A Birthday Surprise

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Cute for cuteness's sake. It's short but I still hope you like it.


A bubble of nervous anticipation filled Carter's chest as the elevator doors dinged and slid open. She gripped the grocery bag and shifted the garment bag as she made her way to the apartment. Inside was silent as she had planned. After dropping off the groceries on the counter, she headed into the bedroom and discarded the other items.

Back in the kitchen, she pulled out the baking supplies and lined them up in one perfect row as if the military facade could somehow calm her apprehension. Shaking her head, she called Maggie.

"Hey, hon," she said.

Carter placed her hands on the cool granite top, face bent into a determined scowl.

"All right, walk me through this," she said.

"You know I don't think he would mind a store-bought cake."

Carter shook her head, already dismissing the weakness. "No. I can do this. It's simply following instructions. I can do that."

Maggie chuckled. "You sure about that?"

A small smile eased some of the tension in Carter's face. "I will follow these. Now help me do this."

"All right, you're going to get out these ingredients..."

Maggie talked and Carter obeyed, doing each step with an intense concentration that she held mostly when she was assembling a gun and trying to not think about anything else. In the end, the kitchen was a mess of measuring cups and dirty bowls and there was a pan ready to be placed in the oven.

"Okay, put it in and turn on your timer," Maggie said.

Carter opened the oven and a wave of heat swept over her. The pan clinked against the metal rack, the yellowish batter glowing in the oven's embrace.

"Okay, thank you," Carter said, feeling her nerves lessen with the process completed.

"Of course and you remembered how to check that it's done."

"I do."

"Good. I'm sure it will turn out great."

Carter nodded, though she still held edges of doubt. As if knowing this, Maggie went on.

"Hon, he's going to love this no matter what. You could do nothing and we will still love you."

Carter leaned against the counter. "I want his first birthday with us married to be one he'll remember."

"And he will. Don't stress. Now you should get ready, you have just enough time to before the cake should be done."

Carter looked around the messy kitchen. "Okay, thanks again."

"Of course."

Carter hung up. Knowing she would have time to do dishes later, she went and took a shower. In the bedroom, she pulled out the dress from the garment bag and stared at it. It was shorter than she would ever wear as well as strapless. Wondering if she were completely mad, she changed and slipped on a pair of heels, turning in front of the mirror.

"I hope he appreciates my legs cause this is the last time I do this," she said.

She stood in front of the bathroom mirror, scowling at her attempts to mimic the up-do that Maggie seemed to achieve without barely any effort.

She was sticking a pin into the twisted knot when the shrill whine of the fire alarm went off. Swearing, Carter bolted out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. A cloud of smoke was billowing out from the oven and a burned smell was trailing with it. Letting out a string of curses, Carter dived for the oven and tugged it open.

A burst of smoke attacked her and she staggered back, coughing and waving her hand in front of her face. The alarm continued to yell at her as if she weren't already aware of the disaster that she now faced. Switching off the heat, she dug around for a towel and used it to grab the cake pan.

When she set it on the stove, her heart sank. The center had collapsed and it was burnt on the edges. Frustrated, she kicked the door to the oven closed and spun around. The apartment was a haze of smoke and the alarm was whaling. Angry with her failure, Carter ripped off a heel and hurled it at the alarm. It gave a startled beep but managed to continue.

Turning away, Carter stared at the ruined attempt and the kitchen that was dirty for no reason. She looked at the time and scrambled for a new plan. Above her the alarm whined and whined, grating on her nerves.

Unable to think of what to do next and passed the point of annoyance, Carter stormed into her room and came back with her gun. She fired once. The alarm exploded into pieces and dropped to the floor, the beeping at its end.

As she let out a sigh of relief, the door opened and Donovan walked in. He paused taking in the smoke, messy kitchen, shot fire alarm, Carter in a tight, revealing dress and one heel with a gun in her hand.

"Carter, did you try to bake?" he asked, the edge of his mouth betraying his amusement.

"You weren't supposed to be home until another hour!"

Donovan set down a brown paper bag and his satchel.

"I got off early."

He moved to the windows and began opening them, letting the smoke slip out. Ashamed, Carter sank onto the couch and buried her face in her hands.

"This was not how your birthday was supposed to go," she said.

Donovan chuckled and kissed her cheek. "Really? This is exactly how I imagined baking would go with you."

Despite his obvious pleasure at it all, Carter couldn't let it go.

"Stop, I wanted to make this a good birthday you would remember and I made a mess of it all."

"I will remember this birthday," Donovan said.

Carter shook her head. Still smiling, Donovan collected the paper bag and rummaged around the kitchen before coming back to her. She eyed him. When he pulled out a small box, she scowled.

"Maggie says it's from both of you," Donovan said, opening the lid and revealing a small birthday cake. He lifted her legs so they were draped over his. "Now, it doesn't look as good as the one you made, but I think we shouldn't tell Maggie that."

Carter could only stare at him. Donovan swiped some icing off the top and smeared it on Carter's nose. She laughed and the last of her frustration left.

"I don't deserve you," she said.

Donovan leaned over and kissed off the mess he had just left on her face.

"And I don't deserve you. You tried to bake for me. But you didn't need to. You once gave me a gift that can never be topped."

Carter skimmed off a piece of the cake and ate it. It was perfect and far better than she could have ever made.

"What was that?" she asked. There had been many presents over that past years she had gotten him but none of them stood out.

"It was a target sheet with a smiley face shot into the chest. It confirmed for me that you were the one."

Carter laughed. "I guess I never have to stress about gifts ever again then."

"No, you don't," Donovan said. "Cause you gave me you."

She shook her head, her heart glowing.

"Happy birthday," she said. "You should expect nothing else for this birthday. This is all I got you, a burnt cake, me in one high heel and a dress that costs way too much. That is your present."

As Donovan kissed her, he removed the pins in her hair, letting it come undone.

"Best birthday ever," he said, smiling into the kiss.


(That's me freezing cause I've forgotten how to be threatening, who knew this day would come!)

So....What did you think?💭🗯💬

Yeah, I know! Who knew Carter would completely suck at baking and eventually resort to using a gun for something! I mean really what are the odds?! I never would have seen this coming!

Well, it's a good thing Maggie did and had Carter's back. Best Stepmom ever!!

If you were going to write a chapter of Carter and Donovan just being cute what would it be like?

(Not like I'm asking for suggestions or anything because that would be...psshh...so lame)

*blinks and fidgets*

Any who! Vote, comment, follow!

Also if you want to help me get an agent and Carter get published then go follow me on Twitter: _Joymoment_

(If you want to know why I need this then read the Author's Note I'm Sneaking Out)

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