The following weekend, Jimin and Taehyung were back at the skating rink. This time however, accompanied by their hyungs, who didn't really understand what they were doing there, but it was okay as long as it made their dongsaengs happy.

"Okay so hyungs! From today you're gonna practise ice skating so we could perform by the end of this month!", exclaims Jimin, his excitement clearly above the clouds.

"Wait what? Why are we doing this? And learning figure skating in a month? Isn't that pushing it a bit?", asks one of the three newcomers. The handsome one that calls himself Kim Seokjin.

"Hyung~", whines the silver-haired male, "We've already told you, they want to take this place away! So you're gonna perform and help us keep it."

"You can't be serious! How is that even going to be possible?", asks the male with dimples—Namjoon, already skeptical about the idea.

The faces of the youngest of the group fall dramatically hearing the doubt and unwillingness of their hyungs. Little tears beginning to present themselves for added effect, and of course, huge pouts making an appearance. All the boys in the room sigh loudly.

"Fine fine. Stop with your acting, we'll help as much as we can.", says Yoongi.

And as though nothing had previously occurred, the soulmates perk up and skip towards the equipment lockers, blabbering about their amazing plans.

"Sigh", says Seokjin, "These brats are going to be the death of us."

"Did you just actually say 'sigh'?"


It's the most dreaded day of the week (yes, Monday), when Kim Taehyung is strolling past the busy corridors, books in hand, trying to get to his class.

And no, he's not gloomy or tired as he should have been. No, instead there is a skip in his steps and a bubbly, cheerful aura that surrounds him. Perhaps it was because they could finally begin practising for the performance from today.

Yes, they got permission from their beloved Headmistress Hwang, who in fact was actually really supportive and told them to ask her anything if they needed to. She also asked some of the senior students to pitch in and help, so now Jimin and him had about ten students to teach ice skating to. Interesting.

However, too busy with his thoughts, the silver-haired male didn't realise where he was heading towards until he collided head first into somebody. Ohho ho!

"Watch where you're going, Kim!", taunts that somebody with a smirk.

There in front of Taehyung stood his greatest rival, (albeit for what reason, he himself doesn't know)—Jeon Jeongguk.

Said Jeon Jeongguk keeps smirking more and more creepily by the second and Taehyung is definitely not in the mood for this on a beautiful morning as today's.

So, he ignores the gorgeous face and handsome smirk in front of him and speaks, "I'm sorry, it's not like I did it on purpose."

"Uh-huh nope. You so did this on purpose. Why Kim? Wanna rile me up? I've got time for a little squabble.", comes the reply, smugness oozing from the redhead.

"Ha ha, Jeon, move. I'm not feeling it today."

"Well, why don't you move then, smartypants."

And so Taehyung does, instantly shocking the other. However, he quickly masks it up and scoffs, and walks past, brushing his shoulders with the other's as he does so.

"Ugh Jeon is just so annoying!", exclaims Jimin.

It's lunch break at the moment and the group is all huddled up at their table, chattering away at their own paces. No one's really listening, all talking at the same time trying to put their points forward. It's chaos as always.

The silver-haired male sighs. He knows it's the exact opposite of what his soulmate says. Jeongguk was a sweetheart. Not to him maybe, but a sweetheart nonetheless.

"He's harmless, Minnie. A big bad brute, but harmless."

It's true. Jeon may bully him but has never done any real harm to him, just light-hearted bickering, almost like the redhead was only teasing him. He's often wondered why the other dislike him so, when he was kind and nice to everyone else.

Oh nevermind, he definitely doesn't care about how the redhead behaved with him.


A few days later, the two and their gang were all at the ice rink, trying to get the easy sequences of their performances right. With Jimin screaming at their incompetence. It could never be peaceful when they were all together after all.

Taehyung only sighs. He's lost count of how many times he's done that this week. Of course it's been hectic. They were teaching beginners some really good techniques. And it wasn't helping that Jimin thought everyone would be a natural like he was.

He calmly walks to his best friend, placing a hand on his shoulder, and says, "I think that's enough practice for today. You're all doing really good hyungs and noonas, don't listen to this little midget."

Said midget pouts heavily, "But they were supposed to get the next step done by today!"

"I know Minnie but they are all tired, besides they can finish up with that tomorrow."


And so Jimin skates off, trying to get some more practice for his and Taehyung's final act. The silver-haired shakes his head.

"Sorry kid. I know you both really want to give this your all.", says Yoongi, face all apologetic.

"Don't be sorry, hyung, you're all trying your best aren't you? Besides there's still a lot of time for you to get those moves right. Anyways, please don't overwork yourself for pleasing us and thank you, for helping us. It means more than you can imagine.", says Taehyung, smiling sweetly as he walks his 'students' towards the exit.

Suddenly he hears a loud scream and his face pales. He could recognize that voice even in the depths of slumber, and to hear it scream like that? God. He hopes it's not too bad.

The silver-haired male rushes back into the ice rink only to find Jimin on the floor clutching his foot harshly and crying, face contorted with pain.

He quickly calls an ambulance while trying to calm his soulmate down, then gets an ice pack and calls the hyungs, panicking all throughout. However, he has to remain strong, at least until the hyungs arrive.

"Shit?! What's wrong?", asks a worried Hoseok, who came to check in on the two after taking a short break.

And Taehyung nearly cries in relief, somehow managing to explain everything to Hoseok, who then picks the blond boy up tenderly and rushes him to the ambulance.

And then, there's silence. Taehyung's mind goes blank, catching up with the spur of events, before he slumps to the ground, unconscious from exhaustion and panic.

"Kim?! Hey!"


It's another couple of days later when Taehyung walks all alone through the seemingly silent corridors, unaccompanied by his chattering midget. Of course he feels all empty and gloomy.

Jimin was fine, however, was told to be on bedrest; his leg had twisted too badly, resulting in a fracture.

And Jimin's bedrest meant no partner for Taehyung's ending performance anymore. Not that that is at the top of the silver-haired male's 'worry list', but it did make it to the top 5.

No Jimin means no more expecting a grand, elegant and exhilarating performance to absolutely ensure that there plan doesn't fail. There was no way the boy could find a replacement with the required skills, time and synergy with him.

He sighs. God. If only some miracle would happen and everything would magically fit perfectly.

And then he stops. Near the glass walls on the second floor, overlooking the ice rink. Because there on the ice, is a male skating with unrivalled, unseen grace and elegance.

His movements are sharp yet delicate, so perfect. His presence demands for attention, and the silver-haired male gives him just that. Stands entranced on the corridor, unable to take his eyes off the dashing male.

He's clad in a simple black shirt and pants, yet to Taehyung, even that seems to be as beautiful and gorgeous as the dresses worn by professionals during performances. Now he wishes he could see his face too, knows that would enchant him as well.

But alas, the male on the ice also dons on a mask—a beautiful one—much to Taehyung's dismay.

It seems that the male's practise or performance or whatever the hell that just was, is now over, because he begins to skate towards the sidelines, about to leave.

And Taehyung panics. He absolutely cannot let the ice-skater go without knowing anything about him. Besides he also still needed a partner. Who would be better than this mysterious ace?

So he runs. Faster than he ever has, and within a couple of minutes is at the entrance of the rink. There's no one inside. Disappointment fills his entire being, before he whirls his head to look around to look for the male, because he couldn't have gone that far.

He spots him walking in the distance, a bag slung on his shoulder.

"Wait!!", screams Taehyung, cannot risk losing the raven-haired male again.

The said male stops, and turns his head sideways. And the silver-haired male takes that as a cue to continue talking.

"Uh, hello, um—my friend Jimin is injured and won't be able to perform for the show this Sunday, and I really really need a partner, so maybe you could help me out? Please?", he asks, not thinking of the possibility of scaring the handsome male away.

"No.", comes a stern, harsh reply. The raven-haired male then begins to walk away again.

"Huh? Wait, please, it's for the ice rink! They're going to shut it down because nobody comes here, which isn't really true. Lots of students like this place and it's just so peaceful here,", says Taehyung, before whispering, "It's my safe place."

"Never mind, I guess I was just—", he begins saying, only now considering the fact that he may have made the other uncomfortable.

The ravenette sighs, cutting him off, "Fine, I'll do it. I'll help, but only because I like this place too."

Taehyung is certain he's never been this happy before. Well except for his seventh birthday when he got his lovely puppy, Yeontan. But anyways, his face lights up happily and he shrieks,

"Oh thank you so much! I'll forever be grateful for this!"


"No wait, do it like this, I think it'd look better.", says the raven-haired skater.

(I wrote down the skater's name and later while reviewing, realised he was yet to be introduced, smh.)

It's the next evening, when Taehyung and his mystery male are back at the ice rink, beginning their practise after the others have left. The silver-haired male had just performed roughly, the techniques and choreography of what the final performance and it was safe to say, the ravenette was pleased.

However, he does see some points that could use a little improvement, and points them out politely, much to Taehyung's amusement. After all it's not everyday that a handsome, dangerous-looking person talks to him as though he was a doll.

Taehyung does as instructed though, and understands that indeed, the new steps did quite a lot to improve the show. He looks at the ravenette.

"What?", asks the slightly flustered other, suddenly all too conscious of the eyes on him.

"You're an amazing skater, you know.", says Taehyung, relishing the shock in the other's eyes.

He would have sworn the other blushes, but the mask that covers the skater's eyes and half his face, hides it too well.

Yes. The mystery skater still wears a mask-made Taehyung promise to never ask him who he was or to show his face or he'd leave. And as much as Taehyung wants to know, he'll wait for at least until after the performance.

"Stop teasing me and get your ass here to practise with me.", shouts the ravenette, once he's over his giddiness.

"Coming right there, partner~!"


Jeon Jeongguk, the university's heartthrob cum bad boy. Who would ever believe that if they saw him right now.

Sitting on a bench at a park with two little girls on his lap, giggling and laughing with no care in the world. But what could he even do, when he's so tied by the girls' cuteness and charm; they melt his supposedly cold heart.

"Ggwukie oppwa! Will you alsho I-Ish-Ice shkate on Swunday?", asks one of the two identical kids.

"You want me to baby?", comes the reply, an unusual softness in the ravenette's tone.

"Yesh!", scream both the girls in unison.

"Okay I will. The last performance, hm?", says Jeongguk, acting all hushy-hushy to make the little ones excited, "You can't tell anyone though, it's our secret."

"Okie! It'll be Ggwukie and Yerwi and Yejwi's shecrwet!"

All three of them laugh, Jeongguk only chuckling slightly, while the twins burst into a fit of giggles, hiding their mouths with small fists.

The twins are probably the only ones, apart from him obviously, that know about his love for ice skating. On a random sad day, the two had approached him and he'd told them, and they'd listened like it was a story. And even though they hadn't completely understood, their little encouragements made the red-head not want to give up.

It felt nice to get it off his shoulders too, afterall what better secret keepers than his two little angels?

The rest of that day passed in the midst of loud laughter, cute talks and lots of smiles. And the best part, they all had their favorite ice creams too!


Jeongguk would never ever ever admit it to anyone, but he always finds himself waiting with lots of anticipation for practice with Taehyung these days.

He doesn't know the reason for it, perhaps it is because he's always practised his love for ice skating on his lonesome, and having someone to share that passion with, is amazing. And though he would have never imagined he'd actually like staying around the silver-haired male, he does.

It's fun joking around with the other, not having to having to defend against sharp, snooty replies or sassy, unbothered attitudes.

It's with unforeseen thoughts like these that he enters the skating rink, greeting Hoseok with a nod of his head.

The sight in front of him is marvelous. He's never once doubted the silver-haired male's skills when it comes to ice skating ever since he's seen the other skate, but this, this is on a whole new and different level.

The moves Taehyung's making on the ice freezes him, unable to move, think and much less, respond. These weren't what they'd planned for the weekend's performance, no. This seemed like something else entirely, something too intricate and difficult, something, that only the gorgeous, talented skater in front of him could pull off looking this effortless. He's enchanted.

And when the said skater comes to a standstill, posing brilliantly after an unimaginable triple twist, the ravenette claps loudly, still in a daze.

Taehyung looks at the masked male standing at the entrance of the rink clapping, in shock because he truly had no idea he wasn't alone.

The ravenette smiles endearingly at him, looking so in awe that it makes him feel like he accomplished something huge. He smiles back, softly.

The rountine he had just done, was one that he practiced everyday, as a reminder of the day he lost an important match. He messed up one slight thing and one thing led to another before the entire performance was ruined. He wouldn't ever let that happen again.

And to see someone appreciate his best choreography ever so sincerely, warmed his heart.

Or maybe it was just the ravenette's charm.

'No! What the hell are you are you even thinking?! You already like someone!', Taehyung thinks, however not really rejecting the idea either.

"That was amazing, Taehyung. How did you even do that? You absolutely have to teach me all that someday!", exclaims Jeongguk, ahem sorry, the masked skater, too excited for god knows what.

And Taehyung's eyes light up as he replies, "Thank you black boy, and yes I'll teach you someday. Now shall we practise?"

It's almost nighttime when they're done.

Both of them are entirely exhausted yet extremely happy to have finished with the final touches. They were all ready for the show now.

"Can I walk you to your dorm, Tae?", asks Jeongguk. It makes Taehyung's face flush, and before his head could supply any more visions of possible scenarios, he nods.

"It's such a pretty night.", says Taehyung as they walk down the bricked pathway leading to the student dorms.

"Yeah, it is." Not as pretty as you though.

"Say Taehyung, is Jimin your boyfriend? You talk about him quite often.", he says, trying to play it off cooly, and not seem like he was dying with curiosity.

The silver-haired male is confused by the sudden change in the topic of conversation but replies anyways, "Gosh, no! Jimin's my best friend, my soul mate, my fated other half, my lov—"

"Yeah okay okay, I get it.", Jeongguk chuckles, before he hesitates. Would he be overstepping too many boundaries if he asked more?

'Well, whatever happens happens for good and you only live once so do it.'

"So, is there someone you like?"

Taehyung blushes furiously, probably at the bluntness of the other, questioning where he got all this confidence from.

On the other hand, Jeongguk feels a little sad, not really liking the thought of the pretty skater liking someone.

"Okay...hm, who could it be? Oh well at least it's most definitely not Jeon Jeongguk, right?", he says, albeit a bit bitter, but it's unnoticeable.

He walks on ahead, not realising Taehyung had stopped, before he realises the sudden silence, and looks back.

"...Right?", he asks again.

And yet, there's still no answer.

"Tae, what the hell? You like him? He bullies you, how could you—"

"I know okay! But he's just so sweet, maybe not to me, but he's literally the kindest most adorable person there is! Definitely not the bad boy he's named to be.", comes a defensive reply.

It makes Jeongguk's heart flutter, and yet he doesn't know if he should be sad or happy about it. He decides to shakes it off.

They walk in silence after that, and bid their goodbyes a little distracted.

And it's with a confused heart, that he reaches his dorm later, and instantly takes off the mask and the wig of black hair, letting his fiery hair free. He feels guilty.


It's finally Sunday.

Surprisingly, lots of people—students from the university, outsiders, parents, friends, relatives, and workers—turned up for the event. It seemed as though even those that didn't use the rink, didn't want it gone.

Taehyung and his friends smile looking at everyone. This show was guaranteed to be a success! They would save their beloved ice rink!

"You all should go and change into your costumes. It might take longer than you think.", says Jimin, sitting comfortably in a wheelchair.

Yes Jimin is out of the hospital now and usually uses crutches to support his healing leg, but today he's decided to use a wheelchair in case he gets hurt in the crowd. He's obviously sad to have missed out on this, but is still just as excited as everyone else.

Especially for the last act. He's dying to see who Taehyung's skating with, since the silver-haired male can't stop praising him. And maybe, he's going to tease his soulmate a lot once he actually sees the mystery male himself.

"Yeah okay Minnie, you be careful, okay?", replies Yoongi, an unusual tenderness in his tone. The rest of them watch the two with fondness before they all leave for getting ready.

It was showtime. Fucking finally. Taehyung can't wait to see all their hardwork amaze the crowd.

It's perfect. The lighting, the decorations, their costumes, their routines, them. Everything. Hands down, the best event the silver-haired male has ever planned without adult supervision.

He stands at the spot where the skaters are supposed to enter the rink from, knowing he still has some time before he has to step in the rink himself. Decides to watch his show to kill time and enjoy it.

The performances are perfect too. Seems as though the hyungs practised a lot more, perhaps even without him, and really did give it their best. He's never been so proud before, and he's sure his claps are the loudest.

Oh well, second loudest. He laughs as he hears Jimin's louder claps, wolfish whistles and screams even from the distance.

It's almost time for their performance. Speaking of which, shouldn't his little partner be here by now?

Taehyung gets a teeny-tiny bit panicked as he realises he hasn't seen the other at all today. Not even at the last minute preparations. And neither is he here now. What if he bails on him last minute?

No. No. The masked male was trustworthy. He knows just how important this is to everyone, his own self included. He'll be here.

"I'm here!", screams a voice softly, breathing life back into Taehyung. It's Jeongguk, obviously.

"You're late. Where were you?!", asks Taehyung, his panic now turned into anger at the ravenette for scaring him.

"Never mind that, I'm here now, okay? Relax.", comes a whispered reply, as Jeongguk slowly places his fingers on the silver-haired male's forehead, smoothing the wrinkle out.

The two of them detach slowly and stand together looking at the ice rink again. It's Seokjin's solo break, and he's absolutely killing it. Taehyung smiles.

Then all of a sudden, he feels Jeongguk stiffening up beside him. He turns towards the other, frowning.

"What's wrong?"

The ravenette is all pale now, eyes slightly wide, "T-Too many people. Can't."

And before he could even begin his words of comfort, the masked male dashes off somewhere into the changing rooms.

Taehyung would have followed after him had their turn to perform not arrived. He hears their anchor for the night address the last performance. And so all he could do was skate onto the ice, all alone, and hope for the best.

The lights in the hall dim, until only a spotlight shone on him, only him.

The music starts slow. A pleasurable, soft melody it is to which he dances, elegance sewn into every step, every twirl, every breath that he takes.

He's got the audience enchanted.

Deeply enamored by the way the light shines off of his glittery midnight-black, rhinestone-decorated costume-paired with an equally gorgeous mask-and his braided silver hair. By the way he seems to fly over the difficult ice, and makes his moves so sharp and calculated, it seems unreal.

Then he leaps into the air performing his first twist of the night, and lands back on his skates effortlessly, making the silent crowd liven up with cheers and claps.

He allows himself a small smile, and continues performing, and it's not the same as he has during practise. Obviously not, since he doesn't have his beloved partner alongside him for now. But it's also because the real thing is so so different from all those nights of practise.

Performing like this gives him joy. Fills up his insides with burning adrenaline and lights him up—makes him glow.

The music builds up, still soft and smooth, but getting quicker by the second. The silver-haired male begins skating faster and faster, getting ready to spin when the beat drops.

However he isn't very lucky with this, and slips on his feet, about to crash headfirst into the ice.

The crowd gasps as Taehyung waits for the hard fall, eyes squeezed shut.

Yet it never comes. Instead there is an arm wrapped around his waist, holding him securely. He opens his eyes and gulps dryly at the close distance between him and the icy ground.

And before he could think any longer, he's being jerked up and thrown in the air in a twist that steals the breath from his lungs. It's perfectly on beat, seeming as though it were a part of the performance—yet it's not. He falls right back in the arms of his mystery partner, this time facing him.

Jeongguk has a small, guilty smile on his face, eyes shining behind the decorative white mask. Yes, their costumes were decided to contrast the other's, and it's beautiful.

The ravenette then steers both of them, holding the dazed skater's waist. It's not a second later though, that Taehyung focuses back, and easily falls into the rhythm they'd been practising for, since last week.

Everyone in the crowd, already amazed by Taehyung, are now contemplating how interesting their luck today was, to have seen not only one, but two talented, beautiful angels showcasing their skills, dancing on the ice.

And the two of them? Can't seem to look away from each other's eyes, and it only enhances their performance.

Jeongguk lifts the silver-haired male up like he has done multiple times during practice, but this time it's somehow different. It's magical.

The music is coming to an end now, and they both split far apart, like they've done a thousand times before, and skate towards each other, both jumping into the air, spinning phenomenally. They cross each other somewhere in the middle of the rink, and land, reaching out their hands towards each other.

And once their hands interlock, they spin around each other, slowing down, before Jeongguk pulls Taehyung to him, foreheads against each other and the music stops.

The crowd breathes along with them for a second, before going wild with cheers, claps and gasps of shock, recalling what they'd just witnessed.

The two of them don't part, instead they lock eyes and smile widely, breathing heavily.

It's when they hear Jimin scream, "Get a room, lovebirds!", that they part, still smiling and holding hands.

And then Jeongguk let's go of his partner's hand and gestures towards the changing rooms, wanting to leave.

"What are you, Cinderella?", whispers Taehyung, unable to stop smiling and giggling.

"Maybe I am and maybe, my Prince, I'll leave my glass slipper by your locker, hm?"

He leaves then, and the silver-haired male is left to wave and bow to the audience.

The rest of the skaters get on the rink as well, wanting to enjoy the rain of flowers and confetti. Their show was a success and the happiness of it was evident on each and every one of their faces. They bow all together, and thank the crowd. It's over now.

Slowly the crowd begins to dissipate, and now all those are left are admirers, those that want to help with the funding and those that want to join the club. Taehyung smiles as he looks at the hyungs all flocked by people, requesting different things at the same time.

He leaves towards his locker, knowing that his students had it in control and also eager to find the 'glass slipper' that his partner left him.

It was a note. One that read so—

My face. I want to show you my face. Same time, same place, tomorrow.

~Mystery Man/Black boy/Your Partner

The silver-haired male is elated, now absolutely sure he likes the writer of the note. Ah, tomorrow would be a wonderful day indeed. He giggles to himself, lovesick.


It's the next evening already and Taehyung's at the ice rink, dying to meet and know who the ravenette was.

And Jeongguk is right outside, still debating and doubting his idea.

"Just go already. Thinking is going to make it worse.", instructs Hoseok, eyes mirthful perhaps at his panic.

He doesn't say anything but decides to follow the advice and gets in. He sees the silver-haired male and his heart thumps a little, along with his nerves worsening.

He stops thinking and closes his eyes.

"Taehyung.", he calls out, and without opening his eyes and without missing a beat he takes off the mask.

A few seconds, and he feels arms around his neck and a body on his, making him instinctively hold onto the body's waist. The said body only wraps around him tighter, as though it's never going to let go, making Jeongguk smile.

"God Jeongguk, it's you.", whispers Taehyung, not wanting to break the soft moment.

"Wait a minute,", he says after a while, and gets off of the other and shoves him remembering something, "What did I even do to make you fucking hate me so much, huh?"

And Jeongguk could swear he sees fire draped on the others body. He's now scared for his life.

"I, uh—I thought you hated me, but that's not true, now that I know—", he says, stuttering at first but getting comfortable slowly.

Taehyung however, blushes heavily at his words. The ravenette chuckles, and from wherever he gets the courage to say his next words, he thanks wholeheartedly.

Because he whispers to the pretty silver-haired male, "What would happen if I said I liked you, sweetheart?"

It only makes Taehyung blush even harder, yet he manages to get a grip of his losing sanity before its all gone, and asks back, "Do you?"

And the ravenette getting the teasing tone decides to play too, "Hm...I'll have to think it through, no?"

Taehyung hits the other's chest lightly, and mutters, "Can't believe I fell for you twice."

Jeongguk smiles widely, and backhugs him, "I fell for you too, pretty."

He nuzzles nose into the other's neck happily. It's a lovely silence that encases them. Of course it doesn't last forever, but that's what makes it even more precious.

"So why'd you stick gum onto my seat the first day, huh?", asks Taehyung, timid.

It makes Jeongguk gasp, "Don't tell me that's the reason you hate me!?"


"Oh baby, I wasn't sticking gum onto your seat, I was only trying to remove it, no wonder you just started screaming at me in front of the class", the ravenette grumbles.

(Miraculous, simply the best, upto the test when things go wrong~! Anyone?)

Taehyung's shocked at the new discovery, "Oh. I'm sorry, Ggukie.", he says, a little confused.

The other sighs and smiles, "Doesn't matter, look at us now, you're mine."

"And you're mine. Don't for a second think I'm any less possessive than you are, hmph."

The ravenette laughs fondly, and pulls the other closer. They look at each other for a moment, before they're both leaning in into a sweet kiss.

And that's that folks—they're in love.


It's a month and a half later, when Taehyung and Jeongguk are on their way to the silver-haired male's house, for a dinner together. It's Taehyung's family that has wanted to meet the red-head since forever and Taehyung had to finally agree. So here they were.

The two are at the door now, and Jeongguk keeps quiet and watches in amusement as the silver-haired male stands outside, uttering words of encouragement to himself, along with a reminder to keep his patience.

His family can be quite...entertaining. More like chaotic actually. He hopes they survive the night.

Taehyung opens the door and pinches his forehead between two fingers as he hears the multiple shouts of his name from every corner of the house.

Then there's little sounds of pattering of feet on the floor and Jeongguk is attacked by two little girls.

The silver-haired male is shocked, making sure his boyfriend is okay and comfortable, and says worriedly, "Yeri! Yeji! Let him go!"

His little sisters hold the red-head even tighter, making Jeongguk chuckle. "Ggwukie oppwa!", they scream.

Taehyung's eyes meet Jeongguk's and he relishes the happiness in the red-head's eyes. So his sisters and his boyfriend know each other, huh?

"Hi angels! So, you live with Taehyungie hm?"

"Yesh! Taehyungie oppwa ish our oppwa too! But dwon't worry you're our favworite", the two girls squeal, happy to have their bunny oppa inside their house with them.

Taehyung scoffs at the obvious display of favouritism, yet can't stay angry when the red-head is smiling this happily, like a child.

He silently takes hold of the smiling male's hand and intertwines their fingers, and places a tiny kiss on his cheek, adoring the flustered look he gets.

And the two of them—Jeongguk and Taehyung—couldn't get any happier.


^Have a Hobi y'all.

^The mask ❦


^That's me. I'm that

^Is that destiny speaking?


The longest shit I've written yet, but definitely not the best. Anyways, I hope you liked it!

If anyone's wondering, the ice rink was kept, and the money collected was used to help build the new (and popular) ice-skating club. And the money that remained, was donated to the swimming club so they could extend their facilities. A win-win-win for everyone, hooray!

Also, does anyone notice how I use present tense for oneshots and write 'Fire and Ice' using past tense? Which one do you think is better?

That should be enough talk for now, see ya in the next one~

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