09: 2 vs 1

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" Give this to me later."  Sunghoon gave a paper to Jake and took a step away but he stopped when Jake sighed.

" Why don't you just fill this for me?"

Sunghoon looked at Jake,
" I am the class president."

" So?"

" Shim Jake, you are so rude," Yebin said to Jake and turned her chair to face him.
Jake just looked at her without saying anything.

" Fill it for me then." Jake smiled and leaned his face closer to Yebin causing her surprise.
Jay watched their scene in silence and clenched his fist.

Aera saw what Jay did. She looked at Jay for a long time and sighed before resting her head on the table, feeling sad as Jay was interested in Yebin more than her.

Yebin grabbed a pen, fill the blank while listening to Jake's words. Sunghoon was still there, watching them in silence.

Aera looked at Sunghoon and landed her eyes on Jake. She slowly sighed, shut her eyes.

" Yebin is the real heather. 3 boys like her at the same time." Aera muttered to herself and decided to go to the store.

" Where are you going?" Sunghoon asked Aera.

" Take a fresh air." She replied and walked out of the classroom after wearing her pink hoodie.

Jake watched her until she went from his vision and continue looking at Yebin again.

Jay stood up, quickly followed Aera from behind causing Sunghoon to become anxious, hoping he can chase for her before Jay did.

Jake understood the situation as he saw Sunghoon's reaction and smiled.

" Write it slowly. The class president is not busy." He said to Yebin.

" Your handwriting is really bad." He complained making Yebin surprised and shook her head.

" Please hand it to me fastly," Sunghoon said.

" No. Give me a new one. She ruined it with her handwriting."

" Jake, can you stop playing around?" Sunghoon was annoyed but Jake ignored him and grabbed the other papers from his hand.
He filled the blank slowly, pretending like he didn't know what he needs to write just to annoy Sunghoon again.

" Yebin, can you give it to me after this? I need to go somewhere else." Yebin nodded and continue watching Jake silently.

As Sunghoon went from his vision,
Jake can't help but laughed.
" He likes your friend, right?"

Yebin confused.
" My friend?"

" Yeah, that pink hoodie one."

" You mean, Aera?"

" Yeah."

" Why ...?" Yebin asked Jake curiously.

" Nothing," Jake replied shortly.


  " Jay?" Aera surprised as she saw Jay was walking towards her.

" What are you doing here?" Aera asked him but he just remained silent, walked to their classroom together. Jay sighed,
" I don't like that new kid. He is rude."

Aera smiled,
" It is just his personality. I think he is a great man."

" Hell no. He was looking at Yebin like a pervert. I don't like him."

As she heard her best friend was mentioned in the conversation, she can't help but fake a chuckle as she didn't want the situation to become awkward. Jay brushed his hair out of his face,
" I will punch him one day if he is still doing that to Yebin."

Aera laughed,
" You are jealous."

" Of course. What if he like Yebin? What if Yebin also likes him? It will be the end of me."
Jay replied angrily.

" Yeah, it will be the end of you," Aera repeated and her smile slowly faded away.

" Hey, Jay." Aera looked at the person behind her and was surprised when she saw Sunghoon.

She greeted him with a smile,
" Where is Yebin?"

" Can you stop teasing me? I don't like her." Sunghoon replied quickly but Aera just ignored him, teasing him again. Jay who knew the truth just shut his mouth while looking at Aera, muttered in his heart how stupid that girl was as she didn't realize Sunghoon's feeling on her.

Sunghoon cleared his throat,
" The teacher is calling for us."

" Mr. Kang?"

Sunghoon nodded, lied to Jay as he didn't want Jay to be with Aera.

" That old man is problematic," Jay complained. Sunghoon wrapped his arm around Jay's shoulder, dragged him away from Aera after bid her goodbye.

Aera was confused.
She walked towards the classroom alone while drinking her strawberry milk.

She stopped when she saw Jake was leaning his back against the wall with earpod plucked ok his ear. She realized that he was playing with his phone while chewing gum making her scared to talk to him. So, Aera just watched him in silence and stood in front of him as Jake was blocking her way to go into the classroom.

" Jake, can you-"

She shut her mouth as Jake met her eyes. Jake stopped the music, waiting for her to continue.

" I want to go inside.." Aera pointed to the classroom. Jake replied, " Oh, okay." but he still didn't move away, trying to annoy Aera.

" Jake..."

" Oh, you're disturbing me." Jake groaned and plucked off the earpod.

" I told you, I want to go-"

" Use the back door then." Jake cut her off.

" They were blocking the door from inside," Aera replied.

" Okay," Jake replied and continue playing with his phone.

" Jake." Aera grabbed his phone causing he looked at her surprisingly.

" What the hell are you doing? The enemy is attacking me." Jake replied, tried to take his phone back.

" Oh okay." Aera annoyed him back like what he did to her.

" Hey, pink hoodie. Do you know who I am? Stop playing with me."

Aera ignored him, waited for him to move away.

" Oh okay." She repeated his words.

" Are you not scared of me?" Jake asked her coldly.

Aera was just drinking her strawberry milk in silence.
She shocked,
" Jake, you already lose." Aera showed the phone to him.

Jake annoyed of her for real and sighed heavily,
" I don't hurt girl but you will be the first victim."

" You can play it again."

" What the hell. It's an online game. My rank will drop because of you."

Aera lowered her gaze when Jake took a step closer to her.
" I'm a girl. I don't know about it."

" Yeah, whatever." Jake grabbed his phone away from her.

At the same time, both of them saw Jay and Sunghoon were walking through the hallway.

Aera was nervous all of a sudden while Jake was going to tease those guys again. Aera took a step towards the door but he quickly held her hand, pulled her away before pinning her against the door, right in front of Sunghoon and Jay. Aera was also surprised and her heart was beating fast when Jake bends his body to her height and chuckled.

" What are you doing, Jake?" Sunghoon spoke up, trying to stop Jake.

" Jake, stop this."

" I told you don't play with me," Jake replied.

" But this is-"

Jake suddenly feed a chewing gum into her mouth and grabbed her strawberry milk away.

" This is mint chewing gum!" Aera said to Jake as she hates that flavor.

Jake was just laughing.
" Give me the strawberry milk," Aera said, tried to take her strawberry milk back but since Jake was taller than her, he took a chance to annoy her more by raising his hand while holding her drink.

" Jake, stop it."
Aera hit his chest hardly but Jake didn't even move an inch or groaned in pain.

" Can you guys stop it?" Jay finally spoke up while Sunghoon was just holding his anger.

Jake stuck out his tongue, drank her strawberry milk by using the same straw.

" What the hell." Sunghoon clenched his fist.

" This is delicious," Jake said to Aera and walked away.

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