1: Monday Morning

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Onimikeler Kid AU:

1: Monday Morning


Of all mornings, it was a Monday morning. Monday mornings sucked ass. After two beautiful mornings where Tyler and Mike got to sleep in, both had to wake up very early in the morning for work. Mike was always the first up, taking a quick shower before getting ready to leave for work at 7 AM. Tyler would get up about the same time, but wouldn't have to leave for work until 7:30 AM. It was always easier to get up at the same time, allowing Tyler a bit more time to wake up completely.

On this Monday morning, just like any other, the alarm went off at exactly 6 AM. Slowly, the loud annoying beeping pulled the two men out from their comfort of sleep. Mike, asleep right beside the stupid clock, was quick to turn it off, while Tyler moved around in the covers groaning. The two laid in the bed for a couple more seconds before Mike forced himself to sit up. Rubbing his eyes, Mike looked around, adjusting to the light of the room, and the cold air from the fan. Something didn't feel right this morning, though. Something was very different.

You see, on normal weekend mornings, Onity would sleep in with Tyler and Mike. Even when Onity wasn't sleepy, he'd stay in the bed between his lovers, enjoying their presence. Enjoying their warmth, their touch, their snores, anything and everything about their very existence.

On Week mornings, however, Onity would be up before Tyler and Mike's early alarm. Onity doesn't need eight hours of sleep every night like humans. He can preform perfectly fine having maybe 4 hours of sleep every night. So during the week, Onity would wake up, and he'd enjoy being a morning person. He'd turn on the coffee maker for Tyler and Mike and he'd maybe put some waffles in the toaster or set out the cereal and milk, and then sit down and watch TV. On mornings when the alarm doesn't work in waking the two up, Onity is pretty good at making sure Tyler and Mike aren't late for work.

This Monday morning, however, Onity was in bed. He had only one leg under the covers, his entire body out in the cold hair, limbs stretched out, one over his face. His mouth was open, and you could hear him breathing as if he'd just finished running miles. If that wasn't worrying enough, he was struggling to stay in his human disguise. His limbs had pretty much given out, now long, skinny, and purple, with claw like feet and hands. Other patches of skin had decided to turn purple as well. Parts of him seemed to flicker almost in between as Onity breathed in and out.

Tyler noticed Onity pretty quickly as well, being pushed a little closer to the end of the bed then he'd like. Tyler kicked the covers off and leaned over Onity, placing his hand on Onity's face. As Mike turned on the lamp on his side of the bed, Onity began to move his arm out of his face. If Onity had been asleep, it wasn't a very deep sleep, because he was awake now, looking up at Tyler who looked greatly concerned.

"Are you sick?" Tyler asked.

Onity nodded his head. It was pretty obvious he was sick. But of course, it was surprising, because the night before Onity was perfectly fine. Onity has only ever gotten sick maybe once before, and they've lived together for years and years. When Onity does get sick, it can be similar to human sickness, but he loses a lot of control on his magical abilities.

"Would you like me to warm up some tea or something?" Mike asked.

Onity nodded his head.

There really isn't much they know how to do when it comes to addressing Onity's sickness. Onity doesn't have a good memory on what Onis did when they got sick because getting sick was a rare thing. The one time he did get sick, Tyler and Mike did everything you'd do with a sick human, but a lot of that didn't have any effect on Onity. Medicines don't work well and Onity can't seem to decide if he wants a shit ton of blankets or none at all. Onity does enjoy getting warm comfort food, but it's difficult to tell if that actually does anything or If it just lifts Onity's mood.

And, well, there is nothing on earth made for regulating magical powers. Onity flips back and forth between his human and Oni forms. He can't teleport unless he's okay with being off a bit, which is really fucking dangerous because he could end up in the floor or just a bit to high for a safe fall. So Some rules have been set up. No teleporting. No playing with magic. No being in public. No doing things that could get you into trouble.

Mike left the room to warm up some tea while Tyler stayed and helped Onity free his one leg from under the covers. Right now, he seemed to need the cold air from the fan, as his body must feel extremely hot.

"I'm staying home today, okay?" Tyler said.

"You should go." Onity said, his voice hoarse.

Tyler frowned. "You've only ever gotten sick once in the time I've known you, this isn't a thing that can be left alone like when me or Mike get sick."

"Fine." Not like Onity wanted to fight this. Tyler should take advantage of the situation and not go to work.

Tyler stayed sitting beside Onity until Mike returned with a cup of hot tea. Onity sat up, moving over to Mike's side of the bed, where the cup was placed on the side table. After a couple sips, Onity would decide he wanted the covers again, and would slide under them. Tyler called in sick to work and while Mike took a quick shower, Tyler fixed them a simple breakfast so that Mike could leave for work on time. Even though Tyler could stay, Mike still needed to go to work. Money was an important thing.

While Mike headed off to work and Onity drifted in and out of sleep to sip his tea, Tyler went back to sleep. There was nothing better to do then sleep in on a Monday morning...


Tyler woke up two hours later to a horrible sound. At first, it was just a loud sound that pulled him from his sleep, and he'd almost forgotten the past morning events, thinking it was the alarm. But as he woke up more, he knew that wasn't an alarm. It sounded like someone literally dying. And it freaked Tyler the fuck out.

Tyler nearly jumped up and out of bed, noticing Onity not there anymore. Hearing the sound again, Tyler turned his head to the bathroom. The door was open and the light was on and that was where the sound was coming from.

"Onity!?" Tyler yelled, running to the bathroom and almost hitting his foot in the doorway.

It had to be about Nine in the morning, and Onity, who sat on the bathroom floor, back in his original oni form, was leaning over the toilet. He looked exhausted.

"That was you throwing up?!" Tyler's heard Onity throw up from eating sugar before, but this just was not the same. Eating sugar didn't cause the same horrifying sounds.

Onity nodded his head and was about to say something, but paused, as if he was about to throw up again. He didn't, instead letting out a deep breath.

"I-Is there anything I can get you?" Tyler asked, unsure of what to do in this situation. "I know you don't like water, but what about more tea? S-Should you drink something for your stomach?"

Onity couldn't answer, and turned towards the toilet to throw up again. Tyler had to look away. He felt horrible. As Onity finished, Tyler decided he could get Onity a wash cloth to clean off his mouth. He grabbed one from under the sink and used the sink to damp it with warm water. He knew Onity disliked the wet feeling, but he could get over it if it was to clean off his throw up.

"Lift your chin up, and please don't throw up on me." Tyler said, walking over to kneel down by his alien lover.

Onity, with hesitance, obeyed, and let Tyler wipe off the throw up that dripped from his mouth. He felt a shiver run through his body with the disgusting feeling of the wet rag, but endured it. When Tyler was finished, Tyler grabbed a dry wash cloth and let Onity rub his face with it. Tyler placed the wet wash cloth in the sick and sat by Onity again. When Onity was done, Tyler held his hand out for the wash cloth. Tyler let the cloth rest on his leg, turning his attention back to Onity. With the smell of throw up still coming from Onity's mouth, Tyler placed a kiss on his forehead instead.

"How are you feeling now? Are you done?" Tyler asked.

"Sick, maybe." Onity huffed.

"You can stay right here until you know you're done, but uh, if you need anything." Tyler replied.

"I know." Onity nodded his head.

Tyler let out a short breath, leaning back against the bathroom wall. He looked at Onity, the tall purple beautiful alien he fell in love with. His hair was white and long and looked so incredible soft. Tyler nor Mike ever get to see Onity in his original a lot. There was the first time they saw in, after a fight, on the roof. They saw it once when the guy accidentally electrocuted himself and his powers stopped working for maybe five minutes. Oh, and there was that time a few weeks ago that they, uh, well he was in his oni form when they, uh, heh,...Tyler felt himself turn red at the thought. Point was hey loved his original form, but Onity felt more comfortable in his human form. It was understandable. So though Onity was incredibly sick, Tyler did get to enjoy looking at Onity in his oni form.

"You look tired." Onity said, pulling Tyler from his thoughts.

"Being worried about your ass is tiring!" Tyler replied.

Onity laughed. "If you're worried about my ass then your priorities might not be in the right place."

"Shut up, you know what I meant." Tyler rolled his eyes.

Tyler decided to get up and find his phone to send Mike a text, letting him know about Onity. Mike was worried upon hearing that Onity was throwing up, but Tyler reminded Mike that he was on watch and he wouldn't let Onity get any sicker.

The day went on and as the afternoon rolled around, Onity began to feel a bit better. He regained control of his magic and was walking around the house as a human. He continued to sip warm tea Tyler would make him, now able to keep it down. He ate a small lunch, not having much of an apatite, and then sat on the couch with blankets, watching whatever was on TV that Tyler was watching.

By the time Mike returned home, Onity didn't feel sick at all. He was able to eat dinner and his body temperature didn't change and he seemed perfectly healthy again.

"Your species really is weird." Tyler said, sitting on the couch, Onity laid out with his head on Mike's lap and his legs on Tyler's.

Onity shrugged "From my standpoint, your species is really weird."

"I guess we are." Tyler nodded his head.

"Can't seem to share one language, bickers about the tiny little things, but loves to pretend the big things are not problems. You all get sick all the time. You waste like a third of your life sleeping." Onity began listing things off.

"Oh yeah?" Tyler huffed. "Well you're purple!"

Onity stuck out his lower lip in a pout. "Purple is far more beautiful then any color a human could be."

"Oh I could be purple." Mike said. "Humans can be purple."

"What?" Onity looked surprised, like he was about to learn some new amazing things about humans.

"Humans turn purple when they die."

"Aw, that's not beautiful!" Onity frowned.

"I thought they turned blue." Tyler looked confused.

"Blue, Purple, Green. You humans like to turn interesting colors when you die." Onity sighed. "We stay purple, as far as I know. Well, I think our bodies begin to fall apart. Without magic that preserves our life, things just don't stick together."

"I don't really understand." Mike replied.

Onity stretched out his arms. "Humans depend on their organs and bones and nerves and everything to keep them up and going and breathing. Onis have a few organs, but an overall weak bone like structure. It's why we're incredibly skinny."


"You know how humans like to think they are souls that inhabit a body? Well we're more like that. This crystal creates a soul of magic and a body for the magic to inhabit. It's why we rely heavily on magic for our strength."

"I think I get it." Mike said.

"So when you got electrocuted..." Tyler spoke up.


"Your magic stopped working? Why didn't you die?" Tyler asked with a bit of concern.

"My magic stopped working, but didn't disappear. It sort of, for a lack of a better explanation, hide inside my body, unable to do anything outside of my body without the electric field messing with it." Onity the sighed. "But, that said, back home, Onis will use huge amounts of electricity to hurt others. I assume that with enough power, you probably could put an end to someone."

There was a bit of a silence.

"No going near electrical boxes or outlets for you, mister. " Mike said, running his hand through Onity's long hair.

"Okay, daddy." Onity purred.

"I'm going to throw you off this fucking couch." Mike frowned and Tyler burst into laughter.


The next morning was a Tuesday morning. Tuesdays could be a bit better then Monday, but for the most part they were not. Not for Tyler and Mike, who had to get up at six in the morning. Well, this Tuesday morning was different. This Tuesday morning, they were awoken at 5:30 AM to a different sound. Tyler understood it immediately, and Mike could take a well educated guess. They rushed out of bed and towards the bathroom, where the lights were actually off this time.

Onity had reverted to his original oni form and was throwing up in the toilet again. His head was over the bowl and his hands clutched the sides and his hair was getting in the way. Mike walked around Onity to kneel down beside him and pull his hair back.

"Again?" Tyler said in a yawn. "But you recovered."

"Apparently not." Mike said.

After Onity had finished throwing up, he slightly leaned his body to rest against Mike's. Onity was breathing heavily and his body was warm again.

He seemed just as horrible as yesterday morning.


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