Lost Eden

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Author: bluelovesleep

Reviewer: hamshira_tai

Book title and Book cover: (18/20)

Your book title fits the plot. Even though it was a good title and fit the plot well, also giving mysterious vibes, it isn't exactly unique. There are quite a lot of books named 'Lost Eden'.

Next, being the book cover. The book cover is beautiful and I love the colour scheme that was used. I like how the half-blooded child was mentioned. Even though we didn't have any idea about the half-blooded child, it would make you want to find out what you were talking about.

Blurb: (10/10)

Your blurb was very interesting. Your reference to 'The Dark Night' was very intriguing. The mention of the cannibalistic creatures and hunters rose my interest and curiosity to figure out what was being said. Your blurb is the right size and gives the perfect amount of information to gain a reader's attention. It was also simple and easy to understand giving a good impression.

Opening: (10/10)

Your prologue was very intriguing. You had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. The ending of the prologue mentioning the night king made me really curious about what it was the king was searching for.

I like how your prologue started showing the bond between the father and youngest daughter. The action in the prologue was great and it just made you want to read more and find out what happened next.

Character Introduction/Development: (13/15)

First of all, I absolutely loved the bond between Alexis and Krista, it was so sweet, made me wish I had a sister. The way they always had each other's backs no matter what. Starting from the beginning, I like how Krista keeps defending her sister's actions against Millicent and talking about how their bond was different and Millicent just couldn't understand it. Also, the part when they were fighting before the attack and even after being angry at her sister, Alexis made sure Krista was safe. Even the whole Tyler incident and how Alexis doesn't mind trying to kill Tyler just because he hurt her sister is the sweetest thing. The character development is very well described and we can see how both Alexis and Krista think and feel in different situations. It's beautiful how different they are, yet they know exactly what the other one is feeling and thinking.

Isis was so sweet in the beginning and everything that happened to her was so sad. How she lost her family when she was so young and then her uncles was really sad.

Another amazing character was Alexander. The way he was introduced before he became one of the important characters in the book was well-written. Another thing, that I had observed was the introduction to Isaac in the second chapter. The way you had described Isaac just made him likeable, even though we hadn't met him yet.

Structure and Writing Style: (13/15)

Now, your writing style is beautiful. Even though you use simple words and have long chapters, you know exactly how to keep the reader interested in your book. It was really intriguing and interesting. Your writing style is detailed letting me visualise everything that was happening really well.

Now, your English is good but there are a few minor errors here and there that need a little fixing.

Firstly, be careful with the change in tenses like

"I 'rolled' my eyes...My sister 'allows' me to..."

Here, rolled is in the past tense while allows is in present.

The next thing I noticed was the spelling errors, like

"He 'leaves' alone and is looking for someone who can take care of him"

Now, 'leaves' has two meanings, one being the plural of leaf and the other meaning is to exit.

Here, the word 'live' should be used. So, it should be "He 'lives' alone..."

The originality of plot: (15/15)

I really enjoyed reading the book. It was beautifully written and had an original plot. Especially, the decoding of the book Krista found. Also, the creatures were very different from the ones you usually find in books. Good job in coming up with the plot. It is very interesting and I can't wait to read more.

Overall Impression: (14/15)

It is a very good book with so much potential. There are a few minor errors that need to be edited but other than that it is an amazing book and I honestly can't wait to read more.

Total Score: (93/100)

Thank you for letting me review your book. I really enjoyed reading it.

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