19 - They're So Obvious

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Dean, Cas and Charlie all arrived at Cas's apartment. Charlie immediately claimed the bed in the spare room that Cas had, before closing the door and ignoring them and probably going to read fanfics all night.

"You need sleep," Cas said, looking at Dean as Dean looked around the apartment.

"What's with the lolly wrappers?" Dean asked. Cas just sighed.

"Gabriel was here. What do you expect?"

Dean shrugged before yawning, and Cas gave him a soft look.

"Dean, you need to sleep."

"Fine," Dean said, struggling to keep his eyes open. He started to walk over to the couch but Cas grabbed his arm.

"You are not sleeping on the couch," Cas said.

"Then where do I sleep?" Dean said, his voice getting slurred from tiredness. He really should've slept on the plane.

Cas put his arm around Dean's shoulders and led him to the bedroom, keeping Dean steady as the tiredness began to affect his walking. He gently nudged Dean down onto the bed and Dean flopped down onto his back, closing his eyes.

"Where will you sleep?" Dean said quietly.

"I guess I'll take the couch," Cas said slowly.

"Noo that's not fair, it's your house."

"There's not really anywhere else to sleep."

Dean was quiet for a moment before forcing his eyes open to grab Cas's arm and pull him onto the bed.

"Dean I think you're too tired to think coherently," Cas said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Don't care," Dean murmured. "Sleep here."

"Dean I'm not sure if this is really a good idea..."

"Caaas angel come on."

Cas just melted at the use of Dean's nickname for him, and lied down beside Dean. Then realized he was falling off the edge of the bed and climbed over Dean to the other side where there was more room. Then looked at Dean and saw him watching him.

"Go to sleep," Cas said, ignoring the blush that came to his cheeks from Dean's intense stare.

"Fine," Dean said, pouting. He rolled over onto his side...and put an arm around Cas.

"Dean?" Cas asked, tensing.

"You're warm," Dean murmured, putting his face to Cas's neck. Cas could feel his breath over his skin and took a shaky breath.

"Go to sleep Dean," Cas said. Dean made some sort of little noise. Cas sighed as Dean's breathing evened out, feeling the steady rise of Dean's chest against his side. This was going to be a difficult night.


Charlie woke up and ventured through Cas's apartment to find Cas and Dean asleep together. She smiled. Her plan at taking the only other available bed had worked.

Dean had an arm around Cas, while Cas had his back against Dean's chest. They looked adorable. Charlie took photos for blackmail.

"Castiel wake up!" Charlie yelled. "I don't know where food is in your house." Cas made a mumbling sound, blinking his eyes open slowly. Charlie smirked and then ran out of the room, leaving Cas to the realization of how he was sleeping.

Cas was surprised to feel the warmth beside him as he woke up. It took him a few moments to realize that the warmth was coming from Dean. Who was asleep beside him. And hugging him.

Cas blinked and stayed very still for a few moments, feeling the movement of Dean's breathing behind him. He then very carefully moved away from Dean, being careful not to wake him up.

Cas watched Dean for a moment before going to find Charlie. Dean looked so peaceful in his sleep...

"How did you not wake him up?" Charlie said. "Or why?"

"He needs sleep," Cas said. "He looked so tired yesterday."

"He normally lives off about four hours, I'm sure he'll be fine," Charlie said.

"That's not healthy," Cas said, as he went to make coffee for the two of them.

There was silence for a few moments as Cas gave the mug of coffee to Charlie.

"So do you like him?" Charlie asked and Cas immediately went wide eyed and red.

"I uh...what?"

"Do you like him?" Charlie asked.

"I...don't know," Cas said honestly. "You have to understand that it's been complicated."

"Well duh," Charlie said. "You know he likes you right?"

"I know," Cas said. "I figured that out a while ago. He's not the most subtle person. Especially when he starts calling his guy friend 'angel'."

"Aww that's adorable," Charlie said. "I ship it. Destiel for life."

Castiel couldn't help smiling a bit at that.

At that moment, Dean walked sleepily out of the bedroom. "Mornin'," he said, his eyes still half closed and his voice slurred. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Ships," Charlie said and Dean just nodded and didn't question it further.

"We should probably get you guys over to your place," Cas said. "Has John said anything yet?" Dean pulled out his phone.

"He sent an address," Dean said. "Guess we're going there later."

"We'll need to pick up Sam," Charlie said. "You know, we drove off with all his stuff."

Dean blinked. "So either he's wearing the same clothes he had yesterday...or nothing."

"Gabe wouldn't complain about the second option," Charlie said, smirking.

"Charlie noooo," Dean whined, before stealing her coffee. Cas was just watching with a fond smile.

Eventually they did actually end up going to Gabe's place to pick up Sam, and Dean was actually allowed to drive the Impala this time. He'd spent almost an hour fawning over it, before calling it Baby and finally going to go get Sam.

The three of them walked into the shop to see Gabe sitting on the counter with Sam beside him, talking to each other with wide smiles on their faces. They were pretty close to each other, their sides touching.

"Cassie!" Gabe yelled as they walked in. "Charles, Deano. How are you?"

"You're awfully cheerful," Cas said.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Gabe said, smiling as he glanced at Sam. "You should be happy too Cassie." Cas just rolled his eyes. Dean gave Cas a curious look in that moment.

"We have come to collect Sam," Charlie said, grabbing Sam's arm and dragging him away from Gabe. Except Gabe just grabbed onto Sam's arm so that Charlie was dragging both of them.

"But I don't want him to leave," Gabe said sadly.

"Don't worry, it's not like you'll never see me again," Sam said, smiling. "We're in the same country, remember?" Gabe's expression immediately brightened.

"Fine but you better get back here as soon as you can," Gabe said. Sam chuckled and pulled Gabe into a hug.

"Look at the height difference," Charlie squealed.

"Alright fangirl, calm down," Dean said. "We'll see you guys some other time okay?" Cas and Gabe nodded. Charlie and Sam started walking off to the car, while Dean hesitated for a moment. "See you later angel," he said quietly before turning and walking off without waiting for Cas's reaction.

Cas blinked as he watched Dean walk away. Gabe smirked.

"He is so gay for you," Gabe said. "I mean, 'angel'?"

"Shut up," Cas said, hitting Gabe on the head. Gabe rolled his eyes before going back to work, coz you know, he does run the shop.

"You know," Gabe said. "They just left in the car you used to get here. How are you going to get back?"

Cas paused for a moment before bitch facing the world, and Gabe just laughed.


"So," Sam said as they were in the Impala. "Going to tell Cas how you feel?"

"I am not that obvious," Dean muttered. "How does everyone know?"

"Because you're obvious," Charlie said from the backseat. "Seriously though, just tell him. Or alternatively, walk up to him and kiss him out of nowhere."

"That could work," Sam said.

"And Sam you should do that to Gabriel," Charlie said. Sam gave her a wide eyed look. "Come on, we all know you want to."

"I met him officially yesterday," Sam muttered.

"And he was your boyfriend before that soo," Charlie said. "Just kiss him." Sam just tried to sink into his seat, looking away so no one would see his blush.

Eventually they arrived at the address John had sent them. It was a nice two story house, which they'd all have to share until someone decided to move out. Which really, they should've done that by now. They're adults. Idjits.

In other words the author just kinda forgot that fact several times.

Dean knocked on the door, since none of them had a key yet, and John opened it for them.

"Go claim a room," he said, and Sam and Dean looked at each other before both running into the house and scrambling around the find the best room. Charlie just chuckled lightly at them. She was just going to stay in the guest room until she found a place for herself.

And so they all spent a bit of time settling in and unpacking belongings.

Later on that day, after Sam had unpacked everything necessary to survive, aka electronics, he called Gabe.

"Samantha!" Gabe said, answering the skype call. "How's the house?"

"Pretty good," Sam said, smiling. He looked at the place behind Gabe. "This is strange now, I've been in that room you're in now."

"And you could come here again," Gabe said. "Or just live here. I'm fine with that too." Sam chuckled.

"Maybe take me on a date first," Sam said, winking.

"Okay fine," Gabe said. "You busy tomorrow?"

"Other than unpacking, no."

"Great, I'll come pick you up and take you somewhere." Gabe smiled. "You know, we might get snow again before winter ends." Sam's eyes brightened at that and Gabe chuckled. "I miss you already."

"Well, you'll see me again tomorrow," Sam said. "Because you know. Same country. Same time zone too."

"We gotta visit Australia at some point though," Gabe said. "You have things to show me." Sam chuckled.

"Of course," Sam said, smiling brightly.

Meanwhile, Dean was trying to think of how to subtly ask Cas out.

Bean: We should hang out tomorrow. Since Sam and Gabe are going out somewhere.

Angel: How do you know that?

Bean: I just overheard Sam talking to Gabriel.

Angel: Okay. I'll show you some good places around here :)

Bean: :D

Angel: Although I thought you were supposed to be taking me out ;)


Angel: :) I know, I'm kidding

Bean: You're not allowed to have a sense of humour.

Angel: Fine. I'll be emotionless. *stare blankly at you*

Bean: Noo angel I'm sorry, don't do this to me

Angel: *continues staring emotionlessly*

Bean: :(

Angel: :)


Angel: Fiine you win. What prize do you want?

Dean didn't type any of the thoughts that crossed his mind at that point. Some were innocent, some very not so. The main one though was wanting to kiss Cas. Yep, he had it bad.


My laptop gave up on life today. Ugh I had to delete and close so many things to get it working properly again. And my iPad spent half an hour restarting. Yeah technology hasn't liked me today

So I went ice skating! Only fell...three times? ...I got better by the end I swear xD My legs and ankles are quite sore...but I wanna go again

Also guuys help me with something? I really want to learn a second language and be fluent in it, but I can't choose. I keep starting one, changing my mind and starting another one. Currently debating between Japanese and Spanish.

I get braces on next week Chuck save me

*gives everyone donuts*

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