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A long one again. I think. Enjoy~


Morning. Yet again. No matter how dark and cold the nights are, they always melt into a brighter day. Even if Jeongguk doesn't really want them to.

The ravenette brushes his fingers through his face and hair in an attempt to get rid of the traces of his sleep, and gets up. Another day to fight through. Without anyone to support him. Oh wait, he does have someone. The thought brings a small smile onto his face. He could bet his baby must be trying to burn his kitchen this Saturday morning.

He treads slowly down the stairs and indeed, he was right. There in the kitchen, surrounded by self-created mess, stands his 17-year old son, smiling sheepishly.

Oh this boy only kept making him see that he was actually his papa's son. As much as that made him feel happy, it also stung a little.

He wordlessly makes his way into the kitchen, taking away the bowls from the boy's hands, and begins clearing up all the mess. A few minutes and the kitchen is back to how it was, before the 'hurricane' had struck it.

"Thanks, Appa. And I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried.", says the boy, head lowered and voice crumbling.

Jeongguk sighs. He knows no matter what he says, the little devil would still be back in his kitchen the following Saturday anyway. So, all he says is, "Junhwan, it's okay. I know you're excited, but let's try to work together here, yeah?"

And the next half an hour passed by in peace, father and son chatting away about the most random topics, until they were finally done with their breakfast.

Both of them get ready to head out, one for his work, and the other to spend the weekend at his papa's.


As Jeongguk drives down the overly-familiar road, his thoughts get clouded over by one particular person-Junhwan's papa, and his ex-husband, Kim Taehyung. The thoughts bring pain to his chest, enough to have made him cry, had he been alone.

Should he have let this happen? Whose fault was it even? Why did they fall out of love, when they were once the sweetest, most romantic couple that people around were jealous of?

"Hey dad, you good?"

Oh. They were here. Funny the ravenette didn't notice having stopped in front of the house, because of sole thoughts of the inhabitant of the house.

He looked at the pretty house, one that suited its owner a hundred percent, eyes locking with the most beautiful angel he had once had the privilege to cherish, standing at the balcony. The two look at each other, raw emotions swirling deep inside their eyes.

And all of a sudden, Jeongguk remembers the worst day of his life. Remembers the way his heart had broken as the pen in the brunet's hand had mockingly swirled across the cursed piece of paper that split them apart. He doesn't know why he remembers though. Was it because he saw his pain reflected in the other's sparkly eyes?

He turned his head back to his son, "Yeah,", he cleared his throat, "I'm fine. Now, get going already, I'm late."

Junhwan chuckles, and instantly jumps out of his seat, grabbing his backpack, and runs to the house, ringing the doorbell a thousand times.

And Jeongguk waits to make sure his son gets inside, as he flips on his phone and checks his messages. Ah, a ton of messages and missed calls from his secretary. Looks like today would be a long long day. He sighs.

He hears the bell stop ringing and the door being unlocked, and his breath catches in his throat. Hesitantly, he turns towards the father-son duo, and his heart leaps in his chest when he catches those eyes with his own for the second time today.

However, it's different this time. He doesn't really panic. Instead, he gives tae a small sad smile, and watches the other look cutely confused. Something brighter lights up in his heart, reflecting through his eyes.

And Taehyung? Suddenly feels like his teenage self, giddy with love, before blushing lightly, and returning a small smile back, however his is more sheepish and timid. And little does he know that his quick smile makes the other feel so, so alive.

And so Jeongguk drives to work that day with a content feeling in his heart.

And Junhwan shakes his head at his dumb, assuming and forever oblivious parents.


"You did what?!"

It's the next Saturday afternoon, and Jeongguk goes absolutely shocked and livid at what Junhwan has to say.

The little devil told his Ta-ahem, told Taehyung that he wanted to have a dinner with both of them together, and begged him to agree. And now that he has agreed, this spawn of Satan was on his way out the door, planning to flee and leave his parents with what he called a 'dinner date'.

Oops, busted.

However, Junhwan, after all being the son of Jeon Jeongguk and Kim Taehyung, isn't the least bit scared, and smugly opens the door, ignoring his father's calls.

"See you later! Ciao!", he screams, sprinting down the sidewalk, off to his friends'.

And Jeongguk? Can't believe what is happening to him. Does he feel absolutely happy or downright terrified? Shouldn't he get dressed or something?

Wait, should he just call the other and cancel this, uh supposed date? No. That wouldn't work. He could bet the brunet was looking forward to this. Only because of Junhwan, though, nothing else.

He sighs and runs his hands through his hair. Guess he'll just tell the other when he arrives. And let him decide the rest.

And so the ravenette gets ready. Putting a lot more effort than he should for a dinner with his ex-husband that probably wouldn't even happen but, he does so anyways.

He knows Junhwan was busy all morning decorating the area on the terrace, which is how he found out actually, so he doesn't bother to check it again. Junhwan just does everything as perfectly as he does. Cue the proud bunny smile.

He also knows his son would have already made dinner and put it in the warmer, so now all he has to do, is wait.


Ding dong.

Jeongguk shakes out of an uncomfortable nap on his couch, when he hears the bell. He doesn't even remember falling asleep, ugh! His heartbeat doubles. Both in speed and intensity. He was here.

Shakily, the ravenette trudges down the hall towards the door and looks at the mirror above the shoe-stand one last time, before he does it. He opens the door. To the one and only, most beautiful, ever-so-gorgeous, Kim Taehyung. And his world stops.

Because Kim Taehyung has never failed to astonish him. No matter what. And he never will for all the years to come.

Dressed in a simple silky white shirt, contrasting his navy blue one (the thought gets him dizzy with happiness), tucked nicely into black dress pants that fit him only too perfectly. His haired fluffy and golden as ever, making him want to run his fingers through the locks and hear him purr like he used to.

Jeongguk smiles softly, and let's the other in. And though Taehyung doesn't return his smile, he knows the other was happy to see him too.

"Junhwan ran away."

And he expects Taehyung to be shocked or surprised at the choice of words used for initiating a conversation, but the brunet-ahem, the pretty brunet only surprises him instead.

"I mean, he is my son. I'd expect him to be a tad-bit dramatic.", says the brunet, voice smooth with a smile dancing on his lips.

Jeongguk rolls his eyes. "Sure, sure. He is your son for all I care. Now, what about the dinner?"

Taehyung watches him closely for a moment, not saying anything. Watches him fidgeting, and realises that the man in front of him, dressed to perfection, did indeed want this dinner to happen. And is also nervous, awaiting his response.

And so he momentarily closes his eyes, and walks past the other, heading towards the staircase, and watches as the ravenette snaps out of his daze and trails after him.

"The dinner, which I'm one hundred percent sure Junhwan's already made, shouldn't be wasted. So, let's go have that dinner, hm?", the brunet says, however, he doubts the other even heard what he said. He could practically see the other's mind soaring through the clouds. And so he smiles.

The two soon reach the terrace and Taehyung gets hit hard with nostalgia. It's been quite long since he's been here and considering the fact that this was their favorite spot, that was bound to happen.

It's decorated. With little fairy lights and ribbons, a table right in the middle, with rose petals scattered around. The table too, properly set, donning a nice tablecloth, plates, spoons, forks and knives neatly arranged, a fragrant lit-up candle-holder, and a bottle of his favorite champagne. The place looks almost as good as it had, the night the two of them had become fiancés.

Jeongguk is out of his shock of not getting rejected as it seems, because he pulls the now dazed brunet gently towards the table, and seats him down. He smoothly pours champagne for them both and silently let's the brunet gather his senses again.

And once he has, Taehyung reaches over his side to bring the over the plates covered with metal cloches onto their table. Oh, his son was dramatic indeed.

Gathering his courage, and wanting to get rid of the deafening silence, the brunet simply asks, "How has life been treating you?".

Jeongguk looks at him quickly, as if he would disappear if not given an answer. The thought saddens him. He watches the other look at him for a moment before replying.

"Not kindly, for sure", says the ravenette, remembering the late nights he now spends either drowning in the piles of work on his table or drowning in his memories with the other.

It's his turn to ask now, and so Jeongguk does, swallowing thickly, "Have-Have you been lonely?"

"Mhm most of the time, unless I'm busy with work."

"Then shouldn't you find someone for yourself?", asks the ravenette, bitterly.

Taehyung peers at him, watching his expressions, and without taking his eyes off of him, he says, "I already have someone."

Oh. "Oh, g-good for you I guess.", stutters Jeongguk and the brunet smiles at the little bunny, having noticed his little mental-breakdown.

"Hm, but he rarely talks to me and we aren't dating either."

And he was right. Jeongguk did mind him having a lover. Because he watches the other visibly relaxing, and Taehyung has to muffle the giggle trying to escape his lips.

Lightly talking so, the two open the cloches in front of them. And Jeongguk gets a huge surprise. Because he could have never ever thought that his son, his darling son would make him his favorite dish on a dinner date with his equally darling ex-husband. A plate of perfect-looking Samgyeopsal stares back at him.

"You taught him how to make this?", he asks, covering all the emotions, but he's forgetting who he's talking to. And Taehyung knows just how much this simple gesture has affected his ex-husband.

So he gently smiles, and with an equally gentle tone, he replies shyly, "Yeah, the last time he came over."

"Well, let's see if it's as good as yours used to be."

Oh. His Jeon Jeongguk is back. Hmph, rude-ass!
"Hey! I still make good dishes, mind you!"

The ravenette only ignores him and lifts his chopsticks to his mouth, helping himself to a humongous serving of his favorite dish. And when he does eat it, his mind is blown.

He doesn't even realise the little tears that appear on the brink of his eye, as he is consumed by the sheer taste of the food. It's so, so nostalgic for him. And everything he's been feeling since these past few months hits him with the fullest force. He wants his lover back.

And while Jeongguk is busy delving in his thoughts, Taehyung panics watching the other's eyes get all teary. He leaps off his seat and rushes beside the ravenette and kneels down to look at his eyes, a soft, steady hand placed on the other's knee in an attempt to comfort.

He smoothly rubs his knees, as Jeongguk realises his silent breakdown and gets pulled back to reality, but doesn't say anything. Just lets it out. The brunet's other hand slithers up and gets placed on the nape of the other, fingers slowing threading through the silky hair of the ravenette.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Tae! I-", begins Jeongguk, voice watery, gasping for air, only to get cut off.

"Shh, it's all okay."

And he knows it is. Because nothing could ever be not okay when he was in the brunet's arms, getting comforted oh-so sweetly and patiently. So, he wipes his tears, calms himself down, and smiles. And Taehyung is left adoring just how strong the other is. Nonetheless, he gives Jeongguk a bright smile of his own.

The two just sit like that for awhile, drowning in each other's eyes, perfectly in peace. That is until the sweet notes of a song fills the atmosphere.

It doesn't take them too long to recognise the tunes and they both smile once they do. Oh Junhwan! He's proved it one too many times that he is their son this evening.

Taehyung gets up from the ground and offers Jeongguk his hand-a silent invitation for a dance. The ravenette bursts into a cute smile and let's the other drag him away from the table.

He slowly places his hand on the brunet's slender waist, trying hard not to cry at the feeling of doing so, something he's been missing for way too long. Taehyung just smiles as if he knows what Jeongguk is feeling and it only makes him happier. The two of them sway gracefully to the soft melody of their song, under the silvery moonlight.

The song? Is same as the one they danced to at their graduation party. The night they first declared their love for each other to the world as a couple.

Jeongguk only gets giddier when the memories of their graduation party and college times enters his mind. But all those were quick to vanish, when he looks into the adorable, warm, brown eyes of his dance partner.

And his mind short-circuits. Especially when he notices there's no smile on the other's face and he isn't even looking at him anymore.

Oh, no. Let me rephrase that. His brain short-circuits when he notices the brunet staring at his lips. And his own smile drops too. Instead a sweet smirk replaces it.

As if suddenly aware of being caught, Taehyung looks up. Right into the fond eyes of the ravenette, and he blushes deeply. Jeongguk only smiles and lifts his hand off the other's waist only to place his forefinger under the brunet's chin, and tilts his head up.

And their lips meet. In the softest of kisses yet the hungriest and most awaited ones. Neither of them know who initiated it, but only they know how much they both wanted it. Eyes closed, hands on each other's face, they kiss softly for who knows how long. Because they don't. Too indulged in the feeling of it all.

When they part, a second passes as both of them just look at each other, not daring to speak and ruin the moment. And then Jeongguk's face contorts into the brightest of smiles and he bends down to lift the other.

He carries Taehyung bridal style, and leans him down, their foreheads and noses touching. All he can do is smile and smile and look at the beauty in front of him. His beauty again, hopefully. Taehyung has his eyes closed, laughing sweetly and heartily, as the ravenette twirls them around.

So caught up in their moment, the couple(?), fail to notice the eyes on them. Happy ones. Because Junhwan sure is happy to see his beloved, oblivious (he sighs), parents kiss, and play around after. And so he leaves so that he doesn't disturb them, dropping a message saying he would stay over at his friend's.

Back to Jeongguk and Taehyung, the two have now calmed down from their sweet, sweet adrenaline rush and are sprawled on the couch, cuddling. They talk for a while until the brunet decides he should get back to his place.

"I'll date you...again."


"I'm dating someone."

Junhwan chokes on nothing, because what the fuck?

He recovers from the unexpectedness rapidly though and internally smirks. "Oh?", he says, feigning surprise and confusion, because it's going to be fun playing around with his father, "I'm happy for you, dad."

"Yeah, uh- he's coming over later so, yeah, I'll um- introduce you two.", stutters Jeongguk, unsure of how he should explain the last night. Ah, last night. Too, too sweet for his poor heart.

"Dad, are you happy?"

The question breaks him out of his reverie. "I am, the happiest.", he smiles, happy that his son asked for his happiness.

"Really? Even happier than what you would be if papa came back?", Junhwan asks slyly.

Now, what does he say to that? "Uh, um I-" Poor Jeongguk. His mind is too occupied with someone else's thoughts to process stuff properly this morning. So, he fumbles.

"Relax, I'm joking!", says Junhwan in the nick of time, saving his father another breakdown. The two of them smile at each other-one hiding his relief and the other, hiding his smugness.


"You haven't told your son who it is that you're dating?!", shrieks Taehyung once he's relayed the morning's episode by the ravenette.

"Our son, pretty."

And god does Taehyung blush wildly.
"Not the point, ugh! What if he's really sad? He loves me too much, you know. Hmph.", he talks on and on as they enter the hall.

Junhwan looks at them blankly, standing at the end of the hall, hiding his happiness and smirk. And the looks on his parents' faces are definitely worth the world. The two look so shocked, eyes practically demanding an explanation for the lack of reaction.

"Like you'd ever date someone that wasn't papa, dad."

Oh. So that's why, huh. However the both of them blush at the hidden implications of the simple sentence.


So yeah that's it. Mhm.
Or maybe just scroll down a little more to read a couple more lines. A couple of lines only, mind you.

It's fall all over again. Last year around this time, Jeongguk and he had gotten back together. The newly-dyed blond-haired male chuckles. How quickly time does pass.

They've both been doing splendid, working over the things that had ruined their relationship previously and god has he been happier these days. He looks down at the pretty ring adorning his finger, watching light reflect off of it.

And all of a sudden he's engulfed by strong arms and a musky scent that instantly makes him relax. Ah, he's definitely happier. Especially when he's with his fiancé.

And if you really want to know, all Jeongguk had asked him whilst proposing was a sweet,

'Be mine again?'.


And that's a wrap! Okay, in my defence, I had originally thought it would only take a couple of lines to end this but yeah, I got carried away. Sorry?

Also, I have like thousands of ideas penned down randomly. Don't know what you're going to do with this info though, hehe.

Choose what the next oneshot is going to be ;)-

1. In which Taekook aren't really fond of each other, but circumstances and their mutual love for ice skating, brings them together in the end.

2. Miraculous - In which Taekook are the much loved superheroes of Seoul-Ladybug and Chat Noir. Oh, yes. A Miraculous Ladybug au.

One of these is Top Tae (not smut just yet ;)), so choose wisely.


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