Chapter 4

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Morgana plucked a single hair from Merlin's hair with the word 'promise.' She then hurried from the room before Merlin could say anything. She did not want to scare him with what she was about to do. He would not relize wow amazing this gift was until she gave it to him. He would soon realize that the love was the best things that could happen to him, to them. Soon he would feel the warmth in his chest as she did and he would never ever want to part with it. He did not know he needed it.

A few weeks ago she did not know she needed it eaither. She had been so driven by hate and rage, ok she still was, but now atleast she had something to feel other then hate. This enchantment had warmed her heart had made her feel love, something she had not even consitered since her sister had died. The closest thing she had now was the love for her dragon, but now she had Merlin. She could get her hapy ending.

She walked into the other room and up to her potion. She placed the hair into the pot and watched as it turned bright GREEN (Thats for you) She finished adding the ingredients and waited for it to settle. She put on her thick gloves and grabbed the needle. She dipped it into the pot and waited until it started to hiss. Now all she had to do was prick Merlin and everything would work out perfectly.

Merlin hung there feeling useless. It was clear that she wanted to enchant him in some way and needed to escape. He whispered a spell to break the ropes but nothing happened. Great, the ropes were enchanted. He could not break them.

He wondered what she meant by they could get together. Maybe she wanted to be friends again... but that was not going to happen. Morgana was trying to play him and he could not let it happen.

He watched Morgana walk in with dark gloves on her hands and she was holding something shiny. She approached him and he backed away as much as he could in the ropes. She smiled at him then jabbed something into his arm and he felt a slight pinch.

He felt drowsy immediately. No, this was not good, she had enchanted him. It happened so quick that he did not even realize it was coming. His eyes dropped and he shook his head. He had to stay awake. He had to figure out what enchantment she put on it. He had to find a cure, he had to... The world blurred and the last thing was he saw was Morgana's smiling face.


Morgana cupped his cheek in her hand as his head fell forward asleep. Hopefully he would wake up soon, she could hardly wait to she her beloved Merlin when he loved her.

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