2: Baby??

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Onimikeler Kid AU:

2: Baby??


Tyler sat in the cafeteria in the hospital, on his lunch break, late Tuesday afternoon. He really couldn't call in sick again to stay with Onity, he really did have an important job that he worked hard for. Mike went into work too, but they didn't leave their sick love at home alone. Tyler really owes his sister for being able to get to their house so early in the morning. They called Rose in hope she could lend a hand, which lead to Rose staying with Onity to keep an eye on him.

On his break, Tyler was sitting at the table, hardly eating his food, texting his sister about Onity.

Tyler: How is Onity???

Rose: Feeling better now, but he threw up again after you guys left. :(( poor baby

Tyler: Really?? He's better??

Rose: Yep.

Rose sent Tyler a picture of Onity sitting on the couch in blankets, but otherwise seemingly happy. He didn't appear to feel sick.

Tyler: This is exactly what happened yesterday.

Rose: U worried he's gonna throw up again tomorrow morning?

Tyler: Yes...

Rose: Do you know what might be making him sick???

Tyler: No idea.

Rose: I know the dude's not human but can't you use some of your medical smarts to come up with something

Rose: ????

Tyler: I didn't go to school for alien anatomy.

Tyler: Also I can't really take him to anyone to see what's wrong.

Rose: What does he think it is?

Tyler: Haven't asked.

Rose: I'll ask.

Tyler waited impatiently for Rose to reply. He took a few more bites of his lunch while he waited.

Rose: He shrugged. :/

Tyler: If he doesn't know then how should I?

Rose: Right...

Rose: Oh.

Tyler: ????

Rose: Tell be about his sickness, I have an idea.

Tyler thought back on the past two days.

Tyler: fluctuating body temperatures, inability to control magic, throws up, tired, but all in the morning. By late afternoon he's totally fine.

Rose: Uuhhh take out the whole magic thing and you know what it sounds like?

Tyler: No, what?

Rose: dude you have a medical education what gives

Tyler: ??????

Rose: Sounds like morning sickness.

Rose: Dumbass.

Rose: <3 <3 <3 love you.

"Oh...fuck." Tyler said under his breath. He was a dumbass if it took him this long to think morning sickness.

Tyler leaned back in his seat, but at a point remember he didn't have a back to the seat, and fell back, reaching for the table to save him. He ended up falling back on his head, people from all over the cafeteria staring at him. After a second of pain, Tyler pulled himself up.

"I'm okay." He said to those concerned.

Tyler sat back on his chair and went to his phone again, instead texting Mike.

Tyler: You think he could have morning sickness???

Tyler stared at the screen waiting for Mike to reply.

Mike: !!!!

Mike: Are we sure???

Tyler: No, but it's a possibility.

It was actually very possible. Morning sickness is something humans get as a first sign of being pregnant, and looking back a few weeks, Onity certainly could be.

Tyler remembered how years ago Onity had given him and Mike an Oni Anatomy lesson. Tyler remembered how about a year ago, Mike had asked Onity about being fathers. Tyler remembered them coming to him and asking for his consent as well.

Tyler remembers saying no.


"N-no." Tyler replied, looking down at his dinner plate. It was about empty, but he couldn't look at Onity or Mike when telling them no.

Tyler didn't have to look at them to know that his answer hurt them.

"It's okay. We won't have a kid unless you want one too." Mike replied. God, you could hear the hurt in his voice.

"I'm sorry." Tyler frowned. "I'm just not ready."

Tyler in truth didn't think he'd ever be ready to be a father. Tyler loved kids, but just kids that he didn't have to worry about being responsible for. Tyler was afraid of being a bad parent. He was afraid he'd mess up, he'd do something, and the kid would never forgive him, or get really hurt, or would hate him for it. He feared having a kid that didn't trust him. To add to it, if they had a kid, this kid wouldn't be normal. Tyler wouldn't be able to go out and get advice on parenting a half human half alien kid. There would be even more about this kid he wouldn't understand.

It sucked knowing this was something Mike had always wanted. Tyler didn't understand wanting to be a father. Why would you want to force yourself through years of early mornings when you already had work? Why would you want to invest so much money into something that isn't expected to pay back? Why take a chance caring for something that if you fuck up, everyone hates you for it. And in this case, having a kid that if you fuck up, nobody is there to help them.

It made Tyler feel like complete shit to tell them no, but this was a step in life he didn't want to take.


Tyler remembered saying no, and he remembered Mike and Onity pretending they never asked. The subject was pushed aside and never brought back up. But that didn't mean it was forgotten about. Tyler still knew that Mike and Onity were disappointed. Tyler thought about it all the time. It haunted him for months and months.

Tyler remembered thinking about it for months and months. Over those months, Tyler slowly began to come to terms that maybe he could do this. He researched and realized he isn't the only one who has ever felt this panic about failing to be a good parent. He told himself he'd be okay, and he would have Mike and Onit to help, and he would be careful and not let himself mess up.

Tyler remembered weeks ago bringing up the subject. He remembered how happy Mike and Onity were, and how they asked him countless times "are you sure??". He explained his fears. He was sure.

And now here they were. Onity's sick, and Tyler isn't sure, but he's kinda sure why. He looked down to see another text from Mike.

Mike: We'll see how Onity feels the next couple days.

Mike: To be sure.

Tyler replied with a thumbs up.


Onity was definitely sick the next morning. He woke up at 6:15 AM and threw up in the toilet in the bathroom while Mike was taking his shower. Mike and Tyler ended up having Rose check in on Onity later that morning, Onity claiming he could take care of himself this time as he had the pattern down.

Thursday morning, Onity was sick again. He had his episode of throwing up around 6:40 AM, but continued to say he could take care of himself. Mike and Tyler repeatedly checked in with him via text, and it seemed he was feeling a bit better sooner.

Onity sat on the couch in the TV room, blankets covering him and hot tea on the coffee table. It was late afternoon, Thursday, but Onity this time wasn't completely over his morning sickness. He was thinking about it, and how he had this feeling that was a bit different. His magical energy was focusing on a task he wasn't directly commanding, and part of that helped to cause his unbalanced health.

It would be a lie to say Onity didn't know what was going on. When he first got sick, he had a guess, but as each morning went by, Onity felt more confident about his guess. He couldn't say he was an expert on what happened to Onis as they harbored another life inside of them, He didn't really pay attention when his mom was having his little sister Karma.

The thought of his mom and Karma made Onity pull more of the blankets around him. His mother was a major family oriented person, which was actually very weird for an Oni. Onis are very different from humans on this topic. Humans often dreamed of having families, often big families. It was almost expected of you as a human to have a family. Onis on the other hand were not expected to have families. Those who did have a kid tend to only have one or two.

That being said, family isn't as important to onis as humans. To humans, it's almost betrayal to leave your family. To Onis, once you move out of the house, you don't see your parents a lot after that. Some never see their parents after that, some maybe see them every few years, and very rarely every few months. And it's not that Onis don't love their family, they do have a special connection, but there is more to life then hanging around the same people.

There is more to life then hanging around the same people.

Onity has changed a lot coming to Earth. Maybe if he wasn't kidnapped and had stayed on Yvenity, leaving his mom and not seeing her much wouldn't have been such a bad idea. Onity missed his mother and father and siblings very much, but was that because he was forced from them or was it Earth? Onity also couldn't imagine himself being happy without the family he has here on Earth. Mike and Tyler and Rose and Amy and Diego and Gavin, they all mean so much to Onity. Even distant family that he's only ever met once or twice or during those family reunions, he loved them too.

Onity took a sip from his hot tea, having to shift away from the mass of blankets to reach it on the coffee table. It was slowly getting colder, but still taste just as amazing.


Friday morning actually wasn't as bad as the rest of the week. Last day of work for the week before the weekend. The alarm went off at 6 AM and just as any other morning, Mike and Tyler slowly got up. As soon as their brains were awake enough to remember the last week, The two had to check to make sure Onity was okay before going about the rest of their morning routine.

Onity wasn't in bed, but there wasn't any obvious signs that Onity was in the bathroom throwing up. In fact, when Mike peeked inside the doorway to the bathroom, the tiny room was empty of anyone. Upon walking into the kitchen, there was stuff left out for cereal, the coffee pot turned on, and a few other things like tea bags left out. You could hear the TV from the other room from the kitchen, and so Mike and Tyler walked across the cold stone floor to the warm carpet of the living room to find Onity sitting on the couch, covered in blankets, with the fan turned up high, and hot tea, watching whatever kids shows played at this hour.

"You feeling better?" Mike asked as they walked into the room and Onity looked up at them.

"I didn't block out the sound of you throwing up or anything, did I?" Tyler asked.

Onity shook his head. "Feel sick, didn't throw up though. Not yet, at least."

Mike looked at all the blankets surrounding Onity.

"That has to be at least five blankets, do you want me to turn the fan off?" Mike asked. Onity must be really cold.

"No! I want the fan on! I also want to be smothered under blankets. It's all part of the plaaan." Onity smiled.

"Ooh okay." Mike nodded head. "I see...I'll go get ready for work then.."

Mike turned to walk away and Tyler sighed. "I guess I'll go make breakfast or something. You want waffles?"

"Uhhhh" Onity paused. "Yeh."

"Okay then."

As Tyler turned to walk back to the kitchen, Onity suddenly remembered something and reached out to Tyler.

"Yes?" Tyler asked, looking confused that Onity didn't just call for him.

"Feed the cat!"

Tyler paused. "What cat?"


It was late afternoon that Friday and Onity was standing in the bathroom, in front of the mirror. He hadn't thrown up or anything, but that didn't mean he was excused from pains in his lower stomach area. Onity had grown pretty bored of sitting in blankets and watching the same episodes of cheap cartoon reboots over and over again. His tea had run out and he needed Mike to get more tea bags from the store. So in the mean time, he stood in front of the mirror, playing around with his human disguise. Well, he was playing with his hair. With a bit of magic, he made the ends a light pink, but then switched it to green, and then blue. He was curious about how it looked.

After awhile, Onity had grown bored again, but before he could do anything, he heard the door on the other side of the house. Onity walked out of the bathroom and through the house until he saw Tyler. Tyler looked worn out, taking off a jacket, wearing his blue uniform with the star of life patched onto it. Onity walked over and pulled Tyler into his arms, resting his head on his shoulder.

Tyler gave a tired laugh. "What have you done to your hair?"

"Nothing that can't be undone." Onity spoke. "What'cha think?"

Tyler played with the curls that ended up being a bright yellow color at the ends.

"It's...different." Tyler replied. "You're not keeping it, are you?"

Onity pulled away a bit. "Nah." He then changed the color to a red. "How's that?"

Tyler smiled. "I can't dislike anything in red."

"It's a handsome color." Onity replied.

Onity pulled Tyler closer, leaning down to kiss him. They shared their embrace for a couple of peaceful moments before pulling back. Tyler then turned to go sit in the TV room, Onity following. Tyler sat beside the mound of blankets and proceeded to take off his shoes.

"Is Mike getting home at the normal time or did he plan to stop by the store?" Onity asked.

Tyler shrugged. "If he was going to go by the store he hasn't said anything. Why? Do we need to get anything?"

"Yeah, but not right away." Onity frowned. "I want my babies home for the weekend."

"Heh." Tyler placed his shoes below the coffee table. "Uh, so, how are you feeling? Any sicker?"

"Pains, but no throw up at all today!" Onity looked proud, placing his hands on his hips.

"That's...better?" Tyler wasn't really sure. "I was talking to someone else and do you think the past week you've had morning sickness?"

Onity put his arms down. "Kinda thought it was obvious."

Tyler frowned. "Shhutt up, I wanted to be sure, I don't know how aliens work."

Onity laughed. "You're great at your job."

"My job is to drive a car that screams and poke people and put people into the car that will end up paying the hospital $500 to ride in my screaming car!" Tyler turned red.

"I thought an ambulance was a truck."

"It's a thing with wheels!" Tyler replied. "Point is my specialty isn't symptoms of...of"

"Of babies?" Onity smirked

"Babies." Tyler said like he just realized what morning sickness was. He knows, but he hasn't out loud said the word baby in the context that that is what Onity might have.



"Baby?" Onity said in a high pitched voice.

Tyler jumped up and turned to Onity. "Motherfucking baby!"

"Hahaah" Onity laughed. "Baby."

"So you're sure about this!?" Tyler asked, looking up at Onity, with a face that seemed genuinely...happy? Surprised?

Onity nodded his head. "I'm pretty sure!"

Tyler couldn't help but smile, and Onity swore he saw tears in his eyes. Tyler pulled Onity into a hug with a bit of force, the two stumbling back a bit. Onity wrapped his arms around Tyler.

"Excited much?" Onity asked.

"AAAA AA A A" Tyler just yelled.

Waiting for Mike to get home was a pain. Tyler wanted to call Mike, but confirming a baby was something you do in person, especially when the person you're confirming it to is the father. The two managed to distract themselves by watching Cops on the TV, laying on the couch tangled in eachother's arms. Once they heard the front door, though, they were both up.



Mike was used to being greeted when he got home, but not with such excitement. Also, what was up with Onity's hair??

"What?" Mike asked.

"Mike!" Tyler yelled again.

Onity raised his arms in the air and Tyler pointed to his stomach.

"Baby!" Onity grinned.

"Baby!" Tyler repeated.

"What?!" Mike gasped. "You're pregnant?!"



Mike laughed as he stepped forward, smiling, pulling both Onity and Tyler into a hug. He felt his eyes tear up. There was no words he could say that could accurately describe how he felt at that moment.


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