Magic and Mayhem

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Title: Magic and Mayhem

Author: LouisaVincenza

Reviewer: hamshira_tai

Book cover: (8/10)

The book cover was attractive. I like the way you added the wolf's eyes at the bottom.

Book Title: (8/10)

I liked the book title. Even though, it wasn't a unique name (I found quite a few books with the same name) it fit the book perfectly.

Blurb: (9/10)

Your blurb caught my eye. It created this suspense that made you want to read more. I think it could be a bit longer.

Opening: (10/10)

The book had a nice start and you had hooked with the first sentence. I honestly didn't want to stop reading once I had started.

Structure/writing style: (18/20)

Your writing style is good and the layout of the book was also very neat making it easy to read. Your writing style is also good, quite simple which made it easy to understand. Your English is also nice, I didn't find any errors that needed correcting. It was clearly seen that the whole story was thoroughly edited.

Character/Plot Development: (14/15)

First of all, I absolutely love Lucy and her character. Her badass attitude and witty remarks made her very likeable. I also love the beginning where she is busy appreciating his looks while he is fighting off the demons. I like the way you balanced Lucy's character with enough of her emotions with her attitude. We can clearly see that she cares deeply for the ones she loves.

In chapter 3, it was obvious that no matter what she said, she was truly grateful for Deklan's help. I also love the name Deklan. It was unique.

I noticed how in the end Lucy and Deklan decided to let go of their insecurities and communicated with each other. I also like how you added the small part where Deklan goes and talks to Tuk about Lucy at the end.

Your story had a different plot from the usual werewolf stories you find on Wattpad. I like how you didn't follow the cliché storylines that are usually found.

Enjoyment: (10/10)

Overall Impression: (14/15)

The book was amazing and trust me when I say you had me all in from the first paragraph. The book has so much potential and you are an amazing author. (Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.) I am sorry if you found the review short or lacking in words but I honestly don't have anything to say except the book is amazing. I couldn't find any errors or anything major that needed improvement.

Total score: (91/100)

Thanks for letting me review your book. I enjoyed reading it. I hope my review helped.

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