Meeting Once Again

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You have to read the Stepping Out chapter first before you read this or else this won't make sense. The one shot is towards the beginning of the book.

Also you asked for this, you're welcome.


Donovan heard Carter's footsteps behind him as he finished buttoning the last button on his shirt.

"Donovan, I need you to tell me I look beautiful," Carter said.

Already smiling, Donovan turned around and froze. In a deep purple, high-collared gown that complimented her warm skin tone, Carter didn't look beautiful, she looked stunning. For a second, he didn't have words, but then cleared his throat.

"You look beautiful," he said.

Carter threw her hands up in frustration. "Nope, that didn't help. I'm not going tonight."

Spinning on her heel - which made the loose skirt of the dress swirl - Carter stormed back into the bathroom. For a fraction of a second, Donovan contemplated the strangeness of his wife. But seeing how leaving her on her own wouldn't help anything, he followed, tucking his shirt into his black slacks as he went.

In the bathroom, Carter stood glaring at her reflection, hands on hips. She looked like a woman ready to punch the glass. To save her fist, and their mirror, Donovan wrapped his arms around her. Carter didn't relax into his hold as she normally would, conveying the depth of her dislike for the evening's event.

"Would it help if I told you, you don't just look beautiful, but stunning?" he asked.

Carter squirmed out of his hold.

"Not at all. I hate politicians. And I hate that we have to go tonight."

Sliding his hands into his pockets, Donovan leaned against the sink, watching Carter pace like a lioness trapped.

"I would tell you we didn't have to go but since it's our job, there's no way out of it. It's only tonight."

"Yes, one night too long."

"You don't have to interact with politicians. This is our first solo mission as partners for the FBI, our only job is to observe. Another layer of security that no one will notice. That's all."

Carter stormed back and forth, scowling at invisible guests.

"They get on my nerves. It's always smile in your face and knife you in the back." She pointed to Donovan like she was driving home a point she'd made countless times. "This is why I don't vote. I don't even want to associate myself with them."

"There are good politicians."

"That's an oxymoron."

Carter stopped pacing and buried her face in her hands. Seeing an opening, Donovan crossed to her and rested his hands on her arms.

"I could find someone else to be my partner on this if it really bothers you that much," he said.

"No," Carter said. "Because then it would mean I put on a dress for no reason at all."

Fighting back a laugh, Donovan kissed Carter's head.

"Okay, well the car will be here in fifteen."

Carter raised her head. "Why do we have to be chauffeured there?"

"Because we need to appear like all the other wealthy guests arriving so we don't stand out."

With a groan of annoyance, Carter sat down before her mirror to fix her hair.

"If I choke on all the self-importance in that room, don't try to bring me back, just leave me to die."

"Your bravery never ceases to inspire me."

Carter shot him an unamused look, while the corner of her mouth twitched with a smile.

The town car glided up to the steps of the museum and stopped. Draped on the steps was a red carpet leading well-dressed couples inside. Lining the carpet, photographers snapped evidence of who arrived.

"Why can't rich people have their campaign dinners in normal places?" Carter asked.

"What would be the point, it would make them common."

Donovan stepped out and rounded the car in time to assist with opening Carter's door and offering her his hand. It spoke to the distracted state of Carter's thoughts that she didn't give him some mocking comment about not being an invalid, instead took his hand. Tucking her hand into his elbow, they followed the line of guests making their way inside.

At the metal detectors, both Donovan and Carter gave the security agent a flash of their badges and were allowed through, no alarms ringing at the detection of their concealed weapons. The ballroom designated for the campaign dinner looked like every other lavish dinner setup. Since this was the case Donovan paid no attention to it, his gaze roaming the room, taking in faces, and body language.

Before they could decide how they wanted to conduct their general surveying of the room, a tall, impeccably dressed, blonde-haired man approached them.

"Mason, what on earth are you doing here?" Carter asked.

Mason gave her a patronizing smile. "Charming as ever, Carter."

"I'm not a politician," she said. "I don't need to trick someone for answers."

"No, you're simply an FBI agent, isn't that the same thing?"

"You appear to be both, why don't you tell me. Or does it go against some internal code to talk without lying."

Donovan said nothing in all of this because after seeing enough encounters with Carter and Mason, he'd come to learn that this was how they connected. Even if it was the oddest way to connect. They verbally abused each other and felt better and closer for it. If it wasn't for the fact that he knew they'd tear each other apart, Donovan had often wondered if they would have gotten together if he hadn't entered the scene.

"I guess you'll have to use that lie detector you call a brain to see," Mason said. "I'm here because unlike you, others haven't failed to realize that as the son of the former President, my presence still holds weight."

"Then clearly these people have never met you," she said. "I envy them."

Before Mason could come back with a retort, Donovan jumped in.

"Do you plan on ending this sparring match any time soon, because unlike Mason, we are here for a reason."

"I don't know," Mason said. "Is your wife capable of silence longer than a millisecond?"

"I'm more capable of silence than you are of connecting two thoughts."

"I'll leave you to it then," Donovan said. "Carter, I'm going to talk with the head of security. I'll follow the smoke if I need to find you again."

Certain now that Carter would be more at ease with someone she knew and someone she could verbally takedown, Donovan headed towards the man in the black suit stationed next to one fo the exits. As he neared, the security man, eyed him.

"Evening," Donovan said. "I'm agent Keller with the FBI, I'm looking for your head of security. I want to notify them of mine and my partner's presence and ask if there is anything requires of us."

After Donovan flashed his badge, the man nodded and sent in a request through his comms.

"Someone will be right out," the man said.

With a nod of thanks, Donovan retreated a few paces to wait. Across the room, a set of doors opened and a figure emerged, a slim woman in a pressed pantsuit who walked with a confident stride. As she spotted Donovan, Carter appeared at Donovan's side.

"Is Mason still in one piece?" he asked.

"No," she said. "But you are under the assumption that he was ever whole to begin with."

Chuckling softly, Donovan focused on the woman and his pulse faltered. Now closer, he recognized her. Seeing her face felt like looking at an old picture.

The same spark of recognition flickered in the woman's eyes as well as she stopped before them.

"Donovan," she said, her voice a little airy with surprise.

Beside him, Carter sighed.

"Why don't I know about all the skeletons in your closet?" she muttered under her breath. "Especially the ones that are attractive."

Donovan wanted to explain, but the sight of Kia caught him off guard. When Kia smiled, he remembered why he'd been drawn to her. She held no longing or wistful emotions in her eyes.

"It's been a long time," she said.

"It has," Donovan said. "Six years, right?"

"Wonderful, you've counted," Carter murmured.

Carter leveled Kia with a curious gaze. "It's interesting to meet one of Donovan's old girlfriends. I find it strange I've never heard about you."

In that second, Donovan knew that that phrase spoken by another woman would be a way to belittle the former girlfriend. But he heard it for what it really was, an accusation against him for never mentioning Kia before.

Kia didn't look at all phased by the comment.

"That doesn't surprise me," she said. "I interacted with Donovan for maybe an hour, two at the most?"

When Carter met Donovan's gaze, there was no hiding the accusing look.

"So short, yet you remember each other so well."

Donovan wanted to laugh. Something about Carter feeling threatened amused him, for he knew that no woman compared to her and no woman ever would. It was a flaw in the perfection that she was to him. A flaw he loved her all the more for, for it showed him that she was imperfect, like him.

"You can't kill me here," he said. "There are too many witnesses. Kia, this is Carter my very fiery wife. Carter, this is Kia. The girl who I agreed to go to Winter Formal with in freshman year so that Link would have a date."

To his credit, Donovan didn't smile as embarrassment crept into Carter's cheeks. He knew he'd told her the story, but the name of the girl he'd gone with hadn't been worth mentioning, so he'd left it out.

"It appears he has mentioned you," Carter said. "It's nice to meet you, Kia."

Kia grinned, shaking Carter's hand.

"Not as nice as it is to meet you. I always wondered if I made a mistake not snatching Donovan up when I had the chance, but clearly, I wouldn't have measured up."

Donovan could see how the gracious response put Carter at ease and a little on the ashamed side.

"I wouldn't say that," Carter said. "You're what? Mid-twenties and already involved in a presidential campaign, I say that makes you ahead of many others."

"I'm Mr. Woodson's campaign manager," Kia said.

Donovan raised his eyebrows. "Impressive."

"Thanks." Kia's countenance changed, turning serious. "It's actually why I came out here. I wanted you to know that I appreciate the FBI sending you over. Though these dinners are mostly harmless, we've had a couple of incidents where conflicts have arisen, and having another set of eyes in the thick of the guests is a huge help and relief."

"We're happy to help," Donovan said. "Is there anyone you think tonight might cause a problem?"

"No, everyone checks out but it's been the same way even when we faced the other incidents. I merely want you to move about and keep an eye out."

"We can do that," Carter said.

Before they could break away from Kia, Mason joined their party, a charming smile in place.

"Carter, Donovan," he said, never taking his eyes off Kia. "Why don't you introduce me to your beautiful acquaintance?"

Kia eyed Mason up and down, the amused curl of her lips telling Donovan that she wasn't taken in by Mason.

"Cute," she said. "Do you two have tags for him, or is he trained well enough that you whistle and he comes running?"

Carter laughed while Mason stared at Kia.

"Let me guess?" he said, pointing between Carter and Kia. "You two are related?"

"No," Carter said. "But I have no doubt she can match wits with anyone. Come on, before she can reduce you to tears, walk with me around the room. I want to get a read on people and your smug aura will attract others." She glanced back. "Donovan, take the right side of the room."

Reluctantly, Mason allowed himself to be steered away by Carter.

"I always wondered what type of girl you'd end up with," Kia said. "It seems you chose well."

Donovan watched Carter, his heart out in the open for Kia to see. When she touched his arm, he broke from staring at his wife.

"I'm glad I left you at Winter Formal," she said. "I can tell you make her very happy."

"She makes me happy."

Kia chuckled. "That's clear to see. I have to get back to work." She took a step away. "It was good to see you again, Donovan."


With one last look, she walked away.

Through speeches and dinner courses, Donovan and Carter kept tabs on everyone in the room, listening to conversations and noting body language. When the meal broke up and guests began to glide towards the dance floor, swaying to jazzy music, Donovan and Carter split ways, making a second sweep of the room.

When Donovan completed his half of the ballroom, he searched for Carter. To his surprise, he found her on the dance floor in Mason's arms.

For a fraction of a second, Donovan felt a stir of jealousy but seeing how Carter appeared to be ignoring Mason, the feeling evaporated. Cutting through the guests, Donovan crossed to the pair and tapped Mason's shoulder.

"You're dancing with my wife," he said.

Mason snorted. "I wouldn't call it dancing. She moves as smoothly as a brick wall."

"You have such charm," Carter said, nudging Mason away and resting her hand on Donovan's shoulder while he instantly took her other hand and slid his arm around her waist.

Though Mason's comment was an exaggeration, it had merit. Carter, like Donovan, had less coordination on the dance floor than they had anywhere else. But luckily enough, all they had to do was make slow turns.

"Should I be jealous that Mason was the first to dance with you tonight?" Donovan asked.

"Sure, if you feel like creating a completely useless insecurity."

Donovan smiled as he pulled Carter closer. "How come you accepted the dance then?"

"I asked him. You were across the room and there is a man currently dancing that has been giving Mr. Woodson strange looks throughout the night. As Mr. Woodson is now dancing with his wife and out in the open, I wanted to make sure I was close by. Dancing seemed the best way to do that."

"Point him out to me?"

Carter turned them. "The man with glasses, thinning hair at the back, stiff gait, and pinched mouth."

Donovan spotted the man in question, catching on to what Carter said. His gaze darted to and away from Mr. Woodson, a glint there that was less than friendly even as he pasted on a smile.

"We'll keep an eye on him them," Donovan said.

Carter nodded and they continued their slow rotations. After a minute, Carter spoke, her voice low.

"Did you ever regret not making something happen with Kia?" she asked.

Donovan thought about the question.

"Yes," he said.

Memories flashed in his mind.

"I was surrounded by students I couldn't relate to or felt like I couldn't talk to," he continued. "In three years of working with Link, she was the first person who made me not feel alone. But she had her reasons for not wanting to date and I had mine." He smiled down at her. "Then I met you."

Carter didn't speak right away, gazing up at him. In her eyes, he saw warmth and affection.

"Thank you," she said.

He frowned. "For what?"

"For not lying."

Donovan shrugged. "I don't see the point. She's in my past and you're my present and future."

Carter kissed him gently.

"Donovan Keller," she said. "I love you."

"I would hope so, you married me."

Before Carter could answer, Donovan caught the man in the glasses trying to edge his way closer to Mr. Woodson. In reaction, Donovan guided himself and Carter towards the man.

"I'll get you into position and take him out without causing a scene," Donovan whispered.

He veered them into the man's path. With a nod from Donovan, Carter stumbled back into the man, her foot stepping on his, as her elbow flew back, colliding with his cheekbone. In one final motion, Carter snagged the man's ankle and he toppled. With a cry of embarrassment, Carter crouched down beside the man.

"Oh," she said. "I'm so sorry, are you alright?"

Most of the dancers stopped, curious over what had happened. As Donovan helped the man to his feet, he noticed a flash of silver in the sleeve of his shirt.

"Here let me help you," he said, his grip on the man stronger than was necessary for support.

"I'm fine-" the man began to say, but saw the hard look in Donovan's eyes and knew his plan was over.

Aided as well as pinned in on both sides by Donovan and Carter, the man was led away and the dancing resumed, no one the wiser of what almost happened. With the man handed off to a security agent, Donovan hooked Carter's hand into his elbow.

"Well done," he said.

She smiled as she looked out over the crowd of wealthy guests and politicians.

"You know this night wasn't as bad as I thought, maybe we should come to more of these things."

Donovan laughed, only Carter would find a night more entertaining because they stopped an incident from occurring. He smiled at her knowing that he never could have married any other girl.


*points a water gun at you, you laugh and I squirt you in the face*

(😁 should have seen that coming)

Alright Noodle! It's the moment of truth! Share your thoughts of forever hold your cake! 💬🗯💭

I realized the way to my heart and into the one shots it's constant reminding and ganging up on me. I usually can't resist. Why I'm tell you this makes no sense....

🤦🏽‍♀️ This will be my downfall...

Or one of them. I'm sure I have many in the future.

Not going to lie I through Mason into this chapter because I seriously love how Carte and him bicker back and forth! So much fun to read!

Also who related to Carter when she says she has to go because otherwise she would have put in the dress for no reason? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

Any who, I hoped this full filled all your wildest and dearest dreams! If it did, well I hate to break it to you but I think you need to dream a tad bit bigger.

Vote, comment, follow because the world is ending so you never want to lose the opportunity to do so!

Now that's what freedom looks like!

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