4 - Nicknames

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Gabriel was trudging about the entire day after not getting enough sleep due to reading Sam's damn book that almost gave him an existential crisis. Judging by the fact that it had been night for Sam in the morning, he was probably asleep now.

"What's up with you?" Cas asked, walking into the shop to where Gabe was standing behind the counter.

"Stayed up late," Gabe said. "Read this great fanfic. Full existential crisis, you'd like it Cassie."

Cas rolled his eyes. "Someone messaged me about Shout and Twist."

"Oo are they hot?" Gabe asked.

"I don't see how text on a screen could be hot," Cas said.

"If they were you'd know," Gabe said, smirking. He walked over to the door and changed the sign to closed, being too tired to do anything else today.

Cas rolled his eyes. "He seems nice. Lives in Australia."


"Chevy Impala 67."

"Wait really? I've read his stuff, it's awesome."

Cas raised an eyebrow. "Maybe I'll read them then. He's currently going through all of my books."

"Wow how much did you talk to him?" Gabe asked.

"Enough to know that his name is Dean, he's 23, American but moved to Australia and has a brother."

"Stalker much?"

"Hey he told me all of that."

"Did you give him your whole life story in return?"

Cas just gave Gabe a pouty glarey face.

"Well, like I can talk," Gabe said. "All my followers know pretty much everything about me."

"You're really open on this site," Cas muttered. Gabe just shrugged.

"And you're not. So what?"

"Are you sure it's safe?"

"I'm careful about giving away my location, I'm not an idiot Cassie. But I'm not going to be all secretive to these people, they're my friends."

Cas just sighed. "Fine." And so they moved away from the topic of wattpad and talked about other things.

When Cas left, Gabe went upstairs to his little home area of the building and opened his laptop. He debated messaging Sam for a minute but at the same time didn't want to seem too attached suddenly. So he closed his laptop again.


ChevyImpala67: "Dude I'm at work and I thought it would be a good idea to keep reading your story. I regret everything"

AngelWithAShotgun: "You knew what to expect. Where do you work if you don't mind me asking?"

ChevyImpala67: "I write articles for an online news site. They give me all the fun stuff to write."

AngelWithAShotgun: "So you're a decent writer then?"

ChevyImpala67: "I guess so."

AngelWithAShotgun: "I may have been considering reading your stuff. My brother mentioned today that'd he read your books."

ChevyImpala67: "Was this the Satan brother?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "The Trickster one. Gabriel."

ChevyImpala67: "TheTrickster? That hyperactive guy who comments on everything?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "That would be him. I am now reading your books."

AngelWithAShotgun: "You broke the fourth wall. Several times."

ChevyImpala67: "There is no fourth wall in my fics."

AngelWithAShotgun: "You're almost as bad as Luci and Michael."

ChevyImpala67: "You nicknamed Satan Luci?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Yeah. We can't exactly call him Lucifer in public."

ChevyImpala67: "Understandable. Someone just came into my office and asked if I was okay. This is your fault. These feels."

AngelWithAShotgun: "You're welcome :)"

ChevyImpala67: "If I knew where you lived you'd be dead right now."

AngelWithAShotgun: "And that is exactly why I won't tell you."

ChevyImpala67: "You live in America, I'll just bomb the whole nation."

AngelWithAShotgun: "They film Supernormal here."

ChevyImpala67: "Screw you."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Woah at least buy me dinner first."

ChevyImpala67: "-_-"

AngelWithAShotgun: ":)"


Sam was looking down at his phone. In class. Because that's what you should do in college classes. Not pay attention or anything but read fanfiction under you desk.

Sam noticed that Gabriel hadn't messaged him again, but he was bored so he decided to message him anyway.

Moosechester: "I'm bored. What time is it for you?"

Gabriel did actually reply pretty quickly.

TheTrickster: "12:67am"

Moosechester: "That's not a real time"

TheTrickster: "Damn he's smart too. 12:57am kiddo :P"

Moosechester: "3:58pm, wow this time difference though"

TheTrickster: "I know right, like where even are you, Australia?"

Moosechester: "Actually yeah."

TheTrickster: "Oh my god do you have an accent?"

Moosechester: "Afraid not, I was born in America, moved here when I was younger"

TheTrickster: "Wow that sounds like someone my brother just met. Well I say met, but I mean talked to over the internet."

Moosechester: "Really? What was his name?"

TheTrickster: "Dean. He has a brother."

Moosechester: "Oh my god. That's my brother."

TheTrickster: "Wow small world."

Moosechester: "Which we're on opposite sides of."

TheTrickster: "Well if you're saying this long distance relationship won't work then fine."

Moosechester: "Noo I'm sorry, take me back."

TheTrickster: "I don't know if I can Samantha, you've really hurt me this time"

Moosechester: "...Samantha? Really? Maybe I will leave then."

TheTrickster: "Wait no Sammy I'm sorry."

Moosechester: "Fine...wow we are idiots."

TheTrickster: "We're amazing idiots.

Moosechester: "Yeah, we are :)"

TheTrickster: "Well, I stayed up because of someones book *stares into your soul* so I'll be sleeping now"

Moosechester: "I'd apologize but I'm not sorry."

TheTrickster: "Wow, ouch Sammy."

Moosechester: "Goodnight Gabriel xD "

TheTrickster: "Night little moosey"

Moosechester: "Hey for your information I'm tall."

Gabriel didn't reply again, probably having gone to sleep. Sam just smiled at his phone before deciding to actual pay attention to his class again.


"Hey Dean," Sam said when he got home. "What's this about someone you met on the internet?"

"What?" Dean said, looking up with wide eyes. "How did you..."

"I have my ways," Sam said with a smirk. "How exactly did you find this person?"

"None of your business," Dean muttered, looking away.

"Well that's suspicious."

"Shut up no it isn't."

"It very much so is."

"Shut up and go write something."

Sam just chuckled and walked off, but he hadn't given up yet. It'd be funny if Dean met his friend the same way Sam had met Gabriel...but eh like that would happen, I mean Dean writing fanfiction? xD

It was about 11pm when Gabriel replied again.

TheTrickster: "How could you betray me like this?"

Moosechester: "It was an accident? I didn't mean to get tall."

TheTrickster: ":("

Moosechester: "It can't be that bad can it?"

TheTrickster: "How tall are you?"

Moosechester: "6'4''"

TheTrickster: "5'8'' -_-"

Moosechester: "Oh my god you're so short xD "

TheTrickster: "Everyone's short to you little moosey."

Moosechester: "Didn't we just come to the conclusion that I'm not little?"

TheTrickster: "You'll always be little moosey to me."

Moosechester: "You said it once."

TheTrickster: "It stuck"

Moosechester: "-_- The point of the moose nickname is that I'm tall, saying little just makes no sense at all."

TheTrickster: "You make no sense."

Moosechester: "That was the worst comeback."

TheTrickster: "You're the worst comeback."

Moosechester: "Why am I talking to you?"

TheTrickster: "Aww little moosey don't be like that."

Moosechester: "I will find you and I will stab you."

TheTrickster: "You'll grow to love it ^_^"

Moosechester: "You're an idiot.

TheTrickster: "You love me."

Moosechester: "I don't even know what you look like."

TheTrickster: "Don't judge someone on appearances ^_^"

Moosechester: "*eye roll*"

TheTrickster: "But for the record, if you wanna know, I have a youtube."

Moosechester: "Username?"

TheTrickster: "I dunno, it's linked on my page xD "

Moosechester: "Lazy. I'm just going to go stalk you now."

TheTrickster: "Ah stalking, the start of any good relationship"

Moosechester: "Wow Gabriel really?"

TheTrickster: "You love me. What time is it for you?"

Moosechester: "Almost midnight."

TheTrickster: "Sleep little moosey, don't make yourself tired ^_^ You can stalk me tomorrow"

Sam paused for a moment while looking at the screen. Because yeah he knew this was just in Gabriel's personality but the nickname was actually kinda cute...

Moosechester: "Fiine. Only because I have classes in the morning. Night Gabriel."

TheTrickster: "Sleep well little moosey :)"

Sam stared at the screen again because this was actually making him blush a little bit. And then he realized he was smiling and couldn't stop smiling.

Meanwhile in another room in the house, Dean was on his laptop.

ChevyImpala67: "Dude did you tell someone that you met me?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Only my brother, why?"

ChevyImpala67: "Because my brother suddenly knew..."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Huh. Maybe they know each other?"

ChevyImpala67: "What, Sam go on a fanfic site and talk to, I presume Gabriel?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Would he ever expect you to go on a site like this?"

ChevyImpala67: "Well no but...point taken. I will investigate this."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Have fun with that. By the way, isn't it late for you?"

ChevyImpala67: "Nah I'm fine."

AngelWithAShotgun: "It's 9:43am here...which means it's 12:43am for you. Dean you should sleep."

ChevyImpala67: "Dude I stay up later than this all the time."

AngelWithAShotgun: "It's not good for you."

ChevyImpala67: "But Caaaaaaaasss"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Cas?"

ChevyImpala67: "It's easier than Castiel. You don't mind do you?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "No, it's better than what my brothers call me. They call me Cassie."

ChevyImpala67: "Oh wow, you poor angel."

AngelWithAShotgun: "..."

ChevyImpala67: "Coz you know, angel name? I'm not trying to be creepy here."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Yeah I know, I actually thought that was kind of sweet."

ChevyImpala67: "Woah no, I am Dean Winchester, I will not be called sweet."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Too late. You, Dean Winchester, are sweet."

ChevyImpala67: "-_-"

AngelWithAShotgun: ":)"

Okay I'm kinda loving the Sabriel relationship here xD And all the nicknames here were actually accidental even though the chapter name makes it seem purposeful xD I kinda like the 'little moosey' nickname... :)

Alright, 1am, 2 chapters down and 1 to go. Yes I am trying to update three books in one night, I can totally do this :D

I gave an Australia food in the last fic so here's another one. Yall can have lamingtons. *Gives everyone lamingtons*

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