12. Bloody heaven

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Ryul POV

"Isn't he is weird ?"
I turned around and saw it was mom who said that.
"Super weird ".
By saying that I went to my room.

"What about the food"
"Later mom".

Besfore she can scold me again I locked my room. I am so exhausted I really need some rest , by thinking that I went to take a shower.

Time skip

Wedding day

*breath in* *breath out* Okay  Ryul it's easy.  You are gonna walk straight down the aisle and then boom you will be married. Don't be nervous you will be okay. It's not a big deal. FUCK . I am hella nervous . Oh god what will I do. Everyone has already went to the venue and I am still standing in the parlour.

But my train of thoughts were soon cut out by a high pitched scream. I turned around and saw my friends.

Momo- Oh my god my baby is  so lovely.

Sikie- You are right , she is looking as hot as fuck.

Trisie- I can bet you they are gonna break the bed.

By hearing her I started blushing. Aish they are really shameless.  I am feeling more nervous now. 😓

??? POV

I am currently sitting infront of the window and thinking about my life.
But then I saw my informer coming inside .

Informer- Sir I have news.

Without turning around I said "What is it ?"

Informer- Sir he has weakness.

By hearing this words I felt a sudden rush of euphoria through my body. The wait is over. And he should be prepared because.....

"I am coming back"

Ryul POV

I am now sitting in my car. All my friends has already gone to the venue and I am going afterwards because they wanted me to have a special entry.

I am so happy and excited at the same time. It's like dream come true , I can't believe it.

Author POV

She was carelessly thinking about her new life which she is going to soon enjoy or so she thought.

Ryul POV

I was sitting by the window. But then I noticed it's not the way to the church,
so I asked the driver.

"Sir it's not the way.."

" I know ".

He looked at me calmly and gave the answer in a casual way.

I felt so anger , so I started shouting.

" what do you mean by you know , I am getting mar......."

But I was unable to  talk because I suddenly felt dizzy.

Before losing my consciousness  I heard him saying.

"Soon you will get you answers".

Bloody heaven.

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