Blood Glitch

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Writer: ADifferentSimilar
Book: Blood Glitch
Reviewer: Queen__Chaos

I apologize for the lateness.

Book Cover: 7/10The cover is pretty catchy. The graphics used are very attractive. But it kinda looks a bit cluttered, and it would be nice if the author's name could be a bit larger, it is practically almost invisible.

Book title: 8/10

Very relevant and hook-worthy. It is short and sweet and catches the essence of the story. It is unique and to be very honest I have never seen another story with the same name. There are many books which pertain to 'Blood', but a glitch in them? I guess not. Nice work there!

Blurb: 7/10To start with, it's a really intriguing synopsis. It had my interest from the very beginning. Though the first line 'In what way will Altraz's...' is kinda overused, but the rest of the blurb made up for it. It's a really cool idea on your part and not to mention that it was of the perfect length. Neither too short, nor too big but contained the whole message.

Opening: 8/10Fantastic opening to be very frank. I particularly liked the chapter name, it got me hooked in an instant. The starting is pretty strong and I loved how you got me interested even with a passive introduction about the MC. That is some good skills you got there.

Structure: 18/20
Very neat. I never for once felt that 'this paragraph is so long' or 'woah, that was abrupt'. The layout was perfect and the story flows all too well.

Character development: 13/15I read just five chapters but it was pretty much a good growth of the character. Yes, there is a bit too much information about Altraz in the prologue, and it would be nice if you can cut off a few lines and add them in the later chapters like some sort of flashback, but except that, it is very well written

Does it make me want to read more? 14/15What else can I say here except YES! I am loving the story! Trust me!

Overall impression: 13/15Well, a very nice read to be frank. I am loving the characters mostly because they are very well written and interesting. The story flows smoothly and there were no editing mistakes at all. No grammatical errors, no wrong tenses, no typos, nuh-uh, nothing. I am very impressed at that. The english is fantastic and I guess this story isn't a light read because the language used can be a teeny bit hard for average readers. I have no problem with it but most people will have to reread a sentence twice at some places because it gets monotonous.

On the whole there weren't many mistakes, more like almost none at all, but I hope you can add a bit more dialogue to the book, especially in the first chapter, because even though it did not affect me one bit but it may get a bit tedious for others.

Total- 88/100Just a bit of editing and your book will be perfect. It's awesome in itself so keep up the good work :)

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