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"Ah! Daddy's back!" 

"Um! Hi Linh! How was school today?"

"I got ten points in math, Dad! Then I was praised by the teacher in front of the whole class!" 

"Amazing! I'll cook barbecued pork for you tonight!" 


"Go take a shower first, right after you're done, we'll eat!" 


Linh hopped into her room and pulled out her favorite pajamas from the closet. Then she ran into the bathroom and hurriedly turned on the water. 


 The freezing cold water that hadn't been warmed up made her jump. Outside, her father, Mr. Liem, was reheating the barbecue. 
The sound of running water stopped and Linh got out of the bath. Mr. Liêm was also done reheating the food. 

"The meat smells amazing, Dad!"

 "Thanks, Linh! Get dressed and come out to eat!"

"Yes!" Mist spilled out of the bathroom when Linh stepped outside. The mist had just cleared when...

BAM! The bullet flew from the barrel of the Glock gun in Mr. Liem's ​​hand. It flew towards Linh and landed in the middle of her temple. Shattered pieces of skull splashed everywhere like remains of a popped balloon. (edited)

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