Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Arthur asked three maids if they knew Merlin was and after the third "No" he got, he eventually decided to just go talk to Gaius. Apparently Merlin went out to collect herbs and has not returned yet. Arthur was not really worried, Merlin probably got caught in the Tavern again. He was just annoyed because his chambers were a mess. You think by now he learn to get a new servant, or at least a backup servant when Merlin messes up; but for some reason Arthur has yet to do so.

He sat on his throne. One of his knights found some children who had their mother murdered and knew something about Morgana. Now he had to interrogate children, something he would prefer not to do. But information about Morgana was important and he could not pass up the opportunity. He watched as two wide eyed children approached him; a boy and a girl. Even though he could not see Gwen, he could tell that she was giving the children comforting smile.

"Your highness" the little girl said as she bowed. Arthur nodded in response.

"Can you please tell us what happened?" Gwen asked softly

"Daddy hurt Mommy" The girl said as the boy hid behind her legs "He came in with a big sword and started to swing it at mommy. Mommy screamed and told us to hide before... "the girl sobbed

"My knights said you said something about Morgana." Arthur persuaded

"Daddy kept saying he was sorry. He said he had to do it for Morgana. Then he started swinging and mommy told us to hide and we ran. The last thing we heard was Mommy screaming." the girl said and both children were crying.

"Anything else?" Arthur asked

She shook her head

Gwen stood up and walked to the kids and gently embraced them. "You two are very brave. We will make sure to find some family for you to live with. You two are safe now." she continued to comfort the children

Arthur smiled fondly at the kindness at wife for a second before returning his thoughts to Morgana. He wondered why the guard killed his wife or why Morgana made the man kill his why. Why did the man spare his children. Arthur had many questions and no answers.


Merlin still felt tired. He kept his eyes closed as he slowly gained consciousness. He wondered where he was and as he slowly gained he senses, he started to remember. His eyes immedly snapped open and panic crossed his mind.

The first thing he saw was a brilliant shade of green. It was HER beautiful green eyes. Then his gaze shifted to her pretty face, her perfectly black hair curled down, he could of sworn he was looking at a goddess herself.

It was a form he never really thought of loving until now. He always thought she was pretty, and before he liked her kindness. But then she turned cruel and so hateful, and he always felt like it was him to blame by pushing her away. Now he could hardly believe that he judged her for that. He could not believe he had not realized how much he loved her until now.

"Merlin" she said and cupped his face in her hand. He leaned into the touch.

He was enjoying her touch when she pulled away. He watched as she pulled out a dagger. She approached him with the dagger. Part of him wanted to flinch in fear but he stayed. She never hurt him. She cut the ropes with the dagger and he stumbled as he got free. Luckily Morgana was there to help steady him.

"Thanks." he stuttered

"Are you ok?" she asked

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