His Side Of Story

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You barge in his cabin.... At the headquarters after recieving an ultimate shock of your life.....
He was the one who had requested to get you transferred to hq.... On grounds of your marriage......
Yes your marriage.... The very ritual he declined to talk about..... It meant nothing... Didn't it..... It was just a formality done to fulfil a dying man's wish.... And you can't find a legit reason.... For him to do this....

"major rajveer singh shikavat.... What the fuck is going on in ur head"

You start spitting all anger on him... Yet he was firmly glued to his place ...... As if quite expecting you to give this reaction....
".. May i know the reason of getting me transferred here.... And moreover declaring it publicly that i am your legally wedded wife......while you know very well..... I what circumstance... That had occured"
Instead of answering you.... You find him gawking at you with amusement..... And you have a serious urge to strangle him....
"captn. Singh... This is our work place and you are not supposed to discuss your personal trivialities in here. ...... And this is not the way you behave with your superiors in army"
He mocks you in a stern voice... And you stare at him... Jaw dropped....
Has this person taken up a mission of making a complete wreck out of you.... By robbing your peace of mind......
"Oh spare me the formalities.... And freaking answer me...."
You shout your lungs out at him.... While some orderly enters his cabin to fetch him and you are forced to shut up and wait completely at his mercy.... Until he decides to properly talk.... Which he agrees to.... After duty hours.....
Screw duty hrs... You can't wait another moment.... And dread at his pathetic excuse.....

And if this was not sufficient shock for the evening.... What adds up to the drama is that the officials hadn't made an arrangement of your accomodation assuming that you would be residing with your husband.... Yeah oddly the very person who blatantly avoids to talk about your marriage .....

You reach his apartment as you have been left with utterly no choice as there is no way you would find a suitable place to stay.... Immediately..... Though you. Make a firm resolve to shift as soon as possible .
On his way out of his cabin.... You hear him instructing choubey about shifting your luggage and getting you settled in..... In your new house...
You stare at him in utter disbelief as he openly talks about you in third person.....

You fidget back and forth in the hallway until he comes from headquarters as you are supposed to join duty next day..... You need to desperately talk to him before that....

"i ve been waiting for you since long.... Hope you had a safe journey..."
He starts talking as if its a normal phenomenon.... And as if he does not give a damn about your questions or your confusion...
"i am damn sure... You do have a proper excuse for what you have done major shikhavat...... For i am in no mood to tolerate any more bull shit..... Plss answer me without building any more suspense..."

"well.... You need to calm your nerves down first... You had a long journey... No wonder you must be tired and hungry...." he dodges your question as you find him working at the kitchen counter... Chopping some vegetables .... "go and take a shower and join me for dinner... Then we shall talk in peace...." he orders you staring at you with those hypnotising chocolates brown orbs.... And as you stare back.... You know there is no way but to submit to him quietly....

You stomp down towards the room and take a shower...... You carefully pull down your luggage to find something that would make you look decent and attractive.....
Again your subconscious scolds you at your ridiculously lame idea..... What the fuck is wrong with you naina.. You are supposed to be howling at him angrily...not wooing him.....how you dress is the last thing you should currently bothered about......

You emerge out of the room and find him staring at you wide eyed.... As if he has seen an alien or a unicorn..... You find your cheeks burning under his gaze..... And decide to not let his dangerously seductive gaze...... Make you weak..... You have multiple things to talk about..... And you can't afford to be distracted


As she emerges out of the room with her wet hair locks caressing her face... In a cute yellow t shirt and sweat pants..... Looking fresh as a flower ...... She looks the same.... As beautiful as ever..... And as you stare at her flushed cheeks...... Burning under your gaze..... You require all the courage and will power in the world to not ascend towards her and brush those wet hair strands behind her ears....and claim those supple moist lips ...
You mentally scold yourself for letting all your fantasies loose......its ridiculous how your mind travels completely astray as you see her every single time.....
But there are things needed to be talked about before uh well you actually find a way to live up to your fantasies......
Though that day is not far ahead.... You still need to be patient......
She's angry..... And confused and as much fun you are having now at her expense you also know you better not push it.. Poor thing she deserves to get her answers.....
But there's also an unknown anger surging inside you..... You demand your answers to..... About why she's been running away from you ever since she had graduated...... You had awaited the moment since long when you could finally tell her how you feel..... You still remember that day......

At the graduation day you were finally relieved as all the mess of trial.... And naveen's case would over soon..... You couldn't wait for the moment you talk to her parents.....
You met them and gave them company while she was busy in her parade ......
"rajveer beta..... I am extremely sorry about what happened in the trial..... You stepped an extra mile to save our son's honour and we are very grateful to you...." her father could only make you more embarrassed if you weren't already..... You didn't do it as a favour ...... You loved both these brother and sister immensely....
You somehow frame sentences still. Fumbling....." uncle, aunty you need not thank me....in fact it is me who should apologize.... A lot of questions were raised about naina during the trial.... Although baseless.... Would cause a great harm to her reputation... But trust me.... You should trust your daughter and believe that each of those allegations were rubbish.... Just meant to make us mentally traumatized and back down from the case...... "
Naina's mom intruded..." we do trust you beta... And our daughter.... But we have to live in a society.... And all those rumours about you..... And her...."

I completely understand aunty....but the fact is that i am in love with your daughter and want to marry her.... I know i should not be mentioning this to you at this time or place...but i want to officially marry her and put an end to all this..... As of now it is the right time...... And i do not wish to be dishonest with you.... I do love her immensely... And had promised naveen that i ll take care of her..... Till my last breath.... And i think its about time i fulfill the promise made to my friend...

Her parents glared in utter surprise as you mention their son's dying wish and your feelings to them...
"we have no objections beta..... As long as she is with you we know we don't have to worry about our stubborn little daughter.... And if naveen wanted this to happen.... We are no one to object... He had always been more of a parent to naina than we probably were and we cannot question his choice ..... "her father remarked overjoyed.... And you touch their feet to have their blessings...
As of naina... You had planned to take her by surprise as you knew already what lies in her heart..... She couldn't keep patience to tell you and if she did.... She wouldn't be your naina..... Yes yours..... Now that no more formalities of a teacher and a student stand in between... You could speak to her freely.... And confess that you are crazy about her.... And finally make her yours.....
Last few days had been rough on her ..... She suffered immensely because of you... You treated her coldly even as she confessed innocently that she loved you and god knows you could never forgive yourself....you didn't want anyone putting a finger on her.. You were concerned about the delicate nature of your relationship....

You still remember the day she came running to you after the morning drill unable to catch her breath.... Her uniform wet due to the rain outside.... And droplets of water kissing her skin....
She barged in as usual...
"what is it cadet singh.... May i know the reason for coming in like this...."
You put on a pretense as usual....
But her demeanor was altogether different..... She was trying hard to utter something yet fumbled..... She would never fumble while endlessly talking about random stuff to you but today she was hesitant.....
" lately i ve been running out of reasons of coming to you..... Yet can't help myself..... I think i am in love with you..... Sir..."

You were flabbergasted at her sudden confession... She had taken you completely unprepared..... And you fumbled..... Trying to maintain your composure ......
Both time and situation were different.... She was your student and she was bound to get into trouble for this...you had loved her.... But never expected her to reciprocate all of a sudden.... So when she finally did you shuddered..... Tried to rationalize ... Moreover tried to convince yourself that ahe is just being naive and impulsive.....
You were witnessing something that you would never have dreamt of.... To happen so soon.... And you got scared... For her and for yourself..... As the recent memories were quite painful..... All that humiliation she had been through.... It still hurt you... And besides you had to focus on naveen's case unaware of how a nasty and unpredictable future would get....and she needed to focus on her training...all of this was so sudden that you were left completely spell bound and as usual.... All the havoc running inside your brain ended up exploding om her....
"tum pagal ho gai ho cadet singh.... You hardly know what you are saying..... Bachpane ki hadd hoti he...."

Except you couldn't understand that she had been seriously hurt....
You continued.... "you are here on a mission.... To be a soldier ..... To return your brother's honour.... And i am your teacher for God's sake.....naina...don't you understand how inappropriate this is...."
As you continued.... She was already in a puddle of tears.... And as you came forward to coax her.... She replied..
" i am sorry sir... I had been completely stupid..... To think that.... You.... I am sorry.... She said as she ran back.... With a big lump in her throat....
It was just when you realised that you broke her heart..... And that she was completely serious when she had said all that.... She completely misinterpreted your reluctance to answer as a no..... And what followed after was a trial and you found her accused and mocked upon on her character and everything fell apart.... You were forced to maintain a distance from her.... Until everything sorted out .... And that worsened the situation.....
But as now she had graduated.... You plan to finally tell her that you love her... And make it up all the pain and hurt.... Caused to her in the process...... But as you went to her room to finally talk to her properly.... She had already left..... For jammu.... Without even meeting you once ....... Without even bidding a goodbye..... You endlessly tried contacting her.... But all in vain... She never received your call or cared to call back.... And you were left alone..... Cursing yourself for being a coward.... If only you had been a little sensitive..... If only you could have summed up some courage to tell her that you loved her.... But you were miles apart... And there was no way you could possibly fix things.....

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