Fake Labels

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Next day col. Shetty calls you to his office...... His demeanor is different as you submit the report about yesterday's encounter as if his he had been constipated by the shit he has been putting up with lately  and is having some serious trouble..... You  thoroughly enjoyed the look on his face.... And were about to let out a chuckle as he interrupted you....

Captn. Singh.... I think our idea about more militants being involved and hiding in those barracks was right.... It had been a serious blunder on our part.... I would like you to select a team to carry out further investigation...."

You are taken aback by his audacity.... It was your idea... That he blatantly took partial credit for.....and now by reappointing you to investigate.... And giving liberty to select a team.... Is his consolation tactics..... He knows there is no point appointing any other dim wit asshole........ But wait...his ass must be in serious trouble.... Else he wouldn't swallow his pride and make peace with you.... You had always been no. 1 on his hit list... Since the very day he made a snide comment about your curves and you retorted back threatening him that more such nasty words would end him up in army court where he would not only be accused of harassment but would also end up losing custody of his son... As his wife is looking for an excuse for divorcing him... And you would be happy to help her....
Yes you did a background check on him the former day  as you caught him prying over yourself... During the formal meet..... One nasty nympho this guy.... But also a pussy.... Didn't dare look at you squarely again... Forget drooling over your curves...

Someone once adviced her always be prepared for upcoming disaster.....and you were..... You never defy his advice....

Though col. Was no more an issue....it was other suckers you couldn't find the way to deal with.... And now you have to make a selection for a team....

Choosing any of them would obviously lead to a rumour that you might as well be doing them.....
In current scenario....
You have to choose three so they would rather indulge in a discussion that if you will take turn or indulge in a three or foursome.....

They have been spreading these rumours about you since day one....

Each one of your fellow soldiers irrespective of their marital status had dared to ask you out... At least once... In private.... And you couldn't decide wether to be flattered or dreaded....

You know very well how to deal with all this.... You have been dealing with this conduct since the day you have been posted here... Or moreover since the day you were allegedly blamed to seduce your mentor to get your work done... In that trial.....
Your love was mocked upon....
Insulted... And yes it was as painful as a cluster headache or a frost bite....

But what was more painful was to see him mortified in an open court.... Solely because of you.....

But did he really not feel anything at all... As later on... After that trial....he bluntly declared that all the rumours about you and him were sheer bullshit.... And he has requested transfer far away just to get over it....
You overheard him telling that to someone over the phone.... Some one... Close... As his tone of voice contained guilt and a lot of wimpy apologies were being delivered to her...... Yes her... You heard him address that. 'someone' as jaan.... Cooing her.... And as you heard him say those words... You craved to hear for yourself for her.... You found your heart break and shatter in pieces ....

You left academy as soon as the passing out parade ended.... Not looking at him in the eye.... Not even informing him that you've been posted far away... And he need not request a transfer....
Since that day... You take mission after mission.... Just to a over exhaust yourself....
To avoid thoughts of him.... To avoid reminiscing his face lit up with a coy smile which is stuck in your head and appears infront of you as you close your eyes....

You cringe and dread at ur stupid self cursing it for loving him.... While he did make it clear that he doesn't feel the same way... And you just mean as much as any other cadet means to him... Well a bit more due to your connection to his late friend.... But that's the sole reason of him being so coy and friendly towards you... And nothing else...
Yet every time he looked at you you could sense a longing.... For you in them... Your skin would burn under his gaze and your heart would throb...
Relentlessly.... Telling you that his words don't match his actions....

Damn him and damn your stupid heart.... You are working so hard on trying to hate him.... But its a process.... A painfully long and slow process..... And dating random weirdos... And being slutty and promiscuous... Is a crucial part of it....

But you have gotten over it.... It doesn't matter... He didn't love you... And now everything is sorted....

You with your wretched reputation of a slut...dealing with after effects of the hurricane that had occured in your life a long time ago.... And you really don't give a damn... Honestly.... As every time they mock your character.... You prove them right  by acting even more imprudent and promiscuous.....
You date random guys.... Act like a hipster.... And make people think that you are a certified skank... But they have to admit that you excel at your work....its in fact only thing that helps you keep your sanity intact..... You are so indulged in it that they couldn't help but promote you just in two years to captain.... Life has been fair at least in some areas while the others remain vacant....

And now... Breaking your chain of thoughts.... You approach the base camp... To initiate the selection... Fancy to find that you're juniors are already present....
You select three of them... And ask them to report to you  in two hrs.... And as you head back to your quarters.... You smile wryly at the chuckles and roars.... That were been made by their fellow soldiers... Who considered these three to be chosen and the lucky ones....

These assholes actually think that they are going to have a good time....
Men can be pretty lame..... You conclude and shake your head in disbelief.....


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