14. Hurts like hell

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Her eyes got stuck on someone. That person was facing his back but still she felt shivers run down her spine. She felt an omnivious aura which will force you to submission from him.

The poor girl gathered her courage and tried to ask sternly without showing her fear.

"Who are you ?"

The man let out a dark chuckle. The chuckle she is familiar with . But she didn't want it to be true.

Truth that he was farther worse than Lucifer and vile than Tom ( potterheads make some noise). The darkness lurking in the room was too much for her.

Soon he turned around and showed himself.

Kim Namjoon.

The man was looking insanely calm and quiet, but she knew it was the calmness before a storm.

And the man infront of her was not a storm , he is a hurricane.  He has that dominating yet innocent aura , that  people might think him a  sheep.

But he is a wolf in sheep's disguise.

Ryul POV

When that man turned around I finally got to see his face though I had a slight idea who he was but after seeing his face I felt my world came crashing down he is my Worst nightmare -- no not nightmare my worst illusion  that I never wanted to come true.

There he is kim Namjoon.

"Answer my question you fool".

I spat with anger on him.

But I instantly regretted it, when I saw anger in his eyes. He ran towards in speed of light and said holding my jaw tigh.

"Now babygirl I will have watched my mouth if I were you".

"What do you mean ?" " Release me rigt now". " I have to get married".

I tried to explain my points but it was looking like he was getting amused by hearing me. Suddenly he started laughing I am really really afraid right now and I tried to ask him  why he is laughing . Before I can ask anything , he started talking.

"Yes babygirl you will get married".

"To me".

What. The. Fuck.

I get super mad by hearing him. Oh hell  no ; never in my life , never in my life time I will get married to this pshycho . What does he think ? why he wants to marry me ? I can't even understand his point of view of this crazy  psychotic dude ; someone please fix his screws he needs it ( ARMY please don't curse me . He has 148 IQ ).

"But why you want to marry me ? I am not so beautiful or rich like you exes . Please let me go."

After finishing my little speech , I couldn't describe the emotions in his eyes. I saw  madness , hurt ,     disappointment and rage in his eyes.

Before I can say anything else , he started talking.

"Because I love you".

I am quite shocked by hearing him. How can he.....

" Yes I love you crazily , you were always in my mind . You made me sleepless".

" I tried to forget you by using others but somehow you managed to penetrate my mind.....


By hearing his words , I am quite scared right now but I am more angry . Angry on him. So I started speaking.

"No you  don't love me".

" You are infatuated to me".

" Don't tarnish the name of love with your mere infatuation ".

" I will never marry you , you sick bastard".

After talking I immediately looked into his eyes and try to make him understand that he is wrong. But looks like luck is not on my side.

Suddenly he took my arm harshly and started yelling at me.

"You will marry me either by hook or crook".

With saying that he gave me a sinister look and turned me around to show me something.

But what I saw shook me to the core.





Let's see what happened afterwards .What do you think what happened ? What shook her to the core ?

Hey guys plese vote , share and follow me.

And take care in this pandemic.

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