After The Attack

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Something interesting that I think you'll like. A bit of Link's POV.


Link paced the length of the classroom and spun around to make the journey back, nerves carrying him from one end to the next. Carter sat on top of a table, her feet propped on a stool, watching Link's progress. Donovan rested against the table beside her, his arm touching her. Breathing out, Link ran a nervous hand through his hair. His mind was a frantic mess and he couldn't seem to gain control of it.

The classroom was empty except for the three occupants. Outside the closed door, the muted sounds of students could be heard. No one tried to enter the classroom. If they had they would have found the door locked. The minutes ticked on and no one said anything. The wait felt like it had lasted an eternity when there came a knock. Carter and Donovan looked to Link, who stared at the door. What waited for him was something he didn't know whether he wanted or not.

"You sure about this?" Carter asked.

Link nodded, but he knew they would see it wasn't the full truth. Rising, Donovan went over to the door and flipped the lock. When he opened the door, Mason was on the other side, shadowed by Smith.

The two newcomers walked in and Donovan engaged the lock again. Silence settled over the room as Donovan took up his position next to Carter. Link stood frozen near the table, eyes glued on his half brother. In turn, Mason seemed unable to look at Link. All his bluster and posturing were nowhere to be seen.

"Why did you want to see Link?" Carter asked, getting bored of the quiet.

Mason stuffed his hands into his pockets and finally made eye contact with the boy who appeared to be his opposite. Mason was blonde, built and bold. In comparison, Link looked like a little kid still trying to grow into his teenage body.

"I don't know," Mason said. "I guess I wanted to see you now that... I know."

Link nodded, his gaze dropping like he was the one to blame for what he was.

"Talking is fine," Carter said. She leaned forward, eyes boring into Mason. "But if you say anything at all mean I will attack you so hard and so fast it will take both Smith and Donovan to stop me from killing you. Got it?"

Link held back a smile, drawing strength from her loyalty. Mason nodded but didn't seem scared. His whole demeanor was subdued and he looked uncertain. Link wondered if he had ever been uncertain in his entire life.

"Did you really not know?" he blurted out.

Cautious, Mason rubbed the back of his neck. "I wasn't sure, but..." he dropped his hand. "I saw you together with my dad and wondered. You look a lot like him."

Link crossed his arms, building a shield.

"Yeah, I know," he said.

Mason raised a finger to Link's hair. "But you don't have his hair color."

"It's dyed."

"Oh." A stretch of silence. "The glasses?"

Link took them off and laid them on the table. "Fake."

"Makes sense."

The two boys stood regarding each other as if truly seeing what the other was to them. The boy who was known by everyone, talked about and loved for being part of The Family. And the boy who lived in the shadows, seen by few and truly known by even fewer.

"Did you always know?" Mason asked.

"No, I found out six years ago."

"That must have sucked."

The sympathy was so startling that it caught Link by surprise.

"Yeah, it did," he said. "I hated him for a long time."

As if knowing that feeling, Mason chuckled.

"You're not the only son to feel that."

The binding word of 'son' seemed to crack another layer of tension that hung between the two brothers.

"Why do you hate him?" Link asked, curious.

Mason leaned back on the closest table, crossing his arms. The posture was relaxed like he had found common ground.

"There are too many reasons," he said. "He became President. He cheated on my mom. His job comes before me."

Link shuffled his foot, staring at the ground. Though he only saw his father once a month, the relationship they had built was a solid one. A connection that had come from Link dealing with his pain and accepting.

"At least you see him more than I do," Link said.

"What delusion are you under?" Mason said. "I'm lucky if I see him once a week."

"I barely see him once a month, even that doesn't happen sometimes."

Mason looked away, holding in his thoughts. The room filled with a new sort of tension, one built from trying to decide who had it worse.

"I thought...," Mason started. "I thought I was the target." The statement cracked the wall between them. "I'm the face everyone knows. I thought whatever was happening would be about me. I had no reason not to believe it." Mason broke his gaze with the wall and locked eyes with Link. "Then you were mentioned and I was so confused...then relieved."

"Were you scared?" Link asked, wanting to reaffirm that person before him wasn't 'Wonder Boy'.

"I was terrified."

Link smiled and Mason's mouth curled upward. Before the smile could settle, Mason's face turned serious.

"I'm sorry it was you," he said. "Doesn't seem fair to me."

"Nothing ever is."

Something like acceptance passed between the two brothers. For the first time, it felt like they didn't have to be fighting against each other, but beside each other.

The bell rang ending lunch and ending the meeting. Mason rose and took a step towards the door but stopped. For a moment he hesitated, debating something. Link felt the same apprehension, but fought it and extended his hand. Mason paused then took it.

"I always wanted a brother," he said.

"Me too," Link said. "I guess we both got our wish."


Get down!
(And dance, obviously! That is the only way that statement can end. 💃🏻🕺🏽)

Why did I write this? I actually can't remember right now. I think someone must have suggested it. Well, anyways it has been written and read. I'm assuming you've read it and didn't jump down just to see my lovely words, but honestly I wouldn't put it past you to do just that.

I legit had one person do that for A Secret Service, she just skipped the chapters and read the author's notes. So weird. Ummm...I'm lost myself again, where was I?

Ah yes! This chapter. Well, it's...there. Yup, I'm not sure I have anything to add on the subject of this chapter. I hope you derived absolute delight out of it! If not, well go eat some ice cream cause clearly you are not having a good day.

If you want you can tell me what you think about it. ☺️

Vote, comment, follow cause Link is an adorable muffin and deserves love and support!

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