5 - This Counts As Friendship

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TheTrickster: "Mornin little moosey"

Moosechester: "Oh god you're actually still calling me that. And how did you know it was morning here?"

TheTrickster: "It's been about eight hours since you said it was midnight. And of course moosey."

Moosechester: "So it must be, what, 5pm for you?"

TheTrickster: "Yep. We have a 15 hour time difference."

Moosechester: "If it's yesterday for you, does that mean you're in the past?"

TheTrickster: "If I go to Australia, does that mean I time travelled into the future?"

Moosechester: "xD I don't know, you'll have to test that theory."

TheTrickster: "You'll have to protect me from the wild kangaroos though."

Moosechester: "You don't just see kangaroos around here...they're not that common..."

TheTrickster: "Aren't you supposed to ride them to school or some shit like that?"

Moosechester: "That's just ridiculous. We're just as civilised as you, you know."

TheTrickster: "Oh sure you are Sammy."

TheTrickster: "Oh you said you had classes didn't you?"

Moosechester: "Yeah, I'm on my way there now. Talk to you later Gabriel."

TheTrickster: "Later little moosey."


ChevyImpala67: "Caaas hey."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Good morning Dean."

ChevyImpala67: "Isn't it evening for you?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Well yeah. But it's morning for you isn't it?"

ChevyImpala67: "True. How goes the evening?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Well I was doing homework. Then someone messaged me. I couldn't not take up that excuse to procrastinate."

ChevyImpala67: "Why Cas, being a bad student are we?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Nah. Well...yeah kinda. But come on, this homework sucks. It's boring."

ChevyImpala67: "What do you study anyway? College right?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Yeah. It's a course for literature. I want to be an author, maybe teach literature too."

ChevyImpala67: "Oh that's cool. You definitely could, your writing is amazing."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Thank you Dean :)"

ChevyImpala67: "Hey don't thank me, I'm just saying the truth."


When Sam got home later that day, he didn't message Gabriel because that idiot should be asleep by that time, and he wasn't going to keep him up.

Then he realized that he was thinking of this as if he'd just keep messaging Gabriel all the time. Could they be considered friends? Probably. Gabriel did keep seemingly flirting with him. And had a nickname for him. Yeah they were probably friends by now.

Sam said hi to Dean and John as he walked through the house to his room. John was busy seemingly planning something, and Dean was just staring at his laptop screen. He looked like he was reading.

"What are you reading?" Sam asked.

"Nothing," Dean said, not taking his eyes away from the screen. His eyes looked kind of red...

"Have you been...crying?"

"No," Dean snapped. "I just got something in my eye."

"Sure," Sam said, unconvinced. "What the hell are you reading?"

"It's a really sad book okay," Dean muttered. "It's written too well not to have your feelings ripped out of your chest and crushed."

"That sounds like fandom talk," Sam said, smirking slightly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Dean said, glaring slightly. Sam just kept smirking and walked off to his room.

And then he suddenly remembered that Gabe had mentioned he had a youtube. Yeah Sam had been a fan of his stories for a while, but he'd never gone and looked at the youtube channel...and he was now a little curious about Gabriel.

So he clicked over onto Gabe's profile and found the link. It opened a youtube page that had the same username as his Wattpad. So creative.

Gabe had a lot of videos, and they all seemed to be just kind of random. Sam scrolled through before shrugging and clicking on a random one.

The video started with the camera set up to record someone in what looked like a living room of a house. Someone was sitting in front of the camera, a guy with golden hair and golden eyes, with a small smirk and a mischievous spark in his eyes. He was sitting cross legged on the floor, looking up at the camera. The golden hair was brushed back, and seemed to almost be glowing in light from a nearby window.

"Hey world," the guy said with a goofy little wave. Sam realized that this must be Gabriel. "So, I promised a prank didn't I?"

"I visited my brothers on the weekend, Michael and Lucifer. Well, Luci's my brother, Michael is just his boyfriend. But anyway. This is what happened."

The video cut to another recording, of Gabe looking like he was hiding the camera but still recording. He was still smirking slightly, and god that smirk really suited him...

Sam tried to ignore the fact that he'd just thought that.

Gabe walked through the house with the camera and put it down somewhere, that had a view of the stairs.

"Hey Luci, where the hell are you? I got you food."

A blond guy appeared at the top of the stairs cautiously.

"And so Satan emerges from his natural habitat," Gabe said jokingly.

"You never make me food," Lucifer said. "There must be something wrong here."

"Fine, if you must know, I was going to give you muffins with a bit too much salt in them," Gabe said. "I think Michael does have actual muffins though."

Lucifer's expression lit up and he went to walk down the stairs. Which was made of floorboards. Which when wet, can be slippery.

Lucifer tripped on something and then went tumbling down the stairs. And the stairs happened to be just a little covered in glitter, therefore covering Satan in glitter as he fell.

Gabe just broke out laughing as Lucifer landed at the bottom and stood up, glaring at Gabe with the anger of hell. Gabe grabbed the camera while still chuckling and ran off.

"Why the hell does this keep happening?!" Lucifer yelled in the background. "That book was finished, how did it come back?!"

"Luce, shut up," another voice said in the background, probably Michael. "The wall hadn't been broken until now."

The video suddenly cut back to Gabriel sitting in a living room.

"Now, I know people may be worried for my brothers safety," Gabe said. "But believe me, it takes God to hurt him. Oh and don't even ask what they were talking about with the wall, even I don't know."

"Anyway, that was another trick, and I will see you guys for the next one." He smirked slightly before winking and waving at the camera. "Bye everyone."

The video cut out, and Sam noticed he was smiling. He quickly shook that thought and decided to maybe slightly go stalk Gabriel by watching a few more videos...


(I'm going to start putting the times in for certain parts)

Winchesters: 1am, Novaks: 10am

AngelWithAShotgun: "Dean message me. My family is accusing me of being antisocial"

ChevyImpala67: "If you're messaging me, then technically you are"

AngelWithAShotgun: "You're supposed to be on my side."

ChevyImpala67: "Fine :P Why are you with your family?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Michael and Lucifer randomly decided to visit, and I don't even know how Gabriel got here."

ChevyImpala67: "Do they normally just randomly show up like that?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "All the time. It's ridiculous."

ChevyImpala67: "So how does texting me prove you to be less antisocial?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Look, I have a friend, I'm texting them, socialness, hah."

ChevyImpala67: "Oh so we're friends then are we? :P"

AngelWithAShotgun: "I would say so."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Oh no I mentioned you to them and Lucifer thinks we're a thing. That wouldn't even work, we're in different countries."

ChevyImpala67: "Long distance relationships, ever heard of them?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Yeah but do they ever work?"

ChevyImpala67: "I think they could."

AngelWithAShotgun: "I guess it depends on the people really. And how dedicated they are."

ChevyImpala67: "If they're dedicated enough to try a long distance relationship, then I think they're dedicated enough for it to work. Unless they're a bitch who leads the other person on."

AngelWithAShotgun: "True I guess. But sometimes people just grow apart."

ChevyImpala67: "And then they agree on that and no hard feelings."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Do you think you'd be able to have a long distance relationship?"

ChevyImpala67: "Depends on the other person. And how much I like them. You?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "I still don't see how it would work, but I guess if the situation rose my opinion would be changed."

ChevyImpala67: "Why are we even talking about relationships?"

AngelWithAShotgun: "Good question. Oh, but if the long distance relationship is one of my ships, then yes it instantly works out."

ChevyImpala67: "xD I agree there."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Shouldn't you be sleeping now anyway?"

ChevyImpala67: "Probably. Will you survive without my amazing company? :P"

AngelWithAShotgun: "I think I can managed enough time for you to sleep and be well :)"

ChevyImpala67: "Well okay, night Cas."

AngelWithAShotgun: "Goodnight Dean."


Moosechester: "I may have watched all your youtube videos"

Moosechester: "You're kinda cute..."

Moosechester: "And I get why you're called The Trickster now"

TheTrickster: "Aww only kinda cute? :P"

TheTrickster: "Bet you're cuter anyway."

Moosechester: "Nah, I'm an awkward moose."

TheTrickster: "Well only way I'll be able to tell is if you send me a photo or video or something"

Moosechester: "Maybe one day :P Well it's late now, goodnight Gabe."

TheTrickster: "Gabe huh? ;) Goodnight little moosey"


Yeah so half the time I think this is just going to be text conversations instead of writing actual scenes...well, until they meet in person that is :P I'm having a lot of fun with this story ^_^

Oh and for those who read my two most recent updates on other books...here have a happy chapter, no death or sadness this time ^_^

We've had such good weather these last two days. It was like spring weather. Which is undoubtedly my favourite weather. It gives me a whole bunch of inspiration and calmness :)

Pokemon Go is consuming my life

*Gives everyone muffins*

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