10: thunder

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It was the PE lesson and all of them need to change their clothes. Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon were going to the changing room together without talking to each other.

Jay opened his locker, hanging his school uniform before fixing his clothes while Jake was just sitting on the chair without changing his clothes. He grabbed a tennis ball from Sunghoon's locker and threw it on the wall.

Sunghoon sighed, knowing it was useless to tell Jake to stop doing that.
" Are you not going to change?" Jay asked Jake.

" I'm too lazy."

" But the teacher told us to," Sunghoon said to Jake coldly.

" Why don't you help me with it?" Jake asked Sunghoon.

" Can you stop?" Jay shut the locker hardly causing it to let out a loud sound. Sunghoon was surprised as well but he just remained silent.

" Oh, what's wrong with both of you? I didn't do anything wrong but you were still angry at me."

" That's because you are annoying."

" What annoying? I'm just doing my own business." Jake asked Jay seriously.

" Stop teasing Yebin and Aera. They are my friends."

" It should be ' stop teasing Yebin. She is my crush.' " Jake teased Jay.

" Hey, yo-"

" Jay, just ignore him." Sunghoon pulled Jay away from going towards Jake.

Jake chuckled.
" Yebin is pretty."

" Hey, do you want to have a swollen eye?" Jay asked Jake, trying to go towards him but Sunghoon was still stopping Jay as he didn't want that guy to do something to Jake.

Jake threw the tennis ball again,
" But, Aera is prettier."

Sunghoon slowly got mad as he heard Aera was mentioned in the conversation.

" Who should I choose?" Jake looked at the tennis ball while pouting his lips.

" Yebin...?" Jake smiled.

Sunghoon let go of Jay and shut his locker, walked out of the changing room but he stopped when Jake continued.

" Aera." Jake chuckled.

Sunghoon looked at Jake with a glare,
" I never hurt my classmates but I do not hesitate when it comes to you." Sunghoon finally spoke up again.

Jake laughed,
" I'm joking. Both of them are not my taste."

Jake stood up and finally changed his uniform.

" You are a complete bastard," Jay said and left the room.


  " Dodgeball? It's boring." Jake kicked the ball away as Sunghoon placed it on the field. Everyone was surprised to see his action and just remained silent because they were scared of Jake so much.

" The teacher told us to." Jay fought Jake back.

" I'm not going to play."

" Oh, who cares!" Jay said and grabbed the ball, went to the center to play the game with his classmates.

Sunghoon was counting his classmates and surprised when he didn't see Aera.
He looked around the place, calling for her but there was no response.

Jake sat on the field, watching the game in silence.

" Sunghoon, let's play!" Yebin called Sunghoon and he finally nodded, went towards Yebin without waiting for Aera.

" Oh god. I forgot it was PE." Jake plucked off his earpod as he saw Aera.
She saw him too and just pretended like she didn't see him because she was still awkward after the scene with Jake earlier.

Aera sat on the field too but far from Jake.
She watched the game in silence and laughed when Jay got hit by Sunghoon hardly.
Yebin was waving her hand to Aera, asking her to join them but Aera just shook her head and pointed her finger to her knee.
Yebin nodded as understood before continue playing.

Jake stood up and suddenly sat next to Aera causing she looked at him surprisingly.
Aera realized that Jake was just looking at Yebin for a long time.

" She is Choi Yebin," Aera said to Jake.

Jake looked at her blankly,
" I don't remember asking."

" But you are curious about her," Aera replied.

" I'm not."

Aera just smiled,
" Don't lie. Everyone is the same as you when they met Yebin."

" I'm not saying anything," Jake replied.

" Park Sunghoon, the perfect guy, and Park Jeongsong @ Jay, the popular guy loved the same girl."

Jake laughed and shook his head as he realized how stupid Aera was.
" Are you saying that I'm going to fall for the heather too?"

" You are already falling for her," Aera replied.

Jake ignored her and played with his phone again.

" Jake! The ball!" Jake tilted his head and surprised when the ball flew towards him.
Aera quickly helped him by hugging Jake and let the ball hit her back causing her groaned in pain.

Jake surprised.
Aera quickly let go of him as she realized her action while avoiding Jake's gaze on her.
Aera walked away, telling Sunghoon that she wanted to buy some food as an excuse to escape from meeting Jake.


  The PE lesson finally ended. The others were coming into the classroom while gasping for breathing as they were sweating a lot after playing the game happily while Aera was just staying in the classroom as she was embarrassed by herself. As she saw Jake, she quickly rests her head on the table while pretending to sleep.

Jake sat at his place which was behind Aera and just mind his own business, seem like he didn't care about Aera.

" Aera, drink this. It will make you feel better." Sunghoon said to Aera and placed strawberry milk on her table. Aera thanked him and Sunghoon smiled, still watching Aera in silence.

Aera confused, slowly rubbed her back as she was still hurting after the ball hit her.
" Why?"

" Nothing." He chuckled at her cuteness and went towards his seat after messing her hair for no reason.

" Yebin? Do you see Yebin?" Jay approached Aera.

" Yebin...?"

" She had a period cramp. I don't know where she is right now." Jay said to Aera anxiously making Aera felt jealous.

" I take this medicine from the treatment room. Is this the right medicine for cramp?"

Aera just nodded in silence.
" I'm so worried about her." He said.

" Yeah, she must be hurting right now."

" Aera," Jay called her.

" Yes..?" Deeply in her heart, she wished for Jay to ask about her condition but-

" Tell Yebin to meet me at the school garden after school."

Jay said and left Aera without waiting for her response.

" Where is Choi Yebin?" Sunghoon asked everyone anxiously.

Aera just shook her head as a response,

" What a heather."  As they went from her vision, she sighed heavily and decided to take a nap for 2 minutes before searching for Yebin.


Aera looked at the window and realized that the sky was cloudy. She knocked her head on the window several times, realized how unlucky she was as she forgot to bring her umbrella. She faced a lot of things today and it honestly made her sad as she thought of it again and again.

Aera looked at her seat and saw Jake was arranging his things. He didn't even look at her and just mind his own business like she didn't exist. Aera smiled in pain and lowered her head when Jake was leaving her alone in the classroom after taking his umbrella.

Aera looked at the clock,
" Should I just run?"

She looked at every student there and froze when she saw Jay was holding an umbrella, waving his hand to Yebin.
She realized Yebin didn't bring an umbrella too. Yebin ran towards Jay and they went a home together, smiling like an idiot like a couple in every drama. At the same time, she also saw Sunghoon walked towards them.

Aera held her tears.
" No one knows that I'm hurting.."

She screamed in surprise when she heard the loud sound of thunder.
She covered her ear with her palm, shutting her eyes tightly as she was scared of it so much.

She screamed again when someone stood at the door.

" So annoying." She stopped when it was Jake.

" I thought you are already leaving..."

" Yeah, I forgot my things," Jake said and stepped into the classroom.

After he was has done, he left the classroom as nothing happened.

Aera remembered that Jake had an umbrella, so she quickly ran towards him.

" Ja-"

She fell to the ground and was about to chase for Jake again but he already lost her vision.

She cried as she heard a clap of thunder again.

" You weak ."

Jake called her and suddenly threw an umbrella at her causing her to blank.

" Go home."

Jake wore his hoodie to cover his head from getting wet and ran away, leaving Aera hanging.

Aera just silent and looked at the umbrella for a long time.

" What the hell are you doing?" Jake came back and walked towards Aera.

He took the umbrella and opened it for her.
" Why are you so weak?"

" Oh god. This is why I hate the girls."

Aera wiped her tears and stood in front of Jake while sniffing her nose.
" Let's go."

" But, I'm scared of thunder."

" Why did you tell me? I'm not an angel to stop it." Jake replied coldly.

Aera cried more causing Jake to annoyed.
" No one concern about me." She cried in sobbing.

" How long do I need to wait for you to stop crying?" Jake looked at his watch while crossing his arm.

" You are not concern about me too-"

Jake cut her off by holding her hand tightly and
dragged her away from the place.

" I swear if you are crying again, I will leave you alone here."

He looked at her hand,
" I need to wash my hand after this."

He said coldly.

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